There's no giveaway this time, I'm sorry!
There's only a little more time before the sale ends for it and I've been struggling with this decision. I even looked at Steam Trades to see if I could somehow trade to get the game. I'm hoping to get some advice/opinions from people who do own the game.

Let me explain a bit:

I'm not a multiplayer gamer by default, I'm not a fan of playing with strangers at all and find it difficult something akin to 'anxiety inducing' if that makes sense. I don't enjoy toxic gamers at all when in contact with them and would like to avoid them as much as possible. I've played Overwatch already (54 hours to be exact) during previous free weekends, so I can say that I have some idea of what I'd be getting into. I've liked the game for the most part and still haven't truly experienced a "I'm done with this" moment, still find it addictive.

But I'm concerned because that's exactly it, I've been playing during free weekends when there have been tons of other newbies trying the game out. I feel that any "success" I might have had while playing is just due to a majority just getting used to the game, and more experienced players being more tolerant of the newbies due to the free event. I find myself worrying that if I'd buy it and "play with the big boys" then the experience would be vastly different. I know Overwatch has a competitive mode, but I personally see no appeal in competitive gaming and would most likely not touch it.

So I guess my question boils down to if there's enough traffic in quick play mode even after that's not the only option?
Is the community toxic/mean/etc? Would it be better for a fragile weirdo like me to stay away until next free weekend?

6 years ago

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Should I buy it?

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Ask again during next free weekend/sale

Give Paladin's a try, more or less the same thing and its free.
Both are enjoyable though.

6 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by Noxco.