Sorry to hear that :( And i hope noone will push you about doing additional work here. Thank you that you still put some GAs in the post despite the situation, i am blacklisted though so somoene else willl have to take their joy out off them.
Good Luck :D
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Hell yeah, bro! We all have problems and setting our priorities straight is what makes all the difference between failing and succeeding. But we have to remember to balance things out. Good luck to you and please remember this: balance!
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Thx for the update.
Good luck with your studies etc. It definitely sounds like you'll achieve it.
Edit: Why have I got a green arrow next to my name? Never seen it before I think.
Now it disappeared ...
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Thank you for the update but as others have said, real life comes first. Take care of yourself and I hope things go better for you as time goes on. You're never alone and you should know that most of all, hopefully things pay off in the end!
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Yup, American education system is a bitch.
/grumble grumble
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Always make sure you take some personal time for yourself. For a bit I never did that and I nearly burned myself out. Now I make sure I take a little time, sit back and relax with no one around and just watch a tv show, or listen to some music or pee on a neighbours gnome statue.
The trick is to find something you enjoy just to get away from the world, no sleeping doesn't count.
Good luck with your studies and be careful on the roads. Make sure you take some time for yourself, and of course some time with the girlfriend... cause well they need attention too (and no peeing on their gnome statues don't count). Thank you for the update. :)
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It's been mentioned above, but I'll just like to repeat it in capital letters:
You're doing a lot, and you're incredible. It's okay to acknowledge that you're incredible. Maybe take the transit time as relaxation time (audiobooks) instead of thinking of it as a chore. I used to have to transit a lot and I took to listening to audiobooks. It made me look forward to the hour-long drives.
Take some time to yourself and take an hour a week to do something that you enjoy. Things will get better (hopefully sooner rather than later, but it'll get better). Good luck! :)
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Hope you the best for your future. Wish you a great life ahead.
Thanks a lot for the great giveaway!
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Good luck with your studies & thanks for clarifying,DesertMouse.
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Your personal life should always come first! I respect you for still trying to give away even when it's getting difficult. That's really amazing. Thanks for all your hard work. I wish you luck on whatever ventures the future brings you. :3
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I wish you the best of luck! You're working so incredibly hard, it will definitely pay off tenfold in the future ^^ And even with all the hardships you're having, you still give to the community... that's really incredible of you. I hope you find some time to treat yourself that kindly as well :) You deserve it!
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I mentioned in this thread in the most recent update that I would inform people as to why it has been neglected for a while and I believe that an entirely different topic is the best way to do that for the time being. Before we begin, have a GA to whet your appetite.
I currently work 60+ hours a week, with a 1 hour commute each way. That's 6 days a week filled with 10 hour days. That is because I had attempted to go back into school ( I'm going for a BS in mechanical engineering) after they screwed up my registration by loosing the dean's signature, the previous one. However, because I was joining into the second semester, there was very little financial aid and they wanted over $7000 in less than a week, and there was no way I could do that being completely self-supporting and also dirt poor (actually, I don't even have dirt, but life goes on.). That threw a monkey wrench into things, and long story short, I'm trying to save up to going back part-time to school and finish my degree. That does not leave much time for anything. I have an hour when I wake up to get ready for work, 10 hours on the job, 2 hours of total commuting, and all of three hours before I have to sleep when I get home. That includes eating, showing, paying bills, getting ready for the next day, and yes, spending time with family. I live with my girlfriend and believe it or not, she requires some time too.
Some Kombat should help with your inattention.
Additionally, this means my weekends are pretty full as well. We drove 2 hours each way for this past Easter to go to her mother's for dinner, her grandfather has been sick and we've been getting ready to plan a trip half way across the country if need be (I live in the US, so it actually matters, unlike you in some parts of the UK where you leave the country to go shopping), plan for a dentist visit; need a root canal and get rid of four well-overdue wisdom teeth, had a tire blow out on my ride home one day, student loans everywhere, and responding to a few people who have come to me etc. The point being that I have very little to none of what could be considered "free time". Although I cherish this site and that thread dearly, I have to keep my priorities straight.
Another GA to keep you going in this wall of text.
This does not mean that I will close the discussion, and it does not mean that there is no hope of it being fully updated regularly once more. Hopefully sooner rather than later, I will have the ability to invest more time in it. In the hiatus, I will not be able to update the active giveaways section, nor the total count of GA's, but if people still wish, you are more than welcome to post GA's in the comments as some are still doing. There have also occasionally been a few people that gather the active GA's and have kept an updated list in the comments section. All of it is fair game. If it is the desire of the people to let it be buried until I am able to keep it, or if some would still choose to bump is up to all of you. Just understand where I'm coming from if you would.
The lack of money issue is also why I have been unable to give for a bit now, and i will struggle to do so for a bit to come, but I will occasionally be able to give something like these here. Just not as often as I once was able to. I hope you all are doing the best you can in whatever you are doing in your life and remember, You're never alone. Even if Mad Max seems to be.
If you wish, there is another chance to win two of the GA's in the afore mentioned thread
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