There has to be a poll, right?
Reply to this comment if you want to contribute, and dont forget to state what team youre contributing to :)
Following my previous event idea, GOTTA MAKE GIVEAWAY FOR THEM ALL , I decided to start another event ending on my birthday :)
The idea is simple, by creating a giveaway for some pokemon, PP (pokemon points) of that giveaway adds the value for that team. The teams are types of pokemon.
If a pokemon has more than one type, it's up to you to choose the "team" (type) you're contributing to.
PP is calculated:
In case you're not familiar with the pokemon listen to this PokéRap with 718 pokemon listed inside :)
I picked out some nice prizes for all participants and created 3 groups.
As stated above, multiple giveaways for same pokemon are allowed.
End date for my giveaways is March, 25th, it would be nice if yours is to :)
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A contender for #TeamPsychic has arrived!
(I wanted to go for Deoxys originally, then I noticed you already picked him :( )
Comment has been collapsed. Impergator Water
Comment has been collapsed. Piplup Lvl 4+ Suicune Lvl 5+ Horsea Lvl 3+
all water :) Now with the right date ;)
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I'll take Gyarados water lvl 3+ (flying was never his type anyways)
More giveaway incoming
Not sure I fully understand the rules yet, so I'll see once I get the hang of it
[Gyarados]( (lvl 3+) by [marpenorj](
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Zekrom! Team Dragon :> level 3+
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Aaand another one for Dragonite, Team Dragon as well ^_^ level 5+
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Tried to find relevant pokemon for some spare keys...
Zubat (poison)
Torchic (fire)
Beartic (ice)
[Zubat]( (lvl 2+) by [lmxn](
[Torchic]( (lvl 2+) by [lmxn](
[Beartic]( (lvl 2+) by [lmxn](
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Meloetta ( Normal / Psychic / fighting)
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I have never played/watched any Pokemon games/movies/shows so I will leave it up to the OP to give names in the Dragon field.
[Dragon]( (lvl 1) by [WykydVamp](
[Dragon]( (lvl 1) by [WykydVamp](
[Dragon]( (lvl 1) by [WykydVamp](
[Dragon]( (lvl 1) by [WykydVamp](
[Dragon]( (lvl 1) by [WykydVamp](
[Dragon]( (lvl 1) by [WykydVamp](
[Dragon]( (lvl 1) by [WykydVamp](
[Dragon]( (lvl 1) by [WykydVamp](
[Dragon]( (lvl 1) by [WykydVamp](
[Dragon]( (lvl 4) by [WykydVamp](
[Dragon]( (lvl 4) by [WykydVamp](
[Dragon]( (lvl 4) by [WykydVamp](
[Dragon]( (lvl 4) by [WykydVamp](
[Dragon]( (lvl 4) by [WykydVamp](
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I don't recall ever having a discussion with you, do you by any chance remember the reason to blacklisting me?
Either way, thanks for contributing to the event, Dragons and Pokemon are awesome.
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I keep a txt file of anyone I BL.
One of my HDD's failed that had that file on it, so i cant tell you why.
So, I have un BL'ed you. I.m a very opinionated person so if it was something in forums it must have been way over the top. Others make it for giving away free games and regifting. I got put on a BL just for a "TL;DR" comment.
Enjoy the GA's
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Thanks for taking the time to reply to me, also the unBL! You are the 2nd user I've found that BL me and I ask the reason to know if it's for something I would actually seek to change or if it's something dumb like a user didn't like a comment, in the end it's their decision who and why they BL.
Personally I like to know the why, specially since I've never regifted a game, but I did make mistakes during my first year on the site, I got suspended for not activating a DLC and some games I was saving for the time I could actually play them (which was dumb on my end), but I think I'm pretty solid now, a standard user who tries to keep a good ratio and not being a big fat leech hehe.
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Looks like we need some more Steel in here.
Mawile, I choose you! 2+
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This event is look so cool!
I choose this one Grass - Breloom!
The Last NightMary - A Lenda do Cabeça de Cuia (lvl 3+)
Because i think Breloom is look like this game's icon lol.
[The Last NightMary - A Lenda do Cabeça de Cuia]( (lvl 3+) by [Raynero](
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For the Flying team for obvious reasons :p
[Hoothoot]( (lvl 3+) by [Zoey1](
[Noctowl]( (lvl 3+) by [Zoey1](
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Something from me, Go Dragons!
Mega Charizard
[Mega Charizard](
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I wanna take all Squirtles. :P.
