I am going to buy a new PC by May couple of months down and am considering to buy any 1 from 4 strict budget cards that will let me play bigger games at decent FPS hopefully.

GeForce 1050 Ti 4GB

OR any of
Radeon RX 570 8GB
Radeon RX 580 8GB
Radeon RX 590 8GB [I heard it eats power like no tomorrow and 580 is better bet]

What do you suggest? Which would be best in terms of performance as well as power consumption. I already bought a 550 watt PSU preparing for summer upgrade as my old 450W PSU was close to death disrupting Windows windows and frying RAM. 550W is overkill for 1050 Ti but is it enough for Radeons 570-590?

Any other decent options in same price range?

4 years ago*

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What GPU should I buy?

View Results
G0 GeForce/NVidia Ti
Go Radeon RX
4 years ago

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i personally prefer nvidia since i`m using one .but 1050 is not a good choice you should pick amd 580

however if you could raise your budget you should buy 1650 or 1070

4 years ago

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I may choose 1660S 6 GB. Let see what rates I get couple months down once Corona Virus instability of market rates stabilizes.

4 years ago*

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good choice )

4 years ago

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Radeon RX 570 8GB will do if you're on a tight budget (otherwise go for the 580), I currently game on a 470 Red Devil OC and I get 60fps on most games on high settings in 1080p.

4 years ago

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What CPU you use?

4 years ago

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Bit late sorry - but I have a Ryzen 5 3600

4 years ago

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I see second hand 1070 GTX offered cheap still within warranty of purchase. Almost same budget as 1660S. if in warranty and working is it trustworthy? Anyway to know its overclocked?

4 years ago

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1070 GTX will be very good, there's always a risk involved with buying 2nd hand. Generally I would want as much info about the seller before I'll buy (that's just me trying to minimize risk usually) but I don't know of any way to know for sure if the card was overclocked and stressed. As always there will be a risk, but at least it's in warranty and you know it's working so that's great - if you do decide to go for it remember to get everything you need if you need to send it in for warranty purposes (don't know if you'll need the receipt? Maybe do some research on that)

4 years ago

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Keep 3 things in mind about the GPU you want to install in your system...

  1. How hot it can be...high temperatures are very bad and even worse if you dont have a decent tower with good air flow.
  2. Warranty...longer is better. Also helps with issues from number 1...
  3. Performance. Is it good for the games you like and the resolutions you want to play them?
    In general choose a card with good value for money, just keep in mind the above factors.
4 years ago

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I will target definitely low power consumers and may buy an extra fan to install inside. I am not a huge fan of power guzzlers or Overclocking. I run many games at lower settings in present GTX 750 Ti without overclocking. So any card that runs twice faster than my 750 Ti and allows good quality at 1080p is good for me. I dont need Ultra settings or 1440p fps.

4 years ago*

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Then you are going to be fine with whatever you choose i suppose. It would be a great idea to buy nvme disk for your nwe pc if your motherboard allows it. No extra temp and really good speeds.

4 years ago

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MB and CPU will also change. May buy SSD for running Windows and Apps. For rest have upto 5 TB HDDs. 8 year old MB supports just normal HDD. IDE or SATA.

4 years ago

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Well if you gonna change m/b and your badget allows it, then buying nvme ssd is a must. Trust me is going to make your new pc very fast.
Just make certain that you buy one with good software support (samsung , intel etc), it will save you from a lot of troubles in the long run as they give fair warnings from failures and can prevent data losses. I always prefer those with good warranty and support software vs the fastest ones

4 years ago

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So far have been Intel - Seagate run. Stopped getting Samsung ones back here Seagate rules in India. For HDD these days the tech is far worse and they come and go like anything. The service support is hassle free if within waaranty just log serial number online return at center get a replacement in a week. Important data should be backed up regularly on extended USB HDDs.Trust me the older non SATA IDE slaves ran a decade without issues and the new HDDs these days you would be lucky if you didnt claim one within warranty period as replacement. The most they can run is 4 years max. So I guess seagate SSD will be. I will check if samsung finally has a reliable support center need ask my vendor what other companies run hassle free support.

4 years ago*

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Seagate seems a solid choice. 5Y warranty and comes into M.2 form factor too (Nytro 5000)!

4 years ago

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The 570 or 580 are better bang for the buck, honestly surprised anyone suggested the 1050ti. See some are suggesting the 1650 Super instead, which seems to be within the performance range of the 580, but... Comes with only 4GB of VRAM, unless I'm missing something. Personally, I'd still suggest the 570 or 580 for the 8GB, but... That's just me. If you were going for say a 1660 Super instead with 6GB, that'd be a better option, but will cost you a bit more. However, it also increases performance more, so it's more justified.

