Buying this fabulous bundle?
How about a Bomb Heists key that may have already been used? Here's why I'm not sure: I had redeemed the GOTY key and when I went to redeem the Bomb Heists key, it said I already owned it (and checking my Steam library, I do). But from what I've read, GOTY clearly does not come with Bomb Heists. So either I made a mistake and had actually already claimed Bomb Heists or someone at Humble/Steam screwed up. Either way, I don't want to risk a bad key on a giveaway, so let me know if you want to try it.
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no its not :< i hate you ekaros, stop trying to feed the dlc machine
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Either jump up to T2 now or actually play PD2 right now to see if you like it or not so you can decide if you want T2 before the end of the sale.
That T2 GOTY for it is basically a ~88% discount, and if you are actually into PD2 at all you will need lots more DLC than what is offered on T1.
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Yeah, same here. If it was a proper 2 weeks bunlde, I would get it.
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"Bundle ends in 14 days!"
It ends in less then 3 days from now.
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Well, it's a $9 upgrade from tier 3 to tier 4. Technically, it's 55% off from the store price.
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HELL NO. I stopped supporting PAYDAY 2 and Overkill after they did not deliver on various pre-order promises about content that was supposed to have been in the game (even though they made a fuck ton of money before the game even launched), and of course the ridiculous DLC-whoring greed machine that it subsequently became did nothing to change that.
edit: and wasn't there some bullshit on top of that awhile ago about adding CS:GO style loot crates that you had to buy keys to open or something? I've been ignoring the game for years now because it's one of the most vile and disgusting examples of avarice that I have seen in the gaming industry.
It really is a shame what Overkill became because I enjoyed the hell out of the original PAYDAY.
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To be fair, keys (or safe drills as they were called) are gone. If you get a safe now in your drops, you just can open it. They also released the biggest part of missing content with the safehouse last year.
With that said you are right about the crazy DLC whoring and they also make too many cooperations with other games for even more DLC's and exclusive content. Goat simulator and Payday 2 was such a stupid idea.
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So you say no to even the $1 tier... I guess any $ to the devs is too much.
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You paid full price?
Poor bastard.
This game is known for being bought on a massive discount.
That's why on the Top 25 charts in this Steam Spy 2016 end-of-year article, PD2 ranks sixth in units but doesn't make the top 25 in revenue. Probably doesn't even make the top 50. As you can see it sold almost 50% more units than Terraria, a $10 game, but notched virtually the same revenue (base game only, of course).
PD2 DLC is kinda excessive. And it is a bit overpriced. But it doesn't take long for it to become massively discounted, and I don't know of a game that goes on sale as frequently as PD2 does. In the end, a frugal user can have given Overkill only about as much as one would normally spend on an AAA game for these 3+ years of PD2 whilst the game has a ton more content than it used to.
It's not perfect, Overkill aren't saints, they don't deserve a parade in their honor, and they have certainly made mistakes.
But you can like this game and prefer frugality and not get hosed.
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I was trying to figure out where you got that from and then I realized you used Steam's mysterious and unordered best-seller page which is total revenue for a game including DLCs and micros (else how can Dota 2 be present). Which is fine. But the Steam Spy figures are about units owned for the base game, and that's what I'm talking about.
I was just taking a guess and I don't know if there are longer charts of the type that Sergei put together. And it's not a major point that I was making anyway when I said that it probably doesn't make the top 50. I was trying to emphasize my point that while there are complaints to be made about DLC with PAYDAY 2, the game is on sale so often that for instance moving the 6th most units leaves it behind dozens of other games in revenue earned and as such indio68's comment isn't really applicable in this case, even though PD2 does have a ton of DLC.
Edit: Stuff got edited for clarity.
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dont rememebr ..i think i had it form a trade or something else..or maybe cuz i already got Payday 1 and had a little disocunt..this is not what i said anyay..i don't like AT ALL what this game become..a dlc crap i stopped playing it and supporting Overkill..simple
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Yeah but the thing is part of your assertion is that you don't like paying full price for half a game.
This is a pretty harsh view of the reality of PAYDAY 2. As my post indicates, most users pay very little for the base game, and likely very little for individual DLC. The DLC has expanded the content of the game well beyond what would have been possible to have in the game at launch.
If the majority of purchases come during the frequent sales to the tune of around the same as a typical AAA game's launch price and the game is expanded well beyond what reasonably expected at launch then you're not paying full price for half a game.
I'm not saying you have to like dozens of DLC being released over the lifetime of the game. That isn't my point at all.
