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GA(s) end on my SG Cake Day!

Bump it up with your favorite movie soundtrack song and why so I can listen to on CAKE DAY! (or whenever)

I'm not sure if I said cake day enough so CAKE DAY!!!!!!!!


Edit: Typo fixed, numbers shuffled. sorry if anyone got messed up :)

according to the notification I got from the interacty host i've exceeded my monthly views for my 7 day trial. the link still appears to work for me, please let me know if it doesn't and i'll remove and close the thread.

Also, thanks to all who submitted videos, i'm going through and listening to them all, some flashbacks and good memories had in music, some new discoveries too. I hope equally the same for others reviewing the thread.


thank you to all those who took the time to submit a video link, I believe I responded to everyone who did. If not I do apologize! I picked up some new great tunes to listen to!! Today is officially cake day and the end of my first cake day GA. congrats to the winners and thanks to everyone for the cakeday wishes! :)

4 months ago*

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And I love this song when I saw the movie "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" .

3 months ago

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catchy song, never heard of that movie i'll have to look it up

3 months ago

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Happy Cakeday!
Taken it is then

3 months ago

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Gave me a radiohead vibe at first then picked up a bit

3 months ago

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