Hold up, before you report me for my very misleading title; I do have games to give away here, and I do want recommendations.

I've been in such a gaming rut this year, nothing seems to capture my interest for a full playthrough anymore. Unless it's something cozy with LGBTQ+-tag. I really loved Life is Strange: True Colors (sorry for the region-locks, blame GMG), and I think everyone should have a Steph in their lives.
And No Longer Home was short and cute.

Just bought myself Queer Man Peering Into A Rock Pool.jpg and Terranova, does anyone else have any recommendations? I feel like it's mostly VNs that has this tag, and I think I'm just overly picky when it comes to that specific genre.

Happy gayming!

(I'll be sure to check out your recommendations, and hopefully it's also a good way for others to find new games too!)

For fun and giggles, I noticed my pack of toothbrushes had some sensitivity to them.

Giveaway added January 2024; The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood - Finished
A Fold Apart - Finished
Mary Skelter Finale - Finished
Frogsong - Finished
Doodle Date - Finished

Giveaway added March 2024; Here Comes Niko - Finished

Giveaways added April 2024; Repurpose - Finished

Giveaways added May 2024; Across the Grooves - Finished

[More soon!]

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7 months ago*

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These games aren't exactly cozy, but they have cozy moments, and the LGBTQ+ depictions are wholesome in my humble opinion:

Speed Dating for Ghosts - A thoughtful vn about life (and the afterlife) from different perspectives. It's funny, heartwarming, sad, touching. The dialogue seemed very natural. You can date any ghost, and it's worth dating them all.

Sorcery! series - There are 4 chapters total. LGBTQ+ content is mostly in 3&4. It's a fantasy choose your own adventure booked adapted into a game. The world is imaginative, and you're given spells that make for creative approaches to it. It's fun and dangerous. A couple of story events and romances are gender-locked, but most aren't.

1 week ago*

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Sorcery! makes me nostalgic for the time I was saving up on my allowance to buy those CYOA books. Especially the fantasy ones.
A prelude to actual table top RPG gaming once I found my tribe.
They were cool but they didn't have much romance and very definitely not of the open-minded kind when there was any.
Looks like a cool one.

Speed Dating Ghosts reminds me of Monster Prom

1 week ago

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Table top gaming looks fun! I’m glad those books opened up a new hobby for you. You might enjoy text games from the interactive fiction database if you haven’t already tried them. Most are free and can be played on mobile or pc. I haven’t played enough to suggest ones with LGBTQ+ content, although I’ve read that 80 Days has it. It’s also on steam.

Speed Dating for Ghosts is more meditative than Monster Prom, which is pretty high energy and has some gameplay on top of being a visual novel. But they’re both humorous :)

1 week ago

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You might enjoy text games from the interactive fiction database if you haven’t already tried them

Never have but I definitely will now. The internet really is a wonderful place at times.
Thanks for the link :)

Speed Dating for Ghosts is more meditative than Monster Prom, which is pretty high energy

Haha yep high energy for sure!

1 week ago

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Can you elaborate on Sorcery? I played them a lot back in the day but I don't remember seeing any queer content (and there definitely wasn't any in the original books) :x

1 week ago

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I haven’t read the original books (hope to), but in the game, you can play as a man or woman and have both men and women show interest in your character. The main romance option is a man though, who appears in more than one game/book. Others are limited to one game and might just be a brief reference. The focus is more on adventuring than romance, but it’s there.

1 week ago

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Do you remember which characters offer this option? Like I played the first two as both genders and don't remember any romance options, but maybe they were just on a path I didn't take.

1 week ago

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I don't remember 1&2 as well (spoilers):
Meeting Flanker in 1&2 is the beginning of an optional romance that progresses in 3&4, for either gender. I played as a woman, and these women were interested in her: A cook maid in 4, a fortune-teller in 3&4 (Elthera?)
Those are the ones I know for sure. This reddit thread lists some more that I'm not sure about- a guide, festival goer, werewolf, Alianna. I'll edit my post to specify that 3&4 are the ones that contain lgbtq+ content. Thanks for pointing that out, I'm forgetful.

1 week ago

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Thanks for the list I wasn't expecting Alianna to be in there (kinda a waifu from my teen years lol) :D Dunno if she'll be interested in a female MC or how it would matter in the long run considering she's just a minor character but it's something to look forwad to :)

1 week ago

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Some of these are hard to figure out how to encounter! I wish I could help you. I’m pretty sure I never met Alianna. I should replay, but I burnt my eyes replaying so much recently haha. Good luck with it!

1 week ago

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She's in the first book but yeah it's easy to miss her if you don't take the right path, unlike Flanker who you'll always meet (and who consequently seems to be the most developed romance option).

1 week ago

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Just dropping a warm recommendation for Across the Grooves (thanks Foxy (•‿•))
I wasn't sure what to expect but I was surprised by how very much drawn I was into the story.
The writing is excellent and, while there are romantic interests and some of the story is based in that, it's above all a story about identity and the interconnection of lives through random encounters, friendships and of course love.
I won't spoil it but it's definitely one of the best VN I have played (and I'm not very much into the genre as a whole) so give it a try if you have the chance.

3 days ago

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