Except that people aren't going to comb the entire contents of the gaming section in Kickstarter, checking over the many pages for new entries every day, are they?
When somebody stumbles on something that they feel is noteworthy, this'll serve as a place to share it and raise awareness. Consider how many cool projects totally passed under the radar of everyone, missing out on the pre-order prices and goodies.
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Mine's more APB (All Points Bulletin), one of the more absurdly toxic player communities. Though I suppose it's on-par with DOTA and CoD-style games, but at least they manage to have some fun / good discussion between the random hack accusations and insulting. <3
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Yeah, I sometimes see threads for one or two kickstarter projects float on by, but the forums around here have a certain flow to them. Unless a subject is generating active discussion it can get pushed out of the top thread slots and out of the people's notice.
I'd be totally fine with deleting this thread if you support guys felt up to making a pinned Kickstarters Of Interest thread. I suppose that way we could have a group of people maintaining the list, which is far superior to one random dude, right? With a few rules on posting in the sticky (like only posting fresh, un-nested comments for suggestions for the kickstarter list, and then discussion has to be in reply to those), it could be a pretty clean gig.
This is of course assuming a lot on the support staff, and I'm guessing this is already a pretty hectic place to moderate as-is...
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In all honesty, I tend to moderate other aspects of the community. If we were to breakdown percentage of what I can cover, I'd say 10% of support section, 5% of the group page and the rest goes to my studies and such. When/if staff is totally overwhelmed that's when the community sort of just tries to handle itself and find compromise if possible but I rarely see that sort of thing these days since I can't be on the forum all day for 1 day of the month now.
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True that. I only discover Kcikstarter games via other social mediums. I rarely peruse the full gaming section of Kickstarter since the majority don't interest me. And as you said, when I do look through the list I find cool ones that are already finished. That said, however, I'm stingy and spoiled by Steam discounts, so I don't help fund many. Still, this is a good idea for a thread. Thanks.
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Or drill that down to just "video games" if you like, or follow what's trending on the Kicktraq-centric "hotlist" (video games list)
(I like the thread -- listing these in case it will help make finding the good ones a little easier! :))
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Heart Forth, Alicia looks quite nice. The sprites are beautiful in my opinion.
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THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Prisonscape This one was greenlit today, although the kickstarter isn't looking good :(
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I think that might be because it looks an awful lot like it's being built in an RPGmaker-like engine, though the kickstarter page suggests it's a custom engine. I dunno if that means it's a modded engine or one built from scratch, but the overall impression is... well... in my opinion, kinda lacking.
That's not to say that 'gorn' or grimdark settings doesn't have it's own kind of allure, but the videos shown aren't as inspiring as they perhaps could have been. Games made on those engines typically need very involving stories or a powerful draw to really have an effect on the player (To The Moon, Ib, Yume Nikki), because the gameplay in base is often lacking the flexibility and strength of more modern engines. People get really cautious of them, especially when paying for what may amount to something quite linear.
I have to admit, given it's pre-purchase point I was a little tempted, but I need to resist blowing my cash on every vaguely interesting project I see. Even if they don't get funded through kickstarter, they're almost assured to get sales on Desura.
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I see despite him expressing interest in the game, you chose not to put it on the main post.
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You missed it being on there for some time, then I reconsidered adding it on, given it looks an awful lot like the RPG-maker fodder that passes by. At least, it was apparently in a custom engine, but it's quality seems close to RPGmaker style stuff, and quite a number of these go by. If I added every game that dropped into the games subcategory at kickstarter then the point of this thread would be diminished.
I mean, the comment is still highly visible and can still draw interest, but I can't help but feel it's just a novelty gorn / shockjock game that will lack in both gameplay and in story. This does mean that my opinion becomes a pivotal point, and yeah, that does mean some degree of bias will enter in, but if a kickstarter is interesting to folks, they're free to discuss it here and keep the related comment chain in clear view. Though... I might make a secondary list too. It could just be a difference in tastes, but it doesn't look like it'll get funded now.
