Do you also want these features ?
I finally went to test that script and it's awesome! It's going to make things a lot easier for me. I especially love that the tags apply directly in the Entered list so it's easy to manage from there too (which is really helpful to me). So have a super thanks both for birthing the concept and for all these great follow-up giveaways! I wish you luck with the rest of your suggestions.
And thanks to all the people who did the coding work obviously :)
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I want this sooooo bad, i hate that sometimes 1 year old discussions push discussions just created from the first page, so no one sees them and they die.
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just do it like the GA filter scripts, where you can combine and toggle al features. Also a feature of subscribing to a thread would be nice, like in steam.
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Sorry personally I can't do anything unfortunately, I just spread awareness collect feedback data and polish features, I hope somebody will make it, and surely 100% credit will go to him (as I am currently praising Ruphine for all his great work on Steam Gifts Tags script that he wrote and implemented), because I don't want any fame, I just want these features and I doing the best I can do to raise awareness and popularity so this idea will get implemented.
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i didnt mean you should do it, when i said just do it like... sorry if i used the wrong words.
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It'd be nice to be able to subscribe to a discussion like you can on the Steam forums too
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I don't think bookmarking accomplishes the goal. You'd still need to follow up on every forum on your own, there's no way of knowing when something new has been added. I suppose if it's only a couple threads you want to be really involved in, bookmarking works, but if I'm bookmarking EVERY thread I might want to look back on I will not be using my time well
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I did mean like notifications. In other iterations of the idea it's only given notifications for the parent topic but you're absolutely right, that could get unruly very quickly. It's never been a huge issue for Steam forums though. I've gotten a few notifications that I didn't care about but it's only been once or twice that I've gotten so many notices I've had to unsub the discussion.
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@1 - Good idea and doable with a script.
@2 Good idea, impossible to be done with a script (there are currently over 1100 Pages of Discussions - script would have to load them all pretty often to categorize them by date and that would generate massive load on server.
@3 Cannot be done with a script same reason as above.
@4 Good idea and doable with a script :>
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@2 maybe implement it with some kind of buffer, don't analyze 1100 pages, but instead analyze and sort only first 10-30 pages and sort them, because you only need latest posts, and I don't think they will be sinked by old posts deeper than 10 pages on a single day.
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Atill too much load. Atm having peak hour single Discussion page just toook me 1.8sec to load. It already shows the load the server is going through right now with people just loading a single page at the time. Now imagine people loading 30 pages simultaneously. 30 times bigger server load - and our host just bans users using the script for DDoS ;p Heck even if script would to be loading just 5 pages it still means 5 times bigger load for each user using it making site extremelly laggy in peak hours. So no - no matter how useful such a tool would be - a script that is basically DDoSing SG is a big fat NOPE ;p It could be done by cg as code implementation to the site (performing query on site db is much more optimal than loading several pages full of not neccesary data just to grab information script would need. So as an option for future site improvement done by cg - surte. As idea for a script - absolutelly not.
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What if it will be done only for a single server, on which script will be hosted and then it will send this sorted info only for script users, but it is hard to implement because it has to be dedicated server\site like sgtools =(
I understand and agree with you, that if SG will implement these features by themselves it will be 200% effective and no headache instead of using a 3rd party scripts, grease monkey addon, e.c.t., but unfortunately we could only hope for that =(
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I just thought about new solution !
/joke start/
SG Digest - he lurks the forums, sorts all discussions gets all links, and then prints newspaper with latest SG news rumors disscussions, and delivers it to your house every morning!
/joke end/
But jokes aside, you are right, I have to think more of ways to implement and share them.
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For 2 and 3, it'd much more easier if cg implement it similar to
We already have New Giveaways, why not New Discussions...
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Bumping thread since entered a few giveaways.
While I like the concepts, on a personal note, there are many features I've seen in scripts, but would prefer for them to be part of steamgifts as a standard. It may just be a timing thing for cg to implement, or no need too, if userscripts can accomplish the same for those who want it.
I'm of the opinion where I don't like 23 browser extentions and/or scripts running in the browser, it took months just for me to actually start using Enhanced Steam.
To throw two cents in though, what about further options?
(Likely specific to
{%Name} has forwarded you a link to the topic {TopicTitle/Linked to topic}.
You can go directly to their post by clicking {here/Link to post}.
Therianmysti has forwarded you a link to the topic Discussions Optimizer Enhancement + 15 GA.
You can go directly to their post by clicking here.
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Or just a link in your profile where - Comments 884 , you click on 884 and it opens list of all your comments in posts and GA's like it does in
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1 and 4 seems completely do-able, especially if you're just hiding them from the user. (eg, 4 would really be grabbing the All page but hiding discussions that didn't match the selected categories) Add a Show All toggle to temporarily turn the filter off/display the hidden topics with some indicator to allow toggling the hiding on and off...
Man I wish I weren't busy with non-programming work. PROGRAMMING IS MUCH MORE FUN.
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I think more importantly we should be able to see our comment history.
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Bumpity bump. I would like to be able to sort by date created too.
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Some or all of these would be useful. I mean, I would never complain about having more options :)
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234 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Syssareth
16,667 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by MikeWithAnI
8 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by Gamy7
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894 Comments - Last post 44 minutes ago by rufioh
So, my previous suggestion received huge feedback (176 Yes votes), and eventually was implemented by super awesome user Ruphine (praise him).
So I hope that if this topic will be given enough feedback, and Yes votes - some awesome person will do the script\tool to implement this features, as Ruphine did for Steam Gifts Tags - that is currently available - here.
I use steamgifts discussions A LOT, and sometimes I miss important topic or it's update, so I came up with few ideas (sorted by the order of importance):
1) Ability to hide, and mange hidden discussions, as you can do with GA's
2) Sort discussions by created date, so you will never miss on new discussions, currently they are sorted by last reply
3) Show Recent Discussions only, and you can set time period for example - only discussions created for the last 24 hours or 30 days
4) Chose what categories you want to include when all is chosen for example if you want to see all discussions except off-topic and Let's play together.
Mock-up screenshot OLD
Not only I want this, check this thread also
Finally implemented 1) and 2) features (most wanted) by awesome user ambidot
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