I was talking about this issue earlier on these forums and I saw couple topics discussing it but with no official news about it.
Thinking about it, I sent a ticket to hb to know a little more about it. Surprisingly, hb is now fully region locked:

If you're gifted a key from a non-South American account, you should get the working key. If you gift a key after buying in South America, I'm afraid it will be region locked โ€” any purchases you make will also be region locked.

Now, keys AND gifts are region locked.

I'm about to create a ticket to delete a giveaway which I gave hb link and it didn't work out (first time it didn't work via gift link).
Hope this thread helps someone else because sooner or later we all may face this.
I think the douchebag awards goes to...

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8 years ago*

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so, are HBs bought in north america region locked to N.America or do those stay ROW? I really hate these region locking things..I get why they do it, but it's soooo annoying.

8 years ago

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Not only one bundle per payment method but also this... Hmmmm.

8 years ago

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Ok, so If I'll receive a REGION LOCKED south-america key, shouldn't I pay in Brazillian Reais? If I'm putting USD on the game, it shouldn't be region locked, as I payed all the taxes for importation and etc.!

8 years ago

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I thought the point of region locks was to prevent games from cheaper regions to be sold to generally more expensive (ROW) markets. I do not understand at all getting region locked keys for paying the same price as in ROW regions. This is complete bullshit and Humble should either lower the prices for SA region or completely remove these locks. It's unethical and screwing up customers big time.

8 years ago

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Go poke Humble Support on that, that's something you should get an answer from them on.

8 years ago

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When it's the same price world wide, this is stupid.

8 years ago

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I'm in Mexico but pay with a US PayPal account. I better not be getting region locked crap now.

8 years ago

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This is not good...

8 years ago

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This explains a lot. A key I got in a trade last week wouldn't work, telling me I wasn't in the right region. The trader is in Brazil and I'm in the US so it looks like this explains why.

Does this mean when I do giveaways in the future someone who is in SA will not be able to win? Is that an available setting in the giveaway?

8 years ago

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its a very dick move, unless they start with regional pricing for those bundles too.

so basically someone from US pays $12 and gets ROW keys, while someone from xx region pays just as much, while getting less valuable keys - both on steam, where they actually cost less for said regions, and trades-wise where RU and similar keys have little to no value?

whats there not to like :o /s

not a very humble thing to do (:

i swear they are trying to encourage piracy again. Soon enough we will have 400 different regions, trading will be pretty much done and youll be able to trade a game only with another person in your area (up to 150m away!). Seriously, its getting ridiculous really.

8 years ago

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I donยดt care. I live in free country. :D

8 years ago

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The situation for Germany is a bit different. Normally we get EU Keys but for some games (based on a Publisher decision not on any German law) we only get censored keys and some games aren't available but most of them can be activated without a problem.
There is also no censorship law which forces Publishers to do this and a rating is also not needed. If a game is not rated it is simply rated 18 nothing else but many Publishers do not understand this!
The German youth protection law is very strict but as adult I can go in local stores here and buy nearly any game totally legal as example I could buy Sleeping Dogs:Definitive Edition without a problem and still can do this for consoles but for PC Publisher Square Enix decided to block the game for Germany (it is blocked you can't pay it with a German IP even if it is already activated). The only games were the legal situation is unclear are games containing Swastikas (in public games are considered as art which would allow the use of Nazi symbols but in front of a court this situation is unclear). Anyway you can buy some of them on some shops like Amazon but the majority of the shops here don't sell them BUT the import is again totally legal for adults.

In Germany it normally goes like this if you want to publish a game/movie

  1. Get a rating (USK for Games, some other ratings for movies) or publish it unrated (automatically rated 18) both variants have no restrictions.
    *The USK rating protects from the index but those games aren't allowed to contain Nazi symbols or too much violence.
  2. Unrated games can get indexed by the BPjM which is not a must btw. If a game is indexed the selling is restricted to places only adults have access also public commercials are forbidden if minors are able to see them but those games are not banned.
  3. In really rare cases games which are indexed can get confiscated by a court if they contain too much violence (the paragraph which is used most time) BUT owning, buying which includes the import is still totally legal in this case. Public advertising is forbidden and the selling is heavily restricted however this only counts for the version which was confiscated so if the XBox One version would be confiscated by a court the PC version can still be sold like any other indexed game.

Humble Bundle spreads the misinformation that they are forced by law to block certain games or offer only censored games for German customers but if you ask them with a little background they admit that Publishers want them to do so because such laws do not exist here. But as I said unfortunately some Publishers are not aware of this but if you talk with them most regionlocks get removed for Germany (we already did this several times).

