At least some love for me... ;_;
(Lvl 3+, no double/non-activated)
EDIT: looks like we have our first leak :3 please don't think I wouldn't notice :3
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keeping with the theme
Another Lara
Yet another Lara
Lara once again
All Laras are lvl 2. I wanted them lvl 1 but it's Valentines day and I will already spend it alone so at least here's a number two eh.
these games have the boobs equal to Beach Bounce, winning which made me cry and say 'please God strike me down' ... hopefully I've got the right meaning of being pleased here, my apologies as I'm not a natural English lipmover.
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as a man in love I give it with all my hear
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as a man in love I give it with all my heart
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A few slices of lovin' from me <3
UnEpic - Level 2
Insurgency - Level 4
Surgeon Simulator - Anniversary Edition - Level 6
Enjoy and good luck! :D
P.S. For those that planned to enter the Surgeon Simulator giveaway, please don't enter just for the DLC.
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No level restriction. I'm just spreading the love. ;) Its duration is 23 hours. A classic game
Ok, now that I'm thinking of it, I'm retarded for not making it last until 14 February. xD Forgive me. xD Just look at it as a special treat. :P I just tend to make fast giveaways mostly. :/
I even wore my dunce hat. :'(
EDIT: The giveaway ended and I removed my dunce hat. :B Spread the love, girls and guys. ;)
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AND I posted this first in the wrong place, because Monday. Fixed, and oops. One small GA first, I'll come back toward the end of the week with some interestingier titles (though I'm playing this one now, finally, and really enjoying it - who knew).
Melissa K. and the Heart of Gold - all levels, basic SGTools filters.
It's got a great name for the holiday too. What with the Heart of Gold, and all.
And while we're on Valentine-appropriate names, here, let's add this:
Hearts of Iron III Collection - level 3+, basic SGTools filters.
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Small gifts, no level required, basic sgtool rules (no double wins, all activated) :3
[What's under your blanket !?] ( :p
[Divekick] (
[Universe Sandbox] (
[Silence of the sleep] (
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Here are two from me at level 3
Cities XXL -
Tropico 4 -
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[Frozen Synapse Prime] ( ( level 1+)
Love is in the air :))
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I will definitely stay indoors on that day and cry alone.
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All from Humble Bundle lvl 0, ends on 14th February
Call of Juarez® Gunslinger
Grow Home
Guess the game^^, not tier1/2
EDIT: visit one ga for hint
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Thanks for the event :)
[Little Inferno]( by [Mari1]( (Level 3+)
Little Inferno by Mari1 (Level 3+)
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Here's my contribution for this event :o)
[Penarium]( by [crucificao]( (Level 4+)
Penarium by crucificao (Level 4+)
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[3 copies of The Valentine AN4L Abuser]( by [~~zombiehug~~ HornyHug ](
Comment has been collapsed. lv1/invite only. I might add another game (Risk of rain) in a day or two.
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my gifts <3 all lvl5+
Ashes of Immortality
Ashes of Immortality II
Vagrant Hearts
Vagrant Hearts II
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Hei, I promised to deliver something:
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It's got local co-op, to be enjoyed with your significant other... maybe?
Level 0, no multiple wins & no unactivated gifts.
[ASDAD: All-Stars Dungeons and Diamonds] (
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[Gundemonium Recollection]( by [todrzyk]( (lvl 3+, no double win/non-activated)
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[Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword ](
Level 1+
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Hi cucooo,
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood and Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons joined your event.
GA requirements:SG Level 3+,real CV:80,sent/won gift ratio 1:1,no vac bans,no multiple wins,all won games activated.Thanks for adding these games to your list :-)
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Tex Murphy Complete Pack - Level 3
First SG Tools test, hopefully everything's ok. :)
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Hacker Evolution Source Code - Lvl2+ with sgtools check
for copy-paste:
[Hacker Evolution Source Code]( (Level 2+,real CV:25,sent/won gift ratio 1.1, basic rules)
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[Girlfriend Rescue]( (lvl 4 ratio 1:1 the normal humane rules)
Minimum ratio using number of gifts Sent/Won on Steamgifts: 1
Your account must have activated all the won gifts
Your account is not allowed to have won the same game multiple times.
