Update: The group is created and the first giveaway is underway. It's for a game that's 85% recommended from about 1300 reviews. The giveaway period is one week, so more Level 0 users are welcome to join the group (as long as they meet the criteria, see below)

The second giveaway will be for a game that's 92% recommended from 200 reviews.

Original post:
As of Feb 2015 there were 630,000 Level 0 users on SteamGifts (according to this post). I'm sure some of them have already leveled up, but among the ones who haven't there should be at least a few awesome users who simply cannot level up at this stage, for one reason or another. So here's what I'm going to do about it:

  • A week from today I'll create a Steam group and invite Level 0 users who respond to this thread, but only if they match the following criteria:
    • Can explain shortly why they haven't been able to create giveaways and when they intend to start
    • Can do one of the following:
      1. Link to a thread they created on the forum (under "Discussions"). Note: The time of the linked thread has to be prior to this thread.
      2. ...or link to a non-generic post they wrote which shows they invested some thought into it (i.e. not a 1-liner, not "ty" or "thanks"). Note: The time of the linked post has to be prior to this thread.
      3. ...or write something original that's interesting or helpful (or both). No copy paste jobs, no 1-liners. See the bottom of this post for links to some examples.
    • Won no more than 15 giveaways.
    • Has no more than 150 games in their Steam Library
  • Have an immaculate track record (no unactivated games, not negative trade feedback etc)
  • I'll then create a few giveaways specifically for this group
  • If some of these users are especially awesome, I may give them keys (outside giveaways) to help them level up
  • Note: The minimum number of participants for the group to be created is 6

Good luck!

Edit: An alternative suggestion for Level 0 fellows is to simply become Level 1. Normally you should be able to do it without spending money. See this short guide for more.

Edit 2: Farbod, Russet, Dearion, nuking, Jonser22, fubarnocaps and StockholmSyndrome are accepted. More users are welcome to join. Are you up to the challenge?

Edit 3: I added some restrictions (e.g. candidate has to have won no more than 15 games and have no more than 150 games in their library), but on the other hand made it easier to apply by adding a third option - write a new original post that's interesting or helpful.

9 years ago*

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Nice initiative. I wonder how many such users exist.

9 years ago

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So far it doesn't look promising. In the few Level 0 giveaways I created, there were many entries after a very short while. This time things are more challenging...

Also, whitelisted (nice ratio!). You may want to have a look here :-)

9 years ago

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Very nice.
if you need more keys to GA ping me.

9 years ago

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Thanks for the offer. So far this thread isn't exactly a wild success, so those keys are safe ;-)

9 years ago

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i need keys for games to play

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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you are way nicer than me...
but yes, it kind of backfired

9 years ago

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This thread assumes level 0 users are actually interested in the forums…

9 years ago

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Although the tone is on the optimistic side, I also assume that at least some of the level 0 users do read forums (as I did when I had just joined). If they do, and they meet the other requirements, they sure deserve a little prize :)

9 years ago

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I saw few 0 and 1 level users with thousands of ceomments. Few.

I'm worried about Can link to a thread they created on the forum - I hope we won't be flooded with rushed threads :P

But yeah, in general, great idea.

9 years ago

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Creating a thread now won't matter, because to meet this criterion it has to be created prior to this thread. I now boldfaced this part to ensure people don't miss it.

9 years ago*

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Nice :)

9 years ago

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"Thanks" under giveaways counts to comments too :P

9 years ago

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I know, but do you honestly think that there is much users that posted few thousand thanks? :P

9 years ago

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cough thanks bots cough

9 years ago

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Ive never seen anyone with 0 lvl on the forum. srsly

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I was on the forum when I was level 0 xD I have nothing better to do with my life xD

9 years ago

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Just because for different reasons some users can't give away games it doesn't means that they're here only for free stuff or doesn't care about this community. :~)

9 years ago

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I think its just common practice to avoid the forums until you've gotten used to the community. "Lurk moar" as they say. I've been visiting the forums for a while; I just never saw a need to post anything. (Currently level 0 but I'm going to level up in a few days)

