A monthly Bundle? What will you do?
Thats really their biggest issue. With bundles as they have been recently most people that would consider it already have tons of games.
Which means that you basicly have to go into it with the idea that you may get a few games - or may just blow $12 on games you already own.
Thats gonna hold off a lot of people.
Which is obviously why they kicked it off with Legend of Grimrock 2, as that may be enough to warrant the $12 for people.
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the hole point of this blind bundle buying things is that once released is gone forever, so im guessing no :v
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I personally will be sitting back and watching. I am really poor at the moment and can't afford much. And I have seen plenty of their bundles to know that they are really hit and miss on the good games versus crap on them.
I would hate to end up getting bundles of games I wouldn't pay $1 for every month. If they consistently are giving out decent ones, then it might become worth it.
Also the problem comes when they start giving out games that a huge portion already own.
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There's a lot of cr*p that hasn't been bundled before.
So true. However, I'd put a lot more faith into Humble to deliver non-crap than I would anyone else (especially Groupees). That said, even if it is real quality stuff you may not like it anyway so it is a gamble.
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+1. Humble have kept their games level high, even with some repeats, there usually are no junk fillers. When they say no repeats, then they will be at least good quality non-bundled repeats. I personally think their first try will be good - won't be surprised to see an AAA title (that we have seen cheap before - like e.g. Shadow of Mordor) in the first bundle, just to hook people up for the next subscriptions. As with such things, I expect the quality to decline over time, but the first ones should be decent (if not crazy) enough to make people put their money and gamble on future bundles.
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I suspect that since these games are going to be (hopefully) more expensive in nature that a larger cut is going to the devs.
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Cost of the games is irrelevant as the 5% is taken from the bundle price of $12. That's 60 cents per bundle (before fees are accounted for - that's nothing.
I really don't get everyone harping on about these bundles being for charity. The companies involved do it as a tax break and the vast majority of the customers don't care as long as they get cheap games.
As others have said there's a good chance they'll start out really strong then weaken over time. Legend of Grimrock II is a game I'm interested in and I've mostly stopped buying bundles now due to the number of repeats and the large number of games I already have from them so IU'm willing to give this a shot for the first couple of months at least and see how it goes
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LoG 2 has already been 75% and might get an even bigger discount on the holiday sales, it's a waste to gamble 12$ on what might be a mediocre bundle judging it just by one game.
People, like me, "harp on" about the charity cut because they're always annoyingly in your face about how much they love charity yet the cut keeps getting smaller and smaller. Also, in case you've not noticed, it's something people have heavily associated with HiB and praised over time, so of course some might be sad to see them moving further away from that "path",
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They- so in your face because they're a business and that association gets them sales.Being a bit miffed that y#they've strayed from that path is totally understandable, but people using "but its for charity" as an arguement/reasoning is bull.
I know I can get it cheaper but its something that I'll play now rather than just dump in the backlog and I know I'll get more than my $12 worth out of it. Anything else is a bonus. Any of the other games that I dont already have simply increase the value for me.
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I totally agree. 5% charity cut just doesn't make it for me. In regular HB-s I have tried to customize the charity cut to nearly 50% because usually 75% of the games in bundle are not my cup of tea and are not worth that much after all so I feel like the % I pay for these ones deserves to go for charity.
Another big question is the unsubscribe option. If the bundles are starting to contain only semi old aging stuff that is anyway always on sale and dead regarding playerbase then I really have no interest to continue my subscription.
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+1; most companies don't give to charity out of the goodness of their hearts. They do it either for a tax break or to seem like a they are a generous companies who want to help others (mainly for publicity though), but it doesn't matter, because whatever the reasons, the peoples who needs it get it and that's what's important. At least it's important to me.
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Humble Bundle takes 15% from Humble Store purchases.
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You are mistaken. Humble Bundle is a business, not a charity. Why would they pay the cost of running a store and take none of the money?
Q: What are the revenue splits?
A: Even though the Humble Store isn't pay-what-you-want we still are very adamant about supporting developers and charities. After deductions for payment processor fees (typically around 5%) the net revenue is split 3 ways: 75% to developers, 10% to charity and 15% to Humble Bundle to cover costs associated with hosting the content.
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What the hell? I guess they don't want paypal because there you can cancel the subscription any time easily.
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Most subscription services don't allow PayPal in my experience.
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Guess what! If a monthly subscription was required to use the toilet, I would say Paypal or nothing, because I don't feel comfortable giving my credit card details to people I have no reason to trust and if it didn't work with Paypal, I would rather pee in a litter box.