My point is just that your initial assertion "full price for half of game" isn't very persuasive as it doesn't reflect how much content the game has or how much perhaps a majority pay for it.
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But I'm a lot more familiar with the community than you and few of the dozens upon dozens of people that have quit either because of becoming sick of DLC or the microtransaction scandal have quit permanently.
I'd say that like with most other games, most people become bored of the game, or their friends move on to other games, and they just go off and play something else, with no real animus toward Overkill or PD2.
Some absolutely left out of anger or disappointment.
But my anecdotal experience has most people not playing PD2 anymore for the same reasons as anything else.
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Because there maybe is a reasonable middleground between abandon a game and release close to 40 paid DLC's for a game that wasn't exaclty free/cheap either on release and has sold millions of copies. Especially when most of the weapon and character DLC's are pretty meh. I don't mind paying for good heists but the other stuff is just DLC Overkill.
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It is DLC overkill but you're also ignoring that the game goes on sale more than half a dozen times a year and that it doesn't take more than a couple months for a DLC to go from full price to 75% discount.
In the end, it is important to note that if an individual preferred frugality and only bought stuff when it goes to at least the 70% off range, they'd have given Overkill roughly the same money as one pays for an AAA game at launch, and they would have done so whilst the game had been massively expanded with content.
I'm not saying, "oh the model is great--lay off" because I don't actually like it and I'd prefer if they came up with something I liked better.
But, excepting a publisher like Valve who is unique in their willingness to support and expand games for years without a direct cost to game owners, and perhaps AAA publishers that use their might to make a game have a long tail, publishers generally cannot afford to expand a game as much as PD2 has been expanded in the last three years without the end users coming out of pocket to facilitate that devotion of resources. All things being equal in that regard I'd at least prefer a model where I can hang back for a while and a sale will come along in short order.
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Valve games are paid for by Steam really. And a metric ton of micro's. Nothing selfish there, infact I think Valve is the epitome of greed.
Like how they dont hire support and let users suffer while they have billions of profit. Cant hire more than 10 people on your millions of customers?
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Selfless, you mean?
And it doesn't matter if Valve is able to release more free content because of the massive revenue they get from Steam--the point is that for an owner of a Valve game, you get more--and less expensive--content that you do from other games and publishers.
And I'm not aware of a need to purchase micros for Steam games
It's nice to see I gave you an opening to engage in a Valve bitch session. Your red herring notwithstanding, my point is about how much content and how much support over the life of a game a user can expect to receive. Valve is pretty much top of the heap in that regard. Why they are, or what gripes you might have about Valve, have nothing to do with that point.
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Yeah selfless.
Its just how they can afford it. Overkill is crucified because they stay upfloat with 1 game. Valve aint, because they cover with a massive monopoly.
It just irks me to see them being praised for it, while deep down, they are rotten to the core.
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Uh, no. Whether the action is selfish or selfless is your characterization. My only statement was about the nature of the viability of supporting and expanding on a game for years after release.
"It just irks me to see them being praised for it, while deep down, they are rotten to the core."
I don't want to tell you what to do but if you're that bitter you should consider deleting your account and go raise alpacas.
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Oh, I understand very well what I mean when I say maybe you should leave. I think most people understand that you can't petition to get a DRM-free version of your library.
This is what you don't understand:
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Since when did monopoly is bad when there's no one capable to put same level of service?
Really the problem isn't with Valve, but with gaming world at large. We have Microsoft, Apple, Linux foundations, Oracle, EA, Ubisoft, Square Enix etc and nobody can fight against Steam, really? Who's at fault here?
Valve also have problems like Support, but monopoly isn't their fault.
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It is the people's fault. Other services like GOG or itch are present, but just look around these forums: people want to have all games on Steam only. This is why even Desura tanked, because people refused to leave Steam out of sheer laziness.
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Desura wasn't worthy to replace Steam.
GOG may have the capability to do that once they give proper services.
The reason why people stick to Steam is for many things other services lacking. Cheaper pricing for me for example. Who would want to pay 50 USD for Witcher 3 when I can get it cheaper on Steam?
And there's this massive library Steam has. Dota 2? CS GO?
If you blame people, blame those who play on Battle Net as well.
Give people good services and they'll stick around.
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Interestingly, I don't recall any games or any sales since early 2014 where Steam had the best price on anything that wasn't strictly a Steam-exclusive, sold at Steam only.
