Heyas, this puzzle focuses on wordplay as well, but all the answers are from a single TV show. Solving one can make the others quite simple.


Edit: Now ended, see how the answers match the clues below, and perhaps apply a similar process for future giveaways :)

The game given away is quite popular, and the clue for it is: lots of animals, but in particular, winged pigs that get smoked with their sense of hearing. Yep, you don't want to live here at night, especially when the truncheon-light gets smashed.

Spoiler for people who don't want to try and figure out what game it was, here

If it's too hard, I'll post hints here, please don't share answers/hints in the comments though, thanks. That said, feel free to ask!

For reference, my other puzzle giveaway is still going.

General hints: Ahoy there me maties, mount up and let's set sail for the land of Oz!

"me maties" = my friends, "mount" for pony, and "sail for the land of Oz" = ship, magic (Oz is a wizard).**

"My ladies please: forgive interruption mistake, my fellows and I need a hint?" "Sure, stop horsing around and GO BACK FROM WHENCE YOU CAME YOU NAGGY MIDGET."

The first letter of the first six words are M L P: F I M, while "my fellows" = "my friends", "horsing" and "NAGgy midget" indicates small horse, or pony. Thus, the show is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

All answers are one or two words.
Half of the answers comprise the significant majority of this TV show.

With 12 questions, half = 6, so 6 of them are the "significant majority", or main characters.

Specific hints as follows (clues in brackets affect the original questions in puzzle). Keep in mind any spelling/grammatical/punctuation errors or oddities are intentional and hopefully helpful.

H1: in many games [indeed, in real life as well], I play a significant element in determining the price of items. Black Lotus artifact anyone? Back then I was golden, but WoW, then I'm blue. With my friends, I occasionally shine. (by harder, I really mean the hardest of them all, and ones that last till the end of time. I love these hard...clues)

#### Answer is Rarity. Black Lotus is an artifact in the card game Magic: The Gathering, and was extremely rare. The indicator for rare cards is gold in MTG, and in WoW, or World of Warcraft, rare items are blue. "occasionally" = rarely. As for hard, well Rarity loves gems, and especially diamonds, the very hardest of them all! She can also track gems with her horn, so she finds those easily.

H2: Roarr - hmm no matter how hard I blow, these candles keep lighting up again! Why would that be? (Who's my good wittle Humpty Dumpty? My namesake in another 'verse is the one with slick white hair.) Myself, I'm purple with envy. I mean, green. Well, mostly purple. Delivering a letter? Let me catch my breath.

#### Answer is Spike. He starts out as Humpty Dumpty, or an egg, but then grows to be sharp and a dragon (his name, teeth etc). In another TV universe, in this case Buffy, his namesake Spike, being a vampire, is threatened by Buffy and her stake, "Mr. Pointy". To relate back to MLP, a search for Spike+green+purple would have sufficed. He delivers letters by blowing on them, hence the "catch my breath".

H3: the brotherhood of fans really like this answer. Geez. Uggh. Obvious wasn't it? Derp. -.- =.= -- == ($200 is a reference to Monopoly, but the two is also significant at first once you get to the right spot. See it now? Try hearing it.)

#### Answer is Derpy. "I'd cross" is eyed cross, plus the implication he can't see straight = cross-eyed. $200 to turn around, well in Monopoly you get that for passing Go, or the start. "two", "first" as in the first two words, then sound it out. "Predy simple" well Derpy is an anagram of the intentional misspelling, and he's kinda simple :) "brotherhood of fans" = bronies, they like his character for some reason. The -.- etc, well that's a 'derp' face!

H4: you must promise me as well, so hold my hand! Smile, you clown :) Who keeps a pet alligator these days? Eww spit that Gummy out! Caaaaaaaaake! My favourite! Caaaaaaandy! My favourite! Paaaaaaaaaarteh! My favourite! (first = initially)

N.B. The spelling I set for this answer is wrong >.< Swap the proper "ie" in the first word for "y" to satisfy the puzzle.

#### Answer is Pinkie Pie. "swear", "without fingers" suggests pinky promise. Clowns throw pies in faces. Pinkie loves to "smile" too, and has a song titled that in the show. She also has a pet alligator named Gummy, loves cake, candy, and especially parties! "initially", "go to the bathroom" = initials that make you want to go, i.e. P.P.

H5: turn off that light switch...yes off, not on. Now what do you see? Wolves, howling through the darkness at this time of the month? Hah, just a bad dream. (are the lyrics correct? If not, what changed? Turn me wrong way round baby wrong way round round round round.)

#### Answer is Nightmare Moon. The wrong lyrics "sun up there wan-" sound vaguely like the song, but obviously the important words changed are "sun" and "wan". "No" and "look the other way", plus "switch", "off not on", indicating the opposite. So, bad rather than sweet dreams, and moon rather than sun. Wan suggests moon. Wolves howl at the full moon once a month. Bad dream = nightmare.

