Was this Helpful in making your buying decisions?
You also? i was working on splitting the bundle with someone and went to check out and got told your not worthy...i knew when i saw broforce i should have jumped on it ASPA but my radar failed to pick up that it was weird to be in it.
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Wait I don't think I understand what you mean :( I don't mean to act like a queen...
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Ah so you are saying this Devolver bundle is no match for the telltales bundle.
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True, I think about it now and I'm guessing these don't make a good completion against telltale games
Plus I think many of these have been bundled somewhere before
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Variable mileage at its best.
My personal preference (combined with Steam regional pricing) is exactly opposite here, as the Devolver Digital bundle completely blew the Telltale bundle out of the water.
With the maximum discount for 5 games the total TT bundle price was about 66% higher than the price of the same set of games purchased directly on Steam during sales. Most of the titles were steam-key only (no DRM-free copies), so that offered no additional incentive to get them through the Humble Store.
DD bundle, on the other hand, has more than enough options for additional (DRM-free) content on top of the Steam keys.
That, coupled with the fact that a ton of games from the DD catalog are on my wishlist, while I have a very mild interest in the Telltale games (which won't start growing unless they start adding GNU/Linux + SteamOS support) makes the Devolver Digital bundle far-far more attractive to me. ^^
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"With the maximum discount for 5 games the total TT bundle price was about 66% higher than the price of the same set of games purchased directly on Steam during sales."
Where do you live? Definitely NOT the case for those of us in North America.
"Most of the titles were steam-key only (no DRM-free copies)..."
Most of the ones we bought included both Steam keys and Telltale keys, which are not completely DRM-free, but still better than most deals which were Telltale only.
You are obviously in some kind of unique situation that doesn't apply in a lot of other areas of the world.
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Well, I can't (and won't) deny the Steam pricing benefits of the RU/CIS region, however, there are two things you don't really consider by calling this situation "unique":
Most of the ones we bought included both Steam keys and Telltale keys
From what I have seen, just the GoT and TfB came with Telltale keys, and BttF had a HB download option. Others were Steam-only.
However, the decisive factor for me personally was definitely the games themselves. Nothing against story-driven titles, but Devolver Digital delivers some top-notch (cross-platform) fun, and that really is hard to beat. Now this is where my POV/situation could be considered "unique" and different from "a lot of other areas of the world".
* - I have also not accounted for the RUB/USD exchange rate going crazy from time to time, so the 66% might have easily been a miscalculation - point is, the Telltale bundle was not all that impressive.
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I got Steam and Telltale keys with Game of Thrones, Tales from the Borderlands, The Walking Dead: Season 2, and The Wolf Among Us. The only thing I didn't get a Telltale key for was Poker Night 2.
And I'll grant you that there are obviously a huge number of gamers in the RU/CIS, so you're right, it's not that unique. Us North Americans just have to suffer with higher prices because of the presumed strength of our economies. With all the talk about we're supposed to be going down the drain and no longer that important, the prices we pay for stuff certainly doesn't reflect that. China owns us, but we don't pay China prices for anything.
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on the contrary, I think they started with the opening act, and are now on the headliners :)
I like telltale games, but they're all the same formula just in a different setting that telltale didn't come up with. Where as I think Devolver is the best publisher currently in the market, but I'll admit some of their games aren't that great.
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Build your own stuff gives me too many choices...
I get to walk away cause.... I can't make the decision. :D
Happy Wallet :D
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Titan Souls for $3.14 is tempting... (Dungeon Hearts+Cosmic DJ+Titan Souls)
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Not bad...grabbed Titan Souls, Not a Hero, Gods Will Be Watching, and 2 fillers(Cosmic DJ & Dungeon Hearts) for $4.39.
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No Hotline Miami 2?
PS: Also, I'm currently broke... lol
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Well mine looks almost the same but change the regular Titan souls to broforce
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From their FB:
Humble Bundle Whoops! We accidentally put BROFORCE in there. Sorry about that. If you already bought it, enjoy it at that price. Our misfortune is your, uh...fortune!
Honestly, that's a deal braker for me. Well, I guess it's better for my starving wallet.
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They certainly won't I assume because this is just a special deal in there humble store on top of their weekly bundles and Tuesday humble bundles. They just call it a bundle because you kinda are "bundling" together games that you want.
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they copied it from GOG, they did it couple of time...
in the end tho its just like doing a normal discount, on each game only forcing you to buy things you wouldn't buy otherwise in the process...
their initial bundle philosophy on the other hand is letting you chose how much to pay on each tier...
so for me its just a normal sale.
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Definitely a bundle for me, because they are offering 90% discounts for 5 games, including broforce(which was taken down), ronin, gods will be watching and not a hero which was never put in a bundle before, I doubt they will go that low on steam winter sale or even next summer sale
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But you make your own tier 3-4-5 games and you don't even have to buy things you wouldn't want, isn't that what you were stating before? This is even better since regular bundle are fixed and most popular game is on highest tier hence you have to buy the lower tier?
