So, a few weeks ago my Steam profile said I had 996 games. I thought "awesome, only 4 more and I'll cross the magical threshold to 1,000!" I even had a gift copy (RIP) of a game I wanted to activate as my 1000th game, to make that crossing special. And then I thought, "wait, I can barely manage to finish one game per month, why would 4 extra games be good? How will I ever manage to play a thousand games?" So I started deleting games from my library, starting with freebies + bundle stuff I knew I'd never play, because of negative ratings and being genres I just don't like. I've gotten rid of about 30 games so far (I've also added new ones), which isn't a lot compared to the total, but I've now decided that, before I activate a new game, I have to delete 2 that are already there. I'll probably lose out on some booster drops for cards, but since Steam gifts in inverntory are no longer a thing, no reason to save up Steam wallet that aggressively. (I'll still do all the card stuff, but now I feel like I can pass on never-play-games just for cards, more so than before).

In unrelated news, I bought some stuff from the Humble Spring Sale :/

What about you? Do you like having a big library with all the games, or are you more picky about what goes into it? Do you have a goal you want to get to or a threshold you don't want to cross? (no poll, don't really know how to ask without restricting the answers in a way you'd have to reply anyway)

Personally, I'm pretty happy to stay below 1,000. I don't know how low I'll go, probably not below 900, at least not soon, but it still feels more manageable than four figures.

7 years ago*

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I have a couple hundred games but I wish it was less. At this point it's just irritating having to sort through them. I'm not a collector and I don't enter any GA's unless it's a game that I think looks good and that I intend to play.
My real beloved games are the ones I bought in the 90's or early 2000's, back when PC games had a big pretty cardboard box. Those are special and I still have a bunch of them in good condition.

7 years ago

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I don't really worry about it, but it does take a while to find games sometimes.

7 years ago

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Today I passed the 10k $ for my account having 981 games. I don't mind I am a collector, doing this since childhood. I finished 200-300 of this games when I was young and now I want them in my steam account.
Also I have 21 Uplay games,16 Origin games, 50 GOG games and so one :D

7 years ago*

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I never found card farming for measly cents worth it, and it seems to me personally a huge waste of my time. I genuinely do not understand people who collect games with no intend of playing them. So the only games in my library are those I intend to play, except for a few I already completed on another platform and are merely there for convenience should I ever want to play them again.

Now I try to add as little as possible and go through my backlog first. And I have gotten even more selective over the years, since I've realised I would never have enough time to play everything that interests me, and there's more to life than gaming. Personally if I don't ever get to 1000 games in my lifetime I'll be happy, but as long as I play whatever I add I won't mind.

7 years ago

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Yep how about ... paying for Witcher 3 + DLC's with the measly cents from cards ... but that is just my case. This is just an opinion so don't get offended kind sir , have a good day :D

81 Perfect games ... NICE :D

7 years ago

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For this "Idling Cents" discussion we have to consider our countries we live in. I am on the same page as FallenKal here. I don't understand the point of idling games because if I do the math I wouldn't even make any plus (money from cards - money paid for electricity and attrition). I would just transfer the euros from my bank account to my steam account in a rather strange way. The less such things cost the more sense it may make.

7 years ago

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Yes it depends ... For me it is a plus . I got cards that had the value of 4 Eur or more , also the Idling is done when I use my computer for studies or other activities. Also the games that had cards where in bundles which had games that I liked . I don't buy games for cards.
With the money which was aprox 100$ I bought games that were too expensive for me at that moment like The Witcher 3.

Also we both live in the UE so the price is the same for both of us !

7 years ago*

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No offense taken, nor do I mean to judge or offend anyone that does card farm. I always make the equation for how much time I have to put in versus what I get out of it. For card farming it seems like I have to put a lot of time in (registering on different sites, keeping an eye out for cheap bundles or free games, time spend buying or acquiring those games, setting up idling software, putting cards on the market, ...), in the end all those small actions take up quite some time.

Assuming on average I sold my cards for 0.05 cents per card, I'd have to sell 1000 cards to buy The Witcher 3 + DLC's, assuming I'd get around 5 cards per game, I would need to add 200 games, assuming I would have to spend around 10 minutes per game, that would add up to around 33 hours to earn 50€. On the other hand I could work for 5 hours to earn 50€ and just buy the game, the latter option seems much better to me since it saves me more time to do other things I'd enjoy. But for those with a lot of time and very few other ways of earning money I understand.

I would actually be very interested to know how much time (including everything I mentioned) a card farmer would have to spend per game, starting from acquisition until putting up the cards on the market (minus idling time and waiting for cards to be sold since this can be done without input). Also how long on average it would take to gather enough games to earn 50€ from cards.

7 years ago

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You could also be working and farming at the same time. They're not mutually exclusive.