Edit: I'd suggest if you want good details on all sorts of gpu's, to check out hardware unboxed on youtube. I feel they're one of the better tech channels, with lots of benchmarks, across wide varieties of cards, not only comparing prices, but power and cost per frame, and presenting it all in a clean and simple manner.

Here's one video covering a bunch of the cards you've been looking at and more. It was a review for the 5500XT, but has details on many other cards, as it's a comparison video.


4 years ago*

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I am also tossing up between processors. i3 9350KF is beating i5 9400K hands down. i3 9100F is nearly 50% of these processors and just a few % less in performance. Only i5 9600K beats all else there isnt much to choose from among rest 3 except great savings on i3 9100.

But both i5s have 6 cores and 128 gb memory. So what should be better? Also wondering which budget MB should be chosen.

Traditionally was always Intel and NVidia user never tried AMD or Ryzen.

My i5 2500K has survived 8 years flawlessly, and GTX 750 Ti 5 years.

EDIT just compared CPU to GPU build and i5 compatibility seems low compared to i3 9100/9350 in bottlenecks.

4 years ago*

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Select India if it's not auto-selected for you.

I'm an underdog fanboy, please buy from the underdog to equalize market share.

4 years ago

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AMD for CPU and Nvidia for GPU, no idea how good the new models are vs each other but AMD drivers have been horrible crap since always.

4 years ago

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For some reason was never able to bring self to AMD. Their Mbs are 70% unrepairable in acse of issues I heard compared to Asus Intel being more salvagable.

4 years ago*

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You should, I've been very happy with my first gen Ryzen and last AMD CPU before that was a 1.4GHz Duron so you can trust me to not be any kind of fanboy. :)

One German store said their CPU sales are 86% Ryzen now just because it really is that much better and Intel is now in the situation AMD was in for a long time, having to cut their prices to be competitive.

GPU drivers are still where AMD sucks majorly so you're really doing yourself a disfavor if you go Intel CPU with AMD GPU.

4 years ago

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Hmmmm. You mean either its should be Intel + 1650S/1660S combo or Ryzen + RX 580

4 years ago*

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No the combination doesn't make anything better. AMD CPUs are far better and Nvidia GPUs have far better drivers and less problems. Ryzen had lots of problems mainly when it was brand new and they have been fixed even in first gen already and second and third have only improved increasing the lead vs Intel.

So Ryzen 3 + 1660S maybe. My current one is Ryzen 1 + 2060S and I had all kinds of stupid problems all the time with an AMD GPU that I had as a fast replacement after my 1060 died before I got this.

4 years ago

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I get it. I think I may just choose the stable Intel CPU - NVidia GPU combo I have used last 18 years. Normal Pentium 4 PC running Win XP with inbuilt card [almost 8 years] to Core 2 Duo with entry level Asus GeForce Galaxy GPU [3-4 years sold to cousin at 40% rate after 3 years] upgrading to i5 2500K having 750 Ti GPU last 8 years almost. I have had quiet a few long runs there.

4 years ago*

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Before I bought Pentium 4, I had indeed bought a first generation AMD. it was cheaper, and faster even then and i was sold into it around i dont remember was it 2000? It just wouldnt install Windows. And seemed to be heating lot. My vendor thenw as confused not getting the issue. Chanegd RAM sticks no help. My vendor had to return it back in a week. Seems the MB was faulty on assumption. But it scared me enough to demand an Intel build instead. And it has been since. So looking at Ryzens and overall positive reports with pinch of salt. Because on one side its years of gerat run with few hiccups along the way [not from MB or CPU] and on another is like enw territory absed on consumer reports its great.

4 years ago*

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No you're just being a blind fanboy who pays more for less just because of beliefs. Don't complain here when you regret buying inferior :)

Stop confusing ancient stuff with current and all problems are solved. I had a P4 that heated up the whole apartment, do I need to avoid Intel CPUs these days because of that? Nope, I avoid them because Ryzen is to AMD what Core 2 was to Intel. Far superior product with less price and no random problems.

4 years ago

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I was burned in my very first PC. Its been that trust journey till then. On bright side I have made my PCs last 8 years not needing to upgrade and spend all over within 5 years. So I havent ended up spending twice over like many people. But I understand markets are competive now more. AMD has had a good 20 years to sort self and correct many of it's earlier architectural mistakes. I am keeping an open mind. Still 2-4 months to decide on it. I need time to R&D and make notes on all front before I move.