Which, by the way, is another reason it is in monopoly: many companies sell their games only there, because it is the biggest. But it keeps being the biggest when it is the only place you use as a distribution platform for the sole reason of it being the biggest. It is a self-amplifying Catch 22 and only a few studios try to break the cycle. But they sometimes do in pretty self-harming ways, locking the games down to some other, usually self-created platform. And not just UbiSoft, Rockstar, or EA are doing this; for example, an oldie popular shmup, Jets 'n' Guns is by now sold only on the developer's site and Steam only, with Humble being the common intersection that sells both versions; you cannot get it at any other store.
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To be fair it makes Steam a monopoly by term definition rather than behavior**.
Unless they start using their power to threaten developers to only use their platform or stop other platforms from forming I doubt people will care.
**Steam support is crap, no doubt about that.
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And nobody mentioned Android? Nokia (at their prime)? Blackberry? Apple?
What I wanted to say is, people are so easy to point finger without reasoning.
With enough innovation, Apple and Android toppled Blackberry. That is just one example.
Rather than whining about monopoly, innovate. Think how to get into the market.
Monopoly is just a term invented to hide own weaknesses.
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Just a a couple of posts above you claimed that Android and iOS [Apple] aren't monopolies even though combined they control over 90% of the market.
Aside from the term "monopoly" have you ever heard the term "hypocrisy"?
Edit: seems the comment doesn't go under the post it answered to.
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There's this expression: put 10 economists in a room and you'll get 11 opinions.. But you would be hard pressed to find an economist (at least with a degree of credibility) who would argue that monopolies aren't incredibly destructive to markets.
Your comments here seem to be based on personal observation and corporate osmosis. In reality, there's an ironic naivety to suggesting that companies just need to figure out a way in, when one of the biggest dangers monopolies pose is blocking market entry through things like price manipulation, input hoarding, and artificially high barriers. That ability for entry is a fundamental element for economic efficiency, but even if it weren't a danger, monopolies are destructive by their very definition. The most essential component of efficiency (and basically capitalism as a whole) is that prices are in flux from many different buyers/sellers competing until the price ends up where aggregate supply equals demand. Prices have to be a function of the demand curve. This efficiency cannot exist in any situation where agents are powerful enough to influence (or especially set) prices, and that very power and control over supply as a whole is exactly what defines a monopoly in the first place. They are, by definition, economically harmful. Monopolies aren't strength, they're economic waste.
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the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.
"his likely motive was to protect his regional monopoly on furs"
And are Valve controlling commodity or service?
Your logic is flawed. Your whole argument is based on the self declared fact that Valve are controlling it, when they're not even forcing anyone to do business with them. Blizzard can do without Valve and they're even giant themselves. EA can do without Valve.
I am not even arguing that Monopoly is harmful or not.
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"I am not even arguing that Monopoly is harmful or not."
Probably better to refrain from off the cuff generalized claims like these, then.
Rather than whining about monopoly, innovate. Think how to get into the market.
Monopoly is just a term invented to hide own weaknesses.
My issue wasn't with the discussion over whether valve is a monopoly or not. There certainly are interesting questions worth addressing from either side of the fence, but I'm not particularly interested in having that discussing with you here.
I don't know if you noticed, but that logic you're calling false doesn't even refer to valve specifically... or even mention valve at all. That was a generalized statement about the dangers of monopolies as a whole, in response to your own generalized comments marginalizing the problems they present.
You might have made those assertions while pursuing an argument about valve, but those statements you made reach far beyond where ever you started, as incredibly dismissive of monopolies and the legitimate concerns regarding them while also categorically false.
It's that approach and the comments involved which I take issue with. There's a lot more wiggle room discussing everything else, but those remarks and insinuations needed to be addressed and corrected, if not for your sake, then at least for anyone else that might happen to read them, and end up believing that an accurate representation.
Also try not to fall back to that dictionary definition if you do end up debating someone about valve as a monopoly. The terminology of real world examples tends to be a lot looser, where, instead of total market control, the disputed firm exist with some giant advantage as the largest actor in what more closely resembles an oligopoly (either a real one, or intentional faux one to dissuade/delay accusations of anti-competitive behavior). The consequences in either case are largely interchangeable and similarly relevant, even if the terminology isn't actually accurate. Basically, concern over fitting that dictionary definition in those cases would be more some semantics issue, while if you go after those material effects (ie whether any off those consequences of a monoploy are even occuring here) can actually dismantle the claim.
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Pretty much this. Microsoft has been sued several times over being a monopoly and abusing their position.
I don't think "But Opera had a 1.3% marketshare, so us imposing Internet Explorer isn't a monopoly" would have held up much in court (and heck, didn't Firefox had 10% or so at that time. That was before Chrome).
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I think Valve is the epitome of greed.