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i really hope your PP password is memorized or securely saved
credit cards are safe with all their protections, it's debit that's not safe (since someone can charge until negative & the bank doesnt protect you)
humble has no reason to trust? it's better than a local restaurant or grocery store
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Or link your credit card to paypal like I do for double protection :)
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Check with your bank, some have a thing they call 'virtual credit cards'. It a credit card where you can place x amount of money from your account into a temporary credit card.
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They are now accepting PayPal. How do I know? I was offered that option just now when I signed up.
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So this is a bit like Groupees bundles where you don't know what games are in the bundle before you buy the bundle?
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If you don't have them already and if you will find them interesting.
Is it just me or are there a lot of ifs concerning this new bundling?
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I'm thinking the same: appetizers for the first bundle(s), then some dry bread. :-)
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Obviously there is a lot of ifs since you don't know what are you buying and $12 is not exactly cheap when it comes to bundles. For one I'd like to know how many games are we even talking about. 3? 20?
I am sure there will be a lot of disappointed people. I don't know if I want to be disappointed because I wasted $12 and games are not as good as I hoped or because I didn't pay $12 and missed an awesome deal.
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Pretty much, only Humble has a far better reputation with the games they pick.
As in, not greenlight filler.
Groupees still have bundles with an occasional fun title, but most of what they offer is chaff. Humble bundles are usually made of better quality games, but you still run the risk of a bundle being made up of things that aren't to your taste, or with titles you already mostly own. I think that part of the appeal of buying blind is the gamble aspect, and in this case, the elevated price comes with a certain degree of certainty on the quality of the games.
...but it's still a gamble.
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and also you will never get a game that is bundled before and it will never repeat. if they give us what Epic bundle says. then i'm all for it, because lets say we get The Flame in the Flood in a bundle, that's $20 dollars, we got it for 12. Legend of Grimrock 2 $24 dollars, we got it for $12 and it was never bundled before. i think if you can afford the $12 dollars i say get it, if you don't like it cancel it, its risk free
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One bundle at $12 a month, I imagine it will not be available to purchase if you are not subscribed before the Friday drop, but the real question is - how many rebundled games will be included and how soon will the games be put into another cheaper tiered bundle after they are released for the monthly.
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The wording they have on it makes me doubt that.
"Discover games that haven't been featured in other bundles." Who's bundles? All bundles anywhere or just HB's? I will still probably get the first month, since that will no doubt be a big one to get more people to subscribe for what may come next, but after that I think I will wait to see how things go.
Would just had to get a Monthly then 3 weeks later see a Hump Day with half the games.
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But will the games be bundled? I would only subscribe to have giveaway fodder. :D
I'm not into the whole gambling part of this. Who knows for certain that this is not just their version of a random game key or something?
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That's another good question - will this come as one key or will you get a key for each game?
The fact that you are only able to purchase one monthly bundle per account tells me to be cautious over the first few bundles they release and wait to see what happens.
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Also being not bundled before is kind of misleading because games that aren't bundled before can have been in any kind of Steam sales (monday, midweek, daily, end of the week, larger sales) and on sale in a myriad of other sites (GMG, Humble store, IG store,...).
At 12 bucks a bundle it's kind of expensive to thave already games in your Steam account that are also in these new monthly Humble bundles.
I'm thinking with "Discover games that haven't been featured in other bundles." that this only means in Humble bundles. So we'll see overlapping games with the other bundle sites.
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They don't even say Not bundled before, they say Not featured in other bundles which is even looser and gives them more wiggle room imo.
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Game to unlock if you enroll this month: Legend of Grimrock 2.
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Rachel is here so imma c&p my comment from the other post :D
I wonder how many games exactly are we talking about? <<< Edit: Seems like "around 5".
Join now to instantly unlock your copy of Legend of Grimrock 2.
If you want to get Legend of Grimrock 2 for half the price and to try this new monthly subscription - I say go for it.
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Some people (not me) find 50% off an attractive discount. Or you can say that you are buying the game at historic low price and paying extra $6 for unknown games.
Either way LoG2 is just a bonus. No ones knows what bundle itself would look like.
HB usually delivers quality games but the question is will this subscription worth it? How many rebundles and repeats is going to be there? How many games from this exclusive bundle will end up in $1 tier in a regular HB bundle few weeks later?
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The first month subscription is probably a safe bet. Humble bundles don't always appeal to everyones tastes, but their quality is generally quite good. Being a launch month, there will be a lot of eyes watching the new subscription bundle so they're likely to make an extra effort to impress.