9 years ago

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I think helping users level up is nice, but how many of them will actually take your gift to make a giveaway instead of keeping it for themselves? x.x (cynical)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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Psst, the faq tells you all about it. >_>

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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Unsure if trolling or lacks respect for site rules... -_-

9 years ago

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He made a giveaway around the same time as him posting in this thread, so I am actually now really confused o.o

9 years ago

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Your offer is genius but you should change it to LVL 1+, and here comes my previous text:
Guys with a tons of smurf accounts can win even more now?
I can see that strange stuff when somebody gives away something for LVL 0+ users - 1k+ entries,is it because so many people want to win a really bad game? Nah,it's because they have a lot of bots who enter each giveaway that a bot with points can reach...
That's my Little Level Theory
BTW: When I signed up here, I had more than 100$ worth games but never bought a single one,so I could try to make some twink accs and "farm" games...
BTW2: You rock!

9 years ago

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Uhm, having multiple accounts equals a permanent ban on all of them.

9 years ago

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ofc,regifting too,but how many regifters can you see on SG? Also fake giveaways creators and misleading ones...

9 years ago

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I regularly do Level 1 giveaways, so no point in having a special initiative around it.

I'm also not worried about bots, because the criteria I listed above seems to be quite challenging even for Level 0 humans. So far there isn't even a single applicant...

9 years ago

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Sad, but according to stats, there are gazillions of LVL 0 users on-line,and no one is here, so they are all probly "fake" ones =\
I hope there will be some people who respond here!
My English skillz are awesome =(

9 years ago

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They are probably not fake ones, but inactive ones.

9 years ago

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Yes, there are thousands of people who want every crappy game (or game others think is crappy), whether for collection or because they have a real interest in trying it out.

Just look at the front page, there are a couple of crappy level 3+ games with around 200 entries. Scale that to the number of level 0 people, and you will get to thousands. Unless of course you think that level 3+ are also bots.

(There's also a level 6+ giveaway for a $4 game with more than 100 entries.)

9 years ago

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Price doesn't matter, especially when it comes to games...
You're positive person,aren't you? xD
All those "enter + "thanks"" lvl 0 guys with regifts and without any activations are all real?
But Captains are always right,so I'll just leave to Hearthstone,cya xd

9 years ago

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I'm not saying they're all real, but I'd bet the vast majority of them are. Really, if a mediocre game which costs $4 gets over 100 entries for level 6+, and there are about 1,000 times as many level 0+ users as there are level 6+ users, what sense does it make to argue a complex explanation when sheer numbers can explain the entries easily.

9 years ago

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"Well fought, I concede!"
We've made good bumping here,haven't we? xD

9 years ago

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Interesting initiative, hope you'll find someone!

9 years ago

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you forgot to invite lv0 bots :3

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Very nice and laudable initiative, I'm amaze to see the amount of people who do their best to help de community ! Sadly, the amount of response here, (from lvl 0 users I mean) is very low. Am I the first one ? I didn't open any thread so far (trade section doesn't count ^^), so I'm not eligible to your criteria, but that's nice of you to offers such possibility :)

9 years ago

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Well, since you're the first courageous Level 0 to respond and since I like what you write, I'll give you a wild-card entry to the group. Let's just hope that there are enough other users to make it happen (I defined a minimum of 6 participants).

9 years ago*

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Wild card ? I like how you name that x) Feels like a VIP room where I wasn't allow to enter :3
Thanks for that anyway :)
Yeah, I hope it too, that can be the opportunity to meet other people too :)

For my little story :
I'm on the site for 1 month, and in steam for 2 years (but I really use it since 6month)
Almost all the game I got are from freebies on indiegala, bundlestars, etc... So I can't (logically) make a giveaways with it, but on the advice of a friend on the french community of the steam forum, I recently create an account on tremor games. I got some games from it and I intend to make a giveaway with one of it, I wait for the end of summer (my back to school day), when I will not be able to spend my afternoon playing, trading & binge-watching tv shows ^^ I will not have the time to trade, so I rather give it to someone ^^

9 years ago

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You see? I knew I had a good feeling about you :-)

9 years ago

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Awww that's nice ^^

9 years ago

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Uhm, wasn't he the first lvl0 to respond?

