That's.... Crazy !! Do you ever take breaks from organizing puzzles? :O (haha beat you to first comment)
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03/01/16 Some puzzles are LIVE!
03/02/16 UPDATE: Added more GA rewards for Solvers of each of the 5 Sub Categories in the Event.
03/05/16 revilhear'ts added: Math-Geometry
03/05/16 Nellyneko's added: Psychology- Cognitive
03/12/16 Physics- Thermodynamics, Fnord's puzzle added!!
03/13/16 Logic- Philosophy by jonathankalo
03/15/16 Math- Statistics ITH puzzle added!! (Time to get Platinum!)
03/20/16 Final puzzle-- Science Humor added (Time to get Gold)
03/21/16 Seven Gold winners!
03/22/16 Added GA opening to Science Humor for hints
03/24/16 Added revilheart's easier puzzle version
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Great! I will assign that to you... Do you know how to create an itstoohard puzzle?
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I will take
Physics- Particle Physics
and could do
Astronomy- Cosmology. I would strongly prefer to do just 1 of those.
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Medicine is a good topic...
You are free to design a puzzle any way you like... I don't want to inhibit anyone's creativity... And having a variety of designs would make it interesting...
If you can't create something more original and unique that's ok... You can start with creating an ITH puzzle with at least 10 questions... Or a series of them, round 1 easy, round 2 medium, and round 3 hardest difficulty...
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Do they have to be individual puzzles, or they can have (some stages at least) shared answers?
There can be simple questions - like what's name of basic cycle that provide energy to our cells. But there can be far more complex questions, which could be too complicated to someone without knowledge in certain field of study.
Or I'm just over complicating it and puzzle should be accessible to broad number of people? Still, I have made biology-related quiz, and so far only ~180 people tried to solve it. And I don't know if they just don't want to click and try to solve it, or if puzzle-solver base in the forum isn't really big.
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Another thing - will this additional puzzle (in your GA) will be the same for everyone, or you will have different passwords for each field of science that in the end will give solution (so people will have to solve all puzzles to get access)?
I'm asking, because if I'd make puzzle for biochemistry section, people from my BL won't be able to see this additional GA at the end of my train.
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I want the link to the first Free GA AND the link to the ITH by March 2nd or the earliest part of March possible-- within the first week. The Free GA of yours gives them a place to ask for hints etc to you not on the main thread. For people that you may have Blacklisted and cant see your Freebie GA then there will be the direct link to the ITH and the ability to ask for help on the main thread.
Timezone is irrelevant-- just make the GA run to the last day of March... you can only create a GA 30 days out from the date of creation so you will need to create the GAs as late as possible--- preferably March 1st or 2nd to remain live till 31st.
Restrictions are up to you on GAs-- you can make some of different level restrictions. My GA that will be rewarded for your puzzle solvers will be set at Level 1. Thus, Level 1 users can solve and have access to GAs for each puzzle from my contributions and thus the overall restriction will be Level 1+ users. It would be nice if you had incremental GAs of increasing levels on your GAs.
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On main thread I will put the direct link to your 1st ITH and your Freebie GA, then in your result for that 1st ITH you are to give the solvers not just the GAs reward link but the link to your next ITH. Then on your last ITH give not just YOUR GAs links rewarded for that puzzle but also the GA link of my contribution for solving your series of ITHs.... my BL is empty... so they will be able to solve your puzzles and have access to my GA as reward.
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For Jeff's last puzzle I made the portal animation. This time it'll be in pure 3D though. He told me about this when I made the other one, so I had already made the models for it a few weeks ago, just needed to know the format before making the final animation.
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Hm, I made a simple ITH puzzle for Chemistry - Chemical Reactions. If you want to take a look I can send you the link via an old giveaway of yours. If it is okay we could include it into the event. Although I have some questions. The entry GA for the puzzle will be provided by us, right? I think I have some keys lying around somewhere for this. But what about the prize of the puzzles? Will it be provided by you or by the puzzle creator?
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i'd like to design a puzzle about developmental psychology :)
don't have any experience with designing a puzzle via ITH, but i'm sure i'll figure it out^^
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Right-- what I do is decide that I want 10 questions so I create the file... and make a few questions and then add questions with place holders QUESTION, ANSWER and HINT till I have 10 questions and save it with the result just RESULT... then I can load it later and put in real question, answer and hints when I have designed them.
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You can create a puzzle now and the GAs for it the first part of March.
Yes Psychology is a science...
History of SCIENCE-- Famous scientists, fits the overall science theme and is in the special interest category. Not a science but still part of the overall theme.
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The main social sciences include economics, political science, human geography, demography and sociology. In a wider sense, social science also includes some fields in the humanities such as anthropology, archaeology, jurisprudence, psychology, history, and linguistics.- Wikipedia
Did you want me to add the subjects anthropology, archaeology, jurisprudence, psychology, history, and linguistics UNDER social science??
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No, I didn't want you to do anything :D I was just curious. And I admit, I'm baffled by the categories... How Sociology is a science but Psychology only in the wider sense? And for me (so I'm arguing with Wikipedia now :P) Linguistics is far more scientific than any of the two I mentioned.
