8 years ago*

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a while ago i wiped my blacklist to start fresh, even those that blacklisted me for nonsence or misunderstanding...

8 years ago

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I cleared mine recently too.

8 years ago

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random people I have never come across before apparently blacklist me so I don't much care lol :D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thanks for this awesome game ambidot!

8 years ago

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No scripted commenting, I always wrote my comments myself and I even stopped commenting unless the description contains some kind of a question or a discussion topic to which I am able to add something, since in recent months people even demand no comments at all because they don't want their message box flooded.

8 years ago

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Likewise, if someone that posted here is blacklisted by you, let them know the reason or chance of redemption.

Check SGtools.info for the most likely answer

8 years ago*

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+1 xD

8 years ago

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Heh, wouldn't this whole thread constitute "calling out" then? Not the best of ideas.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Not calling anyone out, but for those that have blacklisted me, I would like to know the reason and my chance at redemption.

8 years ago

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Only guy I know who blacklisted me was on my whitelist... And when I asked why I was blacklisted, his reply was "I don't know, all I remember is that you used to be on my whitelist".


8 years ago

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Actually, same here. The only person I know blacklisted me was on my whitelist. When I tried to add him on Steam to find out why I was blacklisted, he blocked me. It's his right to blacklist me if he wants, I suppose, but I can't understand why he would block me on Steam rather than offer an explanation when asked.

8 years ago

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Just don't ever bother with those people. If you put up some 100 game raffle to get on good terms with those below 1:1 wins guys, how will they even know you were the one they blacklisted in their sea of blacklists? Tell them you are a good boy now?

8 years ago

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ahahahahaahahah i saw that!

8 years ago

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If you talk about same high level guy who still is on my wl I must admit im in good company :).
He is the only user with level above me, who blacklist me.

8 years ago

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The users on my blacklist (with one or two exceptions) are users that won a Giveaway, but never bothered to thank for it. And because there are more than enough thankful users on SG I rather have someone grateful winning my GAs.

So far I only came across one user who blacklisted me and he put me down, after I asked why (because he couldn't tell why I ended up there). So if somebody really blacklisted me, I would be curious why.

8 years ago

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Same goes for me. 70-80% of my blacklist (over 300 users) are the ungrateful ones, so their spots are well earned :)

8 years ago

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Agreed on the "seriously, you can't take two, freaking seconds to say thanks, then welcome to my blacklist". Unless someone specifically asks to not be thanked on the GA page or if it's a train (I always thank on one GA but try not to spam unless I have something pertinent to say on multiple GA's), I believe that common courtesy keeps the world a nicer place. When we stop observing basic manners, the world becomes a place of barbarism... I, for one, think that manners always matter no matter how "old-school" they may appear. A simple thank-you, a comment of appreciation, an acknowledgement that this place wouldn't exist without some kind of basic relationship-building.... yeah, that. :-p

As an aside, I am not asking for any blacklist redemption. Just saying that I don't care why anyone has decided to blacklist me since frankly my life is getting far too short and my back-log way too long. But hey, if you want to chat, I'm always open to a discussion because I'm the mother of MAHAYO :-D

8 years ago*

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I was blacklisted by a member, for what I can gather, no reason at all. I then tried to add him on Steam to see what I had done to offend. And then the guy blocked me. Not complaining, but as a word of advice to those who actively use their blacklist, if a person you blacklist adds you on Steam, give them a chance to know what they did. And with that I say,


Said person added me on Steam and fulfilled my curiosity complex! ALL IS RIGHT WITH THE WORLD :D

8 years ago*

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No, that's a lie. I don't even use my blacklist. And you're just too awesome. <3

8 years ago

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No, that's a lie. Guppies 1-43 have nothing on you my friend.

8 years ago

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I heard that guppy42 is the ultimate answer to the ultimate question of life, the Universe and everything though.

