S45, 46, and 47 need the most Signups right now! Help out adam1224 fill out his line!
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Bump for bumpages sake :D
Get ready to submit your GA links to line Operators :D
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Signed up for some significant U2 stops :D because I'm from Pankow and Pankow is <3
(you already snagged the ones where my sister lives :( )
Edit: Also, why am I only hearing about his now? D:
Edit2: And congrats on getting certified! Come to Berlin, we have lots of donuts (Berliners ... though they're not called that ... ah, bad joke)
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The U2 was my main line while I lived at Nollendorfplatz so I have a lot of memories from it ;)
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As much as I would love to come back to Berlin, the EU has certain issues with due diligence and seeing as the UK is a member there are plenty of English speakers available to teach as native speakers.... Or I'd be there in a heartbeat. I still might look anyways. Sometimes they have non-EU only positions available :-)
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That's true, no one needs you here XD (Although I know an American teaching, but not English ... and one British guy who is a teacher, no idea for what though, I'm guessing English)
And I signed up for another station ... I should stop now, I actually only have like 2 games left to give XD
are you gonna make a Schienenersatzverkehr-Puzzle or something like that? I was thinking about adding that ... ooooh, I have a puzzle idea :D edit: nevermind, the lines I'd need for that are taken//not included
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You're only hearing about it now, cause I've been a sneaky sneaky pants :D
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Hi Keo,
I would love to take part but I don't really understand what I need to do.
Is each stop 1 GA or as many as I want?
Do i just pick a stop (let's say 'Vinetastr.'), then what?
Do I create the GAs then send you the web address, then you put it where it needs to go?
Sorry, I've never made a train so I don't know how to start.
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Each stop is 1 GA.
Let's say you picked Vinetastr. by going on the doodle for the U2 you would fill out your name on the left and check off Vinetastr.
(For each one you check off, you'd be signing up for one station.)
You then create one GA for Vinetastr and pm the line operator with the link telling them it is for Vinetastr. on the U2.
Once we hit the next phase, they will contact you back with Description text for that GA.
So for each station, it's one GA. :)
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Poor google translate, the sign up polls are confusingthe hell out of it :(
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Don't translate the sheets :)
They are just stop names. Click on the ones you want. They mostly won't translate anyways. :)
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Kinda pointless to translate them as the map is a pdf and won't translate either ;)
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How are hub stations handled? I signed up for a small stretch of U2 with one station intersecting with U6. Is it going to have a single giveaway used in both lines or separate ones for both?
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Do you have a recommended level for the giveaways in mind? I was thinking 3+, is that too high?
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Please make all Next and Previous links line up on all GAs :)
Whatever the rest of the layout is...I don't care, go wild, just keep the navigation the same on all GAs...I'm lazy/easily annoyed! ;)
On the Bundle Dump I spent about 1 hour just adjusting the position of my mouse pointer and going back to the next page after hitting back instead of next....(say what?)
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The link generation will be automated so as much as possible, you'll have your wish. :)
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Probably if you made a script.... But yeah, the description text is being automated by a spreadsheet :-)
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If you're just doing it solo it's pretty easy to automate, it's when you start needing others involved that it gets complicated. If you already know all about sheets, kudos. If not, feel free to ping me. :-)
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Rotterdam; tegenwoordig via Light Rail gelinkt aan Den Haag dus in principe zou ik er een flink netwerk van kunnen maken. Zal eerst eens moeten kijken hoeveel games ik heb om weg te geven.
Utrecht heeft geen metro maar wel een "snel tram". lol
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Ik ga er vandaag of morgen aan beginnen.
Ik hoop alleen dat er een geautomatiseerde manier is om 62 GA's aan te maken anders wordt het wel erg veel klikken.
Ik denk dat ik ook nog de stations naar Hoek van Holland toevoeg; games genoeg.
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Wil je hem parallel laten lopen met die van Keo? Is denk ik mooier om halverwege mei te laten lopen, zodat beide evenementen de aandacht krijgen die ze verdienen...
voor automatische verwerking kan je het script van hierboven gebruiken als basis, aan de andere kant: het blijft een behapbaar aantal ... :) Laat je het weten als je contributors zoekt?!
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Hem in de maand mei laten lopen is misschien geen slecht idee; dan heb ik ook wat meer tijd om het voor te bereiden.
Contributors zijn niet nodig; het lijkt er op dat ik nog honderden games heb om weg te geven; ik koop te veel bundles. :D
Daarom heb ik ook besloten om hem groter te maken en ook wat tramlijnen in Den Haag en Zoetermeer toe te voegen, misschien zelfs ook nog trams in Rotterdam, afhankelijk van het aantal.
Waar ik wel contributors voor kan gebruiken is het volgende: ik ben van plan om bij elke GA iets te plaatsen. Dit kan iets zijn over het station maar ook random trivia, quotes, jokes, gifs, pic, YouTube links, you name it. Mochten mensen hier aan mee willen werken laat het dan weten. Ik zal op termijn een Google Sheet maken om deze in op te nemen.
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Got my TESOL Certification for teaching ASL Foreign Language Seminar by Harry Cotton...
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Just ended-- http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/2UENs/marchs-puzzle-and-quiz-event-science-presently-300-gas-ended
Crazily busy in process of creation-- http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/MUiET/decision-made-new-puzzle-event-ideas-need-your-input
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Ayup. We have a couple days.... But sooner is better. :-)
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Wow, you certainly know how to come back with style, Keo :P
The event looks fun! I wanted to chip in a bit but the sign up form is a bit confusing... Have a bump for now while I try to digest all that :c
Edit: Okay, I think I got it now. Reserved three spots in the U9 line!
