oh, not too surprised, its only free time was within a gmg bundle of free games (or i believe so anyways)
not really knowing where/when all it was free is why i just didnt even bother trying... and at this point i dont even remember where i got it except i do know these two particular steamkeys of postal i have were technically from a paid bundle... honestly just wouldnt feel right creating a ga on them (x2) cause of not remembering the details.
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ill put my name here if you have any trouble finding a taker
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no worries, looked like an old school game, thought it would be fun to play, and cant argue with first come first serve, unless i looked at some profiles and did some judgement calls. when i first got on the site my GAs were lvl 0 and the winner, my god... nothing shared but 3-4 years of leeching freebies, should be at least a 1 game mandatory giveaway after your first win to continue entering, or another person had 3 giveaways 3+ years ago and no more, just went on to win over 100 games week after week
that would surly remove a lot of bots from the equation that im sure are lurking
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Good Job!
as always =d
Almost impossible to get Battlepaths or Nosferatu, if there won't be a guy who wishlists every game he hovers over =D
(I don't have a controller, so I don't even participate =( )
Why don't you make all the giveaways in such a way? BTW I have TES:Online in my wishlist for ages xD
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Hi, does anyone have Bastion? It's been on my wishlist for quite a while, and it's on sale right now. Thanks. :D
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Oh, okay. Sorry about that. I still didn't quite understand this thread. :D
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Yes, the developers have shut it down and turned off the servers so it's not even playable anymore.
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hey, yeah if its still playable in single player throw me down for a row key please
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is there perhaps a lan/local option? and i appreciate you taking the time to check it out
gf n i like to play to ourselves mostly ^^
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As far as I know, it was given for free for a few hours during the wee hours, possibly by mistake. In any case it's enough to make it ungiftable on this site. I hope you enjoy the game!
And I can already say that giving a key to someone who wished for a game sure beats getting it snagged by a ninja :-)
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You should know that the game is dead. The developers have abandoned it and there are no servers to play it on. It was F2P anyway. The person who has it stuck in their inventory still can just dump it off on one of the Trashbots rather than giving a useless gift to someone else.
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That was no sale, you could just buy the ingame characters and items for less ingame currency to test them before the game is taken down.
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Some people would like their game to actually be played rather than just activated. If you really don't care, that's still an option and there's a thread for that. But if you do, I don't think it's unreasonable.
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Because it's the same as regular giveaways. I always prefer the winner to be one who wants the game and is a good member of the community. Is it really that difficult to understand why I don't want to give anything of value to people who are the opposite (e.g. regifters)?
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right, regifters and stuff. i understand. seriously, i really do. that the guy gonna play it, i understand too.
I just think that "if you dont want something, what's the matter who get it ?"
dont take it bad, it's just my opnion, i understand you point of view, i just dont agree.
GL with the topic
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The reason I giveaway games isn't to get rid of them. It's so that someone else can enjoy them. If they don't, then what's the point?
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Very few, I know. That's why I make mostly whitelist giveaways now. The only games I make public giveaways for are bundle leftovers - basically, things I DO just want to get rid of :p
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Hello, would be great to get Battlepaths key, I still dont have it
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Here are my ungiftable games:
Dead Bits - basic requirements
Realms Of The Haunting - basic requirements
Litil Divil - basic requirements
Lucius - basic requirements
Blood of Old - basic requirements
Enemy Mind - basic requirements
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Hey, Yirk! I want to add following games to my list:
Why So Evil / Why So Evil](h ttp://store.steampowered.com/app/331710/)
Why So Evil 2 / Why So Evil 2](h ttp://store.steampowered.com/app/354850/)
Desert Thunder / Desert Thunder](h ttp://store.steampowered.com/app/283330/)
Steel & Steam: Episode 1 / Steel & Steam: Episode 1](h ttp://store.steampowered.com/app/310450/)
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Added to the OP. Thanks again!
...and btw, it's Yirg with a 'g', as in Yirgacheffe :-)
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Hey Yirg, would be so kind and strike off following from the list?
