The English language is very strange. I've compiled a small list of errata, can I get a bug fix?

Games are selected from the last two Humble Monthly bundles. (There are some region restrictions on certain games.) GAs end on the 15th.
Standard sgtools rules apply.

Mood music

Solutions, part 1:
Q1: Pleasant sound from your child's room
(8, 8) Sounds like she's having fun.
daughter laughter

Q2: A possessed citrus
(5, 5) Some sugar water tames this devil.
demon lemon

Q3: An unrefined crucifix
(5, 5) It might also be covered in something repulsive.
gross cross

Q4: Stamps that someone refuses to return
(7, 7) Maybe he'd return them if we paid a ransom?
hostage postage

Q5: Dull product from a coffee shop
(5, 5) It's not very shiny. (And far from black. The typically American term for it. Hope that helps folks.)
matte latte

Q6: The bubbles atop a viking's mug
(4, 4) Smells like honey. (I'm told the word for the bubbles is not common outside of America/UK?)
mead head

Q7: One who more recently joined the quilting bee
(5, 5) She's learned how to thread a needle, at least.
newer sewer

Q8: What you use to press a doorbell
(6, 6) You may have to take your mittens off.
ringer finger

Q9: In the direction of the gutless
(7, 7) ((6, 6) also accepted) That direction seems to be away from the battle.
toward(s) coward(s)

Q10: The body part a wizard could least afford to injure
(4, 4) Well, he has another, but he's much more capable with that one.
wand hand

Completing part 1 revealed a train of 6 GAs, and part 2 (gating 6 more GAs):
Q1: An allotment of charge from a battery
(6, 6) We have to conserve the battery's chemicals, so that's all you'll get today.
cation ration

Q2: Pours off trigonometric functions
(7, 7) Don't fully invert the bottle, unless someone else co-signed the insurance. ;) (That wink means I've engaged in a little wordplay, rather than hinting exact meanings.)
decants secants

Q3: A brief respite, but totally aberrant
(5, 5) Alternatively, we really didn't expect that part of the machine to fracture.
freak break

Q4: A friendly rejection
(6, 6) Cleopatra is the queen of it. ;)
genial denial

Q5: A bet made over a drink
(5, 5) The stakes are high, but don't go pale. Maybe the drink will restore your amber complexion.
lager wager

Q6: A serviceman stationed in a more humid environment
(7, 7) If he's "stationary" in that environment, it will probably grow on him. ;)
moldier soldier

Q7: Contemplates amazing things
(7, 7) 7 is an apt number here.
ponders wonders

Q8: A gash in her makeup
(5, 5) She may have to touch up her ruby cheeks.
rouge gouge

Q9: A reduced price for nobility
(8, 8) Baron Trump isn't high enough to qualify. ;)
viscount discount

Q10: A newer living room chair
(7, 7) The prior one was really showing its age.
younger lounger

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6 years ago*

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normally i would be mad there is more puzzle
but this is rather entertaining
puns always appreciated

6 years ago

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yay I did it (non-native speaker here)!

6 years ago

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I am not into your puzzle(cause it's hard for me i'm not a native speaker) but i love that f*****g song ,

6 years ago

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Goth wounds bone, and both rounds done!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Bump for 3 to go solved

6 years ago*

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Wish I had more time for this as it's been a fun brain teaser. I got half of them on the second round before the hints a few days ago and have come back a few times since then but just haven't been able to crack any more of them even with the hints. Anyway, thanks!

6 years ago

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Only managed to solve a few in the first round. Oh, well, not my type of puzzle.

6 years ago

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