Will you be subscribing to March's Bundle?
Ark sure looks amazing (dinosaurs! :3) and I think it would be cheaper to get it from the monthly bundle, even with the atrocious exchange rate. Still... I'm not sure if I should bite or not. What if I'm not enjoying Ark as much as I thought I would and the other games suck? :o/ Hmm... that's not an easy decision.
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I bought Ark back in mid 2015 - about June I think... After playing it for an hour, I had to spend about AU$900 on a new power supply...
To run my new Video Card...
On my new CPU/Board combo...
With my new monitor...
To run ARK at more that 17fps...
I have no regrets. :P
Seriously though - yeah I had to upgrade my system to play it, and single player is IMHO more fun then the online multiplayer - only have to watch your back from the dinos rather than other tribes - I'm currently building my stone castle on the north eastern point using my flock for aggies to transport stone.
It does get boring after a while, and I've gone from playing about 12 hours at a stretch to a few hours two or three times a week.
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my Xeon and 970 @1080p can't run this game at a decent framerate even at the lowest settings. I can run star citizen at 4k ultra with about as good framerate as ARK on medium settings @1080p :|
Was really unimpressed with the game too, Spawned in a raptor pit and died immediately last time I played it.
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Well I think my issue is just with me. I've seen other people with similar specs to mine run the game on med-high with no problems at all, but for some reason I have a horrible framerate :/
I would suggest holding onto it. I'm sure they will get around to optimizing it eventually.
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ARK only uses 2 cores by default - so your Xeon is going to waste unless you use the -useallavailablecores switch. You could also add -sm4 or -d3d10 - or -dx10 (those 3 drop it from DX11 to DX10 (apparently). On my i5 I noticed only 2 cores were maxing out until I used that switch. Some people are of the opinion it does not work but I found a huge increase in performance.
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Yeah I'm trying to trade my February games to get it (a one one trade) and the cheapest I found was 5 keys even though he got it from the March bundle. Since I'm sure people will eat up these copies on group buy I'll probably just get the bundle myself and trade away the rest to help make back what I spent so I feel I only spent $2 on a game I wanted (which was titan souls and that demo they had.)
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Well, Grim Dawn isn't even released yet and I feel like if it was included it would be a "get early" game for the month, Nuclear Throne though would be perfect for me and sounds likely sometime, as it's very good rated and around that 10-20€ price tag which seems to be what a lot of games included in Monthy are worth. They also seem to have a liking with Devolver Digital published games (and I love it, these are great), so maybe Ronin for this month is possible?
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That's also likely, though it was a disappointment for me :\
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There's literally 0 chance that Grim Dawn will find it's way in a bundle, even something like the monthly bundle any time soon. While the 12$ tag may sound good to you because the game's price is in the 10-20 range you have to remember that the money is still being split up between the devs/publishers of all the games in the bundle. I just don't see them putting their game, who's biggest discount so far has been 40% off(unless i'm mistaken), in a bundle before/around it's release or even in the next 6 months or so. More realistically i think it will end up in a bundle when it's first expansion will be close to release(or put in early access if they're gonna handle expansions that way as well).
Nuclear Throne might be more likely tho since, due to all the publicity it got during early access thanks to youtubers i think most people interested in it(without a big discount being involved) already bought it. So i could see it in the monthly bundle in April or May maybe.
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Nah man, it's not about buying/not buying it wondering if it'll be worth it. I'm gathering money for a new graphics card now and I know I'm gonna buy something in the meantime so I have something fresh to play, because it's going to take a long time to have enough, it's just not easy deciding how much am I willing to spend.
BTW Titan Quest was my jam back in the days, loved the dual class-ish system and the Greek Mythology theme.
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Was going to stay subbed anyway but Ark is a nice bonus :D
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Cjcomplex you have 5000+ games, what are your thoughts on the games so far? People are saying they are not good enough, me on the other hand think it has been decent (would probably say good if I actually haven't got half of the game before) and pretty consistent so far.
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Well I've played 3/6 Feb monthly (Penarium, Broken Age and Titan Souls) and I can recommend them quite easily.
I feel the same way as you. The quality of the bundles overall have been worth the asking price but the main issue is that most people who happen to buy these bundles also owm most of these games, so peeps feel a bit cheated. If you are new to PC gaming and have a limited budget, then this is an awesome deal. Otherwise, you may have "bad" months where you own most of the bundle and you are not interested in the ones you don't.
