The only game really made it is worlds of magic
and its in early access. have really high hopes from this game
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I've been having a great time with Letter Quest so I can attest there are quality games coming out of Greenlight along with the shovelware.
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I do think there are good games too. I voted for some. But just for games that I really want to see available and want to play.
This "vote and get a key" is the thing I think is destroying Greenlight. The good games don't do it, so they don't get visibility. Sometimes they pull through; others, don't. The bad games? They get all the visibility they can, they get greenlit, and they suck.
It's bad even for Steam because the garbage don't sell. The ones who have it are the ones who voted for it.
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I must protest against such an assumption since Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, Creeper World 3 and quite a few old classics (such as Postal 2 and Crimsonland) had to go through Greenlight...
About games that whore for votes though... I got nothing.
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But this went through greenlight?
And the same goes with Darkwood, Nekro, Teslagrad, Risk of Rain, Strike Vector, Quantum Rush, Toribash, Starmade, Company of Heroes: Eastern Front, etc.
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I don't understand why people vote for trash games in order to receive free keys.
They will eventually receive a key (in most cases), activate the game and never touch it again.
Seriously it doesn't matter if you have a crappy game on your Steam account or download any crappy drm free game from a buggy flash game site. least I saw some flash games which were more beautiful design and programmed than most of the greenlit games....
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Some people want to have as many games as possible for whatever reason, others do it for steam cards since quite a few of the free games have those and finally there is very few games in those promotions that are actually good so would be worth buying thus might as well get it for free.
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This one seemed interesting enough to me... at least until the Dev went about stereotyping.
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It is simple
free steam > 1 miore game in the library > has probably cards which can sold for literally nothing
At least i would not know for another reason why people would vote to get a key for a game which they would usually not vote for.
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Yes I also thought about the card thing. But they can't expect all these games having cards although they probably will have cards so people get them at least for the cards.
But if some lousy 15 cents motivates people to vote for shitty games, I lost my faith in the Steam community.
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For collection purposes, even if it doesn't have trading cards it counts as an extra game in your library.
From a rational perspective there is no downside to voting for it. You get a potential free game, potential trading cards, potential free entertainment if the game is worth playing if only for a little while. Voting costs you absolutely nothing and having more crappy games greenlighted does not hurt the consumer in any way. If I see crappy games I would usually vote no for the principle, but if I can get freebies by voting yes, then obviously I will.
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I think it is a downside if you have all these crappy games in the store and plenty of the hidden gems are not so easily discovered since you have to dig through a pile of shit first (especially referring to tag/keyword search).
So there are downsides but I have to admit: Not from your selfish point of view.
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I don't really care, but people kinda deserve not to get those keys anyway. They're pushing trash games onto steam store, while some good games that could have been greenlit are stuck behind, because people are voting for "pls vot i giff gejm when release".
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So this:
"I'm sad to say that, because I've been constantly receiving this question from Steam key resellers who picked up the game for free, I'm no longer planning on giving Steam keys to Desura owners."
Followed by this:
"I'm not trying to be tricky, I'm honestly confused and I'm just seeing a lot of people who have active accounts on sites like SteamGifts asking this question."
Apparently we're all just a bunch of key resellers here.
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Yes... that's the thing that pisses me off the most about this: it's not the change of heart on the key matter, but the blanket stereotyping SGift members recieved.
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This is why I only vote on games I actually want to see on Steam and feel I'd want to actually buy and play on Steam. Buying votes with the promise of free keys to everyone who voted is just lazy and a slap to the face to actually video game developers who work hard, put a lot of time, effort, and money into their projects.
Lately, I've really liked the guys over at Black Shell Games, who made Overture and SanctuaryRPG. They never asked for up votes, unless you were actually interested in the game, they were here on the site promoting the game, giving away copies of the game, and even after chatting with the guy after getting a free copy, he only asked that I write an honest review of the game, regardless if it was a positive or a negative one. Now that, that is a company I can get behind!
Part of me wishes Valve would put a stop to this whole, "Vote and get a free key" thing, ban the developers from Greenlight and/or remove their games from the marketplace. It's just disgusting really to see this kind of practice happening all the time, regardless if the devs give the keys out or not.
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I'm amazed "vote and get a free key" promotions have lived as long as they have. Occasionally some really good looking games like Gurumin use them and I don't hesitate to take part, but I'd gladly suffer the loss of a few good games if Valve would do something about the abuse of the Greenlight system for votes.
I mean, at least most of these promotions don't require any sort of proof of vote so you don't technically need to play along, but chances are most people do, and some of these games really don't deserve the votes.
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hard to tell what's going on as it's not on the coming soon list.
Black Shell Games? Good people, to the point where I didn't even dare bring up the free game thing and when I had some money I went and got two copies of Sanctuary RPG (one ot give away here), and a copy of Overture. Niceness like that goes a LONG way.
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Really? That is bull****. I bought it in a bundle myself. Was waiting for keys that never came.