Your account must never been VAC banned.
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I can relate! I've been with my boyfriend for eleven years, but I live in the US while he lives in Canada. We've got to find a way to get together for good!
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Wow, that's too long! Why don't you guys moved in together? Or, is it because of work-related reasons?
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It's bloody difficult to get verified to live in another country. He's been trying to find a way to the US for some time now and can't find any way that doesn't involve more money than either of us can afford. I'm looking to see if I can get up there more easily.
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Oh right, I guess that would be true. My bad. Hopefully the latter option will be easier for you. Good luck, I hope everything works out for you and your couple! Btw, wouldn't marriage (just stating, not implying or anything) solve the nationality issue? I'm not that familiar with either the US or Canada nationality law.
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Thanks for the well wishes. =) As for marriage, it is something I'm looking into. It would certainly make things easier if it helped.
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You're very welcome. I hope everything works out for the two of you! I'll root for you guys from afar ^^
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You and I are in similar situations! I live in Canada while my fiance lives in the US. The first step in our application for a fiance visa (for me to enter the states and get married) just got approved today actually. Doesn't mean I can do it yet, just that they have now verified our relationship and are willing to go forward with the steps required to issue this visa. It's an annoying process but what can ya do... My sister's BF is also American except he plans to move here to Canada. Canada's not making it easy for him either.
Best of luck in your endeavours against customs lol.
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Thanks, bud! I'm already 4 years in, 2 years being apart since she graduated first. There's still a full year to go before I graduate and move back home for good. Until then, it's just Whatsapp and crappy Skype phone calls for us T_T
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I thought people wait valentine's day for my movie :/
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dont underestimate the power of choco
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I'll try to get something ready in time; will have to see what I can scrounge up that is special. =3
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Will try to get something for the event,
nice initiative! :V
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I have already barricaded my doors and windows to protect myself from all the single ladies wanting to be my Valentine so I'm kinda busy and all but if anyone wants to be my date it could, theoretically, maybe, happen.. but I can't promise anything because as I said I have a large pool to choose from text me
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215 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by vinirockman
3 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by Akylen
41 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by Sh4dowKill
35 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by devotee
170 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by TeDGamer
40 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by makki
16,704 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by BHTrellis188
505 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by lav29
28 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by Begum
11 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by insideAfireball
346 Comments - Last post 18 minutes ago by Taizun
99 Comments - Last post 45 minutes ago by Ivannes
3,729 Comments - Last post 46 minutes ago by pizurk
17,438 Comments - Last post 50 minutes ago by Agaster
I was going to leave the thread but Dragomania wanted me to reinitialize the event again and I've thougt why not. The new thread is here
Initial Post:
Hello ladies and gentleman!
Okay, let's not be that formal.
Hi steamgifters!
I've been thinking about to create an event for the day February 14th. It's not that special to me but maybe to some of you. Anyway, I can at least use this day as an excuse to create an event. We need special things like cake day, birthday, reaching some levels, passing exams etc right? This will be one of them.
What are we doing specific to that day? We give and get presents. Here is the best place to do that. But how? We want our gift to be equivalent to our valentine's present for us, right? Alright, this will look alike to Yunie's Giveback Thread but a bit different.
You have two options:
You will take a look through what you've won until today and create a new giveaway that is equal to that one you were pleased most when you won it. (It can be equal the price, the joy or the genre. It's up to you. You can even give the same game back.) If you'll ask me I prefer the joy.
You will give a game that you've enjoyed and others might enjoy it too, regardless of what you've won.
This thread will combine two other threads: Yunie's Thread and DesertMouse1's You're not Alone Thread. Because when you go out outside and see others, you won't feel alone. We are here for you! (It also have resemblance to Dsc's Challanges in that this also ends on a specific date.) Have I stolen the idea? Maybe. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
My present for you is right here. Requires SteamGifts group.
If you want to give present(s), please post your giveaway links as a reply to first comment. Thank you.
Thank you all participants.