8 years ago

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Love the bloody image. And I mean that literally, not as a British idiom ;)

8 years ago

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Ahh, then you too read the latest book.
Care to share?

8 years ago

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He was smart enough to figure out I was actually the one who killed his puppy.

Ahaha jokes. I didn't read the description when entering one of his giveaways. Which was totally my bad. I usually do, but I didn't in that one. Also, if you try adding a Steam user and he/she just ignores it for the time, it won't let you reissue a friend request for some time, which is why I thought he blocked me, but he really didn't. So, I was quick to assume, which again was my bad. :D

8 years ago

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And I was hoping for some weird/funny reason...
Good that all cleared up for you )

8 years ago

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Same thing happened with me.

8 years ago

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a blacklist thread?
i need my black marker :3


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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Blacklisted for not having a Halloween avatar.

Un-blacklisted for teaching me how to 99%... wait, where is that post again? Damnit.

Redemption, ladies and gentlemen!

8 years ago

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stupid halloween, i don't need a festivity to change my avatar. :3

8 years ago

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But this would be a nice halloween avatar for you :P

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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omg where do you find such weird disturbing gifs D:

8 years ago

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i'll behave now

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Joke's on you. Still got Witcher III.

8 years ago

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you think i would put the game in there?

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8 years ago

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So cruel.

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I am repenting
please have mercy

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8 years ago

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I went to take you off and found you already on my whitelist. Click here please.

8 years ago

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Hahahaha xD
I can never be too sure :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Obvious past things.. plus maybe being rude, but about the second part I have literally no memories, just thinking out loud. Really. I guess I was a bad mood back in that time because normally such a thing would be irrelevant. Sooo Repented? Is there a word like that? Hopefully you won't be angry about the past's missed out giveaways, but after seeing you being that active on the forums, added you to the other list. Not much but it's open now. Vewy open
lol, as soon as I wrote this comment, Silent Hill 2's Laura's theme started on RPGamers radio, one of my favourites :D I take this as a good sign from upper levels :P

8 years ago

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happy weekend^^

8 years ago

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What game is this?

8 years ago

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are you serious
Total War Medieval 2 :O!
so much fun

8 years ago

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I have it but haven't touched it yet. :v

8 years ago

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You know exactly what for.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I know of 4 reasons you're on blists around here.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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How I fix that

8 years ago

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The fact that you have to ask is kinda sad and, in a way, insulting. You have to figure that out yourself.

8 years ago

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whoa its friday bro
drink one on me and chill

8 years ago

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I see you are trying to. Removed.

8 years ago

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Just in time for Reformation Day!

8 years ago

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thx for read :D

8 years ago

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want mercy? buy or trade by yourself for games you didn't activate/regifted and activate them on your account. Then I will gladly remove you from the list.

8 years ago

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Yeap I will ^^

8 years ago

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then just ping me when you do ;)

8 years ago

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done. you and many others blacklisted me for it. but I payed my debt.

8 years ago

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Guys can you wait 5 minutes... i am so making popcorn.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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"Ewglu phln'slghn hngl'wi. Krha'gr br'clnuilha wgah'rly'ueh v'glua n'gl. My tentacles are always ready.

8 years ago

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To those who I have blacklisted:

99% of the time is due to poor ratio. If your ratio is below 0.8 (i.e. 100 wins/80 giveaways) then you made it to my blacklist on a temp basis. If you have corrected this, please message me and I will correct it.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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I merely want peeps to fulfill the main purpose of the site and just give what they can to the community, that's all. If someone wants to just win and never give anything back, that is their choice. It is also my choice to prevent them from winning anything from me. Just want to make it a bit more fair for others, that is all.

8 years ago

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what if that 'give what they can' means one game a year? I reapect your rules and all... I'm just pointing out that not contributing a lot is often not a choice.

8 years ago

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Fair enough, though with bundles and the ludicrously cheap games on sale at Steam (there is a game for 0.02$ atm I believe), it is easier than ever to give :).