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see what other people write i added "X" and "Y" to get higher discount, people adding games the wouldn't buy to get the discount on the games they want! and thats on top of half of the game they will probably wont play at all in the first place.
and no it isnt better, on bundle you have 1 tier that is open to your ability and judgment (starts from 1$) with 3-5 games, second tier thats has the avg paying price with additional 2-4 games (usually between 4-8$), and third tier with fix price (usually between 10-15$) with additional of 1-3 games. - and on top of that you chose how much to pay (and on HB to whom as well).
when you get between 6-12 games (on avg) for usually very low $ / amount you chose to pay. - thats a bundle.
when you get "X" discount for buying "Y" games, its just a different way to sell you the game you want and stuff you additional purchases on the way to get it - then thats a sell, and aggressive one as well, as it force you to buy more games you wouldn't buy for the game you want - then eventually you pay full price for it as on "normal" and obvious sale + some.
and on normal sale like summer/holiday sales that pops out from time to time - you get the same (or close) discounts for individual games (+ vouchers if you have sometime) for your pick.
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They are who call it a bundle, both sites used that word, perhaps it's because it's trendy? LOL
But technically isn't pay what you want, it's indeed more a sale than any other thing. Still you grab a bunch of things and "put them together for a multiple items purchase", so perhaps is really better to understand if described as "bundle".
All in all there's not a definition of a bundle. Or there is one somewhere?
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Such an amazing deal! I've got 4 wishlist games on there plus I added hatoful boyfriend to give it a try.
All for £4.44
Thanks for the helpful chart as always. One thing though. You listed information about special editions but missed out gods will be watching.
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I'm really hoping they don't have too many more of these BaB deals over the next few weeks or my wallet isn't gonna be looking good!
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This is a pretty good deal and a good way to get the special editions, but a little warning: while Titan Souls/Not a Hero special editions include Steam keys for the special editions, Gods Will Be Watching's special edition on humble only includes a Steam key for the standard edition.
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I wonder if that's an error or oversight. If I'm not mistaken, the special edition is meant to include extra game content. Seems inconsistent with what Humble usually do.
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You still get the special edition content (which isn't in-game content) via Humble, just not the Steam version of it. The extra in-game content is there regardless of what edition you have.
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You're right. I misunderstood the recent "Extension Update" to be what was in the special edition.
Still, it'd be nice to have the Steam unlock for things like having the OST in library for Steam's music player, but I won't lose sleep over it!
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there are separate downloads for the extra content, apparently DRM-free (click on the link in your confirmation mail, it's at bottom under Audio or eBooks)
I already had the game and bought the SE for that, so I guess I have an extra Steam key to giveaway someday... :3
(from what I read, the extra game content, "free DLC", is just like an update to the regular version)
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If you switch tabs on your Humble Library Tab, change the Platform option from "all" to "ebook". The extra content is delivered through HB, so your'll find under the ebook tab your Downloadable Art book and Comic Book. Switching to the "audio" tab gives you access to the downloadable mp3/ FLAC files.
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Obviously. The intent was to give a warning for those expecting to get a Steam key for that content, like the other special editions offer.
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I really need to get push notifications or something for whenever you make a new thread. :3
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If I remember correctly, they get added if they receive a 95% discount or higher.
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updated to reflect 90% off prices
Also, see Extra special note! if you need help finding the extra content for the Gods Will Be Watching Collector's Edition!
So now that the Telltales build a bundle is over, Humble bundle is offering a build a bundle for Devolver Digital.
Check out the deal here.
NOTE: It seems as if the option to build a bundle has vanished! BUT DO NOT WORRY. According to a fellow SG user SappyMA, you can add the games you want to your cart individually and still receive the discounts. Use the chart below as a catalog to choose from.
Note: Folks, Broforce is not being offered as part of this deal anymore D:.
From HB Facebook: Humble Bundle Whoops! We accidentally put BROFORCE in there. Sorry about that. If you already bought it, enjoy it at that price. Our misfortune is your, uh...fortune!
Special Notes about the Special Editions
The Gods Will Be Watching Collector's Edition includes Gods Will Be Watching, the Gods Will Be Watching official digital soundtrack, a digital art book, and a special Gods Will Be Watching prologue digital comic.
Extra special note! - If you are having trouble finding your collector's edition content for Gods Will Be Watching, this content is administered by HB, not Steam. To find your additional content, Go to your "Library" tab. Next, to your right, you will find a drop down box for "Platform." Switch the platform option from "all" to "ebook". Here, you'll find under the "ebook" tab your Downloadable Art book and Comic Book. Switching to the "audio" tab gives you access to the downloadable mp3/ FLAC files.
The Titan Souls Digital Special Edition includes a digital artbook, world map, full original soundtrack and desktop backgrounds. All files can be found in the game's folder on your hard drive.
The Hatoful Boyfriend Summer of Dove Collector's Edition also includes the original Hatoful Boyfriend (PC), digital soundtrack, exclusive new comic from original developer Hato Moa, exclusive wallpapers of Oko-san, and the St. Pigeonations Yearbook (Class of 2014).
The Not A Hero: Global MegaLord Edition comes with a digital artbook, exclusive behind the scenes documentary, and a collection of desktop background, sound and icons set found in the game's folder on your computer.
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