Hm, interesting. It could be a good debate on which video game company is the absolute greediest. Activision/Blizzard? Bethesda Softworks? CAPCOM? Valve Corporation? (And funny enough, EA most likely has dropped from this competition.)
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Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong but EA has that Ultimate Team thing for FIFA where (as far as I understand) you can buy booster packs to get players to build your perfect team for Online mode so I would say they are still in the race although I have to admit they have fallen back a bit.
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Also in my personal experience many dedicated FIFA or Pro Evolution Soccer players don't play many other videogames so they are more willing to spend extra money on their game than the average core gamer who spreads his money over several games.
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That's good that at least the key stuff is gone but it was such an ill-conceived idea that it never should have been on the table in the first place.
There's also the matter of them basically lying to sell pre-orders. Among other things they promised a large number of heists for launch and then only delivered maybe half that, and of those some of them were short and had no where near the depth and complexity of those in the original game. They also left the Cloaker special unit out of the game for a rather long time, which as I have said in the past would be like a crippled Left 4 Dead 1 missing one of it's 4 primary special infected. Although it may not have gotten the same level of scrutiny, as far as reneged promises go PAYDAY 2 was in many ways the No Man's Sky of 2013.
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It was not the No Man's Sky of 2013. That assertion is just unvarnished hyperbole.
If someone is disappointed by the way Overkill has handled things, that's fine. There is ample justification for that.
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The base game is worth checking out for a dollar. Absolutely.
Will you like the game? Harder to say. This game is funnest when playing with friends--as with most games, pubbies are a mixed bag.
The question isn't whether the base game is worth it as much as it is: do you like it, and are you willing to invest further tens of dollars into DLC? Relative to what is added, the DLC is inexpensive if bought on sale; however, after three years of DLC releases it is quite the list and quite the outlay if done at once (when it goes on sale again).
My recommendation?
Jump on the $1 tier now. Play now. Immediately. Today, tomorrow, whatever, before the sale ends. Preferably with friends who have experience with the game. Then you can decide if you're willing to go in for another $5.
Even of my friends who got sick of the game, or the ones who got upset about things like the microtransactions (since removed) and left, all put in quite a bit of hours into the game.
Personally I only play after a few new things have been added for a few dozen hours, then I ignore the game for a couple months. That's been my m.o. for the last year+. However, I have 500+ legit achievements in it, so being a little bored of it is no real reflection the game.
All in all, I have to say that my investment in the game and my time spent playing it has been worth it; fun, especially with friends; and that I have no ragrets, yo.
L4D2 was my #1 game for a number of years but as that game became no longer new and shiny and I had exhausted playing through a number of custom maps, and with a number of custom mods, and my friends and I with whom I had great times playing the game began to bore of it, I got into PD2.
So yeah, get the $1.
P.S. PD2 has quite the depth to it for a co-op FPS, and requires (in addition to 'good' DLC), a lot of experience getting better at the game and understanding its mechanics and the meta, as well as acquiring good equipment and experience, in order to be able to play well at the highest difficulties. The game can be somewhat frustrating for new players--especially those without guidance. But it's also one of those games that in my experience, and based upon my conversation with other players over the years, is quite rewarding when you have the ability to do things that you were awful at in the beginning.
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For the counter-opinion to the above comment:
The base game has all the content of a demo, or a F2P teaser. It's not worth paying a cent for; it's a total ripoff.
Even before the devs started spamming DLCs, they had taken what should have been core content for the base game, and stripped it out into DLCs. There's plenty else to dislike, but enough people (inexplicably, to my mind) enjoy the game that you should still give it a try- but I'd personally recommend waiting on a free weekend, or trying to get it in a giveaway (especially now that the base game seems to be getting bundled pretty regularly).
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Remember to use that 'Charity' slider, and check out to decide where your donations would be most effective.
Note: For Tier 5, $13 of the $45 is deducted and going straight to the studio--NOT to HB, the game devs, or charity.
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As you can see from the responses, it's hard to say.
It's challenging, and fun, and it has little annoying issues specific to the game engine, but more than anything else the answer is, do you like playing fast-paced co-op games with friends?
If so, it'll be worth playing, whether you tire of it after 100, 500, or 2500 hours.
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If I ever play this game I'll probably only play it for a few of hours and quit so I'm not really interested in getting the GOTY. I rarelly find a multiplayer game that I really like so I preffer to spend the least possible ammount of money in them.
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Note that the GOTY for Payday 2 includes only about half of all DLC's released. The GOTY is still a good deal if you like Coop shooters.
Nothing in this pack for me despite liking Payday 2. The only DLC's i am missing are pretty average or useless masks.
