I'll add this here until the OP is updated..
A visual chronology of things that are known:
imgur mirror:
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Edit this thread when you know more or other users post info.
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Yeah it's not working in my client either but works in browser
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Just go to any game page on steam such as http://store.steampowered.com/app/6900/
Then type the word search and press the Enter key.
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what does that mean - i´m using firefox ?? nothing happens when i enter 9405999014715
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yep. The window opens, i enter the code and nothing happens.
I have read the content here so i have heared the .wav but i dont understand anything here :(
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it worked for me, reload the page just type search and press enter.
interesting stuff :v
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go to Hitman: Codename 47
type search; push enter
input 9405999014715
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Some people are getting ic/4f21ca7 after clicking ok which leads to the next part:
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update 2: inputting the code you get from update 1 into winter comic url gives you this
Holy craps
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haven't checked anything yet, and I'm not sure if it's been suggested, but could it actually be from a game? This is what dialogue (usually) sounds like before it's put in the game, and it doesn't mention any specifics about Christmas etc., so it could be from some detective game (next game to try search on?)
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I guess that means we have to wait till tomorrow for the next part maybe?
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yeah, maybe we're supposed to find something on every page? ("come back tomorrow for the next thing") Found some weird letters on page 2, but I don't think they mean anything. I think I'll just leave this to the "professionals" and see what they find ^^
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Does the number 559549051487795 mean anything to anyone? Google fails to find it.
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How– whaat?
How do people even find that kind of stuff?
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Don't you ever compare web pages source to check what they changed?
And the bar code from the comic was the same as the one tattooed on Agent 47 head. Bar code is only a number and this one says 9405999014715.
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because it was kinda obvious that there is some minigame during sale. And the line 59 on every steam store page source code is kinda provoking.
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Steam store web page source line 59. What do you see there?
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Exactly. So what do you do with file named like that?
Come on, just a little further...
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Yes. And if you take a moment to look at the code inside this file you would find a function which reads which keys are pressed. if you press any key it will add this key to the string type variable g_strBuffer , with the exception of the Enter button, which if pressed will check if the g_strBuffer is equal to "SEARCH".
Not so difficult if you know where to look.
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I ignore everything labelled "Very important", "Urgent" and "Must read". nothingtoseehere is for me somewhere between "you just won a 1 000 000$ or free Brest enlargement surgery!" and "funny cat photos".
The next question is if the number 559549051487795 means something or not.
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update 3:
http://store.steampowered.com/search/?term=blitzen yields Grim Fandango
type search; push enter
input the club code from winter sale comic: "HOT TODDIES AND MASERATIS"
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Loving this hunt. Doesn't seem like anything new has been found in a little but here's a bump for now.
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Wait i thought of something that might be a code what is the 1 thing undertale is based around
Yes DETERMINATION it may be that i dont know just a theory
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Maybe even Valve doesn't know what they are doing with this yet ^^ 'Lets just put the users on wild goose chase on the different store pages... maybe they even buy some of those games in the process!'
Or this is a secret trial to get a recruitment mail from illuminati.
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they already did something like this for the announcement of Portal 2 :v
Maybe they are gonna announce something, or just they like to see us run in circles.
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New thing found again:
profile has a hash : 2cdeda75c0afb5c4a7a45dfe978315f6
and a link : http://comeonandsl.am/
edit : hash reads "Chris[space]Kadar" ?
edit2 : thats just the guys name, so the hash isn't a clue...?
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The eye with the red background on the image of H1Z1 is part of this? Or is it something else I haven't noticed yet?
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2,445 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by Marius11
180 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by Sooth
270 Comments - Last post 42 minutes ago by pb1
87 Comments - Last post 44 minutes ago by Chris76de
129 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by JMM72
113 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Realtione
225 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by canis39
10 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by pizzahut
984 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by Yamaraus
53 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by ThePonz
568 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by FallenKal
39 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by Tomoel69
6 Comments - Last post 41 minutes ago by Inkyyy
3,731 Comments - Last post 53 minutes ago by Iceboy19865
oh man.
A few sleuthy people have discovered clues and hints in this year's winter sale
and have found breadcrumbs left behind by Gingerbread Jake.
Follow along to see what was decrypted!
