For me the easier question was Q2, since it was clear what you wanted.
Q3, however, is awful. Q3 is the question that makes the puzzle totally random, and I only solved it because of the hint (the old hint, these new hints are worse IMO).
Also it is not helpful that you were saying things like "This is a very simple puzzle", "it is very easy to be solved", "It is a fact is that the puzzle is simple", "The answer is extremely simple"... People get frustrated faster in that way (and start hating you and your puzzle), And I know that you consider simple != easy, but I showed you a simple puzzle and I hope you are trying to solve it to know what people are thinking about your puzzle right now. Puzzles where the questions are not clear sucks in ITH, since there is a 30-seconds penalty for each incorrect answer, and it is the worst type of puzzle possible for that format.
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I said it is easy FOR ME (my biased perspective), I never said it is easy for others. I said it is simple, but simple is not easy.
Q3 is a hint disguised as a question (supposed to give you a clue on Q2), which clearly confused you. The answer may be perceived as random, but it does have a connection with Q1 and the overall puzzle mindset. It's nothing uber random, I think it's within the acceptable bounderies of ITH "bruteforce guessing"
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Itstoohard bro, you win. I have to go back to studying
EDIT: bump while I'm here
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I've got a puzzle, and here's the only clue: thing
Figure out what thing is, and you've solved it. It's really easy to figure out what thing is and it's not really that complex, but I am also biased. If you turn your head to the left, look down at your left hip, reach your left arm around your right hip, and with your right, simultaneously touch your elbow to your nose as your hand taps on your left shoulder, you just may figure out what thing is. It's really very, very easy. It's quite obvious if you really think about it. Anyway, good luck. There's an expensive game in it for you! (Seriously, it's very easy. I practically gave you the answer).
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Fact: Water covers about 70% of the earth
Not a fact: This puzzle is very easy.
Just a suggestion, but you might want to avoid mixing the two. You, as the creator of the puzzle, knowing the answer doesn't mean it's a fact that the puzzle is very easy.
For what it's worth, I did try to solve it. I understand Q1 but none of my six or seven guesses worked. After looking at everything else, I gave up and tried to illustrate my perspective on the puzzle. Maybe I'll try again and figure out the method to your madness, but I'm definitely not optimistic!
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Easy and simple are different things. I can say for a fact that this puzzle is simple, but being easy or not depends on the perspective. If you solve it in one minute, you'll think it's easy, even if others take a long time. I never said it was easy. (In the puzzle page I said that, to myself, it was easy, because I am biased). Understand?
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To clarify things a bit further, what i'm testing in this puzzle is how unusual puzzle questions could be without making the puzzle unfeasible or unsolvable. As it is an experimental puzzle, you can guess it has an unusual approach to it.
The core element is that there is some degree of trial and error here, obviously i'm not asking you to bruteforce anything, but the answer won't be obvious immediately just by being on the right track and finding it. Clues should make you suspect that something could be the answer the question expects.
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Wow, that is hard and I don't understand the hints at all. I will come back to this if there will be any more hints at some point.
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Solved #1 easily. Think i understand #2 but none of my attempted answers are correct... maybe has something to do with the bolded words. The question content of #3 is easily found, but hasn't lead to any insight about a proper answer for it or rest of the puzzle. As for #4, I just don't see the pattern.
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After trial and error I finally got q3 right.
I'll try to get past all of them.
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First puzzle solved, too. Man, I stuck there for half an hour. This is too interesting, have to finish it^^
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Answer this question in the same kind of way you answered one of the previous questions.
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Okay, I used a different tool for Q1 and solved it instantly. I actually thought the right way before.
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You got ahead of me? I wanted to do sth else but now I have to solve it.
Edit: Nevermind, I give up. :D
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Got Q1, Q2 and Q3.
Q4 is supposed to be one of the easiest, but no idea what to do there.
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Nope. Nothing became immediately obvious after reading or rereading it.
If you don't mind a bit of (hopefully) constructive criticism, you seem to be assuming that because things are obvious for yourself, that they will immediately pop into the mind of people trying to solve the puzzle. Try to put yourself in their shoes and pretend you don't know the answer or the steps needed to get there.
A challenge is fun.. but it can quickly just become tedious and frustrating. Hopefully you're trying to make something fun :-) But so far there is only one solver who (IMHO) is probably the best puzzle solver on this site.
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If the puzzle was completely unsolvable or unfeasible, nobody would solve it. And I know that over 3 other people solved the relevant question, and only failed to complete because they gave up. I never claimed that the puzzle was easy, as it is impossible for the puzzle maker to make such a claim. I even added several hints!
My next puzzle will have a different approach, let's hope that works better :)
About Q4: If the fact about Q4 the hint is talking about isn't immediately obvious to you, is because it is so evident that you didn't even consider it!
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I have to jump in here.
He is right, Perro is one of the best puzzlers and that's why he might have the mindset to solve this, although he also says that he didn't enjoy it.
I like challenging puzzles, even when they're a pain in the ass, because as soon as I solve it I feel a great relief and happiness about finally solving it. Also everything I thought wouldn't make sense seems perfectly reasonable all of a sudden.
I've got the first question and this was really easy because you said research. Still I didn't get it right the first time just because each page I used to solve it worked differently thus giving me different answers although they all claimed to do the same thing. It was just luck that I retried and got it.
The hints you always update aren't really helping. You only rephrase them and change the formatting.
I like to tell you my thought process going through the questions.
Q2 is an absolute mystery to me. I researched every aspect of it and found out to be 1260 to be sth different than just a year or random number. Didn't help me tho. I apporached it with the same "theme" as in Q1 and it didn't work.
Q3 is way too misleading. The answer isn't the question. I tried every combination. I tried the same as in Q1 with the output I got from the question and it didn't help as well.
Q4 is obvious when reading it. I don't know what the answer is still.
Obviously I didn't want to write fown every detail because those could be considered hints and my hours of thinking would contribute to other puzzlers, so I might be mire detailed as soon as the giveaway is over.
Please add some hints that aren't as vague and could be understood by someone who didn't create the puzzle.
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My hints aren't vague, I added quite a ton of them, if I add less vague hints I might as well spoil the answers :3
I agree with you about Q3 partially, the question doesn't exactly give you the answer, it is the answer, and solving Q1 clues you on how to answer it. To tell you the truth, Q3 only exists to help you in Q2. Just gave you a huge hint D:
And Q4 should have never existed, I added it so the puzzle wouldn't be too small.
Sorry that you aren't having fun. You'll have fun in my next puzzle. I promise.
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Believe me I tried the huge hint on Q2 already. Like I said I don't want to say exactly what I thought of doing because this would be hints.
How long does this puzzle last? Like when does the GA end? I will add you on steam tomorrow and tell you everything I thought of. This way you might get a little insight into the mind of a non-robotic average human beings mind. :P
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The thing is that I am about to go to sleep and I am on the cellphone and I already wrote a long text and I hate typing on the cellphone. That's why.
Yeah, sorry I haven't checked. Chill. :P
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"the fact about Q4 the hint is talking about isn't immediately obvious to you, is because it is so evident that you didn't even consider it" - as I mentioned above, yes, this is really evident, but still all the answers this leads too are considered wrong.
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What's up with that final hour if epic hints tho! :D
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Those hints are nothing new, man. :D
You know what would help? To say what format the answers have. One word or if there are numbers in it etc.
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Hello puzzle people!
Long time no puzzle!
I bet you all are like "Can I has puzzle pls?"
It has a prize (I promise)
Please attempt: Link
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