Personally, the sub has been worth it even though the best bundle for me was December where I only owned 4/6 (I actually owned the entire Nov. bundle which was fun :/). The reason being that all those games were solid, and I was able to at least make a decent gib or trade out of them :P.
Just my 2 cents.
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Ark will probably be great, but this months bundle is so bad I almost want to cry.
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Nnn ark for 10.80? Like I don't really see the downside. I've generally rolled my eyes and moved on but now it's got my attention. Hmm, oh well let's see how much money I have after shopping for giveaways.
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Well i wanted the games in the bundle so not really a waste for me.
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Btw, confused about the 1st time subscribing and canceling thing. If I subscribe for the 1st time, i'll pay $12 off the bat, but if i were to cancel it before i get the other games, what would happen? (would I not be able to cancel until i get the games for my 1st month, or they would just take the $12 and not give me the other 5 games?)
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Just to be sure. So if I paid the $12, then got ARK survival, then immediately cancelled the subscription. I would still get the other 5 games when they come out?
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Okay, well to start off, it's not just ONE game that goes into the monthly bundle. It's the monthly bundle with 6 games, 1 which is revealed early and 5 others that come later.
If you don't like these posts, just ignore them. I put them up so the community can talk to each other about their thoughts about an incoming bundle.
There are hidden games, and as hints come up or people have input, they post it here.
So why make a topic? It's a bundle .. and if people want to put their ideas onto one place, why not go to a thread devoted to that bundle?
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no i don't get paid to do it. I do this voluntarily for free. I don't get anything out of it besides knowing that I can help people on the forum.
I do it because it helps the community.
And I don't "spam." I post deals here.
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I look forward to these posts, I missed a lot of bundles before you started doing this, so thank you for taking the time.
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thanks :) I'm glad to hear that!
i guess the person above you really hates me enough or thinks I "spam" by posting threads and responding to comments and trying to help out. :/
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Please don't listen to mr. fookface over there he clearly lacks what it takes to be part of a community
You're doing a great job keep it up your threads are very helpful.
He on the other hand won a free ticket to my blacklist for being a whiny disrespectful brat
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lol your wording made me smile :) thanks for the encouragement
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i opened this image at work and closed it right away XD lol. thank you <33
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no no it's totally okay lol.
i mean i cuss all the time on the forum and post stuff o.o i guess i shouldn't open any images until i am home or somewhere more private XD
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well, i get there is some confusion about why the fuck i am here. do i get paid for this, why do i do this, etc. But i guess some people do not know me very well, or are new? There will always be people who question you or don't know as much >< and for some people, i guess they'd rather have people like me shut up and not say anything
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the arm is broken T_T
but true, i mean on the forum you are suppose to be able to say what you want, GIVEN that you have proper netiquette.
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Instead of entering all the bundle sites everyday, I'm already used to the fact that I'll find everything in the forum, well-formatted and with better info than the bundle page itself! We're even kinda spoiled.
I guess people will value it more when you stop doing it. :)
If you keep doing it or not, just jeep being awesome!
i guess the person above you really hates
It totally looks personal. His profile is very weird as well. Probably a secondary account of someone jealous. Don't let it get to you. ;)
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hehe no need to enter all the bundle sites daily unless you are that hungry for deals!
Well, i plan to stay for a while and however long i can to help out. It makes me smile knowing people are tuning into the deals page, and it's fun reporting things and seeing what people have to say.
I was talking to several people and they all told me that on the internet, people are just rude sometimes, and i know i'll have my fair share of haters. Realistically, I can't make everyone happy, and things will happen, so i'll try to keep my head up no matter what happens
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your wallet must feel unhappy ;_;
dearest ev, i have not forgotten about her. she is one of the people who inspired me!
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Yu spaam to mucho! Ful servurs wit yur spaam!
Thanks for spending so much time to keep everyone here informed! You got the lurker's seal of approval ^^
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I do kind of get what he is saying tho.. what's the point of making a thread about a bundle in which you just know 1 game out of the 6 before it releases,and when it releases it's too late to buy. The thread might look useless or meaningless because of the bundle system which is completely stupid.
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well, that's the same with groupees preorders. You only know one or two games at most at first, and over time and hints come in, you figure out what games are in the bundle.This works the same, except instead of waiting one DAY for the contents to be revealed, you have to wait a month. What gets bundled or not bundled is not my doing .. it's up to the people/ person in charge of calling things "bundled" on sg. I only report things.
Would you have known about ARK or the march bundle if you hadn't seen this thread? maybe.