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Actually, you can create those animations in RPG Maker (attack animations extending into other grid locations), and yes, I did watch the video. It just looked like shruggable gorn to me. The only part that got my interest is the potential introduction of a paranormal element hinted towards the end, but that was confirmed to be just a hallucinogenic moment. Even then they focused on just "hey we can make blood!" way too much.
It missed the mark by quite a fair bit, and I don't think having the link bumped up from the discussion area to the opening post would have generated $33k extra. Still, as a result of this I added the extra section for stuff I don't like, but that others might really dig-
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I hope this isn't an annoying move, but I'm bumping this for a brief update. Some of the kickstarters are nearly over, so this'll be your last chance to get a discounted pre-order and perhaps some exclusives.
Armello has been funded but is nearly over, if you wanted to get in on it, now's the time!
Mark of the Old Ones has 13 hours to go from this post, but just a $3,000 to get funded!
Popup Dungeon has 10 days but $12,000 to fill.
Universim has 16 days left and a whole $140,000 to fill. It's looking daunting but so so shiny.
Hover has a whole 14 days and is sliding up towards new goals like Wii-U porting and customisable characters.
I should really add "Last Life" but I really need to get some sleep before work tomorrow. :V
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Pop-Up Dungeon and Universim are almost over. Back them now or wait until retail, folks!
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Become a mad scientist.
Create your giant monster.
Take over the world!
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Eeeh. Those monsters are pre-designed, which is a shame. Customisation or the ability to create your own out of sprite pieces would have been a gigantic pull for me, but that's just me being wishful. The broad skill trees might get a lot of interest, because some people just love making crazy optimised builds.
A big problem here is that they haven't shown any gameplay footage, which means a big risk in backing. Not that it won't get made, but more that backers can't get an idea of what they're actaully pre-ordering. Added anyway!
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Adventures of Pip just doesn't tickle my fancy. Cool idea, but lacks any real draw for me personally. Maybe if doing various things caused Pip to grow differently then I'd be interested but it just seems shrugworthy.
Shards has potential but the gameplay looks like it'll be a standard, hollow 'filler' adventure affair. Maybe they're using placeholder stuff, or haven't yet finished the lighting system, but it just seems lacking in what footage they've put up. Plus the griefing opportunities in player-hosted shards would be enormous. The idea of being able to play with the rules and set up your own little realm is great, especially for people who wanted to mod other games but could never find the time or energy to learn the code (stuff like the RPG servers in GMod, for instance), but unless the gameplay is more than shovelware it would be wasted, y'know? It's a bit of a risk when you're effectively pre-ordering the game before you can even gauge the direction they'll take it in.
Still, added them both. I realise my tastes are just my own, but I started a third section for kickstarters I think are sorta meh. I hope this doesn't seem snobby of me, but I dread the idea of just ending up listing 50% of the stuff on the site, y'know? I hope they both totally blow my expectations out of the water and do well for themselves, though.
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From what I've read of Adventures of Pip, the player's actions are going to make Pip gain/lose pixels, and depending on his level of growth you're going to gain access to different skills/actions. When he's just a pixel he's going to be able to crawl inside small tunnels, when he has arms he can hold a sword; so you may actually need to regress to progress, stuff like that.
I think their goal is to make Shards the spiritual successor of Ultima. This article may actually shed some extra light on the gameplay.
Anyway I completely understand, no offense taken! We all like different things. x)
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Hmm. Well, now that you mention it, some of the most long-lived MMOs have survived forever on outdated engines. Even where the gameplay wasn't exactly jaw-droppingly awesome, the features of the game made up for it.
For instance, I played waaaay too much Champions Online despite it not having exactly the most complex of underpinning systems, but the ability to customise kept me hooked for months. World of Warcraft is still going strong despite it's aging system, too.
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22 hours to go until I become an official lord in Popup Dungeon.
I want all of you to address me correctly from now on, peasants!
Seriously, that game is going to be awesome. I can see truly how much efforts the devs have put in.