On the brighter side, you should take solace in the fact that I am very much in the minority among high lvl users and sg as a whole. I am probably one of the most liberal user of the blacklist function and I prefer to explain my reasoning openly rather than leave fellow peeps wondering what they did wrong.

All in all, my use of the blacklist is rarely a personal one and in a perfect world, there wouldn't be anyone on it. This is merely my way of tipping the scales in favor of those who haven't been so lucky on this site :).

8 years ago

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Hello there Sir, please add me to your list, I have been a bad boy (`ー´)

8 years ago

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You appear to be a guest gifter at CL, so you are exempted. Sorry :)

8 years ago

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And what about winning 100 games that are worth the same amount in € that you gave away.

For example: 50 games worth 2€ given away each and 100 win worth of 1€ each. Makes 100€ given away vs. 100€ received..

Just wondering CjComplex.

8 years ago

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Bit of an extreme case, but I do double check and if I've made an error, peeps are always welcomed to point it out to me :).

In the case that you've mentioned, they would be fine. That case would be an outlier and therefore the general rule still applies :).

8 years ago

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Hahaha no worry man, it is your account and you decide who you blacklist or not. I was just curious.

I think I might do the same, I just don't know yet :P

8 years ago

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Your Avatar is insulting for Christians please remove it!

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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Imagine I have an insult for your mom, familliy, loves ones, racist or anti homosexual avatar ect, ect ect. I'm sure you feel the same way like me. So think before comment. I wonder what Steam Gifts Staff do about these....

8 years ago

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I'm sorry were you saying something important? I only saw someone trying to force others to believe the way they do.

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8 years ago

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That's not Jesus lol, Jesus is in heaven.

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8 years ago

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I worship joysticks and your avatar portrays it placed under ugly WordArt letters. Please stop this sacrilege :-\

8 years ago

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Hey! respect a little. your parents never teach you respect?

8 years ago

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Me, and my parents before me, worship the great Joystick in the sky, who told us to respect others' beliefs.

Why do you not respect ours?

8 years ago

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My avatar is not insulting at all, what's your point again?

8 years ago

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You may think it is not insulting, but our beliefs do not allow the holy Joystick to be placed under text in an image.

Your avatar is an insult to our beliefs.

8 years ago

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If that so/ Ok I will see what I can do, any ways that's an old image I will do a new one. Without a Joystick. Very soon.

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8 years ago

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Thank you, I hope you will make good on your promise soon.

In the name of The Two Triggers, the Start Button and the D-Pad, ABXY.

8 years ago

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Welcome to my Whitelist, Brother Kukeemon.

8 years ago

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Thank you, it warms my handles to meet another of the faith.

Wireless or wired, PC or console, we are gripped together by the Joystick.

8 years ago

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RNGesus diced for your wins.

8 years ago*

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Jesus H. Christ, and here he is, yappin' about respect and shit.

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8 years ago

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Actually respect is suppose to go both way, if you want people to respect your beliefs, you should respect what they like (including the avatar they choose to display). His avatar is in no way disrespectful to you as a person with your own beliefs...

8 years ago

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As a Pastafarian, I would like to just add here I request the removal of all Noodle, Sauce, Meatball, Pasta and Pasta related items as it offends the great Flying Spaghetti Monster. He boiled for our sins.

8 years ago

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Too much atheist people here, I woulder what is happening in your homes. Heres a hug

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8 years ago

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And here we go. You sir, are a bigot and a hypocrite.

8 years ago

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Jesus Love
Romans 5:8
But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
1 John 4:19
We love because he first loved us.
John 3:16
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
1 John 4:16
So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.
Matthew 22:37-39
And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

8 years ago

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Preach elsewhere, hypocrite.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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John 11:35:

“Jesus wept.”

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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I'm not an atheist, I've declared my religion. Why do you mock it? The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster welcomes any and all who look for the Beer Volcano and Stripper Factory in the sky.