Given Presents:
Over The Hills And Far Away by Madumius (Lvl 3+, no double/non-activated)
Tomb Raider: Legend by Ceebers (lvl5+)
Hatoful Boyfriend by rauchen (Level: 3+ / Basic good behaviour rules)
Darksiders™ by Annenouk
Tomb Raider I, Tomb Raider II, Tomb Raider III by SlothSpeedskater (All Laras are lvl 2)
To the Moon by ambidot (Level 2+)
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light by Gequila (5+)
System Shock 2 by Andrewski (LV4+)
Paradox Platinum Pack by falcogr (Level 6+)
Darksiders™ by IgnacioC86 (Level 1+)
UnEpic (Lev 2+), Insurgency (Lev 4+), Surgeon Simulator: Anniversary Edition (Lev 6+) by JustinSane059
Sword of Asumi - Deluxe Edition (level 3+) by stlpaul
Classic Naval Combat Pack by TheLuckyShamrock
Melissa K. and the Heart of Gold Collector's Edition (all levels), Hearts of Iron Collection III (level 3+) by LinustheBold
Murdered: Soul Suspect by Klinge (LV3+)
Fortix by kOROMOShYdOpOlOuS (Level 3+)
The Indie Mixtape by nellyneko (Level 2+)
Stacking by gauntsoul (lv5+)
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure by Mythical (Lev 5+)
Call of Juarez® Gunslinger, Grow Home, Guess the game^^ - Puzzle by MiniTaurus
ShipLord, Spandex Force: Champion Rising, oO, Networm, Super Mega Bob, Gold Rush! Anniversary, Angels of Fasaria: Version 2.0, Wild Frontera by Twarzowiec (all LVL 6+)
Train by darjeeling (Level 1-5)
Little Inferno by Mari1 (Level 3+)
To the Moon x3 by ambidot
ShipLord by Nyx (Lvl 3+, checks for no double wins and non-activated)
Penarium by crucificao (Level 4+, no double wins, non-activated and vac)
The Body Changer x2 by dinksmallwood
3 copies of The Valentine AN4L Abuser by
zombiehugHornyHugbit Dungeon II by Fishman465 (Lv 1+)
Ashes of Immortality, Ashes of Immortality II, Vagrant Hearts, Vagrant Hearts II, Asguaard by ndx8
8 copies of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition by darjeeling (Level 4+)
LEGO The Lord of the Rings, LEGO® The Hobbit™ by Numeron (Both are for lvl2+)
This War of Mine by me. (Level 5+)
SanctuaryRPG: Black Edition by nonamebg (Level 1+)
DuckTales: Remastered by Sarandrea (Lv3+, no double win/non-activated)
ASDAD: All-Stars Dungeons and Diamonds by NazaSekh (no multiple wins & no unactivated gifts.)
Gundemonium Recollection by todrzyk (lvl 3+, no double win/non-activated)
Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword by 00BLUEFIRE00 (Level 1+)
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood, Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons by Dragomania (Level 3+,real CV:80,sent/won gift ratio 1:1, basic rules)
Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna) by ndx8 (lvl5+)
Planetary Annihilation by Hasas1n (Lev 4+)
Tex Murphy Complete Pack by TheZooZ (Level 3, basic rules)
Hacker Evolution Source Code by PieceOfMind (Level 2+,real CV:25,sent/won gift ratio 1.1, basic rules)
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload by ndx8 (lvl5+, fast 1 hour cd)
What's under your blanket !?, Divekick, Universe Sandbox, Silence of the sleep by Pesmerga (no level required, basic sgtool rules)
Cities XXL, Tropico 4 by Athravan (level 3)
Frozen Synapse Prime by 1453 ( level 1+)
Broken Age by CeilingChair (Minimum Real CV (Sent): 333 / Minimum ratio (value): 0.8)
Giveaway by elfena (Lvl3+)
Solar Flux by Tewam - Yes guy.
Girlfriend Rescue by Tetony (lvl 4 ratio 1:1 the normal humane rules)
March of the Eagles, Majesty Gold HD, System Shock 2 by Fnord (Level 1+, basic rules)
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