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Japan Mega quake now

Earthquake Information (Japan) | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

All of Japan is shaking.
Still shaking now

Other areas should be on tsunami alert🌊😭 🌅🗻🛸🤬

about M7.4 10km

2024/06/03 😢
Noto Quake Again...
M6.0 earthquake hits Ishikawa Pref. | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

5 months ago*

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My thoughts and prayers go out to anyone affected by this horrible situation.

5 months ago

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I am fine, so please help me in the affected area.
Thank you for your concern for the affected areas.🙂

…It's a pity that these days we can't put the environment for leisurely game-playing ahead of the plagues, wars, earthquakes, and politics.😢🕹📺

5 months ago

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you were on my first thoughts

gonna try my best to support

5 months ago

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I myself am still safe.
If there is a bigger earthquake, Japan will sink and I will be caught in the middle of it.

There are some people talking about donation counters and support, but fake counters are also noticeable, so I don't think there is any need to panic at this point.
 Also, I think it would have been better not to post those links in terms of SG's guidelines.

Thank you for always being a good friend.
That makes me the happiest.♡

5 months ago

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thanks so so so much for all precious info you're sharing.
a syou usually do.

love ya, buddy.

5 months ago

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How is everything where you live?

5 months ago

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It's further away than that, so I'm afraid only in case of a bigger earthquake, but it's ok.
If something similar were to happen where I am, I would be crushed or freeze to death under the weight of the snow on my roof because of the cold weather.
 Originally, the affected area could also have snowfall this time, but fortunately it was not the case.

5 months ago

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What a terrible start to the new year. My thoughts and prayers to you all.

5 months ago

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Thank you for your concern for the affected areas.🙂

I hope today is uneventful because New Year's and the second day was a hell of a day.... It is just morning.🌅

5 months ago

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I hope you and all the affected residents get through the disaster as best you can.
Stay safe, Kappa

5 months ago

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Thank you for your concern for the affected areas.🙂

I hope the earthquake swarms will settle down for good.
It hasn't settled down yet...

5 months ago

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Stay safe and wish you all for the best!

Ps. At first moment (before I clicked it) I though it is some Quake (game) party in Japan, but it is real Quake and Tsunami alert...
Ps2. I think I am also a little late for comment. I hope you are ok.

5 months ago

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Thank you for your concern for the affected areas.🙂

Maybe you feel that way because games related to the Great East Japan Earthquake also appeared on Steam.
I would use General if the category was such games instead of off-topic.

I would have originally made a GA for the New Year, but since an unsettled year has begun, I'm going to wait until I've settled down.

PS [NSFW] FNN311 - YouTube
I am still more afraid of this one, which is the largest. old time quake.

5 months ago*

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I hope you and all your loved ones are safe. My thoughts are with everyone in Japan, including a friend of mine who moved there 15 years ago. 💙

5 months ago

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Thank you for your concern for the affected areas.🙂

May your friends who have moved to Japan be at peace and not in the disaster area.

5 months ago

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I'm so sorry your new year is starting on Souls-like difficulty! Please stay safe! (人>U<) I hope it calms down soon and the affected people get to safety!

5 months ago

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Thank you for your concern for the affected areas.🙂
It sounds like a really bad game.😅

There are many scary things going on: the power is out in the area, there are concerns about landslides due to the coming rains, and there was a major accident involving an airplane attempting to deliver relief supplies to the affected areas.
The fires have been extinguished and the number of casualties is currently in double digits, but there are still quite a few collapsed buildings, and since the earthquakes are continuing, it seems that the removal of these buildings is not progressing.
Rescue efforts are underway, but I don't get the impression that there is much media coverage yet. (This is because it would interfere with rescue efforts in the affected areas.)

5 months ago

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I hope you and everybody over there is well.
Stay safe

5 months ago

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Thank you for your concern for the affected areas.🙂
Yeah, I'll pay attention tomorrow as if it were me....

5 months ago

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How does this scale to regular Quakes in Japan?

I heard news about some small tsunami's and that the north coast was evacuated as a precaution?

Do I have to see this as a +1/+2 of a regular Monday or is it way heavier then they are used too?