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8 years ago

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Because it's not his religion he can't accept his noodlely appendage.
It's okay though, because I understand.

8 years ago

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Accept His Noodly Magnificence into your heart, into your soul, and ye shall forever be free. R'Amen.

8 years ago

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Yes, noodle, yes!

btw, this made me laugh, just really didn't get it

8 years ago

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Umm, is this a serious request or not? Would like to know before I reply.

8 years ago

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If his other replies here are any indication, then yes, yes it is. Sadly. -.-

8 years ago

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Oh dear ...

8 years ago

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Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? - Matthew 7: 1-3

Before we begin our civil conversation, I will like to make it known to you that you'll be debating with a person who was raised with a strict Catholic upbringing and years of Catholic education. I'm quite versed in scripture and the arguments behind them. If truly expect me to hash out this issue with you fully, I will expect you to back up your argument with something more substantial than "hurt feefees".

Though the short answer to your query would be no. I like it too much :D

8 years ago

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I was not judging I was just asking politely....

8 years ago

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No, you were firmly stating that I should change my avatar because you found it insulting to Christians without providing context. The overall tone of your initial statement was combative.

This along with your remarks made towards fellow peeps has led me to believe otherwise. I may be mistaken, but you must admit that you did not initiate this conversation in the most positive of manners.

8 years ago

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You should, but you continue using it, anyways what ever you say that's not a reason, for me to applaud what your doing that is wrong and insulting and Unrespectful for others.

8 years ago

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Boyo, you misunderstand me. I never asked for your permission nor will I ever ask of it from you. All I asked was for you to clarify your position (which you have thus fact held up as an undisputed fact rather than subjective reasoning). You came here, made a bold statement and went about shouting down everyone while expecting to take your argument as valid. We don't make progress without being willing to hear what the other side has to say :).

For context: the scene and joke that my avatar is referencing deals with the blind belief and taking things at face value. Tl;dr, in the shows universe Santa is an evil robot who is wanted for a slew of crimes made against humanity. Another robot has decided to take his place and right the wrong by impersonating Santa and commit acts of kindness. He then wrongfully arrested and placed on death row. On the night that he is to be executed, the robot imposter's friends decide that the best course of action would be to break into the prison dressed up as Santa and claim to be the true Santa, with one exception. My avatar, a character named Dr. Zoidberg, decides to dress up as Jesus. The scene thus continues with the executioner chastising the robot's friends for lying in front of Jesus. While clearly being able to see that the other Santas are fake, he is unable to see that the Jesus before him is also an imposter and that he is about to murder an innocent being.

The show is called Futurama and the original run of the series were extremely well written and I do hope you give the series a try one day.

Take care and have a good weekend :D

8 years ago

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well, this is the first time i see your avatar as jesus. for me it was completely unrelated. xD

8 years ago

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I actually picked this avatar because I love the show but also because of this very scene. It is so well done and funny that it is really hard not to love it XD.

8 years ago

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i need to check that scene.

just be prepared in case i'm offended, i might rant a bit...

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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nice nice :3

btw, ET and family guy are also offensive

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8 years ago

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If my avatar was a Family Guy one, then I could understand to a point. That show is purposefully crude with poor writing (though I do enjoy it nonetheless).

The original run of Futurama had exceptional writers on staff, very much like the earlier seasons of The Simpsons.

8 years ago

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Also that Avatar is NOT JESUS, is an insulting, offending and cruel parody and a lie.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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“It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so what.” - Stephen Fry.

8 years ago

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and a lie - so at least it has it in common with Jesus :D:


8 years ago

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Where do you live? ABW and CBA are already getting a fix on you :3

8 years ago

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The whole joke is predicated on the fact that my avatar is an obvious parody of Jesus. Please, get a bit of context and do a bit of research before you go off on someone in the future. It is nonsense like this that gives religion a bad name D:.