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Yeah, the time limit in particular in one of the more ridiculous hoops I've seen put on keys. I can at least understand, even if I don't agree with, the whole "email the developer for a key" thing in certain situations, but saying that you can only get a key if you do so before Christmas is a little much. I was lucky enough to check the Steam forums and notice it in time, but not everyone is going to see stuff when it happens.
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That's definitely a ridiculous hoop, when he should have just put the keys on the bundle site like everyone else. I'm certainly not the only one that never got a key...
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To quote the dev:
"I'm sad to say that, because I've been constantly receiving this question from Steam key resellers who picked up the game for free, I'm no longer planning on giving Steam keys to Desura owners."
Well derp.
This day and age, you should know that you're mostly supplying key resellers for free if you live up to such a promise. So if you don't like the idea of that, then don't promise free keys to begin with.
No matter what, breaking a promise is just never cool.
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I am not defending dev, because he made his own choice,
but when you vote on greenlight you vote ''Yes, I would buy this game if it was available on steam''. Why would voters even expect a key? If it's a good game, why not support the dev anyway?
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That is a valid point, however, people are upset because the developer PROMISED to give the voters free steam keys. Even if the voters do like the game and some will buy it, a majority of them feel tricked or lied to by the developer and now won't receive a Steam key for their vote.
The thing that kind of irritated me in the developer's postings was the fact that he basically grouped all of SG members as nothing more but a bunch of key resellers. With that kind of belittling comment, I'll be surprised if anyone purchases his games. I know I won't buy anything from a developer who doesn't appreciate his followers.
...His game looks like it was made in RPG Maker in 20 minutes anyway.....
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Like I said earlier, it's the stereotyping that gets to me most, as I'd have voted for it even without the promise.
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I'm wondering if he's thinking like:
"Must be a site of people reselling gifts. No way those games on front page are being given away."
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To be fair, any time one of those Greenlight promotions goes through, we do see some of those keys hit the giveaway page. But that's a drop in a bucket compared to the total number of keys given out, not to mention most people around here look down on people who give out stuff they got for free. It's not like Steam Gifts is some bastion of key reselling; people around here are mostly decent, and to paint everyone with the same brush like that and use it to dismiss criticism is absolutely galling.
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My guess is they meant Steamtrades, which is now part of Steamgifts, but that's still a small percentage. Most people will want the key for themselves anyway.
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Correct, I find such a thing rather distasteful, yet most usually keep such keys for themselves. I suspect all the people harping on the key things are not helping much.
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Honestly the main problem is how he tries to excuse himself out of this
As I would say: or else keep your promise if you are a dev who do such promotion and give voters a key or else dont promise anything
Thats really what makes me personally upset. I can understand a lot of things but I dont appreciate it when a dev is trying to slip out of his original promises, no need to take people for complete idiots
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I don't even care if get a Steam key or not, but since they said about giving it, and since these Desura keys were given to make ppl vote for their game, which made their game Greenlit, I see they received enough support to get it on Steam, maybe ppl not like this game, but still is on Steam because of that.
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Cant wait till he makes an article about it on Gamasutra crying about the "greedy users" with unrealistic expectations
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This is just yet another PR stunt gone bad. Glad I didn't jump on voting it up to only be turned off from rejection. Sad that SG got named as being a bad place. Shame on all of us "resellers" since we are only here to sell these keys we buy with our money. And then give them away for nothing.
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Yes, how dare we expect a dev to keep his promises, thats soo 2003..
sarcasm off
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And put Phil Fish on the cover alongside with Mike Maulberg
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This would raise billions I tell you, billions of.... negativity. All the better to sell millions of copies of air to breath.
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yeah I heard about that XD
but seeing how he summoned the anger of almighty Gaben, he wont get his game for sale on steam anytime soon.
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Oh wow, the general rating of the game on Desura has dropped from 3.5 to 2.5 now
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It is an ok game though, which also sucks. Double edge sword I suppose.
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Funny thing is, for the last two or three days, Avast has been giving me a warning about a EXE file on my PC doing suspicious things and getting blocked. Decided to track it down today since Avast wasn't sending it to purgatory, found it was in the folder for this game.
Coincidence? I think not.
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Avast identifies nearly all stuff I develope myself as any kind of virus. Even some homework example projects from my university are marked as suspicious and the exe is deleted.
It's most likely a false positive in this case, too. Some routines and code blocks just look suspicious for the program and it seems that if you compile an exe with debug information it will more often trigger the alert.
The reason you don't see this happening to any other software/games is that they are widely spread and marked as safe for avast.
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The problem was I wasn't touching the program at all. Hadn't since it was downloaded, most likely. Forgot I even have it. But in the last few days, 'suspicious activities were detected' and the program was blocked.
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It basically got caught running and doing something the AV didn't trust. Given it shouldn't be running, that was suspicious enough for me.
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What part of this would make you sympathize with the dev? A member of Steam Gifts was eager to play the game, made a nice post, and the dev went and made nasty assumptions about them and the rest of the SG community.
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Well luckily enough I've still got it open, here's a Pastebin mirror.
