So... I was just sitting here and sipping my red wine, and it made me wonder... Which do you guys here on sg prefer? :)

I looove red wine!! But I can't really stand white wine (or champagne for that matter).. Therefore we shall listen to: UB40 - Red Red Wine (plus it's the only wine song I can think of on top of my head =P)

15 Reasons Red Wine Is Better Than White Wine <-- by Buzzfeed (+ gifs!)

According to this site red wine wins the battle and is the healthiest! :D
Here is a more detailed article about the pros and cons about both types of wine!

So yeah, let me know what you think in the comments below! ^_^

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8 years ago*

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Which do you prefer?

View Results
Red wine <33 ♥‿♥
White wine <33 ♥‿♥
Both of them taste delicious! ٩(⁎❛ᴗ❛⁎)۶
I'm more into wine such as Rosé wine! 。◕‿◕。
Yuuck, none of them!! ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
I don't drink alcohol.. (︺︹︺)
I'm not old enough to drink... (ಥ﹏ಥ)





8 years ago*

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For what purpose?! D:

8 years ago

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So I could fix your thread XD

8 years ago

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Hahahahaha! Goddamnit, keo!! I said no ga's for this thread!! XD

8 years ago

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Besides, you didn't post any GAs... I did! XD

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I was scared for a second. But now all is good. Yes.

8 years ago

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It's been bundled, actually.

Interestingly enough, the day in the "future" to which they traveled passed us by this past Wednesday...

8 years ago

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Ruining yet another joke because you can't see what's inside. Good job.

8 years ago

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No, I honestly thought you didn't know it had been bundled yet. I think I picked it up in an Indie Royale bundle, which wasn't exactly popular even when it was active, so I actually thought you might not yet have known it was bundled. I was trying to help, not ruin a joke (what's the joke, by the way?).

8 years ago

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Please stop communicating with me. It is unwelcome and unwanted.

8 years ago

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What did I ever do to you?

You're just being mean for no good reason now.

8 years ago*

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Please continue to bring BL drama to a thread that it has no place in. I've asked you to stop. I don't seek you out, you seek me out :)

8 years ago

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I'd love to address that privately, but you've made that impossible. But right now you are being rude to me, and without any good reason.

And I didn't seek you out in this thread. I saw that you had made what I thought was a mistake, but apparently you were being deliberately loose with the truth for the sake of a "joke". I still don't get it, though.

8 years ago

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Also, ruining yet another joke? What other joke did I ruin?

8 years ago

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hehe ;)

8 years ago

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Ohhhh my goodness!! I would love this game! It was a favorite movie series as a kid! Thanks for fixing the thread... Oh and I love reisling wine...

8 years ago

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Rose vine :)

8 years ago

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:D It's good too!

8 years ago

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This is the only alcohol I drink.
And not on my will, my girlfriend loves sweet red and rose vines.

I allow her (:P) to give me one glass of rose sometimes :)

8 years ago

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Potato wine (vodka, not that stupid potato shit).

8 years ago

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Noooo!!! xD

8 years ago

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no mention of resveratrol in the link :( im disappointed.

But on a serious note, i saw resveratrol pills being sold at costco. Not a fan of wine so I considered getting those pills.

8 years ago

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It is mentioned in the 2nd link :). The more detailed one I linked. clicky


Red Wine
The powerful antioxidants in red wine may help prevent heart disease, as they raise good cholesterol levels and protect arteries from damage. Two, in particular, are flavonoids and resveratrol (found in red grape skins and red wine). Resveratrol kills damaged cells and has been found to “inhibit the proliferation of a variety of human cancer cell lines,” according to the Linus Pauling Institute. Further research must be completed on the effects of resveratrol in humans, but it has shown remarkable promise!

White Wine
White wine contains far fewer of the disease-preventing, heart-healthy antioxidants like resveratrol and flavonoids than red wine. However, same as red wine, white wine does have some of the cardio-protective benefits. And, you can always eat red grapes, right? And if you don’t drink wine or eat grapes, resveratrol is available in the bio-available supplement form trans-resveratrol to promote healthy longevity.

8 years ago

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Sorry, honey, bad news. Sometimes, some antioxidants in wine work as prooxidants too, under certain conditions of course. :(

8 years ago

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Meh. Oh well, nothing comes between me and my red wine!! >:3

8 years ago

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Yes, of course, it's just that antioxidants aren't always good for your health. xD But a glass a day keeps the heart attack away. xD

8 years ago

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True enough ^^ and yep, praise red wine! XD I don't drink a glass every day though, but mostly a couple of days a week on average I guess :).