Dead Bits
Why So Evil
Why So Evil 2
Blood of Old
And add please:
Hyper Fighters http://store.steampowered.com/app/267960/
TeraBlaster http://store.steampowered.com/app/384150/
BlackShadows http://store.steampowered.com/app/398210/
Aveyond: Gates of Night http://store.steampowered.com/app/278490/
DogFighter http://store.steampowered.com/app/42500/
Eurofighter Typhoon http://store.steampowered.com/app/283350/
But to be honest I don't know if people really want these games. Thanks for your effort! :)
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Updated :-)
BTW, you sent half of your keys already, so there must be quite a bit of interest. If you see that keys are "stuck" for too long you can post them on the Ninja thread linked in the OP, or define more laxed requirements for them here.
In any case, thanks for the contribution!
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I would like lucius. Played just a little in an old computer a long time ago and would like to play to the end.
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Thats fine. But i added lucius to my whishlist in july 11, look: http://steamcommunity.com/id/felipeayreon/wishlist/?sort=name.
What i did yesterday is update my wishlist here.
I did not read that i was supposed to specify the date, sorry.
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Hi, I'd like to contribute to this nice thread! :)
I have:
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i could see the reasoning behind it butttttt it seems to be fairly common around here, looks to me like a good idea would be to wishlist every game thats being thrown around and eventually hit a "wishlist" GA or one of these?
loads of games that i would totally rock, but they arnt on my wishlist, ive only just started building up my wishlist to make looking for GAs to enter easier
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No problem, I should actually thak you for replying them while I was sleeping :D
I totally agree with all requirements and see the reasons behind them.
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Sorry, but you don't meet the basic requirement:
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Yes, you meet all basic requirements but you have very poor Sent/Won ratio. Considering your wins, I think that you should give more than one single game.
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Sorry, but you don't meet basic requirements since Lovely Planet was added to your wishlist on 12/11.
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You sure do meet all requirements! Friend request sent :)
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hi, i would love lovely planet
I know i don't meet all basic requirements, but I've had it on my wishlist for a while (added May 25)
the only requirement i don't meet is un-activated wins; I made a mistake early on without reading the rules. please consider, thanks
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I think that you have already been suspended for your mistake long time ago, so I don't have any problem with giving it to you :) Friend request sent.
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Good idea!
I have:
3× 8 bits commando
2x Dino D-Day
5x Knights and Merchants Historical version
4x Weird Worlds return to Infinite Space
1x Brilliant Bob
1x Cube Tractor
1x Particula
1x PID
1x Ruzh Delta
2x Shadows of the Vatican act 1
1x Skyborn
2x Space Hack
1x Vapour
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Yes, but the "basic" requirements are that the game should be on requester's wishlist prior to the creation of this thread (see the only requirement in bold above). Maybe I should add "reduced" requirements if the contributor doesn't care about that?
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Can i have Skyborn please, if it's still available....
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like a kid in a candy shop >.<
i would be interested in 8 bits commando (preferably) or weird worlds return to infinite space
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maybe next thread thats created then, thank you though ^^
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can i have Weird Worlds return to Infinite Space ?
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I don't have it on my wishlist and I sent 23 games and won 28. May I have Vapour please?
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I'll take PID off of your hands if your offer still stands. I know it's been 6 months but PID was on my wishlist since last summer (though my wishlist is huge, if you don't wanna give it to me I'll understand). I'll play it, I don't hoard games for no reason.
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I'm keeping mine listed, as it's probably by mistake. The game was given for free at least once.
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Good idea, i should have a couple of keys for company of heroes, that racing game that was given away in the same page as enclave and atleast a copy of metro 2033, sadly i lost that file ages ago :C
and as for myself well the only free game that i want and couldnt get hold of is the fricking ship but as there is no gib for it is okay
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add me to list of dead island epidemic, is it possible to play in any way? i read that it was being given up on
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I would appreciate Dino D-Day please and thank you.
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I don't actually own it, I'm family sharing it with my family.
I would be using the key to play it, so i could stop burdening them. (they can't play when i'm playing their games)
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Fair enough. Feel free to send me a friend invite and I'll send you the key. Just do me a favor, review the site guidelines, especially the Winning section, so that once you have your first win (hopefully soon) you handle it right and don't make me regret sending you this freebie ;-)
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Are you giving away Divide By Sheep?
My mother would love this game, and if nobody wants it, I would like to give it to her.
