Extraction of my first permanent tooth
Victim wisdom Toth.
This take total 45min since I enter the dental office.
First local anaesthesia, then I saw a variety of tools used, two types of drills, pincers, Bernard's lever, and a few more.
And hear cracking noise of my jaw bone and Toth seen its pieces when remove one at time.
Later, a few stitches and a prescription for antibiotics.
Now I one more time glad that I live in modern time in Country with decent free healthcare *if you have basic insurance ;)
I get a scary idea what this can look in early medieval times blacksmith with rusty pliers and instead nice lady with shining tools, painkillers and antibiotics.

2 months ago*

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At what age did you lose your first permanent tooth?

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Bellow 20
I older and have a full set.

I guess it wasn't permanent then was it?
Ba dum tsss

2 months ago

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"Ah a comedian"
~General Comedius

2 months ago

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My dentist literally over me, with one knee on each armrest of the dental chair to get the right angle with his chisel and hammer. I think his main method of extraction was intimidation.

Everything went smoothly in the recovery.

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Should have included an option for "I never lost any permanent teeth yet".

2 months ago

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Still have all my permenant teeth. Hopefully will for some time yet.

Although I did nearly have tooth extraction as a young teen. Dentist told me it needed removing, explained the process and booked me in for the next week. Turn up for my appointment and that denist was on holiday, so another dentist has taken over their appointments. Gets the tools ready, opens up my mouth and says "the tooth look fine to me". The original denist was going to rip out a perfectly good tooth.

2 months ago

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Still have "full pack" (30y old), 2x visits per year helps

2 months ago

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Eeeek man! You're killing me here! I have been dreading the moment my dentist will not give me a choice anymore and my wisdom teeth got to go. This mofo has been telling me for years "it'd be better to remove them but given their implantation, it's going to be a little bit of a butcher job" (ʘ_ʘ’) so not in a hurry.

Now I one more time glad that I live in modern time in Country with decent free healthcare *if you have basic insurance ;)

It might have been a big dude with butcher equipment if you didn't XD

True fact: my aunt is 70 and still has all her... baby teeth. She never had "permanent teeth" so they didn't pushed out her baby teeth.

2 months ago

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I had 1 wisdom tooth removed, dentist had to pull like hell to get it to finally come out. That was definitely the most "primitive" feeling dental work I've had done, compared to all the other fancy tools... They basically just yank on it until it rips out.

I had an empty space there for a couple years and eventually got it replaced with an implant.

I have just 1 wisdom tooth remaining, I only ever had my 2 bottom ones. The top ones never appeared. Dentist said that is my good luck, because otherwise she'd probably have to pull those, too, someday.

2 months ago

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Do they not take all 4 wisdom teeth out if you need one out? When I got my wisdom teeth out, they weren't quite impacted yet but clearly would be, at least 2 would be. They said that typically when they need to take 1 out they just go and remove all 4 so you don't have to go for surgery again as they consider it unnecessary risk. Most ppl I ask who get their wisdom teeth out (in the US) told me the same thing. Idk if it's a country-wide practice or just specific practices.

2 months ago

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I believe it's pretty common practice to have all four removed here in the states. I needed two removed when I was nineteen (they were impacted), and the doctor advised me to go ahead and remove all four. When questioned why, he said they usually remove them because they can push other teeth out of alignment and cause damage to other teeth or thousands of dollars in orthodontia work straightening teeth.

2 months ago

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I need it out due filing patch fell out and corner broke off, all my Wisdom tooth are fully former and straight but due they quite deep back, I have hard time to stick Toth brush in such tight space.

2 months ago

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Second day after extraction I get wake up by pain due painkillers effect expired after 6h from last intake also lying horizontally is more painful that being vertical probably due blood pressure change in area.
Currently 24H without food I will abstain from food for a week or two due this will be to painful to eat and increase healing time.
Froom experience hunger will subsidise after 3 days and kick out later after around two weeks marks with more strength and this is time I will longer can resit to eat anything in my reach.

2 months ago

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I am 31 years old and I have never lost or extracted a tooth but I have had 4 of them devitalized: 2 due to a microscopic caries of one of them that was not completely treated at a young age which reached the nerve and the other 2 recently because while I was eating one broke and the other one bothered me after treating the one that broke. Luckily, no wisdom teeth have ever erupted or bothered me.

2 months ago

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I already had all 4 wisdom teeth and just painlessly lined up with other teeth. I guess I was lucky

2 months ago

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