8 years ago

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What the fuck is happening to Steamgifts these days...

Here are a few tips for you.

  1. People on the internet don't believe all in the same religion.
  2. You can't go around ordering people to change their profile image if they follow the rules and guidelines.
  3. If you really are that serious about your religion, you should leave the internet, because the internet will never stop joking, or even sometimes insult your beliefs. You should ignore them and move on.
  4. If someone is a nice person, why do you even care about their profile picture? Cj did not insult your religion in any way. Seriously. It's an image based on a popular animated show. I fail to see how it's insulting to you in any way. Cj liked the image, it doesn't mean they do not show any respect to you or your religion.
8 years ago

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This is going to become my new meme gif for things like this

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8 years ago

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My personal favorite.

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8 years ago

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That's just because you got nudes from imgur randoms for it.

8 years ago

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I can confirm that the rumor is unfortunately false. :(
Actually, I didn't ask for them, so I wouldn't know.

8 years ago

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You never know until you try young dragonkin!

8 years ago

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Example: A tattooed person it might be best best person on the wrong. But what the employers sees is completely different. The image and presence is important as well.

8 years ago

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Never compare real life with the internet - they are two entirely different worlds.

However, your point is true. A heavily tattooed person will have less chance to get a good job. The same could be said about a person with a bad profile picture on, let's say, Facebook. Still, as true as your point may be, it is completely irrelevant to the topic.

Do you go around town, yelling at tattooed people in the streets, "Hey you, you insult me and my religion by having a tattoo which is slightly disrespectful to my religion, go get a tattoo removal!"? I do not think so. And if you do indeed do it, I am sorry to tell you that this is considered the symptoms of a madman.

And so, even if a tattooed person and a profile picture could be considered slightly similar, your point makes absolutely no sense.

8 years ago

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why are people discussing with him?

8 years ago

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Because people likes to troll others, and what's better that everyone Vs The poor christian guy?

8 years ago

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well, you started the holy war... what did you expect?

8 years ago

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In case you forgot, you were the "poor christian guy" who confronted a Steamgifts user in the first place. Also, people aren't siding against you because you are christian, but because you are wrong. You should probably stop thinking that everything being told to you is about your religion.

8 years ago

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No idea...

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8 years ago

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that looks so tasty, i might need to dive my face into a popcorn bowl

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8 years ago

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Hmm, now it's more like

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8 years ago

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Hiiiiii :)
I just noticed I was BL by you when I wandered The Haunted House...
May I know why? :'(

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8 years ago

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Not in public, but you should know. Make amends first, and I'll remove you

8 years ago

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Got you, I'll get to fixing that as soon as I am able.
Thanks for the response!

8 years ago

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I took care of that issue! :D
I'll be if you could validate me again.
Thank you!

8 years ago

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Thank you for allowing me to reduce my BL :)
I'll be watching you, mistakes are forgotten, anything is possible in the future...

8 years ago

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Muahahaha >:)
Thanks again!

8 years ago

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yeah you are right on some, but Still steam Gifts Staff should have more control over the avatar, but today is me but in the future can be +1,000. So you know.

8 years ago

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We do. It's just that we have no issues with Cjcomplex's avatar.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Nope, I don't think so. Nobody would be as ridiculous (no offense) as you.

8 years ago

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You are starting to sound like those who say we can't make fun of their prophet and then attack others for doing so. It's insulting.
You do know what I'm getting at, don't you?

8 years ago

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Read Again before commenting a lies. I clearly added the word "Example"

8 years ago

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I'm not talking about your example. I'm talking about everything else you've said. :)
But don't worry... I'm not stressing it if you don't get it. I'm at peace with it. :)

8 years ago

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Actually I din't actually attack others... i'm confused now? This is a war??? Sorry if you take it that personally. Even though the main comment was for @Cjcomplex but you all stated to enter the conversation... EXAMPLE: If this was a war in real life all be dead except me an @Cjcomplex, why because you all take all the bullets for him. So (with all do respect) mind your own business.