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You say that like there's any publisher anywhere that makes games without the stated goal of making money.
Why would anyone think Overkill were being selfless?
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I can see that.
However, I would argue that Humble Bundle has long since stopped being specifically about bootstrapping for charity with games.
HB is just a (generously charitable) storefront now, in my opinion.
It's no coincidence that many people think the main bundle is often utter shite nowadays, and HB surely banks upon the guaranteed revenue from their blind monthlies.
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I preordered this game. I supported them a lot. What did I got? Nothing more than broken promises and a greedy dev using lame excuses for their behavior.
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I used to play Payday 2 and I did enjoy the game and I didn't mind the DLC even though there was loads of it. It was new content, a lot of it was good, it was optional if people didn't want to spend the money - and the game was being supported and being kept alive.
The issues that caused me and others to lose patience with the game and the devs went beyond the DLC - it was the microtransaction drills for non-cosmetic skins on top of the DLC, the production of new paid DLC being prioritised over bugfixes and the keeping of promises that had previously been used as incentives, paid DLC that was advertising for other games and movies, updates that nerfed existing weapons that appeared to be intended to force people to buy unpopular DLC, unpaid prize money from competitions, profiteering from Payday 2 being used to support other struggling projects from the devs, etc...
To be fair though - although I haven't played the game recently I've heard things have gotten much better again now and the most odious things that were going on have been rolled back. But overall I still think it's an oversimplification of the issues to suggest that if people didn't like what went on they must prefer devs who abandon their games...
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I'm sorry for my point of view looking pathetic to you. FYI, I supported this dev a lot. I have over 300 hours with this game and the fun was great. But sometimes you start to see some behavior that doesn't seem right and when you question it, you get ignored and bashed. Later, you only see lies. Please, check the reply below to KillingArts for more information.
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I didn't got the bundle. I stopped supporting this dev after their greedy behavior. Since when are you supporting Overkill? FYI, I play the game since PAYDAY The Heist, also preordered PAYDAY 2 because they behaved as the good guys. But later eveything changed... and not for good. I will never touch anything from Overkill ever. And who says I don't give things to charity? It's well know to do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. I would feel like a real immoral if I came here to brag about what I do.
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what about this story?
seems to me this is a great studio that cares about the game and supports it more than most big studios.
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Yes, they removed it, after the huge bashing from the community. But why the bashing? Almir, devs representative, said in an interview while the game was in development and preordering up that the game never ever would have microtransactions. Yes, he did emphasis on that! PAYDAY 2 would be ever free of microtransaction. And suddenly... Almir said "we have something great for all of you: microtransactions! Let's celebrate". Therefore, removing it could be considered as an act from a great studio caring about the game, but the real fact is microtransactions should never been in.
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you're not telling the whole story. the devs bought the license back from the publisher, so they could remove the microtransactions. so all this was probably the publisher's idea in the first place. overkill removed that stuff as soon as they could.
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This Bundle wouldn't be completely terrible for me if I didn't already have 16€ worth of Payday 2 DLC that are all part of the GOTY Edition without ever firing up the game :(
I might still buy T2 for GAs but I can already hear the "But Big Bank Heist and Diamond Heist are worth more than the base game. I want to enter for those 2 alone" complaints.
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There's still 3 thing I'm wondering:
Actually 4: Is SG only broken for me today ? This is like the 20th time today I try to post a comment or edit it and I get a bad gateway error and everything I wrote is gone. It's starting to get annoying. Go easy on the Blacklist checker script guys :D
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Does Payday 2 GOTY come as 1 key ? Yes
Are Payday 2 in T1 and GOTY in T2 2 seperate keys ? yes
Aren't those masks from previous Bundles ? (like E3 Digital Ticket if I'm not mistaken) One of them was E3 mask pack when i steamed it so thats a yes too
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If you keep saying Yes so much Tewam (the Yes guy) might consider you as a threat.
Just kidding :D My fault because of the questions.
Thanks ;)
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Or you can see if a friend wants GOTY for buying the remaining dlc you miss from it for you?
Would you care to elaborate ? I thought Payday 2 GOTY from this Bundle comes as 1 key or does the game drop gifts for stuff you already own when you buy it from Steam ?
Oh, you mean buying T2 and then trading it with one of my friends for the DLC I'm missing ?
That would feel like screwing my friends over and I'd rather not do that. And even if I did I'm afraid most of them are smarter than that :D
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Depends on how much dlc you lack. And was thinking sale, but they probably wont be up in 3 days.
