i win a game form you.,
next week it gets bundled.
i ask you to reroll cause my cat died, and i will give you the new key - it's allowed.
not i don't have a non-bundle game on my record... and ti was cheap
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actually, no.
it's one of those early morning understanding
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And they would only have the word of someone requesting a reroll and offering a key that isn't the one they sent.
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Umm, I follow but I have a question: Why you would do this in the first place?
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cause some sgtools checks need a high real cv ratio
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Again, why would you do this?
So you won X amount of gibs and someone has excluded you from it. Is it truly worth going through all this effort for a chance to win it?
Honestly boyo, as others have pointed out, I very much doubt you will get a reroll if you asked for it due to the amount of time that passed by. The very fact that you would ask such a request will raise eyebrows and a simple check of your steam profile will raise a shit ton of questions.
Tl;dr: A stupid way to try to game the system for minimal gains.
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still possible.
i'm sure people can come up with excuses...
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Fair enough.
This is probably not the best time for me to make logical arguments since it's 6am and I've been up all night (I work nights, so that's a given :P).
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Thx4Skyrim Found the one ring, but nothing there for me :)
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This requires that the giver not remember if they checked if the winner owned the game, not notice that the recipient owns the game, or not notice that they have owned the game prior to the game being bundled (such as by earning achievements). In addition someone who wins a non-bundled game must receive a key instead of a gift, must not play it at all or only idle the cards, then request a re-roll, and then have it accepted.
This is a pretty elaborate dodge.
Calling alarmist on this one.
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no. get another key cheap. after it got bundled...
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I'm aware that a key for the same won game must be provided. The problem is that it either requires collaboration on the part of the winner and the giver, or obvious risk by the winner that the giver made no effort to see if they activated the game, have achievements, etc. Obviously a private profile mitigates that somewhat.
Still, this is quite the elaborate, limited use, rare situation, risky scam, and for little benefit.
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i agree with everything you said.
so does the other things people do for CV or SG rule breaking.
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There will always be areas to exploit for those whose interest lie in deception.
This is a very minor opportunity for such exploitation, and other than unaware givers being aware of this minor possibility, there is no defense against it.
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Actually none of that is relevant. Whether the game suddenly appears on the account or not can not be proven directly linked to the key or gift received on SG, even though it's highly suspicious. Of course, the gifter would then probably deny the re-roll, but the winner runs no risk by attempting the loophole. I agree that it'd be much harder to come up with an excuse for a gift than a key though. The problem with keys is that it's always one person's word against the other and thus it's inherently open to abuse.
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All of it is relevant, just not in every case. Unless the winner's account is private the gifter may look at it at any time after the giveaway ends, including before or after sending the key and before or after it is marked received. While their personal knowledge that the winner is trying to pull a scam may not lead to sanction on SG itself, it does matter, and it is a risk to pursue such a benefit for one's received CV. Additionally, achievements prior to the game being bundled would be relevant as well.
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No, that's the goal, not the motivation. :P
Example: Goal = Eating Cake. Motivation = Cake is delicious.
The question is why anyone would find reducing CV to be motivational enough to bother with putting such effort/risk into, which I personally can't grasp.
I'm sure it'd make perfect sense to anyone doing it :P
And odd, staff has always made a point of investigating details for me before approving rerolls [though, strangely, not when someone asked for a reroll on me without justification (they simply didn't want to give it to me :( )] so I assumed that was more a constant factor for all reroll requests.
The real question is if they can ask for a reroll if they already have the game.
I mean, considering some of the games I won 3 days before they got bundled in a bundle I bought, I can certainly see the appeal from a certain perspective if SG Staff approves of it, I just wouldn't figure that to be the case.
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Alright, fair enough. The motivation is because everybody hates and blacklists people with bad ratio and SGTools prevents them from entering half the giveaways in the Discussion forums. I'd say the motivation is pretty clear. Furthermore, it's a loophole that's not directly against the rules because the worst that can happen is that the gifter refuses the re-roll with no penalty to the winner. Of course, if it's too obvious, the user could get blacklisted anyway, reported to support and maybe they'd find a way to eventually prove that they abused the key (I don't think they'd do it with a gift, it's too easy to track where it has been).
I've had a lot of mixed experiences with support and re-rolls so hearing of your experience it sounds like it's really not very constant.
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Still, clearing up ratio for anyone with a problematic ratio'd involve hundreds of reroll requests, which would clearly evidence an issue to SG staff. That's more my point, I don't see how a few rerolls would matter much, especially with risk and effort associated with them.
YMMV, to be sure.
And nah, wouldn't hate anyone for ratio- the issue is that MOST people with poor ratio are ALSO totally self-centered and rude and disrespectful as hell, and THAT is what gets them on most blacklists.
I do however blacklist people with terrible ratios after they've won from me once, because while it's their prerogative to leech from the site, if they leech from a specific individual multiple times, that's just not fair to other potential winners who haven't won as much.
And, y'know, I tag those users and remove the blacklist if their ratio improves.
Of course, it's all dependent- you're certainly not on my blacklist currently. :)
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I'm still not sure why they keep letting him off suspension- at least, not without auto-adding him to every single blacklist on site.
..then again, it's not like we'd notice if that was the case. (:P) but he still seems to be racking in the wins in-between suspensions :P
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He's been on Permanent Suspension a ton of times now, it's ridiculous. I get that that's not necessarily the same as PermaBan on this site, but he's well past the 3-strikes mark now.