4 years ago*

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When we reviewed the new Ryzen 5 3600 we had plenty of positive things to say about it, and note that in our review we compared it to the more expensive Core i5-9600K. Regardless, that was a battle that AMD largely won


Leaked figures from Mindfactory for week eight of 2020, which were shared on Twitter, indicate that AMD has a colossal market share of 86.11%, leaving Intel struggling along on just 13.89%.

Every user and review media agreeing on Ryzen superiority is not enough yet? There is a small chance that Intel will catch up before summer, that's true, but with current parts it doesn't look likely.

All my PC builds have lasted 5-7 years in my use and the last 2 are still in use by friends, Q6600 and i5-3670K.

4 years ago

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If it was the MB that was faulty, then it wasn't even AMD's faults, since AMD doesn't make any MB component, only the CPU itself. If it's from 2000, it's actually pretty probable that the MB chipset was made by nVidia, since by that time nVidia made chipsets for AMD CPUs (remember AMD and ATI were 2 independent brands).

4 years ago

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Perhaps. Think it was AMD MB not sure.

4 years ago

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EDIT just compared CPU to GPU build and i5 9400/9600 compatibility seems low compared to i3 9100/9350 in bottlenecks with 1650S and RX 580. Anything less than 3.8/4 Gh CPU is Bottleneck. Anything above 10% Bottleneck is bad news.


Any light on this?

4 years ago*

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I3 and I5 should not be even an option. If you are a budget go for ryzen 1600af or ryzen 3600. Quality motherboards rarely die early. 1600af are not available here yet.

4 years ago

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I had a 4TB + 1TB HDDs. 4TB corrupted so have a new 4TB 3 months ago, Bought a USB DVD player last year. I had a moniter replacement from Asus to Dell after old one conked last year. And 550W PSU just this month already after 5 year old rusted 450W PSU went all rogue frying RAMs. Fried 2 4GB RAMs. Keeping any future requirement - should my 8 year old MB or Processor or 5 year old GPU also die.So 50% components are alread changed in a phased manner. So I can now try for something remaining that I can squeeze into 25k CPU/MB/RAM/Cabinet Mostly. Else I would be staring a 45K had all been new. Except main 3 items rest already replaced by time last one year. I guess I can be little more broad keeping next 4-5 years in mind.

2 of my RAM slots though have become bad Blue and White each. I am left with 1 working Blue and White working slots but both wont work together at same time for optimum RAM usage due to varying frequencies though same RAM pieces work solo on each. So atm moment reduced from using 8GB to 4GB RAM. 8 years is a great run I just feel its time. MB is already down 1 SATA port and 2 RM Slots. I can squeeze it another year its still decent fast. Or get some second hand deal knocking off a couple of grands from my vendor and upgrade rest. One long term investment made sends me a decent interest return in May every year annually, so was thinking could capitalize on it that time.

4 years ago*

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If you're going with the far inferior CPU you don't get to complain about bottlenecks :)

4 years ago

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2 months still to decide. I might opt for Ryzen 6 or 8 cores too with RX 580. I will either choose Intel + NVidia build or AMD Ryzen - Radeon ones. I certainly dont want to mix and match.

4 years ago*

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It doesn't matter if you mix an AMD CPU with Nvidia GPU. Nvidia doesn't make CPUs, so if you go with Nvidia and Intel, you are still mixing brands.

Intel has fallen behind with their CPUs and they are overpriced for what you get. Right now, AMD has the best CPU price to performance and the best overall performance. The only thing Intel has is very slightly better gaming performance if you buy one of their high end CPUs that can do 5 Ghz and also a high end Nvidia GPU to pair it with, but those are both out of your price range.

In the current market, I would not buy an Intel CPU and I would not buy a modern AMD GPU. If I wanted to buy something now and couldn't wait for the next Nvidia generation, I would get a 1650 super and pair it with a Ryzen 3600 or 3600x. The 3600x comes with a better stock cooler, but the CPU is only very slightly faster than the 3600. You may want the 3600x if you are going to keep the stock cooler, but I personally would get the 3600 and a cheap tower cooler. You can overclock the 3600 to perform almost identical to the 3600x and the cheap tower cooler will keep it cooler than the 3600x stock cooler.

