I started this game 3 days ago after having several text based games in dev for a while. I tend not to want to release them because i make them for myself... but if they ever get polished enough i will release them... So im wondering. if you wanted a 2d space trading game where you could fly around in your ship. Upgrade it with better weapons and shields and many system to visit and trade with what would you like extra that would make it awsome for you.

I have a basic build already with a basic ui and a single system with 1 planet "earth" that you can dock with. which brings up a menu with options... i have also got a basic starter ship with a basic cannon installed that you can fire. you can also fly around. beyond that i have plans but want some input. Because i think flying around trading, with missions for combat is a little lacking for a real game.

Here are 2 images of my progress. Docked without a ship, and un-docked with a ship. Single planet system SOL!


Note: background is a placeholder!

It looks a little bare right now. but thats because time has been spent on mechanics... as i go forward i will be setting up the docking menu's and then adding the rest of the first system.... before moving onto the mechanics for trading and then combat.... once done i will expand into other area's.

I'll check back in the morning its late here and i got work first thing. Goodnight sg

9 years ago*

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What tool are you using ?
Seems interesting

9 years ago

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I use clickteam fusion 2.5 dev edition! i have about 300 hours from toying around in that but previously i used unity, but it was slow to develop with... so i went with this since i could prototype very quick... then slowly add mechanics to it at a pace that was not awfully slow..... I also have my own system i built in clickteam 2.5 for both text based quests with multiple options and different outcomes... Although it takes a little longer for each of the additions its well worth it. But im not sure if im going that route yet. Maybe for the main story.

Im kind of bending the rules of what the software can do... but that's actually the fun part :)

9 years ago*

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ALSO! giveaways still open in my other thread and maybe one or two keys left too.


Might also drop some here. Not sure need to go through what i have left.

9 years ago

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ALSO! giveaways still open in my other thread and maybe one or two keys left too.


Might also drop some here. Not sure need to go through what i have left.

9 years ago

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oh and another image from today's work on game. some more basic stuff.

A system for toggling a layer of information on and off so you can fly around without full info and enjoy scenery or with full details. and the first part setup for system travel... icon in top right (it will have a location id eventually and you will fly into it and it will ask you if you would like to travel... say yes = travel to system... say no = turns you around facing center of map.)

Oh and also a note. I was added on steam and answered a few questions about this game.... so in case anyone else is wondering yes it will have ai... in the sense that ships will travel between systems and you if you so deemed could attack these ships and loot the wreckage.


9 years ago

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Still planning on key dump? And I'd love to check out your game...

9 years ago

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nah did a giveaway instead. might do more... short term ones :D

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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Wait I'm not at my computer yet!

9 years ago

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Decided to go with short term giveaways instead. make the fun-time last longer hehe!
first one is here


9 years ago

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Cool! Joined it!

9 years ago

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Would this game be similar to FTL?

9 years ago

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nah.... ftl seems more of a management game...

This would be more like an open world game... you get a ship you can fly it with the wasd keys, go to different systems, trade, fight other ships etc..... Trying to make it as open ended as possible... with one or two other games modes (maybe) containing stuff i have been working on a while... empire mode for instance would take out the flying open world aspect and give you a rich environment to manage colonies and run a corporation.

I have lots planned... tons of stuff made that already that can be added in as mini-games or game modes... all the same theme. I make it to have fun myself... if i don't find it fun i trash it. this one after flying around a system or two fills me with joy. hard to do that when you play games you make yourself.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Actually i think it looks a lot like it... Here are some images of the unfinished concept for empire mode with a different ui.


specifically the second image. - http://imgur.com/4YkVeVD

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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I'll try and make sure i give time to developing that module daily too. One man team. Lots to do :) moving house soon. working 8 hours a day :) running 2 forums hehe. im very busy! but i have a passion for this game so yaaaaay! hugs

9 years ago

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It was originally a main game i was working on... but i wanted to take the main game in a new direction... with more player control and add on to it with new game modes that are more like full games but with a new take on the genre......lore.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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bump for

View attached image.
9 years ago

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BUMP! plus an addition. Im looking for specific ideas people find fun. For instance i would like to add a way to eventually own a factory or a planet within one of the system to generate income for myself... because that is what interests me.

Wondering if anyone else has any tid-bits like that.

I also finalized my star map design today after 28 days :D now to implement it. 10 systems per faction with 4 factions.... 1 ai race faction which hates everyone to make a fifth and several odd systems scattered around as pirate hubs :D

9 years ago

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And a new image for the game :D (i just started on adding the criminal underworld section of the ui and mechanics)



9 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by ComfortingCold.