8 years ago

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If you don't want people to join in, you shouldn't of said it on a public forum.

8 years ago

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LOL, no one is dead. None of your comments have warranted any serious injury or gained you any points, except with yourself.
And it's obviously you are confused on multiple grounds, but that's okay.
Anyways, I'm pretty done with this, you obviously don't see the very clear comparison I was making. Whether that's willful rejection of simple correlations or serious confusion, I'm not willing to engage anymore.

Have a great night. :)

8 years ago

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When did Christians start worshiping Zoidberg?

8 years ago*

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Your right he saids hes Catholic?
loooooool xD

8 years ago

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I'm just going to leave my two cents, because eh, it's late, I'm rambling, and I have literally nothing better to do right now except go to bed.

I'm a Christian. I don't think CJ's avatar is insulting, and even if I did think it was insulting (I mean, thousands of movies, games, and books have characters that are parodies or messiah archetypes based on Jesus, and I don't think I have the authority to judge the legitimacy of each), I wouldn't ask him to remove it. Why? Well, a few reasons.

  1. It's the internet, I have no faith in other people in the real world, much less here, and so I don't think he would change it (and he has the right not to, as far as I know, unless some realllllly unusual circumstances apply), and I think there are more important things to care about, like, you know, the total depravity of humanity or human trafficking or something that Christians really should engage with.
  2. Haranguing people about minor things isn't great witnessing. I recognize that it's a complicated issue and that there are things that are offensive to Christians, but I'm more concerned about people who say unsupported things like "All Christians are idiots" than someone making a joke about my faith as part of a comedy show. I mean, I laugh at jokes about other people's beliefs and even religions, but if they talk about mine I'm offended? That's not good sportsmanship, now is it?
  3. I'd rather have anyone talk about Jesus than not, even if it is a joke, because I believe that Jesus is important and capable of using all things for good. Even humor can remind someone about the loving mercy of Christ, and I'm okay with that. Likewise, taking jabs like a sport and being willing to tolerate a little derision instead of blowing up in someone's face is a good way to reveal the patience of Christ. (Though, uh, I'm a bad example, since I literally accused another professed Christian of heresy about... six hours ago. I do that a lot, though I'm usually joking. Though, uh, this guy actually was a heretic. Like, literally, contrary to established orthodoxy. I was right for once.)
8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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It seems you don't understand concept of GIVE AWAYs. Why don't you go to trades instead?

8 years ago

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I do. I just wish to give to those who haven't been as lucky, that is all. :)

8 years ago

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[H] bad stuff [W] suspension


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8 years ago

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You reply brought me back to this thread and it just keeps on going. I'm a walking trigger by the look of things D:

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8 years ago

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It seems you don't understand the concept of not being entitled.

8 years ago

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Gotta say, Tempete, you're the snarkiest support since... since Jade, I suppose.

And I see your Steam profile comments are as festive as his was back in the day.

It's great, keep it up! ;)

8 years ago

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Wow, that was so entertaining. How could he suspend that guy on his cakeday? Gotta check more support steam profiles. grabs popcorn

8 years ago

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I don't mind being blacklisted, but I would like to know the reason of some of those blacklists. Don't think that this discussions are a good place to discuss it though.

8 years ago

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I think a private Steam chat would be the ideal place for the discussion to take place, but for some people, that's impossible. When I tried to ask the person who blacklisted me why it happened, he blocked me on Steam. I wasn't rude or demanding, so I don't really know why I would have been blocked on Steam instead of just given an explanation.

8 years ago

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I don't remember, and I forgot to tag you for some reason. :(
Likely reason would be being rude on the forum or breaking the rules. It usually is. :P

8 years ago

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I don't break the rules(at least I don't know about this), so probably it's me being rude (I know, sometimes I am). Thank you for telling me.