You could get the RX580 if you want instead of the 1650 super since it has more VRAM, but it was released in 2017, so it's getting a little old. In the US, there seems to be many more options available for the 1650 super and I can actually find some that are cheaper than the RX580. Also, I have used both AMD and Nvidia in the past and they are both fine, but I have had a slightly better experience with Nvidia, so if the price to performance is similar, I personally like to go with Nvidia, even if they are evil. I would not buy any 20 series Nvidia GPU, I think they are all extremely overpriced because there is no competition from AMD.

4 years ago*

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keep the stock cooler

The horror :)

I always recommend going Noctua since they are kind of eternal and you can ask for a new bracket if you change CPU socket. I can understand them taking a large chunk out of a tight budget, but to me the silence and coolness is worth every cent.

4 years ago

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I could never bring myself to buy anything from Noctua because they are so expensive. Actually that isn't true, I use their NT-H1 thermal compound.

I'm am still using the computer I build at the end of 2012. Back then frostytech.com use to do cooler reviews based on a heating element that puts out a certain wattage and then compare all the coolers to eachother. I used their list to find a good performing air cooler that I could find as cheap as possible. I ended up getting the Zalman CNPS10X OPTIMA for $10 shipped after rebate and it performs similar to the Hyper 212. It's good enough for an overclocked 3570K.

I think this is the last comparison chart from frostytech. They stopped doing reviews.

4 years ago*

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The 9cm Noctua that I got for a Q6600 in 2007 is still easily cooling a very overclocked Q9550 that the friend who has the PC now replaced it with. You get the quality you pay for, but at least it's more of a small luxury than a critical thing like not skimping on the PSU that will blow up your other parts when failing.

I sit on my PC so much that I'll gladly pay a bit more for the peace of mind and less hassles that better parts give up to a point. Like putting a coin in a jar every time some cheap part annoys you and you will soon have enough to upgrade. Then again, I always like to go Asus ROG Strix for GPUs, that I can admit is an expensive luxury. :)

4 years ago

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I see second hand 1070 GTX offered cheap still within warranty of purchase. Almost same budget as 1660S. if in warranty and working is it trustworthy? Anyway to know its overclocked?

4 years ago

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RTX 2070

4 years ago

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Would love it. But cant. Can get 1650S + an i3/ i5/Ryzen + MB in that budget in India. The price of that card is almost my upgrade budget.

4 years ago*

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Dont buy anything until you know what hardware the consoles will have. The games of the next 5 to 7 years will be optimised for that so the last thing you want is to buy a gpu which may be obsolete on december.
I dont know if you bought a cpu already but dont make the mistake of buying a ryzen with at least 6 but preferably 8 cores. I am pretty sure the consoles will have 8 cores ryzen.

4 years ago

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Upgrade planned for May, but may delay it till July if needed. My existing PC was complete mess till the PSU emerged villain. Now its running smooth again with a new PSU. But 8 years on its time yes can hold fort 3-6 months more. Hoping nothing vital conks by then. Else will need go full on overhaul. Cant just change 1 new thing and force it on an incompatible antiquated system.

4 years ago

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If the hardware of those consoles get official till July buy the closest to them otherwise unfortunately you may end up in a bad situation. But if you had to pick one of those that you listed go for the rx580 or 590 as they are by far superior to 1050ti.

4 years ago

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1050 Ti is out. My vendor suggested it as best budget GPU so I put a vote out. owning a 750 Ti it seemed ideal when he suggested same last week. After reading recommendations here on this thread and checking online benchmarks I have a much better idea now than from last week. It will def be now 1650S vs RX 580 OR if possible maybe may choose 1660S Super add a bit more to budget. I think I will wait till July to see what next generation change hits market and makes some of existing stuff cheaper hopefully.

4 years ago*

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I think thats the ideal solution for your circumstance. Good luck.

4 years ago

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The only problem with waiting till July is that Nvidia usually only releases the higher end GPUs first and then slowly releases lower end GPUs each month. The new high end GPUs may not have much of an affect on the price of the current low end GPUs. You may think you will be waiting till July, but the lower end GPUs might not be released till much later this year or possibly early next year.

I am not saying not to wait, or that they will definitely delay the lower end cards like they have in the past, I'm just letting you know what they have done in the past to give you a better idea.

If you want to see how how Nvidia releases their GPUs, you can look back through the dates they were released for each generation on the wikipedia pages.