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Holy flurking schnit. Lord tier? Consider yourself bowed to!
I'm actually surprised it hasn't raked in more cash, but sometime's that's more to do with the price tiers and their rewards. I'm never interested in alpha access, given I always wait for it to be near full-release before going near it (to avoid spoiling the experience), but soundtracks, artbooks and extra copies always tempt me. In this case? Ring Runner's cool and all, but I already own it. Might upgrade to the double-copy tier and surprise a bud though.
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Everything backer pledging more than $69 (I still think they did that on purpose, huehuehue) will get 6 copies of the game. Considering my pledge level, I and my 5 friends will get to play the game at the end of this year!
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Eeeh, doesn't really grab me. The setting isn't anything particularly tantalizing, and the art is pretty lackluster, it it'll be entirely down to the execution of the puzzles/story to hold this game. Though I suppose there is the thing with having three protagonists across the ages...
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Yeah, sometimes they don't mention Steam because they haven't yet confirmed if they can get on it yet. Some of them prefer to stay DRM-free, but they're usually good about giving you a steam-key if you were a backer of the campaign.
GREAT find, by the way. Although I'm starting to realise that making this thread was probably a bad idea, so many pledges. I remember when I used to have money!
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I'm glad you liked it as much as I did! I've steered clear of Kickstarter for so long and by the time I got to it and actually wanted to pledge I found that most things I wanted to pledge to were already over. Pale Blue is the very first thing I've pledged towards. Loving the art, loving the soundtrack. Hope it gets funded! Their campaign ends on my birthday so hopefully that will give a little luck to it :)
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if only I would have that much spare cash to gamble on kickstarter
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It can be a bit of a gamble, but that's why you need to evaluate each project to see if they're being over-optimistic. When there is a game concept but no actual work done, then there's a very real chance that their ambition will totally outstrip their ability. I usually think of kickstarter stuff as extended pre-orders with bonuses, though I rarely pledge anything more than the base tier (and usually only on cheaper games).
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indeed I agree
I obviously wouldnt pay more than the strict necessary to the get the game as soon as its up, since that would be the most optimal way to help the dev and receive an awesome game at the same time
Even though it must be said that Kickstarter want to prevent from using their site as some sort of shop
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Actually giving it a bump so more people will hopefully point out some more stuff. I'm really into this kickstarter thing now :)
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Quick updates:
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Quick updates v2
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The ones I'm interested were already funded, but you can still contribute, Unsung Story and Project Phoenix.
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Pale Blue is down to 4 days left and is 87% funded!
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Now Twin Souls: The Path of Shadows is out on Kickstarter. I know it's been greenlit before (twice maybe) but it has been removed. Anyways I'm looking forward to this stealth game.
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I'm not completely sure. I don't think they have mentioned why yet but they said 'Path of Shadows' was for school(which was taken off of Greenlight) and 'Twin Souls: The Path of Shadows' is expanding on 'Path of Shadows' to make a full game. However, 'Twin Souls: The Path of Shadows' was also on Greenlight but it was recently removed as well so I'm not sure what they are planning on doing.
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It might be a naming issue, as I recall there were a number of games named "Twin Souls" and "Two Souls", so it may be more of an executive problem. Either way, the game is going forward. A lack of greenlight just means that a steam release would have to come later on, perhaps after additional adjustments. Humble and GOG would be far more forgiving, unless there are serious legal clashes involved.
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Only KS I am super psyced about is the successfully finished Galactic Princess KSer (long over).
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For new crowdfund projects, please refer to the latest in the comment section!
The thread opener is currently in 'zombie mode' and almost never updates, sorry!
This thread is for currently running videogame crowdfund projects, because nothing sucks more than hearing of a game AFTER it finished funding, when you missed the bonus goodies and discounts. Feel free to discuss anything related to keep the thread bumped so that your favourite projects get more exposure! Suggest any projects you think deserve a mention. The post-crowdfund thread has been retired due to the sheer size, sorry!
====The Main Interest List==== :
==== The Also-Rans ====
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