the puzzle lovers steam curator has been around since august 2016, with a few curated games around the beginning, but we've put a lot of time and effort into it since may 2019, and while we're still relatively unknown and small, currently there are more than 1300 puzzle games and games with puzzles to browse, with more added each week as we complete them and provide detailed reviews (unless it's something we have on a different platform or played a long time ago and can't go into too much detail, but these are few and far between these days).

games are organized into dozens of lists based on subgenres and themes, so it shouldn't be too difficult to find what you're looking for, be it short or endless, something for christmas or halloween, a point & click adventure or 1st-person puzzler, minimalist, fantasy or sci-fi, programming-related, physics-based, jigsaw, card game, hidden object, matching, dlc or whatever else, including the puzzle lovers top 10 (2019), the puzzle lovers top 20 (2020) and the puzzle lovers top 10 (2021).

we also have a list of group member recommendations because there are way too many games and we can't possibly cover everything, and even if we had the time, there are subgenres we aren't very comfortable or familiar with. if somebody feels that based on their experience (be it positive or negative) a certain game has a place on the curator, they can provide a mini-review and we'll add it.

the point of the curator is not to make money or get free games, we're just trying to spread the word about puzzle games. they're not always positive words, but a detailed negative review can be as useful as a positive one. in fact, we never ask developers for review copies, but always appreciate and thank the offers even if we can't get to their games immediately or at all, and we only claim games we intend to play and review, and also provide detailed feedback, in case they're willing and able to fix or change this and that for a better overall experience, whether it's something minor or game-breaking.

puzzle games is a niche genre, even if we're more inclusive and have adventure games and such in our catalog too, so it's tricky to find new audiences, but we're currently at more than 5000 followers (was around 25 in may 2019), and we hope the number will keep increasing and more and more people will find puzzly games they can enjoy.

if you're interested in puzzle games, please consider following puzzle lovers, and of course any and all feedback is welcome here or on our forums.

thanks for reading!

4 years ago*

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an another one: 900 curated titles.

2 years ago

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november milestone: 2500 curator followers. took about 2.5 years to get here from 25, apparently.

2 years ago

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december milestone: 2600 curator followers.

2 years ago

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and another one: 950 curated titles.

2 years ago

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january milestone: 2700 followers.

2 years ago

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february milestone: 2800 followers.

2 years ago

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march milestone: 1000 curated titles.

2 years ago

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and another: 2900 followers.

2 years ago

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april milestone: 3000 followers.

2 years ago

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may milestone: 3100 followers.

2 years ago

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june milestone: 3200 followers.

1 year ago

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july milestone: 3300 followers.

1 year ago

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august milestone: 1100 curated titles.

1 year ago

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september milestone: 3400 followers. it nicely synced up with the group after 3+ years.

1 year ago

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You can't be only person who interact wtih this thread. It's users who should keep threads alive, not their creators:

Unreasonable bumping. When bumping a discussion you should try to ensure it is in the best interest of the community. If you notice our community is not engaging with the content after it has been bumped a couple of times, then you need to stop bumping the discussion unless important new information or updates would make it appropriate to do so.

Also you should remove information about Steam group, User Project is not a place for that.

1 year ago

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noted, but you didn't give a fuck for 2 years and now suddenly it's a problem? guess all the support tickets have been resolved and you're bored.

1 year ago

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since progress updates on a user project in the user projects section are frowned upon, i stopped doing them, but surely reaching 4000 followers and nearing 1200 curated titles after 4 years is a good enough reason. not to mention there's a puzzle fest going on, so somebody might find a reminder useful.

1 year ago

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it's been a while, and now there are more than 1300 curated titles available for your puzzling pleasure (or non-pleasure in many cases).

3 months ago

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bumping because you can't be the only one commenting^^

Tbh though, you have helped on numerous occassions with either showing us a game we don't know or seeing your review on an older game I'm planning to buy on a 90%..