9/2014 - 980, 970
1/2015 - 960
6/2015 - 980 Ti
8/2015 - 950

5/2016 - 1080
6/2016 - 1070
7/2016 - 1060
10/2016 - 1050, 1050 Ti

9/2018 - 2080, 2080 Ti
10/2018 - 2070
1/2019 - 2060
2/2019 - 1660 Ti
3/2019 - 1660
4/2019 - 1650

9th gen was 4 months from release of high end till the 960.
10th gen was 5 months from high end till 1050 and 1050 Ti
20&16 gen was 6 and 7 months from high end till the 1660 and 1650

Also, they just released the 1650 super 3 months ago, so they are probably not planning on replacing it right away.

9 series
10 series
20 series
16 series

4 years ago*

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Also, something I didn't think about when considering whether to buy now or wait is the coronavirus. I think the pricing of all electronics is going to go up and stay up for a while because manufacturing is going to drastically slow down or completely stop. I think the coronavirus is much worse than what most media and governments are reporting.

4 years ago

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True.if thats the case may buy just CPU and MB, Fight it out with GTX 750 Ti some time more and wait till Xmas.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Searching on Google gives easier to check results if you just want to compare numbers.

4 years ago

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I'm waiting for the Nvidia Ampere announcement. I'm also going to buy myself a completely new PC...though one that is probably on a much higher budget than what you intend as it is for work stuff as well.
I currently have a RX580 8GB and it performs quite well....mostly, but the one I have is damn loud.

No matter what GPU you're going to buy, I'd suggest to look out for the GTC and decide after that as the market will change a lot in the next few months.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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I went with an RX 580 a few weeks ago. I didn't really need an upgrade from my old 7870 since I'm not playing that many games lately, but it was a great deal and I thought it was worth it. Now I know I needed an upgrade :).
1650 Super might have made more sense. Maybe. But again, the price of the RX 580 was right (130 EUR).

4 years ago

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With the options you give, Radeon RX 580 8GB is the clear winner. But i would wait till this summer, as Nvidia might release something, as well AMD will, and the price might drop a bit for old cards, you may get a good deal.

4 years ago

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I bought a rx 580 not long ago and I'm satisfied with it.

4 years ago

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My 10-year old son wants to build himself a gaming PC. Any estimate on how much it would cost on the cheap?
Any suggestions on how to get the best bang for his buck?

4 years ago

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For India I saw this. In terms of $ rates may hold true for you too.

Cheap processors Ryzen 3 2200G / RYZEN 5 3400G / Ryzen 5 3600X / Ryzen 3 1200G [But pretty outdated I suppose for today's gaming]
or i3 9100F [Cheapest among all and compatible to most Intel GPUs and RX 570-580/ GTX 1650]

MB any Budget according to Intel or AMD CPU.

Additionally put 250 GB SSD for Windows/Applications for more faster performance. Use HDD for data part and steam games..
Budget cheap cards GTX 1050 Ti / RX 480 / RX 570 or with some more money GTX 1650S - RX 580. need check for CPU + GPU bottlenecks. Bottleneck till 10% acceptable. if more than could result in lagging performances eneding lower settings on average. And check power consumption.

Bottlenecks check broadly on average basis CPU+GPU.

This is what my R&D so far has thrown up on real tight budgets and some flexibility. However a good 500W PSU would be fine overall and RX 580 may possibly need 550W. For max performance you can check up on that on benchmark sites.

4 years ago*

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The Ryzen 1600AF (i.e. the latest revision of the 1600) is actually the best Ryzen CPU right now in that price bracket, and is roughly the same performance as a Ryzen 2600.

4 years ago

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I see second hand 1070 GTX offered cheap still within warranty of purchase. Almost same budget as 1660S. if in warranty and working is it trustworthy? Anyway to know its overclocked?

4 years ago

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Go for it, did it run Furmark? :)

4 years ago

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Didnt take call need speak first.

4 years ago

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Both cards have very similar performance. 1070 usually wins, but 1660S performs better in some games. 1660S consumes less power and has newer technology that, when games use it, will have performance benefits (variable rate shading, for example, has a notable boost in performance, but very few games use it now. When games start to make use of it (next gen consoles have this feature), the 1660S will outperform the 1070 in all cases).

4 years ago

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<this summer>

ask then again

4 years ago

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I heard because of up coming consoles and not enough production in Asia thanks to flue it is possible anything might get a price up.
Some say that can even effect second hand market.
So if you have money you might consider not waiting for summer.

4 years ago

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I would go with AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT or AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT (RX 580 is too old, but i also own it)

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

3 years ago

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Sadly waiting out Lockdown was counter productive. GPU older cards rates also shot up by 50% -100%. Any site where sued GPU cards but still in warranty guaranteed working condition can be bought?

2 years ago

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