It is predictable that your lvl 0 initiative wasnt successful as most people arent interested in the discussion page. I wasnt interested until a few months ago and that is when I find the community lovely and start contributing more. Maybe you can advertise your lvl 0 initiative in desciption of lvl 0 public giveaway, maybe it will get more attraction. However based on experience in the past, I hardly read description especially wordy ones as I was only interested in getting into as many giveaway as possible. Hope you initiative will turn successful as i fully support it!
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Bump for the public giveaways, although I didn't enter them. :B
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inb4 you have to reroll a giveaway multiple times, flooding support and breaking the servers.
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When I was level 0 I was afraid of posting on the forum etc. because I felt like every second thread I read was "blacklist you! and you! and especially YOU!"
But I really like the thought behind the level 0 initative. I'm sure there are a lot of lovely people out there who haven't taken real notice of the community part of the page yet :)
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Yes, this is why I don't post on the forums here that often, all the blacklist happy people. You've got some who will blacklist for posting after entering their giveaways, some will blacklist for NOT posting after entering their giveaways, some will blacklist if you post in their forum threads, some will blacklist if they don't like your username or gets ridiculous.
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Most people are nice enough, but the sheer amount of "You greedy prick! Give back to the community why don't you?!" scares away many (me included) I found it very enjoyable to actively participate in puzzles and make friends there but yeah, it's intimidating..
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A lot of users don't realize that the website only syncs once a week, and only then will they realize that they already have the game once they won (mindless clicking, but I guess that's penalized by them wasting points on a game they already own). So I wouldn't condemn them.
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There's a lot already said about it, but I don't think it's going to happen.
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That's true, I had a winner the other day who commented in the GA that he already owned the game, he asked for a reroll and apologized. I got the reroll and he got suspended for 4 days. I felt a bit bad, since I was the one who informed the mods about it (he probably only realized after the code didn't work, but at least he was honest about it and didn't regift it or anything)
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As I said before, I support you, Yirg, for doing level 0 giveaways. ^_^
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Those who use bots and don't give will forever be locked out of the better giveaways. It's their loss. If only half of the users enter GAs and don't use scripts, and if only 10% of them actually read the giveaway description it still leaves about 35,000 potential Level 0 users. That's a big enough audience to justify the effort.
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Just testing how much will I regret this one:
And is there anyone here to enter that even...
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No matter ppl with high level say about lv0 users, thank you Yirg,
I saw a lot of ppl treat lv0 user like trash, seem they are too rich, or they forgot they used to be lv0. There is a fact that still have a lot of poor people out there, good people, bad people, but please don't judge others's personality by level
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I have a theory that non-level 0 users are just jealous of level 0 users like myself. Once you aren't level 0 you can never return to being 0 (unless there's a really odd price glitch).
I hope you got it was tongue in cheek
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lmao good theory, I like you xD
P/S: I curious about you and had a check, sorry if it bothers you, but I saw you had 0 entry and 2,367 comments, so you reg an acc here for ...chatting? just curious, nothing more xD
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I was looking for a reason to post more invite-only GAs, so here are 2 more not horrible bundle games :)
Flesh Eaters
Melissa K. and the Heart of Gold Collector's Edition
if you want to add them to your post:
[Flesh Eaters](
[Melissa K. and the Heart of Gold Collector's Edition](
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Added 2 more giveaways:
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Added 2 more giveaways that are limited to Level 0 only (for users who won up to $50 worth of games).
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The link is a filter on that redirects back to, you just need to pass the check.
To be able to enter the giveaway page you'll need to login to with your Steam account, click Check Requirements to validate that your profile is good, then follow the link to the giveaway.
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I've also had bad experience with Level 4 public giveaways. Things have improved since I raised the bar to Level 5 (though I still use Level 4 for most invite-only giveaways).
To my pleasant surprise, out of the 6 Level 0 public giveaways here (that ended) I only had to request a new winner for one. I wish I had that success rate in other giveaways. 8 giveaways here are still running, so things can still change ;-)
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I would like to add [1953 KGB Unleashed](
. Ends a few hours after your GAs.
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I am already lvl 1 but I wanted to ask a question about the sgtools. One of the obvious requirements is 'Your account is not allowed to have won the same game multiple times.' Does that mean that if I won a game but the GA creator never followed with a gift (so I marked "Not Received") and then I won another one, and this time I got the key, would I be excluded from giveaways? I couldn't check here because I failed already at the first requirement (over lvl 0). If anyone is interested it was Crystals of Time
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You have nothing to worry about. Your profile passes both tests:
Keep it up! :-)
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I'm trying, it's just that much harder being level 0 on steam as well(trying to get out of that too).
