If I'm reading it right it isn't considering the 5 entry requirement
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Search for Fortix (which I've given 68 times) didn't have so many hits, so many include something so we know the number of copies given for each listing.
Also - Fortix (0.0017970102999144$)
Damn, I made a lot from that copy.
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I'm sure I gave Sonic Generations away before it was part of the Humble Bundle. I specifically made that giveaway end 2 hours before the week 2 games were unlocked anticipating that it would be bundled. I'm also pretty sure I got full contribution out of it (at least, on SGV1)
Checking the bundle games list though, Generations was bundled on March 13, 2014. IsThereAnyDeal lists Generations only got bundled once, on the Humble SEGA bundle, where it was added to BTA on December 2nd. Weird.
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Nifty little app, I see you've excluded GAs with less than 5 entrants even from the list rather than just mark them grey or so.
I'm not a math expert but since it shows I'm 3.83, assuming level 4 is $100 I'm still 10$ short. Solved.
"Real CV for account murkmurkmurk: 81.75$"
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Nope. it don't work.
This is the list that it shows: [http://screenshooter.net/101971914/oaxseel]
It don't "see" in my profile Unreal: Gold, Unreal: 2 and Duke Nukem Forever: [http://screenshooter.net/101971914/fnlpxhf]
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Didn't include some games for me too but now all works great!
Well, it's not exactly hard math in my case anyway, but still useful! Thank you very much!
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Btw, shouldn't there be additional category in discussions for "community-made" tools? It will bring more attention to them and help people to discover convenient features that they might like and would've never found out about them otherwise, because they lost somewhere deep in general forum. There was even special page in forum menu for addons on old Steamgifts if I recall correctly, so it make sense to do it here.
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I haven't looked at the code but on a glance at the result I got from query I did notice that there are small bugs with your algorithm.
First it counts copies from latest to oldest (or top to bottom), it should be different way, from oldest (oldest copy I gave should give full $ and latest should be lowered after 5th for 10%).
Second you made overlook when counting gifts within giveaways with multiple copies. I'll give you example because it is easier than to explain with words. pvz 1 copy - full value, pvz 1 copy - full value, pvz 2 copies - full value, pvz 2 copies - here is mistake, both copies are lowered for 10%, instead of one giving full value, and second one to be lowered for 10%.
Good job btw ;)
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The order is important in this case yes, I'll give it a look to change it to use older first. I just didn't thought in the case when the 5 copies messes around with the order.
For the 5 copies thing, I'll check it! Thanks for the bug report :)
EDIT: Fixed the bug with the multi-giveaways going from less than 5 copies to 6+ copies, thanks for the report!
And now the giveaways are showed and calculated from older to newer
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I just got to level 5 on steamgifts and I'm assuming it's $250. Your tool shows 248.975. My guess would be that there is a problem with how it calculates bundles. For example I've gave away multiple Indie Gala 7 but only one Humble Bundle for Android 3 and 4 Indie Gala 8 but both Humble Bundle and Indie Gala 8 shows reduced value in your tool when (as far as I understand) it should be full value for them.
Great work nevertheless.
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It shows me 251.82579511$ as your CV.
Bundle status and repeated games are checked using it's steam url as identifier as it's unique and the most robust way to do it with the data that SG makes public.
The thing about Indie Gala and Humble bundle giveaways is that SG don't assign them an URL in the giveaways page, so they fall of in the same category for the CV calculations, making them count all together to the 5+ rule.
I'll do some changes tomorrow to correct this (it's something quite rare, because it has been a long time since they created an entry for a bundle like that).
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I'm currently in the process of giving away all my unused bundle keys and someone must have confirmed their gift. It was accurate when I wrote it ^^".
The point is if you look at the list those 2 bundles I mentioned they are orange and IMO shouldn't be. I have no idea if this is SG issue or not, just trying to be helpful and reported something that may be a bug ;)
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I had $187 in SGv1 in your tool shows $112 also i found this bug
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I appear to have a bug as well when entering this contest: http://www.sgtools.info/giveaways/7530e1a6-9ce6-11e5-b2c0-0663045ed9e8 It reads that I cannot enter b/c my public giveaways = $7.50, and the minimum is 10. However, I gave away about $5 worth of games after the SG bundle cut that have been marked received this morning and they show up in the SG checker for my username. But everytime I try to enter the contest I get the same public giveaways are too low message. The giveaway train ends at 10 AM tomorrow and I cannot access it despite meeting all the necessary requirements.
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Great tool, thanks for putting it together for us!
Would it be possible for the tool to display the amount of real CV needed to reach the next level?
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You can just check if the game you want to give away is on the bundle list here: http://www.steamgifts.com/bundle-games
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Seems to not be working right now. It used to work for me some hours ago.
According to this topic though since I have a level of 8.87, it means that my "Real CV" is (8.87*3000)/9 = 2,956.67$ but if I remember correctly your tool calculated something like 2.800$.
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Now that you asked, I can't say for sure that cg wrote anything about in level progress value, only that level boundaries are nearly exponential. I think there was something in beta site, but might be wrong. Anyways linear interpolation within single level should be close enough
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SteamGifts Tools is a tool in a form of a website that lets you do some interesting checks to steamgifts mechanics:
Link www.sgtools.info
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