7 years ago

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Looks like you haven't read my post :/ I'm talking about the time you have to spend on acquiring the cards, getting the code from a site, putting it in your Steam account, putting those cards on the market, ... all those small menial tasks.

7 years ago

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Yep like 5 min for 10 games . That is a lot :D

7 years ago

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I did read your post but I chose the wrong word. I meant idling not farming. My bad.

7 years ago

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For me as I said is a plus, I don't search for games that have card so I can farm them ... if the game has cards is ok if they don't it is also ok. I don't sell cards that give me less than 0.05 Eur cents. Also I don't pay 60 Eur for a game , even if I have because of principles. I work in IT so using all the resources that the Internet gives me to search for the best price is like a second nature for me . Of course the salaries from my country are at least 3 times smaller that in Germany or Belgium so this is also one of the reasons .
Also paying 60 Eur to beta test EA's and Ubi's games is a no no for me .

CD red project is the only dev company that I would give them almost full price .(45 Eur so to speak in my case ).

7 years ago

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You're right (as well as Adelion) it also depends on the salary from the country which you are in (which I didn't take into account), for my personal situation it makes little sense but I can understand how it could be more appealing to you.

It only makes sense to pay as little as possible, I do that too, I just took 50€ as an example. And yeah EA and Ubisoft have started making it a habit to release unfinished games and fix them later. Though I don't mind paying full price for certain games I really want to play and think are worth it, like GTA V.

So do you add games that you don't intend to play and don't have cards to your account?

7 years ago

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Nop ... the small games/ indies that I add all have cards ... the old one that don't have cards are games that I played and finished .
For me to have a big library is the best thing that could happen. Their is probably 5% of my library that are keys given free , the majority of them had cards ... I stopped adding those .

I can give you series that I finished , Gothic , GTA - V , TES III , IV - V ,Risen I , Far Cry 1 , POP 1-3 , Fear 1 ,2 , Stalker 1-3 , Dark Sector , ME 1-3 etc I can go one and one .

I played a lot usually played until 100% .

My gol is probably 10k+, I can manage 1k , 2k and so one easy , because I enjoy playing. I don't understand how can people not manage 100 -200 games :( I finished more then that

7 years ago*

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Well, cents add up, I just put up a few unwanted cards every now and then ... but for the big bucks, hope for foils :P I got one worth $5 once, when I was really active during a sale, and got enough wallet to give away Mad Max and a few other games (discounted of course). I easily made around 30-40 Euro within 2 weeks, on top of regular work. Of course you're not getting rich, but you can buy a bigger game on impulse without having to check your account balance first :P (but like I said, without gifts to inventory and unpredictable region restirctions that's a lot less important to me now - I have enough games for myself)

7 years ago

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Yeah I know, but the time you spend on card farming also adds up (if you include everything involved). Foil cards sell for a decent amount of money though. Perhaps it's more lucrative than I imagine, I suppose I value my time more than I do money. I don't mean to judge or look down upon anyone that farms cards tough, it's simply that it doesn't interest me and therefor keeps my Steam library simpler :p If I would care I'd probably create a separate account for it.

7 years ago

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I went through the same thinking when I reached 1000 games, instead of celebrating. I had to stay stable at 1000. Each new game in, one game out. So in 2 days I removed 5 games from my library, then I got bored and said ok, I'll continue this thing of selecting the shittiest games later. After one month, I have 1054 games.

7 years ago

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you are killing the ghost of collecting dude....

7 years ago

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if it's a ghost ... isn't it already dead? O.o

7 years ago

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you know what i mean

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Since I'd rather collect achievements than games, it's pretty important for me to actually PLAY trough all the games. I don't like having games in my inventory I'll never play, and the few games I STARTED playing but really didn't like really bring my achievement percentage down, which is a shame, While I have 350-some games, and another 250-some on my wishlist, those are all games that I am at least 50% sure I'll like.

A question, though: how do you 'delete' games from your steam library? Do you mean hide them? I have a few bundled games I wasn't jazzed about but I activated anyway (this was before I found the majesty of steamgifts) that I have hidden or just kind of wandering around in my library, and to be honest even after hiding them I'd rather just.... get rid of them.

7 years ago

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You delete games like this:
Go to 'Help' (left upper side) > 'Steam Support' > 'Games, Software etc.'.
Search for the game you want to delete and click 'I want to permanently remove this game from my account'.
Fun fact: It's not actually permanent, you can restore the game by clicking 'It's not in my library' > 'Restore the previously removed package to my account'

I agree with rather collecting achievements than games! But I usually annoy myself with wanting to 100% everything :P

7 years ago

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Thank you! I appreciate you telling me

7 years ago

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I can't imagine getting over 600 games not to mention 1000, it would make me feel too guilty and anxious. I don't see the point on getting games you are not interested in or can never think of playing, I'm not a collector and it would just make me feel worse about spending money on games when I don't even have a job. I do plan on playing through the games in my library, it's just that I'm a very slow player and have other priorities. Maybe I should delete some games I'm never going to play too, especially freebies that I have finished idling cards from. It's not like they are pretty either.