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Just because he didn't get the backup he might have intended with his post, you think it's valid to later just not fulfill his post? I mean... he knew about the '2,000 downloads [that] were free' by the time that he posted ' that it actually makes it onto Steam, I'll be sure to get Steam keys for everyone'. Keyword being everyone. There's no logic (or whining) to support his point of view that evil Steamgifts creates a problem when he without hesitation promises keys for everyone (he didn't even add 'who owns the game on Desura'...).
"The thing that still holds me back from wanting to give them keys is this weird sense of entitlement in gaming culture."
He promises free Steam keys (he even admits it and posts the screenshot of that very post) and now complains about a 'weird sense of entitlement'? The guy needs help.
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So you think lying to your user base in the hope of getting upvotes is a good thing? While I understand the fact that he did not get the results he expected out of his little scheme, going back on his promise isn't exactly the way to go either. As I've always told my kids, never make a promise you can't (or won't) keep.
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What I get out of this is, there was no key for voters. Just for people who owned the game on Desura. And since the game was given for free on Desura, people expect a key on Steam as if they'd bought the game. Sorry, but I support the dev on this, and those who got the free game and want a steam key are being jerks. Unless I'm mistaken and there was a free key for vote campaign somehwere? Where does he
explicitly promise to give steam keys for voters
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"If the game receives enough support that it actually makes it onto Steam, I'll be sure to get Steam keys for everyone. For now, if you already downloaded the game through Desura, you can enjoy playing the game using the copy you just downloaded! You can even download the ZIP version if you don't like the Desura client."
Doesn't mention keys for voters. I think maybe you're misinterpreting the "I'll be sure to get Steam keys for everyone" part. It's not everyone who voted, it's everyone who has the game on Desura, as in a reply to OPs question
" question concerning the desura free key promotion
do we will get steam keys for the game when it will be released on steam or not?"
Also, don't you think it's morally wrong to get a game for free on Desura and then ask for free Steam keys like you're entitled to them?
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Talking about morals with some devs that abuse Greenlight, imo abusing Greenlight is even more morally incorrect. There are plenty of other devs who suffer from that.
These devs used ppl to abuse Greenlight promising Steam keys, and they deny giving them, the game is on Steam thanks to the ppl who voted it (I personally didn't).
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They still mentioned it as a possibility, this made lots of ppl trust and vote it, it's not like they said "We will give keys for sure", but if they didn't want a problem they shouldn't write anything about it in the first place. Is still what I say, some ppl feel offended for being used to vote this game trusting they will get a key.
I don't care about them, but they gonna find it hard with all the incoming ppl's hate, but since they didn't said "we will give Steam keys for sure", the impact of not giving keys is not that big as is was in other cases, or at least for now, where devs clearly said "they will give Steam keys" and then they didn't, normally as I saw devs just gave up and gave promised keys, once there was a silly dev who just removed his game from Greenlight, after he refused to give promised games , with the reason "our game has now a different name, you voted for it, but now since we just changed the name we won't give you keys" and ppl stalked him.
And just to mention, there were lots of awesome devs who just wanted ppl to play and like their games, and not cry about not giving key and being hated for that, these devs just gave their game away in Desura key or DRM free, etc, without asking for vote, bitching, crying or anything, and then just gave Steam key to anyone, even if they never promised.
What Pizzarian dev is doing, is just hurting himself, he wrote a possibility for Steam keys, ppl trusted it, he refused to give keys, he and his game being hated and down voted, well he ends up suffering consequences.
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Sure, it may be morally wrong to ask for the Steam key, like the OP did. But the dev didn't have to agree to it. He could have simply said "Sorry, we do not have any intention of giving out Steam keys," and that would be it. The issue is that the developer falsely promised to give out those keys, and due to that, it generated a lot of positive responses for people to vote for the game due to his "generosity". People are peeved that he lied in order to get votes.
There are a ton more games that deserve to be Greenlight, but it's all buried under games where devs promise their backers keys and then fail to deliver. If he didn't want to give out Steam keys, it was within his decision to say no in response to the OP's question. Now it's a bit too late to be turning around and saying that he conveniently changed his mind.
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He did not promise free keys for votes, but I do see your point. It seems people voted just for the apparently generous act on the part of the dev, which he ended going back on. I don't think what he did was good, yes, he broke a promise/statement he made, but I can easily see why he did it, which was that people were exploiting the free Desura promo to just increase thier Steam library number.
And calling SG a bad place was rude.
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"I'll be sure to get Steam keys for everyone" doesn't mean that people who own the game on Desura (paid for or not) will get a Steam key? Very interesting interpretation to say the least.
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Ya know, if nobody knows who you and your games are, you NEED to give them out for free. If you got a problem with that, you're in the wrong goddamned business. It's called paying your dues. You aint Tim Schafer you Pizzarian dipshit! Wake the fuck up!
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Original thread
Desura page of the devs where he announced that there will be no keys for voters
somehow I smell another PR meltdown coming..
the dev, Jeddy decided to add steam keys for the desura ones, hes currently working on it to make it work. With that being said it would be nice if people stopped downrating the game/sending hate messages on Twitter and alikes since the issue is being fixed as of we speak. He said he will post about it as soon as its live and I will let you guys know as well
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