H6: I can explode that Superfasterthansoundhedgehog into multi-coloured pieces all day :) Somewhere, over the-re, run [or fly] fast, but further than sprinting. o0o [doubletap] -- ->->

#### Answer is Rainbow Dash. "Run! Quickly" = dash. Leprechauns and gold = at the end of a rainbow, so rainbow then dash. "equal" for equality, often symbolised with a rainbow. "Somewhere, over the-" = Somewhere, over the rainbow" a pretty famous song, just fill in the missing word :p "Further than sprinting", 100m = sprint, further = slightly longer distances, often called a 'dash'. o0o = vague rainbow shape. "[doubletap] ->->" is a reference to double-tapping a direction in arcade games like Street Fighter; doing that makes your character perform a dash...plus the "--" are both dashes.

H7: Razors were so last century...still, make sure you keep that helmet on, wings or not. (you can take this dunny with you wherever you go)

#### Answer is Scootaloo. "Run along dear" = is an expression often meaning "scoot", "dunny" is slang for toilet, or loo. "that-a-way" suggests the format, i.e. Scoot-a-loo. Razors are a brand of scooters. Scootaloo usually wears a helmet when riding it, and also has wings. The dunny, or loo, is portable, which suggests 'Port-a-loo', often found at large outdoor events.

H8: I'm the only one here being realistic. So listen to me, because I'm the head honcho of this enterprise...or at least this format. Santa is evil I tell you. Don't bargain with him like the German did last time. All he Has now is a Bro-ther who plays with toys for young girls. (leave out the "Ralph")

#### Answer is Lauren Faust. "haggle with Santa" = bargain with him, but that should remind you of a 'bargain with the devil', which was immortalised in the opera Faust. Ralph Loren without the Ralph = Loren, misspelt = Lauren. Only real answer; all the others are characters, whereas Lauren Faust is the "head honcho", or lead of the show (she created it), and thus a real person. "Santa is evil" = Satan, or the devil whom Faust made the bargain with. "last" = last name, Faust. "Has" and "Bro" are capitalised and separated, making Hasbro, the company behind this; plus the toys, suggesting MLP.

H9: I also grasp the earth with my roots, and shake my lovely green afro. Wait, I'm not? But I'm trying to be assertive here! Girly colours hey...well I am a girl, so what? Aren't bunnies just the cutest, most Angelic creatures? Along with every single other animal of course! Sorry, I didn't mean to exclaim so loudly. yay

#### Answer is Fluttershy. "withdraw branches" suggesting tree, plus the wildlife. There is an in-joke that Fluttershy is a tree (she's not), plus one episode involved her overcoming getting blown over by a tornado. "Wait, I'm not?" after the further tree clues suggests the character is not a tree, which is easy enough to Google. Another episode focuses on her trying to be assertive. "Girly colours" are usually pink and yellow, which Fluttershy is. "yay" in lowercase suggests small, quiet voice (that's how she yells "yay" in the show).

H10: I have a male last name...how is that possible, Captain Harkness? Oh well, back to the orchard, Jill, and take that pail of fruit with you. (white coats, not lab coats)

N.B. Looks like I spelled this answer wrong somewhere; once you get the answers, add me and message me, I'll give you the link.

#### Answer is Applejack. "can do anything" = jack of all trades. "put it in just about anything" = apples, in the show. She is trustworthy, hence "trust me", and "white coats" = doctors. An apple a day "defends against", or keeps the doctor away. Captain Harkness = Captain Jack Harkness from Torchwood, plus "Jill" and a "pail" suggest Jack. Orchard, fruit suggest apple.

H11: who? No, you. WHO? Bad rats! Bad rats everywhere! Not anymore ;) They were delysiusly, deliscious. Ow, the sun is up? Time to sleep! Others of my kind have the Ability to prevent sleep, while Hypnosis-ing others to sleep. (change "mum" to "mother")

#### Answer is Owlowiscious. "Who" = Hoo Hoo, which this character does a lot (indeed all owls), hence the repitition of that sound. "the one" = the first, i.e. the first word. The namesake is a dark crusader, or Black Knight, who helps "scarecrow and his mum", or the Scarecrow and 'Mother', all three of which appear in the novel Scarecrow by Matthew Reilly. "Bad rats" apparently no longer being a nuisance = dead rats, or in this case, eaten. Owls eat rats. Incorrect spellings of delicious suggests character spelling. "ow" and wierd time to sleep indicates owls, which are nocturnal and sleep during the day. "Ability to prevent sleep" and "Hypnosis" suggest Pokemon, in which 2 owl-like pokemon have the Ability Insomnia, and the Move Hypnosis.

H12: twinkle twinkle...I am, of this show. Hmm one moment, I need to look that up. Nooo I can't find it! My name may remind you of Edward...but I have a much more cheerful disposition!

#### Answer = Twilight Sparkle. The six main characters form the Elements ("parts") of Harmony, and Twilight is the one of Magic. "topsy-turvy" = chaos, disharmony. "missing" = last remaining main character. Arthur C. Clarke's famous quote suggesting that magic is simply science that we don't understand, or "fathom", suggests Magic, thus the missing element is Twilight. She is also somewhat "serious", and is kinda the main character. "twinkle twinkle..." well "little star" is missing from that rhyme, and Twilight is the little star of this show, though not by much. She also likes to read, and look things up, while getting anxious when she can't find it. "My name may remind you of Edward" = Edward Cullen, a character in the Twilight series who sparkles. Obviously Twilight Sparkle is a happier character by far!

