I really like your concept. can i join?
don't want to harass friends for recommendation , so i won't even ask other people...
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I'm interested in joining. ^^
I'll try to elaborate a bit more than in my previous application, as it was rather short.
I really like the group concept and enjoy creating giveaways for a smaller group to increase the chances of winning for every participant. Your group sounds like a lot of fun to me; maybe I will even make some friends there along the way. I'm in for playing some games together, like Talisman and 100% orange juice (or any of my other games, if anyone would be up to playing and I have time on my hands). I haven't been in a group before with an active chat, so I will definitely drop by!
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You don't drop by in chat, you let yourself be absorbed by it and eventually become one entity who's only purpose is to spam duel's with archibot.
I'm looking at you, Zed
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Hey there Touhou peeps ! I applied the previous round but didn't manage to get in as there were alot of better applicants...
Hopefully this time round I'll be considered :3
Fulfill all of our requirements (rules) / Like our group concept
Enjoy winning and giving away games in a nice, small group of friends
Being active in our Touhou group chat will be a plus
Being "recognized" on SG forums will be a plus
Having good ratio of giveaway won/created on SG will be a plus
A recommendation from our member will be a plus
Last but not least, thank you guys once again for opening up the group for new blood ! Cheers and have a good day !
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Box was not about greed, it was about bravery of poor souls :D
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Hi there.
I've been reading your rules and surfing your own website and it seems a very promising concept. I think I fulfill all requirements as you can see in my SG profile, and I don't understand steamgifts without belonging to small giveaway groups like yours.
So, if looking at my stats you consider I can contribute in Touhou, i would be grateful to join you.
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La Cirno de Mayo is realy awesome and I want to thank the whole group for the event!
I want to join the group and I think it would be fun to be part of Touhou Giveaways.
The last time you recruited I didn't write an application because I just joined another group but now I'm realy happy that I have a chance to become a member of Touhou Giveaways.
My 2 favourite video game genres are shmups and rpgs. The last Japanese shmup I recently played was Mushihimesama (Xbox 360) - so excited that it will be released on steam.
The last Japanese rpg I finished was Shin Megami Tensei IV on the 3DS - I loved that game. (^_^)
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Was waiting for this thread! Missed all the previous chances.
It's awesome how you're pushing the technological how-tos of yours into the toys group have at it disposal. Which is one of two reasons I would be interested in joining.
Other would be the Touhou itself. While not a hard fan of games themselves, I enjoy the various spin off media people create for it. With anime being my favourite part. I'm sure having similar interests would let us get along.
I believe I got the minimum requirements and have no problem following the rules.
Recommendations are something I would have to work on :P
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Happy happy caake I hope you get into the group! :) Woop Woop
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If there is still room I would like to join you guys! I think that my ratio is not a problem :D. I enjoy creating GAs and I think it's nice to be part of a group like yours, I found several known faces among the members and they are all awesome users. I also really enjoyed this last event that the group organized and I bet that been part of it, it's even more fun :D
Thanks for the change!
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Well, I might not be the very best, like no on ever was. I might not be the king of the world. I might not really make public or shared giveaways. I might not meet many of the "plus" points
But I really like to be in fun, well organized and creative groups. I really like to take part in good puzzles, cool events and I really like to help creating them with a good team. :)
So pick me! Or else...
Just kidding.
Don't hurt me
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Thank you for the opportunity you give us to join this group.
First, I am not perfectly bilingual, so sorry if I make mistakes in English ^^.
I'd really like to join this group because the members seems to be the sympathetic and some of them are already in my WL for differents reasons :). Moreover, the concept is very well developed and provides a good balance of opportunity between members. Plus, you have a nice website, and in my opinion: this is a very good idea to have thought about it !
I read the rules and I think I fulfill the basics requierements to be able to apply here: I'm level 3 (Almost level 4 ^^) ; I try to keep a good ratio of given/won games, and I try to be active on SG's forums... Then, it's you who will decide if I deserve to be in this nice group ^^.
Have a nice day and thank you again for the opportunity :D.
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Hey once again, I'm not going to apply this time, maybe next one. The reason for that is that I'm kinda broke and I'm not exactly sure when I'll get money so ye. When I join a group I want to give some good games atleast the ones with positive reviews and I wouldn't feel well if I gave away 15 cents games from sales all the time. So yeah, good luck for all the rest and I hope you find good 10 members! ^^
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I took a look and am intrigued by all this oddity going on, mostly i want the achievements, not sure why, i just need them.
It would be a nice distraction from what i usually do, haunting houses, scaring japanese girls.
You all probably know cats are jerks, but thats hardly our fault, its just in our nature
I dont know if ill get votes but well, I'm better than dirt. Well, most kinds of dirt. I mean not that fancy store bought dirt. That stuffs loaded with nutrients. I... I can't compete with that stuff
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263 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by RobbyRatpoison
8 Comments - Last post 10 minutes ago by GraVe23
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The Touhou Giveaways group was founded by Archi on February 18th 2015. We're a small, ratio-based group, sharing the spirit of giving away and winning games on SteamGifts. You might already recognize us from awesome events that we organize from time to time.
We have implemented many unique features into the simple concept of a private giveaway group, and today we are one of the most "technologically advanced" group that exists on SG. The objective is simple: the group should be a nice addition to the SteamGifts community and should require no extra effort from the member.
All group giveaways are tracked by our bot, which automatically adds new giveaways to the database, track winners, calculate points and ratio, detect current/finished giveaways, statistics, and even reward members with our very own touhou achievements! Yep! You read it right, our group is fully automated. And thanks to that, our members can focus on what is the most important - creating and winning giveaways, instead of being forced to manually add them through the website or post links in a group thread. Thanks to that, we achieved our main objective - our members are happy to make giveaways the same way they would do public or private giveaways, and ArchiBoT does everything else.
To make the precious data gathered by the bot available for the members, we also coded our very own Touhou Giveaways website, which acts as a "frontend" to the data gathered by the bot. Users can now check their stats, ongoing giveaways, giveaways won and many other useful information we have gathered in a nice, fancy and modern way.
We're still actively working on improving our group even further.
We're looking for members who:
If you think that you'd be a good addition to our group, do not wait any longer and send in your application right away! Tell us why you would like to join the group, and why you consider yourself as a good candidate. All applications that meet initial requirements (rules) will be reviewed by our staff.
Website | Rules | Introduction | SG stats | How cool your 2hu profile may look
Currently we're looking for up to 10 new members. Tell us why you're interested in joining, and perhaps you'll have an opportunity to get our precious touhou cheevos.
Mandatory giveaway
We'll choose lucky winners after finish of the giveaway, until then we're accepting applications.
Voting is now finished.
Congratulations to:
Better luck next time:
(Candidates not listed either didn't meet requirements (L2+), or didn't get any points)
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