I'll go first. I'm from Israel. I don't have it listed in my Steam profile, but I also leave out gender, age and other private stuff. You're just going to have to take my word for it. And yes, I know it's a bit unfair when I made this the main requirement for others to join, but as creator of the group I get to have this privilege ;-)
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Thanks for the bump :-)
BTW, in the discussion prior to this thread, where I asked people to guess what is the region, someone suggested Transylvania. Now that's an idea...
Parts of the OP now retired...
Old Criteria for joining the group: (replaced Aug 6, 2017)
Note about the frequently changing title: Since submissions were initially quite slow, I decided to update the title with names of countries, eventually leaving Turkey and Israel for the final iterations of the title, as 85% of Middle East SG users come from these two countries. However I'll make sure to give all countries "air time" to hopefully have this thread noticed by users from all countries. Here is the history of titles of this thread:
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That's not true. We don't have anything against magyars. If you see some reaction against magyars that's because there are some magyar extremists in Romania who think that Harghita and Covasna (which are basically in the middle of the country) should be autonomous because romanians are in minority there. Even fewer romanians have "problems" with hungarians from Hungary.
PS: I'm not saying that somewhere deep I don't hate hungarians (or turks), because I do, but from a historical, "romancised" point of view. I don't like your ancestors for the relations between our countries, but I have nothing against you or present day magyars. As far as I am concerned, you are allright! Also, welcome to my whitelist!
PPS: Gabor is the slang for cop in romanian. :P
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Here are some relevant stats while I'm waiting for people to join:
Total number of SteamGifts users in all Middle East countries: 25,625
Percentage from all SteamGifts users: 3.06%
Stats sorted by population:
Country | [Population] | SteamGifts Users | One in how many people is a SteamGifts user? |
Egypt | 88,523,000 | 560 | 158077 |
Iran | 78,778,000 | 330 | 238721 |
Turkey | 78,214,000 | 13,312 | 5875 |
Iraq | 36,575,000 | 130 | 281346 |
Saudi Arabia | 31,521,000 | 1,219 | 25858 |
Yemen | 26,745,000 | 9 | 2971667 |
Syria | 23,270,000 | 57 | 408246 |
United Arab Emirates | 8,933,000 | 763 | 11708 |
Israel | 8,372,000 | 8,092 | 1035 |
Jordan | 6,837,000 | 225 | 30387 |
Palestine | 4,683,000 | 51 | 91824 |
Lebanon | 4,288,000 | 148 | 28973 |
Oman | 4,181,000 | 52 | 80404 |
Kuwait | 4,161,000 | 218 | 19087 |
Qatar | 2,113,000 | 144 | 14674 |
Bahrain | 1,781,000 | 110 | 16191 |
Cyprus | 846,000 | 205 | 4127 |
Stats sorted by number of users per country:
Country | Population | [SteamGifts Users] | One in how many people is a SteamGifts user? |
Turkey | 78,214,000 | 13,312 | 5875 |
Israel | 8,372,000 | 8,092 | 1035 |
Saudi Arabia | 31,521,000 | 1,219 | 25858 |
United Arab Emirates | 8,933,000 | 763 | 11708 |
Egypt | 88,523,000 | 560 | 158077 |
Iran | 78,778,000 | 330 | 238721 |
Jordan | 6,837,000 | 225 | 30387 |
Kuwait | 4,161,000 | 218 | 19087 |
Cyprus | 846,000 | 205 | 4127 |
Lebanon | 4,288,000 | 148 | 28973 |
Qatar | 2,113,000 | 144 | 14674 |
Iraq | 36,575,000 | 130 | 281346 |
Bahrain | 1,781,000 | 110 | 16191 |
Syria | 23,270,000 | 57 | 408246 |
Oman | 4,181,000 | 52 | 80404 |
Palestine | 4,683,000 | 51 | 91824 |
Yemen | 26,745,000 | 9 | 2971667 |
Stats sorted by frequency of users in population:
Country | Population | SteamGifts Users | [One in how many people is a SteamGifts user?] |
Israel | 8,372,000 | 8,092 | 1035 |
Cyprus | 846,000 | 205 | 4127 |
Turkey | 78,214,000 | 13,312 | 5875 |
United Arab Emirates | 8,933,000 | 763 | 11708 |
Qatar | 2,113,000 | 144 | 14674 |
Bahrain | 1,781,000 | 110 | 16191 |
Kuwait | 4,161,000 | 218 | 19087 |
Saudi Arabia | 31,521,000 | 1,219 | 25858 |
Lebanon | 4,288,000 | 148 | 28973 |
Jordan | 6,837,000 | 225 | 30387 |
Oman | 4,181,000 | 52 | 80404 |
Palestine | 4,683,000 | 51 | 91824 |
Egypt | 88,523,000 | 560 | 158077 |
Iran | 78,778,000 | 330 | 238721 |
Iraq | 36,575,000 | 130 | 281346 |
Syria | 23,270,000 | 57 | 408246 |
Yemen | 26,745,000 | 9 | 2971667 |
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Because according to Wikipedia and the CIA website it's in the Middle East. If you're asking why is Cyprus currently in the title, then it's for "Marketing" reasons. I'm updating the title occasionally and changing the list of countries so that all 17 countries will get "air time" ;-)
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That's strange, because it is in European Union. I'm asking because it sounds weird that it's in Middle East. xD And to be honest, we are usually told that it's a part of Europe, maybe because of its bond with Greece.
