Will you be subscribing for the February Bundle?
Jan bundle is a joke, and the latest hint is superb =))
Glad I did not subscribe
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well, depends how you look at it...
moneywise, you're getting your bang for your buck, it's really hard to argue with the numbers.
subjectively? as far as how good the games in the bundle are? yeah, I'm with you on it, apart from the talos principle and spelunky which can both be picked up for super cheap, it wasn't that great.
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probably would have been nicer to me if i hadnt just won Talos 2 days ago.
I will probably only redeem 2 of these games...
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so the pattern the last 2 times: luring new costumers with "bigger games" (Payday2/Alien Iso) as an incentive ...
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Alien isolation is for everyone not newcommers only right?
edit: I mean are they seriously that stupid to make it for newcommers only?
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well that's not what it says on the page.. Rachel can you double check?
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I'm not sure. Not on the computer ATM. On phone. Someone can confirm and help me out ?
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Confirmed Alien Isolation available for resubscribers
I resubscribed and have option to claim steam key (not actually claimed as on tablet so Steam won't activate keys)
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Thank you for verifying this :) I just checked it as well to be sure!
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Thanks for the info pete. It worked for me. I wonder if this will work every month?
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When I click it it gives me the option to pay now. I need to grab another pre paid tomorrow so can't confirm beyond that but it definitely says I will receive it once I pay.
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I can confirm that resubscribers get Alien Isolation :)
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I can I can also confirm this. The clicked pay now and got Alien Isolation without unsubscribing.
I think I can also confirm that it will be in the February bundle and isn't just a bonus. This is the message that appears in place of the "Pay Now" button after I bought it.
You have already paid for February's bundle.
Play Alien: Isolation as you wait for the rest of your games!
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Honestly I voted no. But will probably still end up buying the next bundle lol.
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It's not just for first time subs. Grim Fandango and Spelunky are legit too. Can't speak for the others yet. They seem alright but not "Wow" if you know what I mean.
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Hm, if I would be even just a tiny bit interested in the Alien franchise, I think I'd be happy to snag Isolation. Probably.
Still, the January one is almost mildly interesting and no money sinker MP game this time, so I guess they are improving(?).
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Part of me thinks that these last few bundles have been disappointing; the January one was just awful, but the other two were, although not exceptional, at least worth the money. However, Isolation is a really good game and $12 is actually the cheapest it's been, so I'm actually a little tempted. I might open a barter.vg and see what offers I get for it and decide off of that...
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Not me but to be fair reading the HB text it doesn't seem to indicate just new subscribers get the game.And it wasn't given away in January?
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to me, spelunky would have been a much better game if it had a permanent progression system like rogue legacy.
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But there is, you can unlock shortcuts to the later stages so you can practice those if you feel like, rather than always start from the very beginning. I mean, that's not quite the way Rogue Legacy does it, but they're different games to begin with - the progression Spelunky has fits it very well. If say, you could eventually unlock different starting gear (like a jetpack), that would just make things too easy eventually and you'd start to rely on that gear instead of polishing your overall skills and intuition within the game.
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Cross posting this in January bundle thread not to get extra attention for myself, but to get the word out there about Alien
sigh :(
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Well the picture given never mentioned January in the first place so ...
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Thank you Pete! I was afraid people would rage with pitchforks but tbh im kind of surprised that HB didn't include alien. There usual trend is pick a game from the previous bundle and feature it as a bonus in the next months bundle.
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You are right :( I think the disappointment has died down for me ... But I wish I knew sooner
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Behind the Alien Isolation there are 6 other questions mark, so I think there will be 5 more new game and there would still be an extra for new subscription from January bundle.
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From the December bundle I activated 3 of the games and traded the others and if I had purchased everything I ended up with at the lowest price they had ever been offered at, it would have cost $48 so I'm very happy. And once again with the January one, two great games for me - Talos Principle & Grim Fandango and I'm sure I can trade the others for other cool games from my wishlist. Oh and Alien Isolation next month? yes please!
