Trading restriction for those who havent spend atleast 5 dollars on the store was a good move :D
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Yeah i know, i cant give away games here unless i bought them from humble store or something because of this... also Russian connections sound totally like you were tied to the russian mafia
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What about... you click the link ?
Refunds are designed to remove the risk from purchasing titles on Steam—not as a way to get free games. If it appears to us that you are abusing refunds, we may stop offering them to you. We do not consider it abuse to request a refund on a title that was purchased just before a sale and then immediately rebuying that title for the sale price."
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You're absolutely right and people WILL do it, but I'm sure it's like refunds anywhere else. If you do it often enough for them to notice, you will be cut off. This is why we can't have nice things :)
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Thats what i mean by saying it.
The idea is nice ...... but then ... People .
I just came up with stupid idea in a matter of seconds ...
Bet there are much smarter people then me , who will find a crack in the system and exploit the shit out of it :|
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Valve is a thinktank of smart people, otherwise they wouldn't be where they are. I'm sure they have people smarter than both of us figuring out all the angles. You can't implement a policy of this magnitude without solid preparation. I'm sure there is fine print and a new "refunds team" set up. It's a great PR move, but you are right it comes with a lot of abuse potential. 14 days is a long time, especially since Origin only allows like 24 hours?
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Agreed, more than likely they have a refund team they have been building. I would imagine that each refund is going to be processed by a live human, and not just an automatic hit this button get money back. Steam already has a lot of data and information on us, our gaming our buying our selling, there will be people who may get a few games (2-3) idled and refunded before they are stopped, but I don't imagine this being a loophole to making money. Unless of course you are willing to take the time to set up multiple accounts to use multiple prepaid cards on and feed your main account with those cards.
The effort would so be not worth my time I know that much.
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The refund is automatic, press the button, choose where you want to receive your money (obviously, if you pay with wallet, you can't get paypal money back...), and it's done. Humans are going to look into it only for those who ask X refund per X days/months.
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The link says You will be issued a full refund of your purchase within a week of approval. Are you sure it's instant and automatic?
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It's probably somewhat automatic, until you start doing it too many times. Then it starts getting reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
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Well, that's what you get when you're hungry for money, I didn't know it was removed, It's so nice to know mods are free again.
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You mean, like the whole mod-selling failure? Yes, solid preparation. :)
I'm not saying it's a bad move (either this or the mod selling), but saying that they have solid preparation when they implement game changers is not quite accurate. They are more the kind of company that dares trying to do something and see what comes of it, and if it doesn't work they are prepared to admit they are wrong and go back to the drawing board.
Edit: I was ninjad to that reference. :)
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Aye, I didn't mean to come across as an apologist. They clearly make mistakes and this could be a big one too. I guess it's far to say that EU laws were requiring them to make special cases constantly anyway so this is basically a streamlined one. We'll see how it plays out but it's very pro consumer and I'm happy.
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Its the exact same legal text that every store, digital and physical has for refunds. "We reserve the right to refuse refunds in the event of abuse..".
If people want to exploit it, they will be bared from using it. The policy itself probably wont be canned since IMO it was put in place due to the EU law makers pressuring Steam.
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well, you still have to ask a refunt within 2 weeks.
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The answer is Yes. Is it within the 14 day limit? Then a refund is allowed. As simple as that. "Oh, we see you bought the game .01 secs before the sale price was finalized, okay, refund approved."
They would be better served to just issue a refund of the difference rather than having to issue a full refund and having the user rebuy the product, but its progress.
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We do not consider it abuse to request a refund on a title that was purchased just before a sale and then immediately rebuying that title for the sale price."
So much respect gained for valve by adding this, finally a change that's purely for the consumer.
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“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” - George Carlin
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If people can figure out a way to have a computer make them money just by running as a bot while not in use, they will. No matter if it is a penny or a grand, free money is free money to some.
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As with most retailers, it appears that serial returning leads to a removal of the privilege.
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Most anime game have pricey cards. They will probably get whatever they can for idling 1:59 and return the game. I don't know how many of those Valve will consider as abuse.
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i guess they will only be able to do this a few times before valve shuts them down. so i don't see a big problem here.
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I think the need for them to stay current with industry standards (allowing refunds is becoming more and more common and demanded by consumers) outweighs the risk of people abusing the system. Valve is recognizing that they're not alone on this playing field anymore.
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Yep, this is why. They were also being sued in Australia by a Government agency for not offering refunds. It's the law here too.
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feels good to have a safenet now :D
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Can you refund actual games? I think if I read it correctly, you can but I'm iffy and way too tired to read walls of text.