9 years ago

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Yes, technically he was, but the trollish nature of the response leaves him out of the discussion as far as I'm concerned.

9 years ago

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I wouldn't expect much. When I joined SG I was here for free games :P I guess most of level 0 guys have the same... problem I would say ;) Luckily for me I've changed my way of thinking about this site.

His Story

He was active for two weeks or so. Then he forgot about the site. He came back after 6-8 months and entered some giveaways. After a while he created 3 giveaways himself. It was a time when he didn't know anything about CV, leveling up etc. Not to mention forums. And formatting was just a myth for him. He did those giveaways cos he was very happy about something and he thought he should share this happiness with other people one way or another. Then he started to discover this site: the forums, the great community, whitelists, blacklists, private giveaways, puzzles, leveling up, formatting and other things. And he knew it was good. Unfortunately his story didn't have the happy ending. He became addict. A puzzle-making addict. What did you do to him Steamgifts? What did you do?...

9 years ago

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Here's another small thing to fuel your addiction ;-)

9 years ago

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Really? :D

9 years ago

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I'm addicted to solving puzzles :S Wait not solving I mean attempting to solve. I only solve 1 in every 20 puzzles I attempt :S xD I still have a lot of fun though :)

9 years ago

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I'm working on two puzzles right now, that you might be interested ;)

9 years ago

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I dont belive.
Level 1 req = 0.01 Euro or Dollar in CV = 0.15 E / $ price for bundled game = cards from 1 game.

How would they come here without money, when we have req to have $ 100!!
I know - free weekend steam games, but they DON'T DESERVE to demand WITHOUT giving away!!

I worked for neighbours as a kid (cutting grass, buying stuff from grocery) and I was delivering brochures in secondary school.

They can even ASK PARENTS for some $$$...

9 years ago

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maybe they do the same as u did , instead they need money for food , not for games

9 years ago

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If they have gotten any freebies and won any games here, it's always possible for them to create a cheap GA though.

9 years ago

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If they are not have enought food, they would also not have $100 non bundled gamelist on steam.
Even with free weekends, 99% of the time, WE needed AT LEAST 1 non-bundle game.

9 years ago

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It's not easy to buy games online if you get paid in cash. Not impossible, but getting bundles and such shouldn't be taken for granted for kids. Buying high priced games at local stores and activating them on Steam will be easier than buying bundles.

Anyway, there's no requirement to give away games on this site, and I think it's natural to not feel the need to give away, and perfectly fine if you've won nothing or only a few games.

9 years ago

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  • Hey mom / friend , here is my $ 1 . Can you please make me a money transfer? / Can you please buy me Humble Bundle T1 and by this - donate to charity?

  • No my dear. Please die.

Happens to me everytime :(

We also have a special machines , where we put our card, then money, and TADA - cash is transfered to our account.
Cash deposit machine? Is it real? I don't know.
But hey, let's complain and get more games for free..

(You are ok in my eyes ;) )

9 years ago

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What account? Are you saying that this kid has a bank account?

9 years ago

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If they "can't have", they can still ask friend / parent to buy a game.
I will mention my main argument again:

They have $100 worth non-bundled games in their account!! Even during Free Steam Weekends, they NEED to have AT LEAST 1 game already!!

Also: using free weekends is named using a GLITCH!!
I'm happy, that now SG try to block that games furning Free Weekends, so we are flooded with less lechers.

9 years ago

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Hey, who are you calling a lecher? Boxy green avatars just make me so horny I can't stop flirting, but ....

Um, anyway, SG needs more "leechers". As I said in the past, I'd rather give to people who haven't won much than to someone with 500 giveaways but 200 won. Sure it's nice when people give back, but it's a gifting site, not a random game trading site like some people think.