So I'm staying firmly subscribed :-)
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I don't often get good offers. I go out there and make the offers - I do much better on Barter than I do here.
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Similar situation here.
There's two games I already own in January (Spelunky being my favourite game ever, and A Fistful of Gun's local multiplayer looking to be a blast, I'm not even complaining), but everything else is fantastic for me personally (3 wishlist and one very interesting looking one)!
I didn't really like any of the games in December, and so immediately unsubscribed afterwards, but was able to trade for a bunch of wishlist games, as well as TF2 keys, getting me around 9€ of Steam Wallet credit after selling them on the market, so it ended up being a really fantastic value for me.
November was a mixed bag, except for Towerfall nothing had me super pumped or super disappointed, and still being new to it, I unsubscribed after that one at first, too. This time I'll stay subscribed, especially with Alien Isolation coming up.
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i have only the november , unscribe . Only two games on my wishlist for december and january but maybe i will take this . For this price with Alien is totally cool
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alien isolation? never been more happy with wait! thank you rachel!
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So do you get Alien Isolation if you already subscribed before? And in that case, does it mean that everyone gets 7 games this month (icluding AI). Or 1 will still be a bonus for first subs?
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Well you have to stay subscribed afaik. You have to pay for February bundle early in order to receive the key for Alien isolation
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Uhm, what would that mean? Only previous subcribers get it? Just figuring if I should resub again (last was November) or buy it with an another account, lol.
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So stay subscribed :) both first time AND current subscribers should get it.
For current subscribers, there should be an option to pay for February early. But I'm not home ATM to tell you what to click lol. I just know there's an option to pay early to get your key for alien while you wait for the rest of the content to unlock
I'd try to help more but my inbox is flooded and it's hard to scroll through all these comments on my phone
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Yes everyone gets it. It's included in February bundle. Read the instructions I linked in the OP
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Yeah, I did. Mostly was referring to whether all of us get 7 games, icluding Alien, in the end. Or Alien is treated as 1 of those 6, plus there will be bonus from previous January bundle for subcribers.
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Guys can anyone confirm if its only the base game or will we get DLC's for Alien Isolation as well?
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Only the base game, but I'd hold off on the dlc till Feb, just in case it is part of the bundle.
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February Monthly Bundle
You will NOT receive the January Bundle - it is too late for that!
Steam games:
Elephant In the Room by Mighty Rabbit Studios
Planetoid Pioneers Sneak Peek! by Data Realms
Retail: $139.94
CV: don't know if these will get bundled. Alien: Isolation is considered "bundled"
update Feb 4 ... HINT REVEALED
• Twitter Status Reveals a game! and this twitter status from Mighty Rabbit
Subscribe now and receive.. Alien Isolation instantly (for 1st time subscribers and resubscribers)
Those who bought the BTA tier of the Firaxis Bundle should also have received a 10% discount coupon for the monthly bundle, rendering the total cost to $10.80
The Twitter HB Support Ninja says:
@TheLiege: You can pay for next month early to unlock Alien Isolation now. If you don't wish to, you'll get it when the next bundle unlocks.
This bundle will contain AI and
65 unknown games.Reddit discussion here
click HERE for proof
-hat tip to epica for pointing this out
Detailed instructions for CURRENTLY subscribed people who want Alien Isolation right now
(clicky for pictures!)
View November's Monthly Bundle here and December's Monthly Bundle here and January's bundle here
Please read the
if you have questions regarding:
note: To anyone who subscribed to January's bundle because of the hint thinking Alien would be in the January bundle, I am so sorry for the disappointment. I had an itchy feeling that hB would pull some kind of stunt, and I guess now we all know that alien isolation is in the February bundle.
sigh :(
Subscribe before it's too late ... or experience FOMO (dun dun dun!)
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