Player | Points | Bonuses | Status |
combatbeard | 12 | 9 (+1) (+2) = 12 | Invite SENT |
Sagamuga | 12 | Invite SENT | |
windofmemory | 9 | 10 (-1) = 9 | Invite SENT |
Rashald | 8 | 6 (+2) = 8 | Invite SENT |
edwintan23 | 6 | 5 (+2 -1) = 6 | Invite SENT |
Elunes | 6 | Invite SENT | |
gorok | 4 | Invite SENT | |
mrt39 | 4 | Invite SENT | |
NeverOnline | 4 | 3 (+1) = 4 | Invite SENT |
MagnificentOne | 3 | Invite SENT | |
Rocksus | 3 | Invite SENT | |
ambidot | 2 | Invite SENT | |
Avenarr | 2 | 3 (-1) = 2 | Invite SENT |
dingbat | 2 | Invite SENT | |
juanitou | 2 | Invite SENT | |
Kuzurreesh | 2 | Invite SENT | |
shakeebthe1 | 2 | Invite SENT | |
Tristar | 2 | Invite SENT | |
blackiris42 | 1 | Invite SENT | |
Lemistio | 1 | Invite SENT | |
Macky6 | 1 | 2 (-1) = 1 | Invite SENT |
Sooth | 1 | Invite SENT | |
TreeB | 1 | 2 (-1) = 1 | Invite SENT |
vinirockman | 1 | Invite SENT |
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It's nice to finally be on the scoreboard. What are those bonuses?
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Bonuses are "trap cards" (or whatever you want to call them) which, for example, will take away a point from your score. There are also bonuses which give two points instead of one.
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The event begins at Midnight between Tuesday, February 16 and Wednesday, February 17.
The event ends at Midnight between Tuesday, February 23 and Wednesday, February 24.
You forgot the timezone I think ^^
EDIT: ah, found it "The event will begin a half hour after the creation of this thread.".
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Stop it. Read the rules and go in the corner for spamming. :(
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I'm just looking up all the comments now :d
Only one per thread?
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As many as I post. As long as it isn't in my own thread. :P
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Sounds like this would be fun, shame I despise payday 2.
Just to make sure, we can only catch comments yu made before now, because rule 1 says that but the rest of the posts sounds like it's meant towards future comments.
Edit: with Valkyria Chronicles I'd like to play.
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Fixed the rule #1 issue. Thanks!
Added Valkyria Chronicles to the giveaways.
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Can we get a countdown timer? Midnight is different times for different people here.
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Added Valkyria Chronicles to the giveaways.
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hmm... and what if we already own Payday 2? Can we cock-block other users like we used to do during Trivia (K)Nights? Aka we get top20 but don't enter just so a sorry newbie couldn't join the GA? ;p
EDIT: And Own Valkyria Chronicles as well ;p
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Rule number six:
Do NOT participate if you already own the game. That would suck for other players.
There's still Valkyria Chronicles if you don't own it, though. :P
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Aw, too bad. Would be nice if I could make a train, so more chances of not owning all of the games being given away (although that would be pretty hard to achieve in your case, heh).
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Ladies and Gentlemen, five minutes until the event begins.
But who knows, maybe I won't even post on the forum tonight. ;)
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I like that! awesome idea as much as mercox did once with an android pacman game contest. man... I loved his event.
not participating this one though... too much involved with my monograph at this moment...
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We have our first catch. Congratulations, MagnificentOne.
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+1 As long as you're not here to "cock-block" other players (like zelghadis said), all's good.
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I'm not and I won't of course :p
You better do this a second time or else!
Maybe next time you can give people that already own the game a chance, and if they qualify for the gibs they could choose someone who doesn't own it, his chance since those people only played for the fun :3
For example, if i would qualify by having caught you a lot, and since i own both games, I could tell you who i would like to give 'my opportunity to enter' to, I think that sounds good actually, tell me what you think
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Sounds decent, I like the idea. Not sure if I should do such a massive last minute edit to the rules though. :P
It could be an idea to consider for next time though.
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I don't think I should... Not for this time at least.
I don't know. I'll think about it. :x
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damn it, why did you have to start this by the time i have to go to work soon ? .. i want Valkyria ... :( , hope that you still available after i back home, btw, does the claim apply to this thread only, or to all of the forum ?
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Rule #2: Comments and replies in my own threads DOES NOT COUNT.