Likewise, 'that developer' keeps coming back from Perma-Suspension as well, though perhaps not as frequently.
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That's kinda my point- for something 'permanent', they sure seem to come back from it a lot.
But no, apparently 'Permanent Suspension' on SG means 'Suspended until you've resolved whatever got you suspended', while 'Permanent Ban' means 'Not ever coming back, ever'.
Well, that's the info that floated around the forums on it, a while back, last time we asked about why people like the ones you mentioned kept coming back. :/
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Apparently? And I don't begrudge that option, that's honestly far more fair than 'here's 5 days suspension and you're cleared of all wrongdoing', but that they seem to be able to come back from it so easily, repeatedly, is rather.. off :X
Then again, it probably wouldn't be bugging us so much if it wasn't for the rampant bigotry and hate-speech of the first person mentioned, and the skeevy behavior of the second- or, put in other words, things that detract from the quality of the community, but aren't reflected in their suspensions/SGTools records.
On the plus side, it looks like at least the first one has cleared up their SGTools record [likely why they're back, yet again], so their return doesn't seem to be detracting from that part of the site's function.. though you gotta wonder at how much effort the staff is dedicating to the whole silly back-and-forth affair. :X
Or, in summary- it may be more weird and disconcerting than it is an objective problem.
I can't say I'm personally in favor of it, however.- though that may be because I find the contrast between how harsh staff is toward new users/honest mistakes/things that aren't actual rule-breaking except in a single staff member's capricious mind, and how lenient they are toward repeat offenders of a significant nature.
Then again, community aspects aside, I guess it's a 'no harm [remaining], no foul [remaining]' approach :P
So yeah. Definitely silly, but if it's something to be bothered by is really up to the person considering it.
I'm all in favor of changing 'Permanent' to 'Indefinite' though :'P
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here's a better method
win a $60 game
trade it for 20-25 csgo keys
get suspended 5 days
trade the keys for discounted games
farm cv (trades with keys will be worth like $40-$50, games at -75%+ discount means you will get 160-200cv)
after some months buy the game you won for -50%-75%, activate it, records cleaned on sg.
yes i'm drunk, i probably shouldn't post this
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i meant unclean profile.
i must be drunk as well (almost noon)
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Your suspension leaves a permanent mark on your account, so it not only publicly stains your reputation but also prevents you from doing it deliberately multiple times since repeat offenses will lead to a permanent suspension for sure. Otherwise a fine idea though.
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unless you do something that leads to permabanthere is usually 3 strikes rule - so you would have to been caught 2 times for the same thing prior to receiving permaban. Also keep in mind that more often than not regifter/nonactivator manages to regift/trade a ferw games before he gets caught. So hypothethically speaking - you win 2-3 60$ games, gets first 10-15 day syuspension, then you win 2-3 more, gets 2nd suspension then you stop ;) And you get 1000-1200$ CV with Mullins calc ;)
But it's just hypothethically speaking - it would requirte you winning 6 brand new AAA not-discounted games - and these are rare, in minority, especially in public GAs and you'd hqave to be extremelly lucky to pull what she suggested ;) Or already be in groups / have higher level - and in such case it's not worth it anymore as you will lose your groups in the process and won't be able to win any more AAAs to continue this. And as you would already be high level, you don't really need this 160-200$ extra CV at the cost of losing all your groups ;p
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i agree with this no matter the reason.
they just aren't the same as they used be... i loved the 90's cartoon
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I actually like it a lot. The 90's one was too "kiddie" for me. The jokes in the current one have more punch. Unfortunately. Nicolodian doesn't seem to understand how to schedule a program so I've lost track of what's going on this season. I think the turtles are in space or another dimension right now and I don't know how they got there!
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mostly yes. but also just cv won.
no one really cares about SG cv anymore...
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early enough? not sure..
maybe late morning thread
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Rerolls has to be accepted by support. While this could work once or twice, because you could come up with some excuse like idk - I activated, but my group ratio sucked, so I deny this win or something like that - if you'd try to pull this up more than once or twice it would be very noticeable - why is this guy requesting rerolls months after his wins? And the moment anyone from support notice for sure you get denied any further rerolls and probably also get permabanned for CV Abuse scheme which falls into Misuse of Giveaway Feedback - Permanent ;) It's a new idea for CV abuse scheme, but CV abuse schemes/exploits themselves, various ones, have been around for a while. And if there's proof you're doing it it's permaban - and in your idea you're providingg proof to support and make it easier to catch you yourself by requesting suspicious rerolls ;)
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hmmm, it's "hidden".
have you seen Zelgh guide to SG puzzles yet?
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152 Comments - Last post 58 minutes ago by tanisi
251 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by ayuinaba
Well, it's more luck based, but it could still work.
in order to clear the record it is possible to ask support to reroll a game you won, while you provide the new key. the GA maker should agree to this. but it is possible.
disclaimer 1: i don't know what support think of this, but i could come up with a good exude, not CV farming.
disclaimer 2: i thought about free games as well, but i sure hope support don't allow re-roll for a now free game
disclaimer 3: no poll, cause potato would win so why waste your time
disclaimer 4: this turned out too long, so sorry for the wall of text
disclaimer 5: i made a train, good luck finding it.
disclaimer 6: each cart opens after the last one ended - 2 hours each GA.
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