Anyway regionlocked are not acceptable and it is a shame that in the end of 2015 they still exist.

*as fun fact in Germany there are 7-8 different rated 18 ratings for movies (FSK: 18 (old), FSK: KJ, Unrated, Spio/JK (old), Spio/JK: Keine schwere Jugendgefรคhrdung, Spio/JK: Strafrechtlich unbedenklich, FSF 18 (only for unrated movies and series if you want to show them in the TV), JK) ;)

8 years ago*

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Well, another site I will have to use with a proxy or vpn or something. This is getting ever more annoying.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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The current weekly Total War Encore is region locked or RoW?

8 years ago

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Yeah, I faced this as well with all of my giveaways from that bundle and had to trade for ROW keys. But as long as there is no region restriction set on SteamDB, it's fine. I always check it when buying from Nuuvem, I'll just have to start doing it for Humble Bundle as well.

8 years ago

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Even STEAM tells us outright when we purchase a game that it is region locked. That's why we could buy it with our own currency. Jeez. So much for the name "Humble" Bundle.

8 years ago

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It's been clear for a while that Humble lost its humble...ness for some time but the deal was sealed with their RIDICULOUS monthly bundles that all but got rid of any donation. The smallest percentage ever. Conveniently, also, donations in the normal bundles have been decreasing, by default, and oh look at that, humble's cut has risen by default as well. I wouldn't be surprised if they someday remove the option to choose how everything is split or put more restrictions on it.

Now I only buy humble bundles and donate 100% to charity. I used to pay more so everyone got their fair share -including humble, but nope. Humble crapped the bed and they can sleep in their mess now. I'll still throw some money towards the developer, sometimes, but yeah. If humble won't remember their original purpose, I'll remind them myself.

8 years ago

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Guys, I'm from SA and would like to know if these two bundles are region-locked:

Humble Weekly Bundle Gambitious
Humble Weekly Bundle Team17 The Threequel

Does anyone know?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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What's the point of this region lock?Humble Bundles...bundle sites in general have a fixed price.Same price for everyone on the planet.Buying a bundle shouldn't have region locked keys based on the buyer's location..that's just stupid.So is something at stake here that I am not seeing or are they simply following Steam's made up regions?

I started using Steam 3-4 years ago mainly because of trading and bundles.But since then,Steam is doing more and more shady moves and restrictioning trading to a point where we can't even use it or we won't want to use it.And now bundles are region locked after trading got region locked?

It looks like Steam doesn't want people to acquire cheap games anymore,and is looking to force people into buying games directly through Steam from their increasingly shittier sales.They don't like bundle sites/giveaway sites/trading sites/betting sites/reselling sites and so on because it keeps money from entering Steam.Once you put ''x'' amount of money in Steam..it's there forever and Valve will eventually get it.Buying stuff off Steam isn't as profitable for Valve as buying stuff directly from Steam.

Valve is just getting greedy.Monopoly isn't a good thing.

8 years ago

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What about older unused keys?

8 years ago

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The keys are generated, so they cannot lock them retroactively. Unless they were region-locked keys originally, they are still ROW.

8 years ago

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I want to share my experience with HB and this Codemasters bundle.
There was no warning about region locks. The bundle was paid in USD.
However, I'm in Brazil, they sent me region locked keys.

I wanted to give links to people abroad, I can't. HB support refused to replace the region locked keys with ROW keys.
The only option they offered was a full refund. However if I opted for the refund they would revoke all games that I had activated for myself, not just the useless region locked ones.

Be extra careful when purchasing from HB.
This experience might affect my desire to buy from them again.

8 years ago

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wow, nice customer support.
it's like doing a refund on steam and they instead remove all games from your library. :|

8 years ago

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It is either a new policy or based on the support person. Others here posted that after a GA they contacted HB support and they changed the key to a ROW one.
Although after the 60-day period, when they send back the keys, it most likely stops being an option, unless they have store keys for the game.

8 years ago

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I think he meant all games related to that specific purchase. Still, less than ideal.

8 years ago

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Sorry, I didnt read all the comments. Look what I got from Humble support:
Unfortunately, we were caught unaware again. We are still working with the publishers of these keys to get this information to us before the bundle release. It may take a few more bundles before this happens, but hopefully it will happen sooner rather than later.
We apologize for the inconvenience that this has cause, and I personally apologize, as I was the one that said that we would do our best to make our customers aware of the region restrictions, and it still has not happened.