5 months ago

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This earthquake?
It is an anomaly when compared to the normal earthquakes that occur in Japan.

Buildings on the Noto Peninsula are often earthquake-resistant, as the area has long been prone to plate earthquakes.  Even so, there are areas that are trying to maintain the old townscape, and these areas have been reinforced to be earthquake resistant after the last 20 years of earthquakes.

Generally, a magnitude 6 earthquake is said to be 7.5 to 7.8 on the Richter scale, such as the loss of more than 2,000 people in Morocco or the major earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, but the first one of this earthquake is considered 7.6, not 7.4.
I recall that at least 56,000 people died....

So this time the epicenter has been shaking at a considerable magnitude ever since the first one.

気象庁 | 報道発表資料

3日03時00分現在 1日16時以降、震度1以上を観測した地震が448回発生(震度7:1回 震度5強:5回 震度5弱:6回 震度4:24回 震度3:76回 震度2:151回 震度1:185回)
Status of Seismic Activity
As of 03:00 on January 3, since 16:00 on January 1, earthquakes of intensity 1 or higher have occurred 448 times (intensity 7: once, intensity 5 strong: 5 times, intensity 5 weak: 6 times, intensity 4: 24 times, intensity 3: 76 times, intensity 2: 151 times, intensity 1: 185 times)

In my proper and lax perception.
It's usually at a depth of 10 km or very shallow on...
Think of an intensity 7 as occurring at a magnitude of 7.5.
Think of seismic intensity 6 or 5 as occurring at magnitude 6 or higher.

The impact, which would be horrific if the area did not have earthquake-resistant construction, has been repeated many times.
And some earthquake-resistant buildings have also been damaged, so we are watching with concern, although there have been no reports of major obstacles to rescue operations.

Well, still, the impact seems to be less severe than the Great East Japan Earthquake so far.

*typo fix

5 months ago*

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I assume the damage that is occurring is not from the magnitude but the sheer amount of quakes happening at the moment right?

I have the luck that Earthquakes are not common in my country.

5 months ago

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Even if there are no disasters, there are many man-made disasters on the planet.
No matter where you are on the planet, there is always some kind of trouble.
I hope we will soon have a year every year when we can all be saved from our troubles.🍵☕

5 months ago

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Too true that there are many kinds of trouble, where I live are currently multiple issues with high water.
It is still manageable at the moment, unlike a couple years ago, when we were asked to help man an evacuation centre because of flooding's in the area.

I hope for you that there wont be any rains coming to Japan, which would complicate the current situation only more then it already is.

5 months ago

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I'm glad you are fine Kappa. Prayers to everyone affected by this unfortunate event.

5 months ago

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Thank you for your concern for the affected areas.🙂

I hope the rain will be postponed because reports of the earthquake have been circulating that there is a danger of landslides if it rains.☔ヽ(Θ´; )ノ≡ヽ( ;`Θ)ノ☁

5 months ago

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Happy birthday, Kappa! sorry I'm hijacking your thread here, it's just I was writing a message in your other puzzle thread, but you closed it just before I could send it xD
Anyway, it's still 04/01 here, so on your birthday I wish you more luck, I see you feel like you need a bit more of it
Also, a digital cocktail for you :D

View attached image.
2 months ago

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Yeah, maybe it was a little early to close the birthday story.XD
Thank you(*p'Θ'q)♪🥒🍸

2 months ago

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By the way, there may not be much coverage of this New Year's earthquake...
Yesterday, too, there was a tremor on the side of the epicenter of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Many homes weren't earthquake-resistant at the time of the Noto tremor, survey shows | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

In areas where old townscapes are a tourist attraction, it seems that damage is still more likely to occur than expected.

Japan earthquake: Helpful information for people affected by the Noto quake | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

Even today, there are not so many local demolition companies and building equipment suppliers, and due to the convenience of bringing in supplies and removing waste materials, the devastated landscape remains strong in many places even during the year-end and New Year holidays.
The situation seems to be gradually getting back to normal with the consolidation of evacuation centers.

2 months ago

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Closed 4 days ago by Kappaking.