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These things are not as straightforward as one would think. Turkey, for example, is in the EU too but in terms of land part of it is in Asia and part of it is in Europe. Or at least that's what I know. There are plenty of users here from Turkey to correct me :-)
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Yes, it's obvious that Turkey is in both Europe and Asia. You don't have to ask anyone to know that. ;P Anyway, I just thought that it's in Europe, that's all. xD I mean, it's in European sports competitions, song competitions, European Union, geographically a part of Europe and extrememely near of a Greek island, etc. ;P But yeah, wiki will probably be right. xD
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Turkey is not in the EU yet. Although in the late 2000s their acceptance process was sped up, but ever since their president is showing obvious autocratic signs and regression of secularism, the negotiations essentially stopped.
Otherwise, politically, it is considered both Europe and Middle East, but usually the latter.
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Yep, it's strange. We were usually told that it's a part of Europe. o.O
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well Algeria is fare but still there use still 2 :p and i prefer call it Palestine :p
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Bump. don't know how many active are from Middle east. but SG region says a lot:
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Wow, indeed bored.
just so you know, there are several users from Lebanon who can't activate keys. only gifts...
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I had a similar problem with a winner from Iran. My key was from Humble so was supposed to be ROW, but it didn't work. Their Support (which was very friendly btw) insisted that it is ROW and issued another key, which didn't work either. Eventually I had to request a reroll. I know that at least one other user (from Syria) has been experiencing similar issues.
In any case, all of these giveaways are keys, not gifts. Crossing fingers that things work well...
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Thanks for the bump and the kind words. So far it's going slow, but I learned from my Level 0 initiative and left some provision against not getting the minimum number of participants. Still 6 days to go, so hopefully it picks up some pace later on...
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I'm from the UAE, in about a few hours I'll become level 2(again ._.) when the winner of my giveaway confirms the win so sorry for posting this right now :/, I might have forgot later if I don't leave the post here.
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You're the first to enter, so no worries. I just sent you an invite to the group. Also, since you meet my whitelist criteria I also added you to that list :-)
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Take this bump as an appreciation for the consolation prize :)
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By the way, can Turks activate all ROW keys? They have a separate Steam region and their own set of strange Steam locks. I know they are practically ROW for many games (all casual level that I know of), but not sure about more expensive stuff.
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RoW yes, other regions no.
Source; I am a Turksie.
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Never saw or heard any RoW keys/gifts denied in Turksieland so far.
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Turkey are fine with row keys. Used to trade with someone from that region quite often and they never had any issue.
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very cool games, but not my kind. and already have Deponia
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I've been to Egypt and have family there, does that count?
I'm joking, of course, but it's nice to see giveaways for the region. Have a bump.
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Even though I am not interested in any of the games (still considering Nights into Dreams, might enter that one) joined the group because you invited nicely :)
Wel, ahh, g'day from Turksieland!
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Thanks for the bump! :-)
I hope Dubai happens for you. The place looks impressive.
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Wow, I didn't know that we have that many Turkish members ^^
I'm also from Turkey
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Invite sent :-) Don't forget to re-sync your account.
BTW, criterion #1 is a little bit more demanding. The one option that comes to mind to prove location (for a profile that doesn't have country defined) is the newspaper method, but I doubt it's worth the effort for a few giveaways.
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I got an invitation after 1 year later :P
Thanks ^_^
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For the sake of uncluttering the OP, I'm moving the list of original giveaway to this little "archive":
These are current group giveaways (finished giveaways in
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Lilly Looking Through
Melissa K. and the Heart of Gold
http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/os834/surgeon-simulator-2013 (contributed by yotamdo)
http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/pl9Bm/micron (contributed by Pinacho)
http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/pXwuT/canabalt (contributed by solamyas)
http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/BFHUm/melissa-k-and-the-heart-of-gold-collectors-edition (contributed by robocub)
http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/0fkPj/nightmares-from-the-deep-3-davy-jones (contributed by robocub)
http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/RrOZp/grim-legends-the-forsaken-bride (contributed by robocub)
http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/tIpc0/enigmatis-2-the-mists-of-ravenwood (contributed by robocub)
http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/MhTl9/pool-nation Kostrip (2nd copy contributed by Kostrip)~~
If you'd like to contribute another game for this group it would be very much appreciated. Edit: I think we have enough giveaways for the first week. Let's get more users! :-)
The end date for many of those giveaways is Nov 2 at 23:30 (GMT+2). If toward the end of the giveaways the number of entries on any of them doesn't reach a minimum of 5 I reserve the right to use this thread to invite more users, even out of region ones.
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11,070 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by jbondguy007
Fun fact: So far we had winners from Turkey, UAE, Israel, Egypt, Syria and Cyprus :-)
Don't you sometimes feel envious when you see those region-restricted giveaways and you're locked out because you live in the "wrong" place? Well, I certainly do and I want to be on the inside for once ;-) ...so, if you live in the Middle East, here's your opportunity to join some region-restricted giveaways (restricted by me, not by Steam). And
here'sa little consolation prize for those who aren't (and are L3+)How to join? Just go over the criteria below, and if you meet all requirements write your Steam profile country in a comment. I'll then verify your entry and will send you an invitation to the group over Steam.
Criteria for joining the group:
Here's what you need to do to join the group:
I check pending requests every few days, so be patient. Requests from users who didn't go through the first two steps will be denied.
Good luck!
Note: I frequently change the title of this thread. An explanation is at the bottom of this post.
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