8 years ago

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Was looking for the beer option. Since I couldn't find it I went with white wine.

8 years ago

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If there was a beer option then I wouldn't know what to vote for lol! Besides.. This is the wine topic! ^-^ but beer is good too <3

8 years ago

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Just drunk two cans of 7.2% wonders :D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Hahahaha!! Omg, that was epic! XD I loved every bit of it lmao!

8 years ago

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Are you trying to get me drunk?

8 years ago

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Maybe... (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

8 years ago

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non-alcoholic sparkling grape cider.

8 years ago

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Hmmmm... I like cider in generally. (after a discussion with my bf some weeks ago it turns out they don't have the same kind of cider that we have in Denmark).. But apple/pear cider is really delicious. It's just like soda but with like.. 4-5% alcohol or something. :)

8 years ago

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I gnaw on skeletons

8 years ago

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I quit drinking years ago, but when I did drink, I'd choose red over white. :P

8 years ago

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I see! :) If it was important for you to stop, then it was a good decision! (Which did you vote for in the poll then :P?) , but yay for red wine! XD

8 years ago

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It was one good decision that has probably prevented a lot of bad decisions in my life, hahaha.

I voted "I don't drink alcohol". I'd definitely choose red, though (still use it for cooking, just not drinking!) :D

8 years ago

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Fair enough :D It's more relevant for today. But thanks for commenting <3

And yup, I can imagine! That's why I don't drink that much any longer after all those parties when I was a teenager! Now it's just a glass or two of red wine at dinner a few times a week :3. Sometimes beer too!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Beer and vodka. :B But to be honest, red wine is far better than white.

8 years ago

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xD Good good! :3 I hope you voted for red then!
And yup, beer is good too! ^^ Vodka mixed with soda aswell, but only for parties imo, or if you are miserable lmao.

8 years ago

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I just voted for it. xD Vodka with soda? o.O In Greece, we either drink vodka without anything else or with orange juice or with lemon juice. If anyone here would try to drink it with soda, he would probably get violently beaten with a soda can. :B Seriously, I don't think anyone drinks soda here and of course not mixing it with alcohol. xD And you can drink vodka whenever you want. Not like in Russia, of course, but vodka is a popular choice in bars, clubs, etc.

8 years ago

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What. xD Hmmm.. It's normal to mix some vodka with e.g. fanta or whatever. :) Mixing it would juice would be ok too. :P
But pure vodka? Eeeeh... Then you will go to the hospital before the night is over xD

8 years ago

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Naaahhh, you're wrong. I drank vodka on the rocks a lot of times and it wasn't that hardcore. :P Also, there's Smirnoff North too, which has lower alc/vol and you can easily drink it without anything else. May I suggest you try some retsina too (because you like wine)? It's resinated wine, but it's a bit strong. You easily get dizzy with it. :/

8 years ago

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Well, the vodka we refer to in Denmark is with like extremely high percentage like 80-90% or something like that. Which is made for mixing it. :P
But of course there are those small bottles of Smirnoff which one can drink easily. :)

Not sure if I heard about retsina before :o but I'll keep an eye out for it! ^^

8 years ago

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What? :O No, I'm referring to vodkas with volume around 40%. Your vodkas sound like absinthe. xD Well, the best commercial vodkas are Smirnoff and Stolichnaya - Absolut is not of my taste. :P Retsina is Greek and I'm Greek, so that's why I know about it. :P

8 years ago

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Judging by the percentage it seems to be everclear, not vodka. Some hardcore stuff you got there :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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xD fair enough! White wine is just way too sweet for my taste^^ and beer is definitely cheap & good too :).

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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that's the spirit!
I agree with her.
Depends on the occasion, but in general I like all the wine (I prefer dry wine tho).

8 years ago

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Yesssssssssss! Dry wine is the best imo too :D :D

8 years ago

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Hahaha! Touché xD

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Ooooh shit... Whisky!! D: I don't like that at allllll! xD But my bf and especially my brother really love whiskey!

8 years ago

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As it happens I am supping a red wine myself atm but I'm not adverse to white wine either - but I can't be doing with any of that fizzy stuff like champagne. Mind you I'd prefer a beer :)

8 years ago

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Heh, that's why I kept the beer, vodka etc out of the poll :D But I love beer as well! ^_^ And yep, white wine, champagne is way too sweet for me.