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by first week of March... it's pretty easy.
Check out
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Puzzle is finished, except for a very simple 3D-model I haven't had the time to work on, just need to create the GAs and link it all up. So should be up around the time the current case is over.
Also, Ethics is available still. How ethical is the Doctor in what he does concerning the human race and time travel? ;)
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Guess who saw this topic too late? That's me! ;_; Anyway, nevermind, let's see how it goes. And bravo for taking interest in making a science puzzle. ;)
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But if you'll ever need someone for a puzzle around food microbiology and food chemistry (or microbiology and chemistry at general), choose me. :P
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Except the food chain, I'm not sure what else could I write about there. xD
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You probably mean GMOs and organic food! :P In food technology, let's just say we have a different view about GMOs and organic food. :P Yes, I know about pesticides, insects, the effects of pesticides, the effects of not using pesticides, mycotoxins, the effects of molluscs in the ecosystem, etc. Still, even if I write about these things, where the heck will people find the answers? XD But anyway, maybe i'm just thinking of it the wrong way and people won't find them too hard. But I'm much more comfortable when writing about food chemisty, food microbiology, food safety, etc. :P Let's see if jeffhowe will be interested in making related puzzles in the future.
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Wait, because this can get a lot of different meanings. That wouldn't really be about ecology, but about food microbiology, right? ;P Like, for example, a question that I asked in the past was:
"Gram-positive, facultatively anaerobic, and it doesn't even care if you put it in the fridge. It may even cause bacteremia. Which bacterium is it? The answer is 2 words".
Would a question like that fit the requirements or should it be more about microorganisms in the ecosystem? xD Because, if you rename it to microbial ecology of foods, then I could actually talk about the microorganisms that exist in foods and the foodborne diseases.
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Hehe, thank you, thank you. :B Yep, expect questions related to food microorganisms and the diseases they can cause - or even their positive effects on foods and human health. So, you can sign me up. But I'll send you the links of the puzzles, when ready, so you can check them out and be sure that you'll like them, and then you'll publish them. ;P
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Thanks for taking the slot!! Remember most users are like me-- will have to google-fu but still learn in the process... an educational puzzle! So make the puzzle interesting for someone that knows nothing of the field but wants to learn and thus wants to work with solving the puzzle.
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Yep, I always make them educational. ;P I'll make sure that every answer to the questions can be found easily through google. I'm thinking of making around 3 puzzles, but I'm not sure yet, because it may be harder than I think to find 30 questions. :P But some puzzles can have 5 questions, as you said above, right?
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Nice. So, some last details:
I always make level 0 giveaways.
I'll make 1 private giveaway for everyone with a link to the 1st puzzle -----> when solved, leads to another private giveaway of mine with an ITH link ----------> when solved, the 2nd puzzle will lead to another private giveaway of mine with the last ITH link ----------> when solved, it will lead to your final giveaway.
My giveaways won't be bundled games.
Maybe I'll add more giveaways and puzzles, depending on my wallet and my verve respectively.
But I'll let you know in some days, so we'll have plenty of time to discuss before the beginning of March, in order to make an interesting puzzle with some interesting giveaways. ;P
Peace and power for the puzzlers! ;P
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Google and wikipedia, whatever did we do before we had those. I grew up without the internet, and even I can't imagine living without all that information at the tip of my fingers. It's like when you go abroad, and the roaming costs are too high so you can't figure out that one actors name that you were discussing during dinner. So frustrating. ^^
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I got internet in my house around 4 years or 5 years before, I think (I'm not sure about the exact year that I got it). I was clueless without it. :B
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Oh, that's also bad. :P But well, we had the dictionaries back then and we could find some basic information there.
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25 Platinum and 23 Gold Winners!!!
Click HERE to see the event champions!
This event is ended. If you want to provide solutions to your puzzle then post them in main thread.
Note to puzzle designers: Our goal is to get everyone through the event and try to avoid frustration. We want to see a lot of platinum and GOLD winners. Thus, have fun dropping clever hints in your GA thread and helping users that are stuck. We are all in a learning process-- we want our puzzles to be FUN, EDUCATIONAL, ENJOYABLE and promote COMRADESHIP.
the company and friendship of others with common aims.
"his greatest joy came from comradeship with others in the team"
Note: To solve the passcode puzzles use a copy of THIS PERIODIC TABLE. When it says Number focus on atomic numbers of elements. When it says Weight focus on atomic weight which is usually three digits after the decimal. If it says two elements added together to get a new element then add the two elements atomic numbers and get a new number--then find what is the element that has the added result. You will also need to goggle for common and scientific names of plants and animals. The first part of the passcode hint shows the format and special characters to use. (no passcodes have spaces)
Note: If you can't access the opening GA to the puzzle as you are BL then go to the ITH directly-- you will still get rewards for some GAs under each puzzle solved. (More explanation HERE if you can't see GA with puzzle because of BL.)
GO FOR THE GOLD!! (All puzzles in full event solved)
GO FOR THE PLATINUM!! (excludes Special Interest category)
Attached is a graphic showing the various branches of science
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