There's really not much of a point of getting rid of it either in my opinion, there's really no downfall on having a bigger library, at least with more you will have an e-peen and maybe you will eventually be on one of those days were you just want to roulette a game from your library or just play bad games, like a bad movie night.
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Unless one has the games downloaded and installed then I don't see that it really makes a difference. And even if one did then they could just uninstall them. If it's an issue of 'I don't really want to see this stuff in my library' for whatever reason, then I have to wonder whether it would have been faster and easier to just hide them as opposed to going through the process of having them removed. I mean it's your library to do whatever you want with of course, and no offense, but it does seem a little bit OCD. In a way that's like removing the cigarette lighter in your automobile to lower its weight in order to make it more fuel efficient. It's inconsequential.
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I just use categories to sort everything, "broken", "crap", "completed", "early access/WIP(work in progress)", there is always the long shot they may fix a game and make it better but more importantly your less likely to do an accidental re-buy during the sale seasons, to re-activate if you get it again in a bundle, or do an accidental re-buy if they just change the current equivalent of the box art.
also there is a badge associated with the number of games in your library.
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That makes little sense. If you just want to declutter your library hiding them is essentially the same as removing them.
Edit: After reading a few other comments and seeing others have reacted similarly as I did I feel like I should say I'm sorry about my redundant comment. Sorry for cluttering up your comment section.
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No I just wanted to apologize for posting a redundant comment, which I realized after reading a few of the other comments. I guess I got a bit overly curious about an, in my eyes, odd solution. The apology i sincere but I'm sorry if it came across as passive aggressive.
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Except for the fact that its a free storage room with infinite space and no further restrictions.
And comes with a nice organized list so you don't have to search through it if you're looking for something specific since you can immediately go to the thing you're looking for.
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sometimes I think about doing the same, did it take long?
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I tried to get them to remove some inventory items from a game I never play, it was free to play and i installed it, and about an hour later decided I didn't like it. They won't get rid of those inventory items, and they're not tradable or marketable. So I have a whole tab in my inventory that's useless and annoying.
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Oddly enough, I can answer that!
I had Defence Grid 2 that I bought from a key seller (who claimed it was a Kickstarter key!) it got revoked after I had played it enough to get all but 1 card. I reacquired Defence Grid 2 and it showed I had 1 drop remaining. Then the key was revoked before I even had a chance to play it.... So I still don't have Defence Grid 2.... wait that wasn't the important part of the story! Steam remembers that you previously acquired the cards and doesn't let you get more. Mind you buying, having them remove it (not return it) and rebuying it would be a very expensive way to farm cards anyway!
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Good job!
I recently got rid of a lot of crap I had lying in my room. I'm almost done with it. Some 200Kg of stuff that hasn't even been looked at for 10 years.
Now that I got used to have my room almost empty (by comparison) I'll do a second round. :D
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Most game collectors font claim the games are for playing. That's why they call it game collecting.
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What if one of these garbage games gets an update and suddenly becomes the best game ever made!? Does that mean you have to buy it again?
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Yes! Crapygamo get the SuperAwesomeDeluxeSpectacularRemasterHDDefinitiveExtreme update. You don't own the game. You have to buy it again so you can see all the lens flares they added!
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Exactly my point. The only thing worse than buying a crappy game, is buying a crappy game twice!
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What about buying it Thrice? After realizing that that patch only added lens flares and having it removed again, they release the paid Ultra Fantasticototalynotascama engine overhaul that fixes all the user complaints while adding a whole host of new ones?
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And then when you complain, you'll receive an e-mail like this!
To purchase gifts on Steam, simply indicate your purchase is a gift during checkout. You'll be prompted to enter your friend's email address or select a Steam Friend to send your gift to. For more information about Steam gifts, please see <this guide>.
This should solve your problem with gifting a game. Please remember to close your ticket if your problem is resolved.
I speak from general experience, unfortunately:
None of the replies I ever got from support ever made a lick of contextual sense..
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What if some of them you won from Steamgift, so that's mean now you break the rules (didn't active winning) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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wow, you are the opposite of addict. it's like the other side of sober:
Consider the following scale:
from here
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Ah, I wonder if you could take that a step forward and have them just delete your account? Good way to get rid of a gaming addiction. AND SG ADDICTION WHILE WERE AT IT!
Congrats on stepping up to the plate though! What happens if later you decide to change you're mind and really want to play one of those games. Could you make another support ticket to reverse the removal? :)
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At this point, I'll literally add anything I don't have to my library. I know I won't play most of it, but I always keep getting more. I played around 5 hours of Steam games in the last two weeks (disregarding idling) but added 35 new games to my account. :P
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Plot Twist: He actually found it and 9999 other copies crowding his gift inventory, and the contrary message that was sending was driving him mad, so he sent it out to 1000 people.
Or was that a random person with a <developer> tag here on SG?
That seems pretty par.
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