12 years ago*

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If you've gotten where the answers are from but are stuck on specific questions, mention the # and I'll get to you soon.

12 years ago

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I'm finding this one a lot harder for some reason lol. Got one but have no idea to go from there as it's too common...

12 years ago

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If it's #2 you got, try #8, or the adding the last 2 clues to #2 in Google to find the subject area.

12 years ago

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Lol thanks. Got the theme. Q4 is spelt wrong by the way...

12 years ago

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Oh derp, thanks I'll note that xD.

12 years ago

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I have all but 8, 10 and 11. Prepared to give away any more hints? :)

12 years ago

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If you know the theme, then Q8 is the real one that started it all, with a devilish last name.
Q10, perhaps Jill can swap that bucket of water for a pail of fruit.
Q11, this is rather hard for someone unfamiliar...it's the name of the character who seems to find rats tasty. Whoo whoo! (one can mean first)

12 years ago

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I'm pretty sure I know Q10 and your latest hint seems to make it even more likely, but it keeps saying I'm wrong :/ Gah. Got the rest.

12 years ago

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I may have made a mistake too there ;p Just message me with your answers and I'll send you the link ^.^

12 years ago

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Lol! I'll add you now. Might already have the game but want to check it's right anyway :)

12 years ago

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Solved but have the game, again. This one is actually a lot easier than the other, so if anyone wants a good shot at winning an awesome game, give this a go :)

Thanks for the puzzles omnitau!

12 years ago

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My mind has melted, and I didn't even solve anything yet. :S

12 years ago

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It's much much easier if you can figure out where the answers are all from. Massive hint, it's a TV show!

12 years ago

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Yeah.. I have no idea >>"

12 years ago

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To start off with the easiest one, for Q2, Google "Mr. Pointy" then find someone in relation to that who has hair as mentioned in the clues above, and could be pitted against Mr. Pointy...then to figure out how the answer relates to the rest of the questions, throw in the colours mentioned after that.

12 years ago

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Just missing #7

12 years ago

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These Razors were pretty big in Australia with kids. My heroine came before me, and that was it.

12 years ago

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o_O Damn, I've only gotten number 2 so far. (I only started about an hour ago though while I was completing the first quiz, which was surprisingly easier for me for some reason :p )

12 years ago

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If you know the show, then check out the main characters in Wikipedia, and see if they fit the questions. I would start with Q1 and Q4 :)

12 years ago

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Finally got #7. Should I message you because of the misspelling on Q10?

12 years ago

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Yep, adding you.

12 years ago

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So wait, question 10 doesn't have an answer that anyone can get correct? (Do you know the spelling mistake ?)

12 years ago

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No I haven't figured it out yet, must have overlooked it :/ Too bad I can't edit it either.

12 years ago

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1 entry with less than a day left.

12 years ago

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just missing #11, got the #10 but with the error i think i can't get the "correct"; however,
nice puzzle bro!

12 years ago

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Bump for 3rd solver!

12 years ago

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If I added you and gave you my answers and you removed me without giving me the link, does that mean I got #10 wrong?

12 years ago

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Oh..I added you, but didn't get a response by the time I went to bed, so took back the invite xD. Unlikely you got #10 wrong heh.

12 years ago

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I've got all but #10(well, I think I know what it is, but I haven't guessed the exact mistake made). Thanks for the fiendishly easy puzzle!

12 years ago

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Add him and message him your answers. He's not sure of the mistake either.

12 years ago

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This quiz is driving me crazy! >_<

I'm almost positive that I have the correct theme but nothing I input seems to be correct for any question besides the second one. :(

Ah well... I'll be drunk shortly, maybe it will become easier. :p

12 years ago

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If anyone else gets stuck here, keep in mind "'verse" is short for universe and can mean fandom {Whedonverse, Whoniverse, BBCverse etc) so a different one in the realm of TV would suggest...

12 years ago

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Wow! o_O Another really difficult puzzle.

Thank you again for the great brain workout omnitau!

12 years ago

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15 minutes left >.<

12 years ago

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I can't believe that only 4 people have gotten all the answers to this quiz. o_O

It's for such an awesome game!

12 years ago

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If you win all three of his giveaways I'm gonna be so mad lol xD I was only able to enter one :(

12 years ago

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Sorry. :(

I had a crappy year, this last month has made it bearable at least.

You've got good odds for winning the last game. Good luck and Happy New Year! :D

12 years ago

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Updated with solutions and explanations. Long read though, and congratulations to all who participated and/or completed the puzzle, well done!

12 years ago

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Thanks again for the awesome puzzles, I had a lot of fun doing them. :D

12 years ago

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Don't guilt-trip me, I'm still gonna be mad! Lol, just kidding. Sorry to hear 2012 wasn't great, hope 2013 is better :) Happy New Year to you too!

12 years ago

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2013 is going pretty awesome so far!

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by omnitau.