You gonna get this bundle?
it says "Join now to instantly unlock your copy of Towerfall: Ascension." why would they put the same game in both bundles? that's their way of trying to get new users to subscribe, but all its going to do is make people cancel their order. Grimrock 2 was a strong choice for the preview of the first bundle, and I think they would have much better results if they revealed one of the better games of the next bundle and given it to users now.
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It's not really in next months bundle.
from the FAQ:
In addition to guaranteed access to next month’s slate of games, first-time subscribers receive instant access to one of the top titles from the previous month. Which game will you unlock when you subscribe? Head here to find out.
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but i dont want that one, i want Lethal league :( it should be random imo, because not everyone is interested in one game and it could also make more gamblers fall for it ! :D
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thats mean! :D its the only game i really want from that bundle. so yeah, different people and all that :))
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Well, you should have no trouble trading for it. :)
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Personally, I thought Legal League was very acceptable as it is a highly quality indie game that is original and fun. Moreover, it has never been bundled before.
SR IV, on the other hand, was completely unacceptable. Not only is it only the base game, but it has been heavily discounted many, many times this year in Steam weekend sales. It also recently had its price slashed from $20 to $15 (Same price as Third), and overall just a game most serious bundle goers already own.
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I do agree that Saints Row IV should've been the complete edition, or at least have the DLC. Kind of a dick move for them to give you only the base game in the hope that you'll pay for the rest of the content later.... but I suppose that's the new role DLC has in our gaming lives.
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thanks erb but i think im about 55 mins late, says used gift :) thank you for your kindness, in the name of unknown random redeemer who couldnt be bothered to say thanks ! :)
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I don't know why people post keys and links publicly. If you want someone specific to get a game, then you PM or chat it to them.
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One of the top titles? Oh please... This can't be one of the top titles in the bundle...
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The "bonus" game is only for who subscribe the montly bundle for the first time.
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:P pretty much this, but i suspect people who like to gamble are going to remain subbed no matter what, so yeah they are still going to make money on people who wouldnt buy those bundles if they were not masked and had same price of $12 :P
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quit, took several years break, joined a private 1:1 wotlk server, played adamantly for a year, quit again.
Bought panda, quit 20 minutes later haha
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They had the opportunity to do something really great here, but the first one was a big disappointment. I owned all but grimrock 2 and have a copy of Towerfall in my inventory. I feel most people owned the majority of these games because most have been discounted 75% or more recently with the exception of Besiege, but that was a very very popular game at it's release and its not that expensive. Don't get me wrong, these games are good games for the most part overall its just very disappointing, I think the indiegala bundle from this past monday is much more interesting
I think they'll have a lot less subscribers this month, as you said no one's "falling for this one".
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they'll probably do it like they did for nov and just drop clues
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If you are going to buy it on steam, then you can keep base game and get only Saints Row IV Game of the Century Upgrade Pack.
However, another alternative is to get Saints Row Ultimate Franchise Pack.
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Do you want to hear why I'm screwed on this? Because not only am I forced on to the "low violence" edition of the base game, but the upgrade pack also isn't available in my region! Nor the franchise pack or any pack. I'd have to buy all the dlc separately. It's almost an insult to only be given the base game frankly.
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You could get it around the Christmas sale, but it's also currently only $5 on the Humble store (Which is a crappy move to bundle it without the DLC and then put the full version on sale for $5 the same day the contents were revealed)
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I'd rather have Gat Out of Hell. Woulda been something new for me, at least.
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People are sooooooo disappointed, like the $12 monthly bundle was gonna have FO4, COD:BO3, GTA5, NFS, SF5, and Fez, like it wouldn't have a lot of games that many of us collectors already had through other sales.
Your disappointment was guaranteed.
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It does have something special if you aren't a game collector/bundle addict.
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Well, that's why I said "[y]our disappointment was guaranteed."
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But honestly, it really isn't. I'm pretty happy with indie games. But when your bundle has maybe four games that haven't been driven into the ground, and the others are old popular titles, chances are your core demographic has them. I understand that "big" games usually only (if ever) go into bundles when they're old, but things like not including the DLC for a $3.74 game (the current price of SRIV on Humble's store) or tossing in some older bundled games that aren't particularly popular (Sanctuary RPG has a rather limited following, largely older gamers who remember ASCII based classics) it seems like they didn't do a demographic reading very well. Honestly, I would have been at least neutral if it had been a complete edition of SRIV, but the game itself is basically just a vehicle for DLC at this point...
At least I was able to trade Valkyria Chronicles for a wishlisted game; none of the others have nearly that much value.
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I get what you're saying, but this bundle could never be a blow-the-hinges-off-the-door bundle.The benefit of hindsight applies here, but it seems like a realistic ceiling was always going to be like tier 3.5.
I think what we really wanted was this to be like a bundle of all tier 3 stuff that hasn't had that heavy discount of 75-80% anywhere, but if that were the case the bundle would be far too cheap at $12.
It's like the Loot Crates. The idea is nice, but I look at the past ones and most months I want at most like one thing. Same thing is gonna be true of these monthlies.
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Personally I was expecting something along the lines of the fallout franchise with a 33% off fallout 4 coupon or something to further hype the fallout 4 game as it would have (business wise) have been a great idea. I think it would have been better if the subscriber had the choice of multiple different bundles they could choose from based on theme. That way you at least had an option of what you got.
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December Bundle predictions: Towerfall Ascension, Pid, Clickr, Pixeljunk Eden, Worms Pinball, and Torchlight 1
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X-Blades is being saved for the special January bundle along with Deadly Premonition, Culling of the Cows, Electronic Super Joy, Alien Shooter, and FootLOL: Epic Fail League
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Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! :-D
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Wait, is Towerfall: Ascension going to be in the next one too? Or is it if you didn't get last bundle you get it as a make up gift? Because if so, uh, I don't want to sub again for a second copy of a game given how, uh, bad this month's was.
They only made it worse by trying to hype it up.
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Three weeks. You're charged one week before the bundle goes live.
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When you order (for the first time) you get one of the games from previous bundle, Towerfall Ascension in this case, It's not going to be in Dec bundle.
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dodged a bullet there. and if i had any doubts about not subscribing, thinking their first few bundles have to be awesome or else people wont fall for it... well yeah, all my doubts are gone now :D
saints row is a decent game, but for gods sake it has been on sale for like 4,000 times already, and having just a base edition included in this bundle is just icing on the cake, lol IF SR4 was supposed to be their carry, they might have at least included GOTY or century or whatever its goty edition is named.
Only really interested in Lethal league from this one, so yeah for once not gambling has paid off :)
so yeah, thx but no thanks humble
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If SR4 included the Century Edition, who would buy the Season Pass that's currently on sale?
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not you too rachel. ._. of course Towerfall: Ascension is in the november bundle. they said there will be a bonus game for the first-time subscribers from the previous bundle.
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Click here to view the December Bundle Contents
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Games Include:
Rust (EA)
Chroma Squad
Neon Struct Deluxe Edition
Company of Heroes™ 2 (Base) and the following DLC (sep keys)
Payday 2 (Base) and the following DLC (sep keys)
AND Demo for Shadwen (Sneak Peek)
All Separate ROW Keys
View November's Monthly Bundle here.
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