[Squirtle v2] (lvl 7+) by [cucooo](
[Squirtle v3] (lvl 7+) by [cucooo](
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Dragon type, batch first (why I have noticed this thread so late :(((( )
First type Dragon for Dragon team that are left :P
[Mega Altaira]( (lvl 4+) by todrzyk
[Mega Salamance]( (lvl 4+) by todrzyk
[Mega Rayquaza]( (lvl 4+) by todrzyk
[Garchomp]( (lvl 4+) by todrzyk
[Kyurem]( (lvl 4+) by todrzyk
[Zygarde]( (lvl 4+) by todrzyk
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ummm sorry, it takes a while :) and got a bit burnt out on my last train from keys/gifts :P will contribute some additional later
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2nd batch after restock for Dragon Team:P
[White Kyurem]( (lvl 4+) by todrzyk
[Black Kyurem]( (lvl 4+) by todrzyk
[Mega Garchomp]( (lvl 4+) by todrzyk
and little cheer for lonely Caterpie in Bug team
[Accelgor]( (lvl 4+) by todrzyk
[Spewpa]( (lvl 4+) by todrzyk
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fixed, thanks! need to go to sleep aparently (0:40 here :P )
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And some more from me:)
[Typhlosion]( (lvl 1+) by Shelia
[Quilava]( (lvl 0+) by Shelia
[Houndour]( (lvl 0+) by Shelia
[Torchic]( (lvl 0+) by Shelia
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My contributions for Dark
[Absol] ( (lvl 1+)
[Poochyena] ( (lvl 1+)
[Purrloin] ( (lvl 1+)
[Liepard] ( (lvl 1+)
[Zorua] ( (lvl 1+)
[Zoroark] ( (lvl 1+)
[Cacturne] ( (lvl 1+)
[Crawdaunt] ( (lvl 1+)
[Sableye] ( (lvl 1+)
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My contribution for Mega Latios, Dragon Type
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Dragons are the best IMHO (so here's my top poke-dragons):
EDIT: Forgot to put level restrictions on those gibs. And since I'm too lazy to remake them, I'll just add another one for our kind contributors.
[Mega Charizard X](
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Something for my favourite type
Gible (Dragon type)
Something for my favourite Pokey
Tyranitar (Rock type)
Both level 5
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Contribution for Psychic team:
[Abra]( (lvl 2+) by [Tistao](
[Kadabra]( (lvl 2+) by [Tistao](
[Alakazam]( (lvl 3+) by [Tistao](
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choose a pokemon :)
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My favourite pokemon from Gen 2, I even sweeped the entire Elite 4 with him!
Team normal! (Could he count for dragon too, he kinda looks like one :p)
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Woops. Gen 2 was a long time ago, lol. I remembered him as ground cause I had him with Earthquake/Fissure
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Let's hope I've made it correctly. :)
(Normal) Slaking (lvl 2+)
(Normal) Regigigas (lvl 2+)
(Rock) Rhyperior (lvl 2+)
(Ground) Rhydon (lvl 2+)
(Ice) Mamoswine (lvl 2+) [Ended]
(Flying) Honchkrow (lvl 2+)
(Fighting) Hariyama (lvl 2+)
(Ghost) Giratina (lvl 2+)
(Bug) Scizor (lvl 4+)
(Fairy) Jigglypuff (lvl 2+)
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Noibat Level 4+ ends March 25
Corsola Level 3+ ends March 25
[Noibat]( (lvl 4+) by [marpenorj](
[Corsola]( (lvl 3+) by [marpenorj](
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Man, you're awesome, create them like you want, I don't think anybody mind :)
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My small contribution to team dragon..
Tyrunt (lvl 1+) by Edwintan23
Zweilous (lvl 1+) by Edwintan23
Vibrava (lvl 1+) by Edwintan23
Mega Ampharos (lvl 1+) by Edwintan23
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Fun fact, your Feraligatr giveaway holds most points in the event :)
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hmm, that's weird that those two are still free to choose:
[Tentacool]( (lvl 5+) by todrzyk
[Psyduck]( (lvl 4+) by todrzyk
first posion, second water type :P
edit: just made even fun fact above, twice :D
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Tentacool gave 120 PP to poison, and Psyduck 60 PP since water team is out of bonuses. So you tied only once, but yeah, you and Spanky are now tied at 120 PP with a solo giveaway ^^ Thank you for being awesome <3
Fun fact #2, you're 2nd overall after wykydvamp. Thank you for participating again <3
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always second...that's cruel..
speaking of cruel :) both for Poison
[Drapion]( (lvl 4+) by todrzyk
[Tentacruel]( (lvl 4+) by todrzyk
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Props for the song :)
Fun fact #3 & #4, You're 1st overall in points Thanks for making this event more awesome :p, and you boosted poison team to 3rd place!
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Here's my contribution. Joining the Water team.
[Phione]( (lvl 4+) by [Duckyof War](
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A few more for Team Fairy! Though we're grossly outnumbered at this point. Alas. :(
Mega Audino Level 1.
Mega Altaria Level 1.
Florges Level 1.
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Joining the fire team :>
[Vulpix]( (lvl +3) by [Traqie](
[Ninetales]( (lvl +3) by [Traqie](
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Empoleon (water)
Corsola (water)
Samurott (water)
Kyogre (water)
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Two more for the Water team!
Omastar (lvl 3+)
Omanyte (lvl 1+)
[Omastar]( (lvl 3+) by [Descompasso](
[Omanyte]( (lvl 1+) by [Descompasso](
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Accidentally sent you invite to Poké-gifts Winners..