And this event runs all week, you'll have your chances. :)
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to be honest, i doubt i can quick enough to see you in the forum jungle, and the different time zone is not helping either. But interesting idea indeed , and have fun with it
BTW, i think you should add "Thread make by other only,Comments and replies in my own threads DOES NOT COUNT." or something like that to make it more clear, i read the rule, but not understand that part a lot at the first glance
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34 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by IAMERROR404
130 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by billygaga
95 Comments - Last post 15 minutes ago by Adamdoodles
99 Comments - Last post 23 minutes ago by Adamdoodles
1,206 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by JimLink
265 Comments - Last post 55 minutes ago by adam1224
244 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by abra008
163 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by Metalhead8489
903 Comments - Last post 14 minutes ago by grez1
88 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by Kingsajz
42 Comments - Last post 47 minutes ago by Cjcomplex
3,722 Comments - Last post 47 minutes ago by edsloter
120 Comments - Last post 51 minutes ago by PastelLicuado
29,582 Comments - Last post 55 minutes ago by Dominicanoed
Thank you all for participating in this new idea for a puzzle/event! There were laughter, surprises, anger, and tears! (Lots of them!)
I'm happy to admit that this was a fairly successful event, although I expected more players.
All of you were some kickass hunters/huntresses, and even though you may not have caught me, the success of this event may ensure the possibility of a second one. Of course, in the case where this would happen, multiple things will be reworked, including some of the rules and the "gameplay" (more traps as soon as the event begins, check!).
And so the event ends... for now. The Top 20 contestants will now be invited to a private group to enter the giveaways... right after I double-check a couple of things. Be patient, but let me know if you've been waiting and still aren't invited. :P
Thanks, and congrats to the winners!
Hello lovely Steamgifters.
A while ago, I used to create many somewhat-creative puzzles and events for forum users to enjoy (or hate). I had some pretty crazy and creative puzzle ideas, and also some not so much. In the end, all that counts is that some people have fun solving and completing said giveaway puzzles and events, and gain the satisfaction of knowing that they managed to accomplish a hard and complicated task.
After a while however, one has got to run out of ideas. I was inactive when it comes to puzzles and giveaway events in the past months. In an effort in coming up with something all new and creative, I finally discovered a decent giveaway event that I could organize. Before you ask, no, this isn't a giveaway event where multiple users contribute giveaways. Misleading title? That was the best descriptive title I could come up with. :P
So, what is this all about?
Right. TL;DR.
The rules are simple. Starting today and running through the week to come, forum users will have to "catch" me.
How do you "catch" me, you ask? Easy. Whenever I post a comment on the forum, participants will have to be the first to reply to my comment by saying "Claimed!" or "Caught you!" or "Caught!" or whatever the heck they want - as long as I am aware that you have "claimed" this comment as your "catch". At the end of the week, The top 20 users who have earned the most "catches" will get invited to a private group, which will earn you entry to a giveaway for Payday 2, and a giveaway for Valkyria Chronicles.
I'd appreciate if you comment in the thread to "confirm" your participation in the event, although it is not a requirement.
Below will be a scoreboard with the scores of all participating users. If you claimed one of my comments and it's missing from the table, let me know and I'll verify and add your missing points.
Read them or be blacklisted for the duration of the event
What is being given away?
Payday 2
Valkyria Chronicles
Update - Generous contributions from a SG user:
Heroes of Annihilated Empires
Prime World: Defenders
Eador: Genesis
Hoard Complete Pack
Puzzle Kingdoms
Runespell: Overture
Frozen Synapse Prime
Cally's Caves 3
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II
The Flock
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards: Reloaded
Gryphon Knight Epic
Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
Our Nation's Miner
Blacklisting Verification™
Use this giveaway to tell whether or not you are blacklisted before participating.
Duration and Ending Date
The event begins at Midnight between Tuesday, February 16 (UTC) and Wednesday, February 17 (UTC).
The event ends at Midnight between Tuesday, February 23 (UTC) and Wednesday, February 24 (UTC).
Countdown to End of Event
Any claims done before the starting date or past the ending date will not be accounted for.
Aaaaand I think that covers everything! The event will begin a half hour after the creation of this thread. Feel free to ask questions, point out flaws and problems I may have missed, and confirm your participation in the event. Please bump from time to time during the week to allow other potential players to notice the thread.
Hopefully this goes as well as I planned/hope it will.
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