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Awesome. It may be too close to home for me to explain... I'm used to it from London :-)
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You check the stations you want to create GAs for on the doodles. If you want to create 1 GA, check 1 station, if you want to create more, check more stations.
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Explanation failure on my part... Apologies.... How can I make it better? :-)
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I guess I was just confused with the overall description. It seemed like it was unclear the amount of GAs you are reserving. I couldn't tell if we were reserving an entire GA train(line) or just contributing to a trine(line). After seeing the registration form, it makes a lot more sense
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Damn, Spandau (where I live) and Mehringdamm (where I work) are already gone :-(
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One signup is closed (missed it) the other line's station is reserved as well.
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I know I have one of the merhingdamms, worst case I could give it up to you and go get something else :-)
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Oh, that might be cool. Could try to get a key of one of the games I worked on. :-) (my company has its own gaming unit which also does portings for well known games)
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I'll be home from work in about an hour or so... Add me on steam and we will work it out then :-)
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It's 10 pm in germany - added you but we'll have to work it out tomorrow. I'm always available at work... I'm sure we'll find a timeframe :-)
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It's interesting describing places in Berlin to people :D
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Wanted to go to Heidelberg and Nuremberg among others, but only made it to Dresden, Frankfurt (both), Leipzig, Munich and of course, Berlin :D
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Reserved myself a spot at S2, and bump so more people get to get a spot :)
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On SG :P Then add me on steam and pm me the links. :D
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And we're open!
All stations have been reserved!
What does this mean?
Your line operators will be in touch with you to get your GA links.
The deadline for submissions is the 11th at 23:00 UTC.
We need to get them so we can fill in the sheet and then generate all the train links!
Thank each and everyone of you who signed up or helped bump the thread, or encouraged us, etc.
Special Thanks to all the Line Operators!
Without both sets of people, we couldn't make this happen :D
-humbled by the participation-
If you're just seeing this now and still want to contribute, contact me directly. Extremely Limited Options Available
So now, it's time for... the Berlin train system... the tariff zone which operates them is known as the Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg... ehh... we'll go with:
Let's Train! Berlin S+U Bahn Linien Netz: Ich bin ein Berliner Edition!
For the past couple weeks, I've been spear-heading a new event to be hosted by Let's Train. First, we had the London Underground, and then at the beginning of this year, we had the 2k16 Bundle Dump Express. If you know anything about me, you know I spent time abroad, and fell in love with Europe while studying abroad.
There are two main network systems that make up the majority of the train systems in Berlin.
The U-Bahn short for Untergrundbahn had its named copied by the S-Bahn (formerly known as the Stadt-, Ring- and Vorortbahenen).
These two networks make up 334 stations that people use to get around the capital city of Berlin. However, just like with London there are overlaps due to connections. This makes a total of 480 stations for GAs. There are 10 U-Bahn lines, and 15 S-Bahn lines (though some of the S-Bahn lines are deviations from a main line).
Now, we've already started making GAs and at this time some lines are totally fully by line operators. However, we still have 225 available spots for people to sign up for.
Wait, what do you mean sign up?
Here's a map of the Network: Berlin S+U Linien Netz
You have until the 11th of April to signup for your stations and create GAs, contact your line operator and give them the links and station names.
The lines to sign up for and who to contact once you've signed up are as follows:
U-Bahn Signups
U1 Signups ClosedU2 Signups ClosedU3 Signups ClosedU4 Signups ClosedU5 Signups ClosedU55 Signups ClosedU6 Signups ClosedU7 Signups ClosedU8 Signups ClosedU9 Signups ClosedS-Bahn Signups
S1 Signups ClosedS2 Signups ClosedS25 Signups ClosedS3 Signups ClosedS41 Signups ClosedS42 Signups ClosedS45, 46, 47 Signups ClosedS5 Signups ClosedS7 & S75 Signups closedS8, S85 Signups ClosedS9 Signups ClosedRules for contributions:
Don't want to use the UTC converter links? You can use these GAs as an example.
Want a script to handle it for you? Sets correct time and date, invite only, and sets to level 1. Berlin Script by Per3zat
That being said, can you link other GAs to the train? Absolutely!
We encourage it. For example, I personally may make a few offshoots from the train, that have something to do with my time in Berlin (which may or may not contain a puzzle).
Do you need to do that? Absolutely not. However, if you want to make a SGTools protected Giveaway, this would be the way to do it.
Once we have all the giveaways created the Line Operators will contact you to give you description text to copy into the top of your giveaway descriptions.
The 12th through the 14th is when we are hoping to get all the descriptions back to you... after that we'll check all the GAs and make sure the links are all correct.
We are looking to have the official opening start the 17th of April at 12:00 UTC.
A special thank you goes out to Per3zat for encouraging me and supporting my desire to help set this up and recruiting people.
Another belongs to jbmccune for dealing with my endless questions to help design the backend allowing all the volunteers to easily do their jobs.
Thanks to Sinovera for fixing all my silly mistakes and helping with some links I was too tired to handle myself.
And finally, I would like to thank all the people who so quickly volunteered to be Line Operators and are volunteering their time and energy to help make this happen!
On a personal note, I took a break from SG to take care of some personal matters and I can now officially say I'm certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language! Time for me to get going and get myself abroad again!
I don't think I should be "Thanking" Budgie for this... I asked her for advice... she said we needed an "I want you" Poster....
And this is what she gave me.... goes to get clippers to clip her feathers
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