8 years ago

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Can you blacklist me then un-blacklist? Please!!
I will give you a

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8 years ago

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Done. Reply with the cookie present and I'll un-blacklist you :D

8 years ago

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Hope you enjoy it >:D

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8 years ago*

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Q.Q I like to grab a cookie, but I don't really like it when the cookie grabs me

8 years ago

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ahaha don't worry.. is friendly

8 years ago

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I only blacklist people blacklisting me first, telling others "take your prozac or kill yourself" or starting threads about why they can't regift/trade their won gifts :D
Well I know some people blacklisted me, I probably deserved it, though I am not sure why.
Also I guess, I won't post anything in the political/controversial threads... you know why xD

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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I feel so good when my puzzles add more users to somebody's blacklist.

8 years ago

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Maybe that was your plan from the beginning \٩(。•ω•。)و //

8 years ago

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What if I say yes?

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8 years ago

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an un-black list thread
2 ppl on my whitelist and none on my blacklist
so sad :(

8 years ago

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Only have a few people blacklisted and that's 'cause they've blacklisted me first for whatever reason. My whitelist is a lot larger than my blacklist though!

8 years ago

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Hey Scruffman! I saw your recent train thread and then checked my own BL after seeing I was on yours.

I have no recollection why you ended up there, especially since I added you in early September but I don't recall ever seeing you on the forums until recently.

Removed!! :)

8 years ago

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I think September is when I had literally just started using SG again, but thanks for removing me, removed you too. :)

8 years ago

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Thanks :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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If anyone has been blacklisted by me, I occasionally have a description in public giveaways that ask for a specific kind of comment to be added to my whitelist, and a warning that any generic 'Thank you' messages will be assumed to be bots or scripts and blacklisted from future giveaways. Feel free to check, and if you have been blacklisted by me, reply here, prove your humanity, and I am willing to forgive you with this warning to read descriptions more carefully in the future.

8 years ago

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I was recently in a goood mood and i cut my blacklist from 600 to 101 (#= I also gave my reasons i why I BL on a previous topic like this, so don't think I need to add it here

On the plus side, I havee been secretly working on a whitelist . still in single digits atm however.

EDIT: If ya happen to still be there on my Blacklist, feels free to write here andd i'll be happy to answer ya (=

8 years ago*

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Since I collect blacklists I'm not asking you to remove me, but I am curious why I am on or was on, haven't bothered to check in a while yours.

8 years ago

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tbh, I forgot..i do not keep a list of reasons why I blacklist people. however i do usually remember the name and/or avatara. In ya case however, I can't remember

8 years ago

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i get blacklisted by people cuz i won giveaways...
Is it actually a problem if i won more then 20 giveaways ( mostly from groups or 50x ) in a giveaway site?
other then that i dont find a good reason why some people black listed me xD

8 years ago

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You won 28 games in 2 months being only level 1. Impressive indeed
Some people blacklist others based on sent/won gift ratio alone.

8 years ago

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well... is i said its mostly groups giveaways.
and ( unlike beggers ) i dont enter giveaways for games over 5000 entries just because i want the game just to go complain that its fake and such when its over.
also its almost 3 months :b

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Sometimes, when a game goes free on a site like IndieGala or such, a lot of users rush to make giveaways for those games.

At the same time, a whole different bunch of users search for those GAs and fill their blacklists.

After a while, Support disables GA creation and deletes the free game GAs, but the blacklists remain.

8 years ago

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Exactly this.

8 years ago

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I have blacklisted you it seems, but pretty sure it was for being rude or disrespecting users on the forum.

8 years ago

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two corrections:
1) you don't get blacklisted because you win too much - you get blacklisted because you don't give back to the community AND
2) because you're quite rude and offensive about it and other things in forums :>

8 years ago

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how im a rude about it in forums?
and since when did i not give back to the community?
make a valid complaint... u realize there are people that dont even have a credit card or visa in this community right? then if i sold bunch of my cards and gave 0.02 games people would also blacklist me for giving crappy games.
instead of going overboard then give me a solution lol

8 years ago

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17 whitelisted people: including the 7 people that gave me a game I won, and I whitelist fellow military personnel.

