Are you excited about this?
HOLY SHIT FREAKIN FINALLY! I love Shadow Warrior with my heart and soul, one of the best FPS and even made by Polish team, I hope the second will be as epic and witty as the first one or maybe even more :)
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Polish devs hitting it out of the park lately :) But yeh, Shadow Warrior 1/remake is excellent and I'm stoked for a sequel!
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Yeah, I'm surprised what's going on nowadays, in the 90's and early '00 Polish devs rarely did something better than crappy games, now they can make good games, intoduce new successful IP's. It's like a Golden Age here for games, and more are on the way :)
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I disagree. Polish devs created nice games back then too but they were not so known worldwide. For example Teenagent - great point'n'click adventure game. A.D. 2044 - great FPP adventure game. Mr. Tomato - nice platform game. Dark Moon - shoot 'em up space scroller. Companies like LK Avalon and Metropolis Software (Adrian Chmielarz's company) were always making nice games. But they were not really known outside of Poland I think, at the time. Not many people had Internet in the 90's so if you wanted to have foreign distribution you had to put money on the table.
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Like I said, RARELY. The most interesting games, back in those days were Teen Agent, as you said, the first Polish really successful adventure game. There is also Earth 21XX series, which was really good strategy game for it's time. There is also Kao the Kangaroo, fun platformer with Crash Bandicoot feel to it. But none of those games were really spectacular, Polish devs played in second or even third world league. As one born, raised and living in Poland I can tell that world recognition by Polish developers is something new and maybe money are one of the reason Polish games were so ommited by general gaming community at the time, just as you wrote. But we must face the facts - games from the 90's were mostly crappy, buggy with low budget and promotion. For those who doesn't know - world wide success started with People Can Fly and their amazing Painkiller, game which looked amazing and was so low priced in Poland that everyone who wanted it could afford it. I also remember games mass made or published by Play-publishing with Racer in their title - those were goddamn awful. Lemon Interactive(later City Interactive) made Starmaggedon(Project Earth) which was grand strategy game but games they published were sometimes utter worthless garbage. There was a studio called Detalion which made one of the best poin't and click game of the time called Schizm: Mysterious Journey, they also made something called Nina:Agents Chronicles which was a really poor excuse for an FPS. First mediocre/good fps which I really like despite of that was Chrome made by Techland, and it was year 2003. They really went a long way from that game. Xpand Rally was the first racing game Poland could be proud of. Now Polish devs play with the biggest players.
tl;dr it was a long way for devs.
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many people liked that game never tried, maybe during this sale i will <3
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Worst optimization since GTA 4? Faaaaaaaar from it, it ran perfectly for me and I loved the first give me more Flying Wild Hog :D
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Yup, in March it got a massive update (5 Gigs) to DX11 and now it runs flawlessly on my little clocked GTX650TI on Ultra and looks like two million dollars even with crowds on the screen :)
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Also Shadow Warrior bad optimization? where? Shadow Warrior runs really good moat of the time, a bit demanding though, but surely better optimized than lots of's true it had some lag sometimes but it's not like comparable to how bad optimized is GTA IV:
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It really didn't and I run all games almost perfectly on the highest settings. No matter how much I tweaked the options and turned them on and off I just couldn't get smooth gameplay. By "smooth gameplay" I mean 60 FPS. During some fights I'd get around 30-40 FPS which is terrible for an FPS (First Person Shooter) game IMO.
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Sometimes I had lag spikes yeah, did not run at smooth fps, but most of the time it was perfectly playable, so I didn't really noticed a bad optimization, it could run at more fps yeah, but I thought it was just because game was too demanding. But well since it didn't run smoothly I guess it's true it's not that great optimized, but better than tons of games.
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I have a 7950, it run like 30-40 fps normally, didn't see more than 45 fps as I remember, I tried to run it in the max settings I could for my 1920x1200 screen, but in heavy fighting zones with fire and/or reflections from water I had lag, the main cause was turning on reflection, when turned off it was okay, but without reflections from water, this game didn't look that gorgeous, so I kept it anyways for the most of the time :/ But I didn't like notice it was bad optimized, I just thought it was too demanding, my cousin with his 780 ti and i7 run it perfectly, but obviously a 780 ti xd.
Besides a 7950 I have an AMD CPU FX8350, my friend had same CPU and GPU, then he upgraded to an i7-3770k, and got a massive fps boost in lots of games and no longer had fps drops for example in many games, including Shadow Warrior, he says is just by having an intel CPU that maintains the fps more smooth, and that thing some ppl say above i5 vs FX-8350 is just 5fps boost for intel, it's not true as he says, is much more that that, so you won't have fps drops like you do if you have an AMD CPU, an he was always an AMD user thinking that Nvidia or intel was like bullshit when with AMD for less price you could do the same, but he says now he was not right, you get stable fps with intel and much better driver and software support with Nvidia.
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For next time if I upgrade my PC or buy a new one, I will for sure get an Intel CPU, not sure if AMD or Nvidia for GPU, but AMD software dissapointed me a lot like their AMD Evolved Gaming software too.
But that's true Intel CPU make most of the games maintain smoother fps an less or none fps drops.
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v. nice, one of the few steam games i'd look forward to not only to have but play (played SW1 off steam - loved it)
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I liked the remake very much. I just hope the sequel will be better optimized cause the remake had the worst optimization since GTA 4.
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