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Yep, up to two weeks after purchase and if you played it for less than two hours. You can ask for a refund even if you don't meet the criteria, but I guess you'll have to come up with very good reasons to get the refund then.
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i got refund with more hours in the game and yeah if you give good reason then you should get it
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You can only get a refund on a game that you've purchased in the last 14 days. On top of that you need to have less than 2 hours of played on that title.
Anything else you need to know is in the link.
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Open a ticket and request a refund.
But considering that game is heavily bundled, I'm assuming you didn't buy it on steam, and got it from a key/bundle?
Along with what I mentioned above, you have to buy the game off steam.
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I can only imagine the process of getting all (or at least the majority) of publishers on-board with this. EA had an easy job when they introduced that feature to Origin as it only applied to their own games. somehow, allowing refunds only on Valve games wouldn't have been much considering the size of the available library.
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This is a very good thing and here is one point I didn't expect but its very good...
Under the abuse section
"We do not consider it abuse to request a refund on a title that was purchased just before a sale and then immediately rebuying that title for the sale price."
I've seen a number of complaints over the years about just buying a game and then the next day it gets a 75% off sale or something like that. Least now that will take a bit of a fear out of people about buying something just before a big sale or even during a big sale.
Its also nice that they have a 2 hour play time on it. Their return policy of not being able to return it after you install it only was silly. How do you know it won't play on your system or that you really don't actually like it if you can't install it and if there is no demo.
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They absolutely would accept that refund if it really was the next day and you had played less than 2 hours.
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You will only be refunded the amount you payed (if the price has gone up since) but there should be no issue refunding a game bought on sale. The real big point is that you have to have bought the game through steam.
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Is valve trying to reclaim some of the goodwill that they've lost? In either case, this is a good move, that means that 3 of the major digital distribution sites have refund systems in place.
I guess there will be exceptions though. Things that require you to register your game on a 3rd party service (like Uplay or that Rockstar thing).
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I'm ahead of time and say it was nice ride while it lasted.
Abusers 10/10
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Refunds are designed to remove the risk from purchasing titles on Steam—not as a way to get free games. If it appears to us that you are abusing refunds, we may stop offering them to you. We do not consider it abuse to request a refund on a title that was purchased just before a sale and then immediately rebuying that title for the sale price.
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"If it appears to us that you are abusing refunds, we may stop offering them to you."
Oh so abusers will be punished individually so that the non-abusers will not suffer the consequences for actions of someone else. Good. I've misread it the first time.
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This isn't as abusable as you may think. You can get one or two card drops max, and if you keep requesting for refunds you're asking to have that privilege taken from you.
I wonder if using this new policy to "test drive" games before final decision to either keep them or request refund could be viewed as abuse.
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The way I understood it is that you will really be able to test the game, as long as you have the money and spend less than two hours playing it, you will be eligible for refund within 14 days after purchase.
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I would imagine that if you own few games and suddenly you start buying games and requesting refunds on all of them, that you will quickly be put on the naughty list. Even Amazon will deny refunds and lower price refunds if you abuse the shit out of it
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Good move...finally.
I like how it says:
"We do not consider it abuse to request a refund on a title that was purchased just before a sale and then immediately rebuying that title for the sale price."
But it also says:
"You will be issued a full refund of your purchase within a week of approval."
Seems we're likely to miss the particular sale anyways
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Well you could rebuy it and just store it as a gift in your inventory until they refund and take the game away. I guess if you need the money back to buy the game again then yes it's not that useful.
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That's possible, I've never had that happen where I live. I just assumed it's always redeemable in your own region as a gift, but may be restricted to that region completely.
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If you're purchasing the game to activate it yourself at a later point, you shouldn't be worried about region lock since it will be locked to your own region anyway.
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Well, you'll have to spend the money again before you'll get the refund, but the basic idea is nice. For people that don't have that much money it will most likely mean that they'll miss the sale, but in general it's a very good idea.
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I have a feeling this is targeted heavily on 3rd party key resellers. This new refund policy only covers games bought directly through steam. People might choose to buy a game for a higher cost on steam if it means they are covered if they don't like it or they have technical problems. It's a very smart move in that regard.
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It's more like an asnwer to GOG and Origin doing the same way before them. Also, EU laws.
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Sounds awesome, so never again beeing upset, when a game gets on sale some days after you bought it....get a refund and buy it at sale price... but maybe better first buy the game as a gift for sale price, who knows how long Steam Support needs for approve the refund...?!
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So does this mean Steam Support is going to be really busy and won't answer the ticket I opened yesterday any time soon? God damn it...
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It will still be a week processing time for tickets, just like before. They even mention that.
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