(Now with Red Herring Badge)
Gotta say, it's pretty damn impressive how people are decrypting the clues;
even more impressive is seeing people work together to solve them!
update 1:
go to Hitman: Codename 47
type search; push enter
input the code from the winter sale comic cover's barcode (now removed): 94050999014715
update 2:
inputting the code you get from update 1 {ic/4f21ca7} into winter comic url gives you this
4f21ca7 {filename 1fce82a72c633.wav}
A man saying "I was on the right track, I could feel it. Tomorrow, I was going to search again" The .wav is from the 24th
update 3:
"The Blitzen Incident"
http://store.steampowered.com/search/?term=blitzen yields Grim Fandango
type search; push enter
input the club code from winter sale comic: "HOT TODDIES AND MASERATIS"
now we're in Undertale Hmmmm.... o_o
update 4:
"Bullet Hell" is a tag on Undertale's app page.
on Undertale's page
type search; push enter
input "bullet hell"
now we're at Ikaruga
update 5 interesting Valve employee activity:
The Valve employee ChrisK/FireSlash has the "Red Herring" badge with the description "ARG?"
On his profile there is a (presumed) hash: 2cdeda75c0afb5c4a7a45dfe978315f6.
His last played games are: Undertale, Ikaruga and Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - First Assault Online
update 5a:
ChrisK's profile went private for a little while, then went public again- this time with his badges all hidden/wiped xD (maybe GitS is the next pitstop)
update 5b:
ChrisK's badges are back now - he has modified his profile to say "This is just a profile" lol. Red Herring, perhaps, but Undertale -> Ikaruga is still pretty intriguing
update 6:
Trading Card 7 (Taffy) has Dungeon Master Symbols "Lo Ya Gor Ku"
Inputting it into a winter comic url gives you this:
LoYaGorKu {filename: loyagorku.wav}
rough translation:
忘れられた道が障害と報酬につながります" (wasurareta michi ga shougai to houshuu ni tsunagarimasu)
"Forgotten road will lead to failure and reward "
update 7:
Spectrogram analysis of LoYaGorKu {filename: loyagorku.wav} yields 1v7531
On Ikaruga
type search; push enter
input "1v7531"
Red Herring ARG? Badge unlocked.
via combatbeard: what is this
Doesn't seem like we're through
Seems like this is the failure (dead end) and reward for following the forgotten road (Blitzen incident)
direct link to badge: http://store.steampowered.com/actions/d3708146fc0c5d593
If you're having problems getting the badge, you might have to disable enhanced steam
update 8 theories:
holiday profile backgrounds have changed with possible hints to some islands and we might have some coordinates.
Left of the penguin: http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/items/425280/af2ef83209f1503662d1b95939abeea8ca415c59.jpg
There is also the "Twinkle" train theory (search twinkle on steam) http://store.steampowered.com/app/222621/
Watch video. From description: "Save Christmas
Take on a series of fun and entertaining missions, over the mantelpiece, under the Christmas tree and across the piano, uncovering secret routes and finding hidden treasures."
Other thoughts: http://i.imgur.com/xc1b2zm.jpg
update 9:
Looks like this might squash some HL3 rumours:
update 10 theories:
Binary code in the last comic page. Look at the lights
The backgrounds used on the main store page match some of the pages in the comic:
update 11
Via bruteforce, a new wav file was found using Trading Card 6 (Sending a Message)'s clue
(In retrospect, "F" is the 6th letter in the alphabet - adding it to Trading Card 6's clue gives us 794E2CEA991F)
http://store.steampowered.com/wintercomic/794E2CEA991F {794e2cea991f.wav}
"I've been to Lima four times, stayed at all the best hotels. I used to go to dance halls and tango with Mary Carmen until the sun came up. thud The bravos and accolades would echo and echo until the boys in uniform shut us down."
Filter for NATO phonetic alphabet clues and you get LLLLHTBEEU (anagram of BULLET HELL [the code word that led us from Undertale to Ikaruga])
update 12 theories
Possible link to The Holiday Express?
Zippy's body
update 13 theories and "What We Know So Far"
The last wall paper yet to be revealed is called "Kind Lies And Goodbyes"
Is Holly the culprit?
We also have theories linking the card 2 artwork to the Orion constellation.
Card 2 art for reference:
What we know up to this point:
update 14 theories
Signature links to Andy Warhol:
update 15:
With the Winter Sale over, nothingtoseehere.js and
http://store.steampowered.com/wintercomic/are gone ...Wonder what the solution to the ARG was :(http://store.steampowered.com/wintercomic/ is still alive! :D
There may be hope yet; but without the nothingtoseehere.js secret search script, I wonder if a solution is still possible
update 16 theories:
Potential link between Gingerbread Jake's clue map and a map of the North Pole
update 17 theory
What a tangled web they weave
Steam Sale ARG Wiki
A visual chronology of things that are known
NorthPole Noir MindMap
Known & debunked hints/clues
Bruteforce page
Thank you for helping with the updates:
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