Also people say tier 2 contains this, quite a bit more than the storeversion. Might push you over :)
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I hate typing on my phone because I become lazy and leave out detail lol
I can't currently buy anything right now (long story) but I can in like a week. It was weird that it only ran for two days. Luckily I'm not really that interested in Payday :p
also eeev, I thought you were on my wl but I dont know what happened o.o. I just added you back.
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Microtransaction controversy was a bit overblown, and even beyond that, are no longer in the game.
I have three dozen safes and I haven't opened any of them, even the free ones.
The safes are not a significant aspect of the game.
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I don't know what sort of banking you do but in 2017 most major banks I know about require MFA for online access to banking services.
"No sites do."
I'm sure there are sites other than banking sites that require MFA. But even if they weren't, many sites recommend it. And even if that weren't true, Steam accounts are different from typical online accounts (excepting bank accounts): a Steam account with stuff in its inventory is inherently valuable as they contain items that can be turned into actual money; the vast majority of social media accounts aren't. Steam users interact with other users exchanging virtual goods, gifts, and keys that have value.
Point is, phishing was a massive distraction and security issue with no good solution other than MFA. Is requiring MFA for all accounts convenient, or was it even the only viable solution? No. But pretending by implication not to understand that stealing a Steam account and looting its items is different than gaining unauthorized access to a social media account is silly. Most of the time, when hacking and phishing for accounts, the gain is access to the account or service, and the ability to disrupt or impersonate--ie, for the lulz. Whereas gaining access to a Steam account with tens or hundreds of dollars worth of items and/or a Steam wallet is more like when people try to gain access to someone else's financial services or money--ie, it's about money. That it was about getting things that had a fixed cost or value for free, or turning virtual items or Steam wallet funds into money is a big part of the reason why getting access to someone else's Steam account was so attractive in the first place. I thought that was obvious to everyone.
"total suckass feature that does NOTHING for security"
The level of hostility toward Valve from you is quite unproductive given where you choose to engage the commentariat. Do you find yourself acquiring new allies to your anti-Valve cause when you spout this bilge?
Please stop trying to recruit me or disabuse me of the finer shades of reality where Valve is neither Christ nor Antichrist. I have no interest.
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Ive got my own and shared with wife. Wife got a 3rd bank.
Guess what. None of them require a smartphone. Mfa is done by their own devices (safe, unlike Valve) and are supplied absolutely free (unlikely, you guessed it, Valve).
Recommend is not force. And Steam is different yeah. In that it needs more security (which is a lie, sgma is not security) apparently for my 5 dollar inventory than my bankaccount (which has a little more than 5 bucks)
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Yes, well, believe it or not lots of banks don't give you dedicated devices for MFA.
Also, Steam Mobile Authenticator is free. You can't make the complaint that it isn't free because they don't give everyone a phone. That's silly. That's like complaining that Steam isn't free because Valve doesn't give you free internet.
Mobile phones are a very prominent part of MFA in 2017 precisely because of its ubiquity. If you think Valve should have given away a device costing a couple bucks to a hundred million users, you're out of your mind.
And of course recommend is not force. No one said it needs more security than your bank account. And I already covered your lack of knowledge about MFA in another comment, so please get off this "sgma is not security" (plus, the initialism is SMA, not SGMA--what's the G for, games? That's not part of the name of the program nor how Valve refers to it in its documentation--It's SMA, at least in English).
I don't know how to say this without sounding like an asshole but as I have indicated already almost everything you are saying about Valve and security, and the comparisons you are making between Valve and banks and such, is bogus and irrational.
You've only said one good thing--criticizing that it is required for all users--but this is a criticism pretty much everyone has. It's low-hanging fruit. Your other criticisms are quite irrational and false.
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Sgma is not mfa since you can do EVERYTHING on your phone, no checks. If the PC was so insecure, lets all move it to the even less secure platform.
Every security advisor would cringe to how less secure Valve's security update makes people.
Amateurish doesn't cover it.
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No, actually it is MFA. You don't get to decide how to define MFA.
Having one physical device as the point of access has nothing to do with whether the authentication process is 2FA or not. Merely asking a security question like, "What is your mother's maiden name?" in addition to login credentials qualifies as MFA as it is a second factor. How good that second factor is has nothing to do with the definition.
Further, you say oh, you can do everything on your phone. So what? A lot, if not most MFA is reliant upon the user getting a time-sensitive code from an app like Google Authenticator, or a code from a text message, or a code from an email. Usually one point of access to the service is a website or mobile app, like with email, banking, or social media.
Which means that one can do "EVERYTHING" on the phone.