With a bundle thread up, people are less likely to forget that there IS a march bundle. this way, as people bump the thread, you get constant reminders that this bundle DOES exist.
For some people who ONLY use sg as their source of information, they would most likely and hopefully find this thread helpful because it reminds them that oh, there IS a march bundle! let's see what people say about it and the game.
There are apparently issues with the game for some people, so would you buy the march bundle blindly without knowing anything about it?
Also, he's talking in general. He sees that i have over 8k comments, and make lots of threads. He is trying to insult me and tell me to shut the fuck up because apparently I "spam" too much by reporting stuff and replying to people's comments.
And for the most part, a lot of people like to weigh in on things. If you didn't know any sentiment about the March bundle, would you be more or less willing to buy it?
These forums are made for people to talk. Not knowing about anything or not being able to read about things means you are one less comment informed about things.
Useless to some people? probably. UseFUL to others? seems so.
Like I said, I can't make the whole damn world happy. I'm bound to have people who question me and would rather I tape my mouth up and not say anything at all. But i do what i can to help.
If someone sincerely hates these threads, they should avoid the deals page then because i'm pretty much everywhere ;_;
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She's actually participating in this community.
You have 21 comments in 2 years and you use those few to question someone who's helping out others ?
If you were trolling at least but no, I believe you're genuinely just kinda clueless.
Read the forums a little more and you might get a better feel of what actively participating is.
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Are you saying you got something against lurkers? :o
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I noticed you were on my BL earlier and I couldn't remember why.
I do now.
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I just added the poster to mine too. No way I want to have anything to do with someone like that.
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Do you take a salary to be an ass or there's a reason behind it ?
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My advice is to setup two different Humble accounts and either use different payment methods for each, or if just using Paypal, use two different email addresses for the same Paypal account, and switch the primary to the one associated with each Humble account before you buy. May not be necessary, just what I would do.
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They're not tracking you by IP, it's by payment method and email address.
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Since you are the bundle expert on this forum, I'll direct my question to you.
Even if you don't pay early, you still get the game ARK: SE along with the March bundle, correct? So there are no benefits other than unlocking it early?
If so, I don't see much point in doing so because my current potato can't handle ARK :P
Cheers and thanks for doing this Rachel!
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yes, you are correct! you only pay early if you want to unlock that game early and start playing right away. some people don't like to wait for games they really want, and this seems like a great game.
But otherwise, you can subscribe anytime before March 4th and still get the bundle. :)
btw, i'm not an expert! i just post stuff :P
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Thanks love.
Been subscribed to them since the beginning. So I'm just gonna sit back and wait for the March bundle.
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np! same. i've been subscribed from the beginning as well :) they haven't been too disappointing i suppose
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True enough. Though there have been some disappointments, most often there will be at least one or two games from my wishlist. SO I'm mostly satisfied. For example this bundle had Broken Age and Volume, both of which I was planning on getting for quite some time.
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I picked up Broken age during the Build a Bundle sale >< oh well, more to GA :)
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Please continue to create them. I find the threads really useful.
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It's got 97% positive reviews, not lame at all. :P
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You do realize I was quoting the OP and replying to him, right?
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Fairly off-topic because I didn't want to make a new thread about it, but the new Hitman costs $15 on Steam right now. There was a thread about a "price glitch" of $15 for the game, but looks like you don't get the full game with that deal. http://store.steampowered.com/app/236870/
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I got the full game for 15 dollars from amazon. They didn't realize their error so I get a super cheap AAA game to give away whenever it comes out. I'm really bad at hitman games.
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MARCH Monthly Bundle <-- you can no longer get this if you didn't subscribe before 10AM PST, Mar 4. Subscribe for April below.
Good news: Wasteland 2 - Director's Cut also gives the original game Wasteland 1 and the non-director'scut version of the game!
Subscribe for APRIL BUNDLE here.
Update 2/29 –
Humble Original Game Revealed - BATTLESLOTHS (DRM-FREE) - here and here
If you subscribe now, you will NOT receive the MARCH bundle -- TOO LATE FOR THAT. Subscribe for the April bundle using the link above under the chart.
If you prepaid... you got .... ARK: Survival Evolved early
View November's Monthly Bundle here and December's Monthly Bundle here and January's bundle here and February's Bundle.
Please read the
if you have questions regarding:
Pound Cake Day
pound cake
Subscribe before it's too late ... or experience FOMO (dun dun dun!)
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