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"Quality" is on downward spiral across all bundle sites but Humblebundle usually offers games that are not as bad as some Groupees, IG, DIG bundles (but they ask more money too). I agree about hit and miss. I've been skipping quite a few HB bundles lately.
In my opinion it is veeerry unlikely that HB will add adult games to this subscription (all games are going to be redeemable on steam and steam does not allow explicitly adult games) and also little Billy probably knows much easier ways of finding porn online without parent's credit card :)
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I think the idea there is that even if LoG2 alone could be obtained for less, its a bit of a compensator should the other titles be complete junk.
Whereas if the other titles are as worthwhile as they claim, it'll be $12 of value.
The obvious problem? Even if the titles are worthwhile, plenty of people already own tons of games...
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I will tell you more. I am fairly certain that it won't give you a better value since most likely you won't need all games in the bundle. I don't expect any big games or AAAs. I have a feeling that this subscription is just a lazy way of stocking your steam inventory with pretty good indie games. People that check deals and bundles daily will probably find better deals somewhere else.
With that said I will still try 1st month xD
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I am just talking about myself because I am addicted to bundles. I don't know if it would worth it to a normal person. :)
There is a speculation (and most likely it's true) that at least first month or two will be very good just to promote this new subscription model (+ you get Legend of Grimrock 2 as a sign up bonus).
I don't think it's worth paying $12 a month in general since you don't know what are you getting but first month should be a safe bet. HB should throw some great games in our faces otherwise this subscription idea will be dead on arrival.
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My guess is the 1st month will be good to get people in, while all other months will be meh
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So are they really expecting us to blind purchase these bundles at $12/month with only Legend of Grimrock 2 to go on?
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Is it me or is this way of working a leap of faith?
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12$ a month sounds a bit excessive IMO. Far more than I'd otherwise spend, though I'm a real cheapskate so take that for what it's worth :p. Anyway, those games have better be really good. I have no way to know so this is basically pre-ordering taken up to eleven. As someone who finds even standard preorders too risky... I dunno, really. HB have been one of my favorite resellers and I trust them, but I'm not sure I'm willing to jump on this one.
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You mean, reduced how much goes to Humble?
I've cut their share a few times, though sometimes I've raised it, as well;
Some of their practices are iffy, but their selection and support have been fantastic, so it's a bit of a mix.
They have a lot of good charities on their roster, so I tend to favor putting most of the money there, especially when some of the games in a selection are from iffy-behaving publishers.
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Yes. In the past sometimes I raised their cut, but not since I knew they are there.
My cut to specific developers also depends on if I like more or less the games and as you say, if they're iffy.
But in general [most-all] of HB part goes to charity and a part from developers goes to charity. Also depends on the charities they have picked for the bundle.
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Beside having little money right now, too much blind faith to be put - never before bundled games, ok, but will they all be of some quality? Also, is it going to supplant some other bundle, is Humble (only by name at this point) just piling up another?
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"Only idiots or the rich can afford to gamble."
I'm at the very least not rich. :P
But when you've got so little to go on as this, it makes you wonder who WOULD go for the gamble. They haven't even mentioned a minimum quantity of games per month, or any clear indication of what kinds of games they're looking at including. :X
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Hmmmmmm, I don't know.
Tempted but it depends. A lot of the weekly bundles have a $6 higer tier - If it turns out that it's just like 2 of them lumped together in one bundle then nah, not for me. If it's a higher standard than that then it could be good. I'd certainly hope for that higher standard because we're buying blind, I think that deserves a better quality of game.
Might give the first one a go and see how it shapes up., will have to think about it.
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With $144 a year I think you can take better decisions picking games.
And now that I think of purchasing blind for games to be getting on the future without knowing how good they are perhaps only until revealed. Maybe you can obtain better result spending that money on Kickstarter.
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You could buy Darksouls 2 with that amount of money in big sale.
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included games:
Towerfall Ascension
Valyria Chronicles
Lethal League
Sanctuary RPG: Black Edition
Saints Row IV
and The legend of grimrock 2 (bonus)
Total Retail Value: $103.93
A bundle of (6?) new and rebundled games (?). [Guesses below chart]. Pay $12 for a monthly service delivered every first Friday of the month. Sign up now to get a FREE Legends Of Grimrock 2, and the rest of bundle on November 6th. If you signup now, you will be charged and there will be NO refunds for November's bundle. You can unsubscribe at any time though. Only 5% of proceeds go to charity. Read the FAQ, OP, and comments below for clarification.
Game Guesses:
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