Having one physical device as a point of access for MFA doesn't negate the definition of MFA either. It's multi-factor authentication, not multi-device authentication.
You are not informed about MFA. You have zero credibility when it comes to assessing Valve's efforts at securing Steam as you have first asserted that SMA has done nothing for security and then that SMA is not MFA. Both of these are wrong. They're not debatable wrongs either. They're just factually incorrect.
This is why I said you should reconsider your entire way of thinking about Steam. You have this need to assert blatant and ridiculous falsehoods because of your bitterness about Steam.
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You missed the part where you don't know what the hell you're talking about and have no knowledge of what MFA is.
The device is not the factor.
You can have MFA with purely knowledge factors. That's where the service asks for your login information and then asks for further knowledge that you have--like your mother's maiden name. That's still MFA.
Using an app on your phone, or using a keychain device that generates a token, those are possession factors. They are items that are reasonably expected to be possessed by the user, like a key.
It doesn't matter if a login is required and then you have to provide mom's maiden name, or if a login is required and then you have to provide a code from email, or if a login is required and then you have to provide a code from a text message, or if a login is required and you have to provide a code from an authentication app on your phone, or if a login is required and you have to provide a code from a keychain device, or if a login is required and you have to plug into the terminal you're using a USB flash drive that provides the authentication.
All of those examples are MFA. You cannot say they aren't MFA because that's not how MFA is defined.
Stop being ignorant.
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You can do EVERYTHING on your phone. Valve fucked up, and fucked up badly.
Stop trying to convince ME what MFA is, and try it with Valve. Of course they don't care or they would have fixed this glaring security hole in their "security update" (LAUGH) within the year... and they didn't.
Come on and open your eyes to the whackjob Valve provided.
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You don't know what you're talking about. You don't know what MFA is.
Absorb this reality into your salt-addled brain.
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Show me a definition that says MFA is the use of 2 devices.
Amazon AWS
Most broadly, MFA is just requiring more than one factor.
More narrowly (and lets focus on that), MFA is the requirement to use different types of factor.
Neither require more than one device to meet the definition of MFA.
If an financial app on my phone asks for login credentials and my fingerprint, those are two different factors. Nonetheless I am only using one device.
You. Don't. Know. What. You're. Talking. About.
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Very well.
Valve decided the 2FA (apparently) (since it required your account and email) on PC was not enough and thus required a 3rd factor; phone.
Yet the phone only requires the 2 factors apparently insufficient for the PC.... ON A WEAKER PLATFORM.
How does that make sense security-wise in any way.
Valve are hackjobs, through and through. If you think that what you call 2FA is enough, the entire fucking SGMA (Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator) is pointless to start with, so why throatrape us with it? Tell me that.
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First off, Valve doesn't use three factors. If you enable SMA, you only have to provide login and code. If you have only email, you only have to provide login and code. I do think there are situations where you may have to do more than two factors (such as when setting up SMA when you have to have login information, email code, and phone code) but that isn't required to just login to the account.
Your criticism heretofore your acknowledgment of what actually defines MFA was about the number of required devices. If you want to argue that a keyfob, or a biometric factor are stronger than a factor that can be used from one device, you're right.
That doesn't mean that MFA isn't being used, or--as you stated in one of your earlier replies--that it does nothing for security.
You cannot with any credibility assert that Steam accounts are not more secure now than they were when all a user needed was to provide a login.
The fact is that phishing and compromising accounts are down from their peak from just before the introduction of the various restrictions Valve implemented, when upwards of 70,000 accounts per month were being compromised.
If your criticism is that Valve should provide everyone with a keyfob or some other factor that prevents a user from using a single device to access their account, I have to disagree. Users do not want to pay for and Valve does not want to bear the cost of an expensive program where a physical device is provided to Steam users.
You keep saying that Valve are hackjobs, but most of your criticism misses the mark. There are lots of criticisms of Valve to be made, such as requiring MFA. But Valve is smart, and they choose solutions that require the least burden on their resources. Is it the best solution? Many wouldn't agree. But it is certainly efficient.
"If you think that what you call 2FA is enough, the entire fucking SGMA (Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator) is pointless to start with, so why throatrape us with it? Tell me that."
I never said it was pointless. I don't know where you get this inference from. It's totally off the mark. If it wasn't clear before it should be clear here that I think that Valve's solution to combat fishing, while suboptimal, is efficient and was effective at eliminating what was becoming a big problem. I saw entire groups that had been hijacked and spammed announcements of free CS:GO items and then linked to malware to steal further accounts.