8 years ago

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Hello OP
This Information is very misleading and have affected few traders in SG. including me.

This post has no confirmation or what so ever from any representative of HB.
The Codemaster bundle was region locked as requested by the publisher (codemaster), Capcom Bundle too
But i do not know if you purchase a capcom or codemaster game separately from HB store would also be region locked.

I asked HB ninjas to confirm this with my recent bought HB bundle.

if you search Humble Bundle Region Locked in google. all results is about the talk is about HB now implementing region lock.
after which followed by negative comments with how HB works. that is too unfair for a company that works for charity.

we blame HB for the decision of the publisher.
we owe apology to HB who sells a dollar cheap (great) games which you can opt to give most percentage to charity, and receive less from all of this.
and those people are only buying bundles at exact amount of tier 3 or less. and many are still ranting at how their bundles are expensive even though the games are much more cheaper than bought alone.
and look at HB website you can only rarely see all top 10 contributors to have 3 digit. in fact, ive never seen it happen.

faith in humanity, destroyed.

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8 years ago

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hello dear trader

I'll specially reply you, because the topic is old and may get outdated someday (not now because following reasons).
my reasons to write this topic was:

  1. humble bundle can provide region lock keys to buyers without bother to say it to them.
  2. they take, absolutely, no responsability about region lock keys given as gifts.

the "no confirmation" that you couldn't find is attached to the original post. so, that way, humble bundle is fully region lock til they prove otherwise. if you don't think that way, you will discover by yourself that keys you have humble bundle keys/giftlinks that can be region locked.

humble bundle is fully responsible for what they sell (in laws that any country that i've met so far). the charity mask do not change their profit. I'm, also, pretty sure that they can deduce this "charity" from their taxes (considering average countries laws), giving them even more profit. if you are thinking that they are doing charity because they are good heart people, I'm afraid that you don't know much how world works.

one more thing. they can deny the developers to sell region lock bullshit, but they don't. they don't even care to tell you about something that they sell to you is region lock or not and yet you love them because they do "charity" (a.k.a. taxes reduction). not a good move imo, but still your decision and I respect that.

you may have lost the faith on yourself only, because, as far as I know, everyone else is pretty much informed about everything that is wrote in this thread by all users. most users in this forums are not headline readers. by the way, good traders do know what they are doing, only the greedy one acts like they know something that they don't really know (and never will, because humble bundle don't care about region lock to them).

TL;DR: Humble Bundle IS fully region locked.

8 years ago

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Hello OP

  1. According to the attached image i gave on my previous post. it contradicts your STATEMENT of HB being officialy FULLY locked. if you dont believe the image i posted, here's the direct link to the ticket https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/requests/321629
    i dont know if this is viewable publicly but you can certainly ask customer service the authenticity of this ticket.
  2. You are the one who are clearly don't know how the real world(business world) works.
    a. non-profit Charity organization is a tax exempt. HB is not a non profit charity organization,they are what we called third party organization that bridges us from the so called non-profit charity organization such as red cross
    HB's revenues all accounts to what percentage/amount you allocated when you bought a bundle from them. and the game you bought from the store (minus the donation percentage).
    b. there will always be public accountant or bureau representative of your government to do surprise auditing to your company. as mentioned earlier charity donation are tax exempt, so what HB gave to the charity organization are tax free and will not be deduced by them or they will held responsible from violation of law. because
    c. the charities donation will still be included in auditing.

And if you think it carefully, if such loop hole such as exploits like being able to deduct the charity donation and add it to their own pocket, then i have bad news for you, your government is flawed as fuck,and every fucking ass holes in your country are doing it.
but nah. the government wouldn't allow that dont they? they need tax, they wouldn't allow people exploiting loophole to avoid tax.

Oh btw,Did you notice the lack of immediate response from their customer service? that's because they do not have a lot of employee because they are not that profitable. took me 3 days for them to reply.

HB is not FULLY region locked. I mean im from SEA and my purchase is not Region Locked.
you didn't really read carefully on my post did you? besides what im attacking are the people talking badly about HB. and requesting you OP to change your content so as to retract the misinformation of this discussion.
but then again,
you are antagonizing HB with baseless accusation. and calling the customer service representative douche bag even tho he was just doing his job by politely answering your inquiry.
and then calling me ignorant of how the world works. (oh baby wow)

douche bag awards goes too....

8 years ago*

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... humble bundle. I'll not reply the same content again with a different explanation.

8 years ago

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"To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead."

8 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by vinirockman.