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dang it! beat me to it, tho I wont compete with your mother (if that's true and she will actually play it, not to trade or collect dirt as a +1)
Also, maybe, just maybe I'm still not good enough for the OP requirements, the part of CV which I think is the one thing argable about me.
oh and yes, I am in the restricted region, I wish I knew when it was given for free I'd have ninjaed the heck of it!
It looks like a mobile game (in fact amazon gave it for free few days ago, but I got caught out by its mechanics and cute style art.
ps. it's on my wishlist since july.. fwiw.
pss. actually, it's my fault; I saw this thread's title earlier today but I had to go to (brazilean) portuguese classes and I didn't wanna be late, so there, my bad. :S
GL, HF all of you kind people :)
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hey madth, sorry to bother, but any updates on the game? I mean it's not crossed and nobody else here seems to have claimed it so please let me know. Thanks :)
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182 Comments - Last post 47 minutes ago by SonicQuack
tl;dr: To request a key, you need to have the game on your wishlist prior to the creation of this thread (earlier than 11/11/15), or as specified by the contributor. Please specify the date you added the game to your wishlist when requesting.
It's somewhat of a letdown when you can't create a giveaway because the game was given for free at some point in time, but it doesn't mean the key is worthless. Some users may actually have the game on their wishlist and will appreciate getting it. The idea of this thread is to make good use of your ungiftable keys, by sending them to users who really want these games.
Note: If as a contributor you don't mind who gets the keys, there's another thread for key drops. If you do mind, this thread will help you find the right users. See guidelines for contributors toward the end of this post.
Requirements for requesting a key
All giveaways have the Basic requirements, unless stated otherwise. Some (typically the more worthy games) have the Higher requirements. Please make sure to read before requesting a key, and when you do, request it from the contributor directly and not as a comment to this post. The (request key) links below will help you find the relevant post.
Basic requirements
Higher requirements
Needless to say, once you get the key the only expectation is that you activate it on your account and say thanks :-)
Guidelines for contributors
Other members are invited to contribute their own ungiftable games. For easy navigation I'll add these giveaways to this post and will mark off (strikethrough) once you let me know that the key was sent (it would help if you also mark them off in your post). I hope I can keep it up without it becoming too much of a burden ;-)
Thank you all and good luck!
Note: 51 keys sent so far :-)
Frozen Hearth (+ key for Soundtrack+Artbook)SentBattlepathsSentDeponiaSentThe Escapists - Alcatraz - no wishlist requirement, just own the The Escapists base gameEuro Truck Simulator 2 - Higher requirementsSentSyberiaSentDino D-DaySentLovely PlanetSentContributed:
Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones - contributed by talgaby (request key) Note: Special conditions apply. Read post before requesting.SentTwo Worlds 2SentHITMAN 2: SILENT ASSASSINSent2x Hitman 2: Silent Assassin - contributed by orono (request key).SentEuro Truck Simulator 2 - contributed by Mertaan (request key)SentIron Storm - contributed by satsukirebel (request key)SentKung Fu Strike - The Warrior's RiseSentKung Fu Strike: The Warrior's Rise - Master Level DLCSentPostal - contributed by d3m4n (request key)SentEuro Truck Simulator 2 - Higher requirementsSentLovely PlanetSentKnightShiftSentTwo worlds: Epic editionSentWhy So EvilSentWhy So Evil 2SentDead BitsSentLuciusSentBlood of OldSentEnemy MindSentDivide by Sheep - contributed by madth3 (request key)SentGun MonkeysSentDino D-DaySentOvercast - Walden and the WerewolfSentDead BitsSentRavensword: ShadowlandsSentPlatypus II, contributed by Doshmaku (request key)SentNot The RobotsSentReally Big SkySentWarhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution higher requirementSentEuro Truck Simulator 2 higher requirementSentLuciusSentSuper Sanctum TD - gift copySent(request key) (additional requirement applies, please read the post by keohookalani before requesting)Gaben The Final DecisionSentMetrocideSentTycoon City: New YorkSentCollisionsSentHyperRogueSentOrgan BikerSentIn ExiliumSentReversiSentMafia IISentEuro Truck Simulator 2SentSecret PonchosSentSkyborn - contributed by hiei05 (request key) - Higher requirementsSentComment has been collapsed.