I'm glad to see groups like yours, not fearing a negative review and trying to be as honest and helpful as possible

3 months ago

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thanks. took a longer than expected break from gaming/reviewing but I'm slowly getting back into it, and others on the team held the fort in my faux-absence (I was still doing the newsletter for the group).

3 months ago

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I'm hoping the break has a good story behind it :P And nothing "bad" happened.

Btw, you mainly review puzzles ok, but what else you like to play?

3 months ago

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no story, just general burnout and even more general 'fuck everything'. been doing the curator for nearly 5 years and it's been pretty damn intense doing it my way. less so in the last year or so, partly because it's hard to keep this much momentum and motivation up for this long (the overall low quality of games doesn't help), and partly because of the other thing. no change in that regard, it was just time for a bit of something else, so back to what I know (sort of).

these days I'll play anything to mix things up, even found platformers and runners I liked, but as much as I love point & click adventures (still puzzly of course), I don't play enough of them. no mechanics to learn or anything, just a hopefully good story, if I get stuck I can just look up the next step, reviews don't take long because I don't want to spoil or analyze the story too much. ideal in every way, yet always get a backseat even if they're just 5 hours or so.

and unfortunately I like tetris (again, puzzly enough), breakout and some racing games (actual sports cars, non-circuit tracks, nice locations, so old-school nfs vibes, none of that night-time only street racing bullshit with souped up suzukis, nor sport racers like rally, f1, etc.), but I suck at them so much. I'd enjoy them a lot more (so would my neighbors and desk) with a bit more competence.

rpgs are the other thing. I have some preferences (e.g. no level scaling or constant respawning), plus they can take long (15-20 hours is my ideal length for an open/story game, very short for an rpg normally) and take a lot of preparation and reading up to avoid fucking myself over, so I rarely play them as well. otherwise I'd interchange them with point & clicks and puzzlers on the side, done. strangely enough, I played 3 (three!) ~20-hour ones back to back last fall, right before the break.

3 months ago

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You talk with riddles :P But yeah, being motivated or keeping momentum 5 years later isn't easy.

Platformers are a HUGE chapter... Some can be viewed and as "puzzly" since you are trying to find out your way or how to pass the level.. Kinda?.. Come on help me out here xD
Point&Click always had 2-3 mechanics max.. Yes, some have puzzles but most of them are for the story.
You might like rpgmaker style good horror games though. Those tend to have many puzzles.

The only racing I really like is NFS.. And blur.. And anything with destruction xD Realistic driving can go f**k :D
Tetris will consume your soul! Humanity must be happy they stopped mass producing the original handheld machine they ran on xD Smartphones are nothing in comparison to how addictive those things were :P

RPGs-> OH C-O-M-E ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO GUIDES!!!!!!!!!! NOT ON THE FIRST PLAYTHROUGHHHHHHH
Fck yourself in the game! Then replay it with a guide if you want or figure it out yourself.. But trying to plan for something you haven't experienced.. It never ends well.. Most guides pick a style THEY like. It doesn't mean it will comfortable for you. So what if you fck everything up? At least it will be YOUR doing.. That's 90% of the fuuuuun

3 months ago

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there are a lot of puzzle platformers and point & clicks full of puzzles, you must've played different ones.

I hate everything rpgmaker and not gonna restart a 150-hour rpg after wasting 20 hours on an incompetent build. I'll look up good-to-know stuff and go from there. I know what I like and how I like to or can play, so will ignore irrelevant stuff. and no such thing as a first playthrough, just an only playthrough. not gonna replay something only to experience a few different quests somewhere in the middle.

3 months ago

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You can reshape your character in most modern rpgs (reallocate the points you spent to upgrade X thing) :P

Rpgmaker doesn't only have crap turn-based rpgs. That's why I mentioned horror games. Some use the same "style" but use a different program/engine etc

3 months ago

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would you look at that, 5000 followers after almost exactly 5 years.

1 month ago

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Congrats! 🥳

1 month ago

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