Further, it's many months later and anyone who doesn't have a phone at all can just use WinAuth or Steam Desktop Authenticator to avoid having to use a smartphone. Are there still barriers--annoying barriers--to using the market and trading that has turned off many users to marketing and trading permanently? Absolutely. That is why Valve might have been better served requiring everyone to turn on MFA one time and then allowing any user to turn of it off permanently whilst having no recourse for recovering pilfered items if one's account is compromised. I'm sure the reason Valve just required it for everyone is because no matter what you do, anything that allows users to have their account stolen if an unauthorized user has just the login information would lead to increased need for support, even if support is only going to say, "tough shit."
Of course, in terms of the burden to end-users who want to use the market or trade a lot, there are solutions out there to streamline the process. I have access to and utilize good programs and scripts that automate not only the process of confirming actions as required by Valve's present policy, but also in doing things like listing them to the market. As such, if I wanted to sell say 100 sale cards at once, I could, after loading my inventory, select all of them for sale and set a price for them in less than a minute, and then automatically confirm them in a few minutes while doing anything other than manually engaging SMA.
Is this optimal? No. The entire system is a bit cumbersome and quite frustrating for many. But what's the "good" solution to the problem of security?
If you want my opinion, and since you've asserted my opinion on the issue I would imagine you do, I don't think Valve's solution is optimal, but the reality is that so long as many Steam accounts can and do have a value, the motivation to steal will remain. As I said, while Steam accounts are not nearly as important or fruitful as stealing someone's banking information, it's not the same as a social media account where the only benefit most of the times is the ability to disrupt and impersonate. I guarantee that someone out there was practically making a living phishing accounts, pilfering their items, buying stuff from the store with the wallets, and selling them on grey market sites.
That's part of the reason why there is increase controversy over sites like G2A. So long as the games or virtual items have values associated with them and can be sold, someone out there will be trying to sell someone else's stuff or stuff they bought with a stolen card.
But please, tell me your solution. And don't say that Valve shouldn't have required it for everyone; this is the most common complaint about the new security measures and one I think everyone has already considered. My ask of you is to tell me the best solution to prevent Steam accounts from being stolen, from being pilfered, and one that is not insanely cost-ineffective, like manufacturing and distributing 100 million keyfobs.
P.S. I was wrong. Steam does refer to it as Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator. My experiences have had it being referred to as SMA by everyone, but apparently SGMA would be the initialism, and I was wrong, and for that I apologize.
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They required an email and login before (the so called "Steam Guard").
Apparently that was insufficient so now... you need a login and email. Oh, on your phone that is (the weaker platform).
For PC users? Well, you need that darned phone. To give the exact same data. See the security improvement? I do not. I however see all the restrictions I get from using the stronger platform to give the exact same info mobile users give. Why? Beats the crap out of me.
Also it does nothing against PHISING since thats social engineering people can still easily subject to, SGMA or not. The only thing it combats is HACKING of an account... by... making it easier. Yup.
To improve? Optionality is one. If people want a keycode but have no phone offer security chains like every single MMO does. Just 2 tiny little steps, major improvements.
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Valve's job is not to meet your standards. Valve's job is to have a reasonable level of security without having to expend resources.
They've accomplished that. Your repeated insistence that their solution is both awful and completely ineffective is not based in reality.
Go eat a bucket of salt. I'm done trying to un-wedge your head from your ass.
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Their solution of moving the exact same thing to a weaker platform? Yeah... that might have a FEW holes, yeah.
Valve's job is to half-ass rather than hire people to do a job, see SGMA, support bots, devs exploiting reviews so they just kill CD-keyed reviews, etc.
All half-assed sollutions.
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I mean, there are lots of criticisms to make about Valve, including that requiring mobile auth and confirmation of transactions is inconvenient for lots of users.
But you can't sit there and say that the introduced measures do "nothing" for security, or say that anything short of giving every user a keyfob is inadequate and bad security. It's just utter nonsense.
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You're being moronic.
Since I have no points to make that I haven't already made, and since my points are based in reality while yours relies upon some self-serving interpretation of what it means for a series of measures to do "nothing" for security, and because you are responding to messages that were not directed at you, I have to request that you kindly go shove an m80 in your bum.
We're done here. Go gaslight someone else. Thanks.
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I assume you don't have a account... which has the exact same authenticator system since 2008.
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Since you can access your WoW guild's chat on phone, I assume yes (I don't have a smartphone, so I'm not sure).
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Humble Starbreeze Bundle: Presents John Wick
5 tiers, 3-5 games, 6 dlc's, 1 movie and two movie tickets in total!
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Relevant info about the masks here, and also how the different mask packs look like here on this site!
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