Also, having fun on these forums definitely helps, this would be for anyone of any level actually. You've got puzzles and even those "obligatory giveaway" discussions. Even if I'm not finding giveaways I enjoy my time here.
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How are you still level 0 on Steam. Your community badge and years of service badge should get you to level 2(?).
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Bump =)
GL with your GAs bro!!~
I still can't believe i can WIN giveaway =)
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Haha thanks (o^▽^o)ノ
I actually saw your whitelist application thread, but didn't want to "beg" for a place on it but to earn one instead (*゚ー゚)ノ
on a side-note, you are on mine since awhile too ^^ (and will hopefully be able to 'verify' it in the next few days ;-)
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Added - RACE 07 + DLCs (includes RACE On, STCC: The Game and RACE 07 - Formula Race Room Add-On)
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744 Comments - Last post 39 minutes ago by Fluffster
270 Comments - Last post 45 minutes ago by Fluffster
309 Comments - Last post 57 minutes ago by Atombomb2097
47,311 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by BenBeno
350 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Makaveli8806
20 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by sensualshakti
74 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by sensualshakti
794 Comments - Last post 8 seconds ago by Tucs
17,454 Comments - Last post 26 minutes ago by GeekDoesStuff
11,075 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by Fluffster
3 Comments - Last post 57 minutes ago by Inkyyy
29,614 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by ClapperMonkey
882 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by zolof
915 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Keepitup
Update: 54 giveaways, of which 7 were contributed (thanks again!). Very few rerolls. It was a good experience overall.
My previous Level 0 initiative wasn't exactly a huge success, but I haven't given up. Let's try something else.
Most of the giveaways linked below are public (you can also find them in the giveaways list) and they're all for cheap bundled games with ok reviews (most around 70% recommended). Not bad, but there are much better giveaways that Level 0 users who are reading this (and those who aren't) are missing out on. If you want want to be able to enter some of those giveaways, here are a few tips:
Here are the giveaways:
Invite only
(linked only in this thread)
Level 0 Train
8 stations, linked in this post. Please read the OP for some background.
The train Includes the following games:
Torchlight IIRichard & AlicePizza ExpressDouble Dragon: NeonBeatbuddy: Tale of the GuardiansBloodRayneBloodRayne 2Worms RevolutionLevel 0 or higher
CrossCodeQuarries of ScredCoH 2 - The Western Front Armies: Oberkommando West (DLC)BloodRayneBet On SoldierFine SweeperRACE 07 + DLCs (includes RACE On, STCC: The Game and RACE 07 - Formula Race Room Add-On)A-MenDavid.Defy Gravity ExtendedLevel 0 only (for users who won up to
$50$20 worth of games)Note: I lowered the Real CV Won threshold to $20 (on Dec 7, at 10 AM CET), but earlier entries are still valid.
Town of SalemSquishy the Suicidal PigAll My GodsClandestinity of ElsieEgyptian SenetOdysseus: Long Way HomeContributed Level 0 giveaways
Hospital Tycoon (contributed by Pesmerga)Decay: The Mare (contributed by NazaSekh)Terra Incognita Chapter One: The Descendant (two giveaways in two posts, contributed by aurorable)1953 KGB Unleashed (contributed by Oppenh4imer)Flesh Eaters (contributed by nellyneko)Melissa K. and the Heart of Gold Collector's Edition (contributed by nellyneko)Public
STOORM - Full EditionDEUS EX MACHINA 2Deep Eclipse: New Space OdysseyDepth Hunter 2: Ocean Mysteries DLCPillarAoF World OnlineEscape from PuzzlegateVanguard Princess Hilda Rize DLCVanguard Princess Lilith DLCLost in ParadiseRumbleGo To Bed: Survive The NightCold DreamsHaegemonia: The Solon HeritageQuest for InfamyOrbit HDThe chronicles of Emerland. Solitaire.Hospital TycoonGarden RescueThe Moon SliverMythos: The Beginning - Director's CutDETOUR: Highway SimulatorRedemption: Eternal QuestRevolution AceUpon request (external to site giveaways)
If you want a key for one of these game, enter this (finished) giveaway and request a key in a comment there. The keys are available to users with good profiles (no unactivated wins or multiple wins of the same game) who registered at least a month ago.
To enter the giveaway page you'll need to login to with your Steam account, click Check Requirements to validate that your profile is good, then follow the link to the giveaway, where you can post the comment. I have multiple keys for each game to share.
Note: The following are link to each game's page on Steam. See above on how to request keys.
Guardians of VictoriaShadows on the Vatican Act I: GreedGood luck and have fun! :-)
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