And your bold text shows that you obviously don't get what I'm saying, no point in repeating that too.

9 years ago*

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I wouldn't mind this situation:
"Me: 1000 games GIVEN
Winner of my GA: level 2~"

9 years ago

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Interesting idea/experiment, although I doubt you'll find even one user who can fulfill those criteria, but good luck with that anyway.

9 years ago

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I was expecting for some lvl 0 users to access the forum, as there are some giveaways here too, but it seems that I was wrong.

9 years ago

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Just had a very quick look at some giveaways in forum trains etc. Around 10-15% of entrants were level 0 in that small sample size so at least some know where the forum is.

9 years ago*

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happy cake day :-)

View attached image.
9 years ago

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I do not think you can conclude necessarily that all of these 10-15% are able use the forum. Sadly there will be some using bots that are able to crawl the forums for trains :(

9 years ago

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An alternative suggestion for Level 0 fellows is to simply become Level 1. Normally you should be able to do it without spending money. See this short guide for more.

9 years ago

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I also really doubt you'll find anyone who fits your criteria.
Level 0s stay level 0 because they don't want to give anything, not because of money problems. Hell, you could make enough money to get level 1 just from idling games you win here. Those who stay level 0 probably don't even want to spend the $0.14 from their wallet, because they want it for themselves.
You'll get a lot more people if you look for level 1 users who have a hard time getting level 2.

I highly doubt anyone fitting will show up, but I reserve the right to be proven wrong

9 years ago

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I was lvl 0 no so much ago. I did something like you said in your guide. Now i wanna be lvl 2, but that is harder. Like you said, i only needed 1 game to be lvl 1, but now that i'm trying to level up again, i see that it needs so much more.

9 years ago

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That' really awesome that you're doing that. Hopefully someone who deserve it will win.
I am now a level 2, but not that long ago I was a level 0 and would have appreciated the opportunity.
Even when I was still level 0, I did go into the forum and posted comment and thread, so I'm sure that
I'm not the only one. So there should be hope to find at least 6 persons who fit your criteria; 6 out of 630 000
should be feseable;) Anyway here's a bump for a great and generous idea! Have a great day!

Also great idea to make a guide to getting to level 1 without spending money. It's awesome that you took the
time to do that:) That's why SG is a great community,

9 years ago

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Aha, there is a Spacebase DF-9 in my inventory I'd feel evil giving away, but maybe one of your level 0 people could give it away instead... :) Assuming you manage to find someone... :)

9 years ago

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Are you are trying to destroy the whole SG economy?!

9 years ago

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No, I'm just trying to find 6 righteous men (or women) in Sodom.

9 years ago

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Well when even 1 person make a ga through this thread... i want to say thanks :)

9 years ago

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Before I give up, I decided to try to reach out to the Level 0 crowd through a giveaway, in case they missed this thread. I doubt many are going to read the description of the giveaway or reach the last paragraph where there's a link to this thread, so likely nothing good is going to come out of it, but for 14 cents I'm willing to take the chance.

9 years ago

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Have a bump :D

9 years ago

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well as a lvl 0 person who seem to never win any game I'd love to enter. well let's see I live in Iran and I cant buy any games from steam store because of filtering or whatever it is so I always have to ask my uncle(who lives in Canada) buy me mah games so yea asking him to buy a game for me so I can ga doesn't make sense but I'll make a ga with a less than 0.2$ worth games some day soon. but eh I haven't written a thread because I didn't have any reason to make one.. u know. so ya that's my story. don't think that's even around the criteria but I just wanted to comment so u know that ya there are lvl 0s who read threads.

9 years ago

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Good enough. I'm going to lax the forum participation criterion for the first 3 entrants, especially if the explanation is convincing (such as yours). So we now have you and StockholmSyndrome. One more to go with the more forgiving criteria, then 3 more to go with the regular criteria.

9 years ago

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Come on guys ! Join US, We're nice :)
And have a bump :)

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Yirg.