What tier will you get ?
Grav was in a HB monthly right? So we can wait for HB monthly games to be in regular HBs?
Also <3
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nice thought... maybe wasteland 2, madmax, southpark and ark got bundle soon yay... #ihope xD
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I played grav and i must say that its a beautiful game that i enjoyed, mostly os the bad reviews are from first day launch that was unplayable, i refunded, but later they updated to grav reborn and i bought again and work pretty nice, game its very fun.
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I have chivalry but not brothers, also I don't have a controller. would you still reccomend getting the 1st tier?
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I've played it without a controller. You may have to remap some keys in some points of the game as it's a bit buggy in a couple of places. That said, it's totally worth it, a true masterpiece albeit quite short...
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i finished brothers without controller. Didn't feel uncomfortable or anything. So, yep, get it!
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I mean, for a buck get it, but Brother's did not reinvent the wheel, pretty overhyped mediocre game.
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+1. More people should play that game, and it makes me happy to see it there even if I'm not going to buy it.
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just got rid of all my remaining monthly leftovers with the comment "before they get really bundled", someone commented "not likely" on one of them - well, QED, no game is safe.
(other than that, nice bundle, but already own what I would have bought it for - except Tropico 5, but I barely played Tropico 4 so far, so I'll just wait until the complete version gets bundled ^^)
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Tbh I thought about doing the same, but wasn't in the mood for creating giveaways because I couldn't decide who or where to gift them (public? whitelist? group? which group? train? sgtools? make a topic? support an event?...) - too many options ...first world problems.... >=o)
I also have everything I'd want from that bundle already. And I think I might keep GRAV for myself now. Who knows, maybe I even like it?
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I was happy about getting GRAV and redeemed it instantly, although I have to admit I never played any of those games (also really wanted ARK, mainly for having a dinosaur), but the concept always sounds so awesome. I'm not even sure my computer could run it (I'll get a new one soon ... very soon ... probably). Just writing this because I would've liked to write "keep it, you'll love it!", but I don't actually know ^^
As for making GAs, I just made one per medium sized group of reliable people, always including the whitelist, worked out okay ^^ (of course not so easy with just one game)
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Naah, I have a huge list of games accumulated and no idea what to do with them. Usually that's not a problem, because ideas frequently strike me (or the itch to throw out some games ;D). It's only unfortunate when the unbundled ones get bundled...
I also never played "one of those games", but after watching some gameplay on Youtube I wasn't exactly sure if they are for me as I prefer storydriven games and easily get lost when I'm not given some kind of goal, and then it was my nephew's birthday and he wanted ARK, and yeah, that's where that game went (I was having the exact same thoughts as you about the dinos ;) ). So GRAV ... why not now? Thanks for your affirmation :D
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Keep it for yourself-- that's my vote. ;-)
I was lucky and gave away GRAV a couple of weeks ago. And I'll be giving away my April games soon enough...
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Oh-- simply because you said you were considering keeping it and that you might like it. :)
In my case, "attempt to survive against other players in a hostile environment" doesn't appeal to me.
Or if you're undecided, buy the BTA here, and give one away while keeping the other. :)
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Oh shoot-- has that already started? Per gave me a head's up and I said I'd be happy to make some gibs, but I totally missed the thread. Haven't been on the forums too much...that's what I get! >:(
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Uhm, yeah, you missed it. Well, recruitment phase that is, all gifter slots are taken (unless you want to add some detours, puzzles, or traps) and the whole thing is supposed to go live ... on Friday I think?!
You might wanna search for "Berlin" for the thread, takes you there fastest.
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TY. Been chatting with keo for the last 5 mins. ;-)
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Hmm... Tropico 5 in BTA... Hmm maybe, maybe. Got it locked at $6 right now.
EDIT: 5.31 and going down :V
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I predict this BTA will drop to mid 4 dollars before it's all sad and done, the BTA games are nice, but the 1 dollar tier has some pretty good quality in it as well, which mean you'll have lots of people buying just to pick up Chivalry and Brothers..
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Yep, I agree with you. Plus the BTA games are not that appealing (except for Victor Vran I guess). Lots of people will wait for the full edition of Tropico and yeah well, GRAV was in the Monthly and a lot of their customers have it already.
I don't know that $12 game, can't say nothing about it. Usually that means it's rather a niche title ;)
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The Homeworld games are lovely. I played them back in the mid-2000s and absolutely loved them. I bought the Remaster when it first came to Steam and haven't gotten to it yet. Wish I would have waited for this. :) O.R.B. is a similar style game if you're familiar with that one. But you're correct, I think the Homeworld games are rather niche as you said. :)
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But having the base game would still be cool I guess, mostly for the music xD
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Cool stuff although I own a few games. Most likely will get T3 :-)
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Only one game I want... Victor Vran. So no HB, not this time!
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and yet gameplay-wise it still beats most of space strategies wannabes we get nowadays ;p
jokes aside, I'm a big Homeworld fan, it's the game series that got me hooked into sci-fi, I love these games and I had remaster wishlisted since release, watching reviews and gameplay videos in the meantime only making me want it even more :> So I think even if it's not dirsect copy of HW1 because of management system I will still get it. I mean game is 32Eur normally for me. Even if it went 75% Steam sale it would be 8$, so just 4$ more than Tier 3 and Tier 3 offers some really nice games for GAs as well :>
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It also comes with the Classic versions - are they not pure original code?
I never got on with Homeworld's awkward control scheme - they tidied it up in Cataclysm and H2, so I finished them.
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Warning: Report of Victor Vran being REGION-LOCKED in South Korea!
The Humble Staff Picks Bundle: Glen
Tier 1: $1
Ultimate General: Gettysburg, Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, and a coupon for 10% off Humble Monthly for New Subscribers.
Read more here ---> There are 2 types of coupons: one for new subscribers, and one for current subscribers. (thanks users Geralt and Phestacles)
Tier 2: BTA
GRAV (Early Access), Victor Vran, and Tropico 5.
BTA Addtitions: Fahrenhet and Knight Squad
Tier 3: $12
Homeworld Remastered Collection.
P.S. - Want to know what other bundles are going on? Check out the MASTER LIST of ONGOING BUNDLES - w/ CHARTS (updated daily!) ?
Q: What's six inches long, two inches wide, and drives men & women wild?
A: Money (I think they are referring to the dollar bill/paper money)
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