Cheers then! :D

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8 years ago

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"Red, red wine
Goes to my head"

thats right!

still love it

8 years ago

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Yay !! ;D

8 years ago

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I've haven't actually had that much wine. Of the wines though, i seem to prefer red, but not too dry. Fun fact though, they can only label it champagne if it comes from the champagne region. The rest is usually labeled bubbly.

8 years ago

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*Sparkling Wine.
Bubbly is a slang term :P

8 years ago

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Really? I've bought a few bottles myself with it being labeled as bubbly. I knew of sparkling wine, but i wasn't aware it was used as well.
Learn something new every day.

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8 years ago

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Yay, good choice :3 .. I love the more dry wine though, hehe!
Oh really? I didn't know that. I was always wondering why it was often labeled as "bubble water" (in Danish) instead of Champagne or Sekt or whatever ^^'

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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^ I second the above statements :P

8 years ago

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It gets even worse when you mix the mix with Fanta.
(new years party when the person realizing that what he had created was terrible and tried to save it. Custard & Baileys was another one of his terrible ideas).

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Yep, he just poured Baileys into a bowl of custard. Something about the mix did not work. Needless to say, we keep anything expensive away from him when he gets drunk, because we don't want him to ruin it.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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HAHA! Omggggg xD Yeah, I can imagine that would taste toooo good.. :P Cute <3

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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simply red
rarely also cellar says red red red red red red

8 years ago

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Awww yisss! This is a good song too :D

And yay for red :3 .. Well, I try once in a while with white wine, but I still never like it ^^'

8 years ago

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It's all spoiled grape juice to me.

8 years ago

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Oh lol. So you are definitely not a fan of wine :) .. Grapes are delicious though, I eat those a lot too (mostly the green ones)

8 years ago

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Grapes are indeed good. Unless they undergo the blasphemy of dehydration and become...raisins  (╬ಠ益ಠ)

8 years ago

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Hahaha! Yeah, I prefer grapes over raisins aswell! :P Raisins are ok, but can't eat toooo much of it at the time.

8 years ago

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Definitely prefer Red Wine to white any day.
How often do you get sparkling red? :D

8 years ago

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So often that.... My blood is red... (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

...wait what xD

8 years ago

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Sorry I'm a loser and I don't drink alcohol :/
Actually I haven't tried white wine now that I think about it, so I guess I'll go with red wine.

8 years ago

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Awww, it's okay. :) I have some friends who decided to never drink alcohol, and we didn't try to pressure him or let him feel left behind. So all is good!

8 years ago

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I wish more of my friends were like you :)

8 years ago

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Awww :D

8 years ago

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Most (grape-based) wine are just "Yuck". Tastes terrible. With a very very small handful of exceptions, all white, that also happens to be really expensive :( Now apple-based wine (cider), that's where it's at (but not the Swedish type, it's like drinking sugar).

8 years ago

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Haha! The Swedish type should be the same as the Danish I recall. I really like those too :3 apple/pear cider with those 4-5% alcohol in it. Perhaps too much sugar in it. But it's just like any another soda. At least it tastes like it.

8 years ago

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I can, if I want to, drink a lot of soda (I rarely want to these days), but after 2 glasses of pear cider (Swedish type) I end up feeling a bit queasy due to the sweetness. The Swedish apple cider is better, but it's still not good. Well, this is really only true for the type that you almost always get in bars & clubs, good Swedish cider exists, but there are sadly very few places that sell it.

8 years ago

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Good alcohol > Bad alcohol

I'm not sure I understand these arbitrary classifications of yours.
'White'? 'Red'? Rosé?

There is only 'wine that should be in my belly' and 'wine that should never have been made'.

That is all.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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That's a quality post. I agree with Mr Skeletor!

8 years ago

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Oh. It was just an extra add to the description of the thread. It's mainly about what you guys prefer to drink yourself. Not about what is healthy or not healthy.
Sorry, if I made it sound else wise.

8 years ago

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I think we're on totally different topics?
I'm saying that you get cheaply made, trash alcohol that noone wants;
But if an alcohol is well made, it doesn't matter what TYPE it is, a proper alcoholic alcohol connoisseur will appreciate it. :)

8 years ago

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Well spoken! +1 ☺

8 years ago

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Those are some curious reasons but who am I to argue. Betty White obviously knows best. :)

I don't drink either. Shhh

8 years ago

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Betty white? xD

8 years ago

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Beer! >__>
Actually, I don't drink much alcohol, to be honest (Last time I drank was... bad), but for wine, I tend to go red.

8 years ago

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Fair enough! ^^

8 years ago

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