1 Blacklisted person: Guy that wanted to give away Fallout 4 thinking he would receive it...

8 years ago

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In my first month in steamgifts... I did not read the description of giveaways
and this earned me some blacklist

redemption would be great

I'm sorry for my english

8 years ago

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(°Ѡ ͡°)(°Ѡ ͡°)

8 years ago

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I'm sorry I don't know why. I'm just too lucky?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Only two people here were on my blacklist, so I got that going for me which is nice. :3
Seriously though, I don't really like admitting blacklisting anyone.

I also don't really care why I get blacklisted. Usually, I am blacklisted by users I blacklist, which is fine. As for other blacklisters, they are a mystery to me, but I don't mind. If they have a reason to blacklist me, it's their thing. Probably annoyed by me always posting my shitty comments on the forum or something. :D

8 years ago

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I feel like blacklisting you is a lot less significant than getting blacklisted by you... Which is why I typically don't mind getting blacklisted either, since most of my wins are from groups anyway.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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When I see I'm blacklisted by someone I don't know, I mostly am surprised, but not really hurt. I only enter group and whitelist giveaways anyways, so you could say that I only care about my "circle" of awesome Steamgifts users and friends. :3

8 years ago

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Hmmm... I'm probably on a few blacklists, but I deserve it probably? I don't know. It's your prerogative.

On the other hand, there are probably a lot of people on my blacklist who are on there for doing something like spamming comments or not reading descriptions, so if you're on my blacklist and you see this, I'll consider letting you go if you comment.

Update with Whitelist check.

8 years ago*

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Let me go dear 2hu!

But firstly make that NepNep gibaway cheaper, because I have no more 2hu points! :3

8 years ago

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N-no b-baka not here in front of the children...

8 years ago

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I'm not sure if someone blacklisted me, I don't really care that much to be honest.

8 years ago

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Your profile image is awesomely spookified, by the way.
Thanks, Chack!

8 years ago

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Thanks, got help from an user here. I'm not good with photoshop and such :P

8 years ago

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I'm blacklisted by a lot of people mostly because of my history of past violations (when I didn't properly know the rules of the site) and/or my ratio because I fall within some people's definition of a leecher.
The only people I've ever blacklisted are those that I have seen done it to me, to even the scales.
If anyone would like to confront me about possible ways of redemption, I will be happy to discuss it with them in private. :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Our group doesn't enforce a 1:1 ratio, merely a 70% ratio (0.7:1). I was one of the people that contributed to implement this as many people agreed maintaining a constant 1:1 would not achieve any equilibrium (as you'd have a snowball effect of continuous giveaways created in order to mitigate wins in a neverending reinforcing loop). Instead, those who like to give a lot do so and don't really mind, while people like me stay around the 70-75% mark as per the rules.

8 years ago

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I didn't put you on my BL because of any violation... I didn't even know you had such. And I'm absolutely fine with being blacklisted in return, though I never enter GAs from people on my BL anyway.
If you'd like to know why I blacklisted you sent me a friend request on steam, if not... let's just keep the status quo. I'm ok with either.

8 years ago

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I have sent you a request. :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Happy Halloween, Brian!

np, I won't tell you then.
even though you haven't blacklisted me in return, I assure you I won't enter one of your GAs... because I think that is only fair.

8 years ago

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hey igel, just wondering. why did you blacklist me?

8 years ago

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want me to answer that here or would you prefer to add me on steam and get the answer in chat?

8 years ago

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You can just say it here.

8 years ago

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I tagged you in my blacklist file with "misleading GA (free game under different title)". But since there is only this one entry you'll get off next month... which means sunday.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Deleted-8888821.