7 years ago

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At first I was rather lenient in what I was adding to my library, didn't need to be something I was truly interested in as long as it didn't look like garbage I would never play. When the library started nearing three digits my backlog kept knocking more insistently and I became much more selective in what I'll add. In fact, the last time I bought a game for my library was in January 2016, other arrivals have been wins. :D

The only thing I've deleted from my library was a gift pass for Dota 2, since I had accepted that purely out of obligation.That's not to say I wouldn't like to delete few regrettable games, but I just haven't committed myself to going through with a cleaning.

7 years ago*

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for me i just accepted that i got a little too carried away with getting games cheap so now i have a lot of not so great games, so now i only get bundles from Humble Bundle and BundleStars since i know the quality will be good. I don't care how many games i have since i want the opportunity to play whatever i want to(and not miss out on the insane deals).

steam categories:

Haven't played yet categories:
Bad? - game looks bad
Mediocre? - game looks enjoyable but not awesome
Awesome? - game looks awesome, 99% of the time any games i get now have 'awesome' quality so i don't feel bad at all

I've completed it:
hide this game in library - the game was shit pure and simple
Complete - the game was enjoyable but i probably wouldn't replay it
Completely Awesome - The game was awesome and i loved it, might replay it in the future

Add to favourites - i add to favourites the games that i am currently playing
Paused - i have started playing a game but have decided to put my playthrough on pause and remove from favourites

So the plan is that there is a limited number(since only "Awesome?" games are in HB AND BS) of "Bad?" and "Mediocre?" games that i will try and see if i unexpected enjoy it and after they have been played quality control will be of the awesome variety, i'm not particularly fussed about genres, i do have favourites like story adventure but i enjoy pretty much all of them except maybe some boring simulations.

I've got a long way to go so i better get started in the summer but the point is there is an end goal since the possible shit games in my library are limited

7 years ago

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I have over 2k games in my Steam library and still activate all the garbage freebies that pop up. There was a point in time when I had some level of quality control, but once I was gifted Bad Rats, I decided I'll activate anything. I've stopped entering giveaways long ago (minus developer giveaways with thousands of keys) and rarely purchase anything, so I'm not really loosing anything or cheating anyone of a game they'll play.

I have no intention of playing all my games, but who really cares? Why should I force myself to feel guilty about something entirely meaningless? There is no reward for playing everything, other than the satisfaction you attach to it. And then what?

I don't really have any amassing goals anymore, but I'm also not planning to stop myself from activating free/cheep games.

7 years ago

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I right now have 60 games on my library. When I started using steam I added whatever game I could find. When I reached to 15 games all I can see was thrash I wont be playing so I started to remove those games. There are 5-6 game that I won't be playing which I will remove after creating a badge, other then that I have 22 completed games, 18 unfinished game and 15 not played game that I will play.
Joining BLAEO has helped me to reduce the backlog. I have some games that are talking my time like CS:GO and Project Cars right now. This month I am planning to finish 3 games.
Nowadays I don't even add games that are given free through promotions, if I don't plant to play it. This was the reason I had many thrash(for me, no value if you wont play it at all).
So I pretty much want my library clean. I would be happy with just 300-400 games in my library. I think that would be enough. If we are talking threshold 500 game will be the limit for my library.

7 years ago

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Congrats on not getting to 1000 games!

At the four thousand count is when I finally started to get kinda disappointed about it. Two and three thousand were kind of just impressive and slightly staggering landmarks. But, there are a lot of game genres that I enjoy, so I'm not surprised that one thousand didn't really faze me.

I'll probably be at five thousand sometime this year and I'm kind of dreading it. But on the other hand, I've been playing more long games to completion lately -- games that I've been meaning to play for years (Just Cause 1, Arkham Origins, DiRT (a second time), and Driver SF are a few of them that I've beaten in the past few months, along with some more recent titles like Ori, Hard West, DOOM, and Transistor). It's nice to make real progress on the backlog with games that I have really truly been wanting to play.

Also, I've dramatically cut down on bundle purchases. If it doesn't have a game in it that's been on my wishlist for a year, I'll probably not pick up a bundle. (Humble Monthlies are the major exception. Removed-from-Steam games that aren't godawful trash sometimes also get a pass.)
I don't think I'd go to the extreme of actually removing games from my account though. It just seems... wasteful, somehow, to me. But you're more than welcome to do so with your own account!

7 years ago

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After reading this post I went through and hid like 560 games from my library and is now on a little bit over 600 with great and interesting games that I may want to play when I get the time.

7 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by nellyneko.