Are you going to solve this?
Alright, now that we have some solvers. The big hints stop. (I got a little excited and probably gave them too early anyway xD) It'll just be small nudges from here on out!
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Alright, all questions in the How ITH should be fixed now ... I hope ... I really messed up on some of them, I honestly have NO idea how I got some of those. xD
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Just keep banging (;D), something will happen eventually!
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8 solvers of what appears to be 17 players.
Come on guys, I believe in you! Also, we could do with some more players so tell your friends, family, pets, neighbors, and friendly hobos who somehow have a computer and Wi-Fi about the event!
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So... the "not heterosexual talking devices" and the "I answered that in the OP" hints are for the same Q5 of the Where puzzle?
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No, I was thinking something else when he asked me that.
"I answered that in the OP" was in response as to why I made the event.
The "not heterosexual talking devices" does relate to Where/Q5 though.
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I feel really stupid on being stuck on q2 of the how puzzle as nobody else is... Im quite sure I know the correct answer but the computer says no...
I've got all other answers on this one, so apparently I'm doing something right...
little hint? pretty please?!
damn, mushclone298 went offline 20 minutes ago... there goes my precious puzzling time for tonight...
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I did change it, but that was because I messed it up.
The answer was one number off, and so was one of the sequence numbers (like I have said, I won't make ITHs at 2 am anymore).
Just gotta find the pattern.
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I'm thinking of bruteforcing as well, but it's so boring to bruteforce math questions.
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Same here. I got a formula for the given numbers, but the answer didn't work. After few variations of the formula I simply checked the few answers form the range I havn't tried. Now with another number I'll probably try once more to find the order, but still I'll postpone it till I get the third part
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Bump for solved the How. Still stuck on Q5 of the Where.
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Aaand solved! So simple again. The hint helped a lot.
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If you're stuck, read the comments! I've dropped hint pellets around. ;D
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Is it bad that the Where ITH was supposed to be the easiest part?
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Just keep trying, maybe it'll make sense eventually.
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PROGRESS REPORT: We have 10 solvers so far, with 10 others still in play, and 7 other people still stuck at the beginning.
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Ahhh ... don't just give up! I'm sure you can figure something out with more head-to-wall combat!
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Solved the How ITH.
Thought the What message found.
Stuck at Q5 of the Where ITH.
Gotta patch some walls for the next round of head-banging...
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I'm pretty sure I'm on the right path... just not getting it quite yet.
Maybe because I have no clue what to do with the "not heterosexual talking device... "
Is there no rule mushclone can not be offline longer than 1 hour as long as his puzzles are open?!
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Ahahahahahahahaaaa ... I have a job ...
So unless you wanna pay me to monitor my puzzle, you're outta luck there!
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Instead of giving me the actual word, I'd rather have a little hint or nudge.
Normally I give up on puzzles like this one, because I just don't have the spare time to invest in them. But somehow this one i just need to finish, fair and square that is.
how can you know what the word is if you didn't find the puzzle yet with the question where this word is a hint for?
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Ofcourse I can't be 100% sure but there aren't many possibilities for "not heterosexual talking device". You have almost the right word just think other possibility for "not heterosexual". A bit longer word than gay but not much :) And yes, it's a proper word, not just some scrap put together.
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Heh, not a native either. Actually I just googled the word to be sure it was a real word :) Somehow I think that I had heard it before somewhere but didn't know the meaning or anything. Good luck for the rest, I'll try to get to same point as you :)
EDIT: And finally I found the where. Feeling so stupid now. This puzzle makes me humble.
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I did say in the comments that I might make some Lvl 1 GAs if Lvl 1's solved my puzzle.
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13 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by J1mmyG1ft
12 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by Carenard
157 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by jiggakills
1,961 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Gamy7
1,042 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by sensualshakti
12 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by DeliberateTaco
769 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by OwieczkaDollyv21
216 Comments - Last post 49 seconds ago by cocoiv
142 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by brian14
123 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by Carenard
562 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by xMisiu
49 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by Si9a
173 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by Vampus
446 Comments - Last post 28 minutes ago by Vampus
Well, hello people of SteamGifts, you seem to have found yourselves in the middle of a rather puzzling puzzle, or at least I hope it is!
Now there are 3 reason why I have done this:
Because I felt like it. (I swear I had a better third reason, maybe I'll remember it later)I changed my mind, my 3rd reason is that I don't have a reason. I don't need a reason to give. Cliche ftw!So, without further ado, here is the puzzle!
EDIT: Almost forgot this most appropriate giveaway!
Have a few more (these end in 2 days)! 1 2ENDED!EDIT: And here's another one! ;D Click
The instructions are rather simple. All you have to do is search for three things!
If you do everything right, you will go on my whitelist!
You get one week (August 31, Noon CST)!
Geniuses: 22
Genius Train!
Hints! (I'll probably release one every day!)
To come:
Well that's all of the giveaways! Still got some time to get on my whitelist and enter them though!
I made this fairly difficult because I put a lot of work into this puzzle and a lot more work into getting the prizes, so please don't let me down!
All of the giveaways start on August 26th, Noon CST and end on September 2nd, Noon CST; because reasons. They're also all level 2+!
Hmm ... what else ... ahh! I will help out from time to time (yes I do like CV so I will be trying to get at least 5 people into each of the GAs!)
Also not all of the GAs have been created yet as I ran out of slots, so hopefully more to come! (Maybe support will help me out?)
Oh yes, one last thing! Good luck!
P.S. I did kind've "borrow" some other person's ideas for this, but he said he was totally cool with it!
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