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So, you've spoiled the winner team which will be one of Psychic, Water, Dragon and Normal.
Edit: It looks exactly like the Academy's "Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role" award winner was spoiled as LeoDicaprio last year but he didn't win it. :3.
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That must only mean Psychic, Water, Dragon and Normal aren't going to win :p
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More entries for Team Fairy! All level 1.
Mega Gardevoir
Mega Diancie
Florges - edited this in too late in my last post.
And since I've run out of Fairy pokemon I like, a couple of entries for Team Ice.
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My first intention was to make GAs for the dragon type - Who doesnt like dragons, right? - but i just couldnt find pokemons that i would like to choose so i changed my mind and just went through this Pokedex and choose pokemons which made me smile =)
I only watched the first generation btw
Charmander (lvl 0+ sgt) by Tnr7
[Charmander]( (lvl 0+ sgt) by [Tnr7](
Mankey (lvl 0+ sgt) by Tnr7
[Mankey]( (lvl 0+ sgt) by [Tnr7](
Psyduck (lvl 0+ sgt) by Tnr7
[Psyduck]( (lvl 0+ sgt) by [Tnr7](
Pidgey (lvl 0+ sgt) by Tnr7
[Pidgey]( (lvl 0+ sgt) by [Tnr7](
Grimer (lvl 0+ sgt) by Tnr7
[Grimer]( (lvl 0+ sgt) by [Tnr7](
Onix (lvl 0+ sgt) by Tnr7
[Onix]( (lvl 0+ sgt) by [Tnr7](
Caterpie (lvl 0+ sgt) by Tnr7
[Caterpie]( (lvl 0+ sgt) by [Tnr7](
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First GA
Mareep (lvl 3+) by patrinkoSK
[Mareep]( (lvl 3+) by [patrinkoSK](
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In the end started making GAs for missing pokemon... after the first few i realised this would take forever so i just went full water :P
Grass - [Ivysaur] - 4+
Grass - [Venusaur] - 3+
Bug - [Metapod] - 3+
Bug - [Weedle] - 3+
Bug - [Kakuna] - 3+
Bug - [Beedrill] - 3+
Flying - [Scyther] - 5+
Flying - [Pidgeotto] - 3+
Flying - [Spearow] - 3+
Normal - [Raticate] - 3+
Normal - [Snorlax] - 5+
Poison - [Ekans] - 4+
Electric - [Raichu] - 3+
Water - [Wailord] - 4+
Water - [Mantine] - 2+
Water - [Seaking] - 5+
Water - [Marill] - 2+
Water - [Azumarill] - 3+
Water - [Sharpedo] - 3+
Water - [Octillery] - 2+
Water - [Lapras] - 3+
Water - [Seadra] - 3+
Water - [Kabuto] - 3+
Water - [Kabutops] - 3+
Dragon - [Dragonair] - 3+
Dragon - [Dragonite] - 2+
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And even more from me:)
[Umbreon]( (lvl 0+) by Shelia
[Vaporeon]( (lvl 0+) by Shelia
[Dratini]( (lvl 1+) by Shelia
[Espeon]( (lvl 0+) by Shelia
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In honor of AttackSlugD
(sorry if that gave double notifications)
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second GA
Medicham (lvl 3+) by patrinkoSK
[Medicham]( (lvl 3+) by [patrinkoSK](
third GA
Leavanny (lvl 3+) by patrinkoSK
[Leavanny] (lvl 3+) by [patrinkoSK](
four GA
Swanna (lvl 3+) by patrinkoSK
[Swanna]( (lvl 3+) by [patrinkoSK](
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Bumping thread with some public giveaways (it's ok if they won't count towards event)
Yesterday by JCTango | level 5
Game of Thrones by JCTango | level 5
Cities XL Platinum by JCTango | level 5
[Yesterday]( by JCTango | level 5
[Game of Thrones]( by JCTango | level 5
[Cities XL Platinum]( by JCTango | level 5
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I made a booboo yesterday and forgot to put the link for this one too ! 5+
Can you assign this one to Goodra - Dragon please?
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More GA's!
(Dragon) Fraxure (lvl 5+)
(Dragon) Goodra (lvl 3+)
(Rock) Bastiodon (lvl 3+)
(Ground) Solrock (lvl 2+)
(Ice) Abomasnow (lvl 4+)
(Flying) Togetic (lvl 1+)
(Fighting) Riolu (lvl 3+)
(Fighting) Emboar (lvl 1+)
(Ghost) Dusknoir (lvl 1+)
(Bug) Anorith (lvl 1+)
(Fairy) Dedenne (lvl 1+)
(Fairy) Carbink (lvl 2+)
(Fairy) Slurpuff (lvl 1+)
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Another contribution to the Water Team
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Three more. TY for the invite!
(Electric) Zebstrika (lvl3+)
(Psychic) Chimecho (lvl3+)
(Poison) Skuntank (lvl3+)
(Electric) [Zebstrika]( (lvl3+) by Descompasso
(Psychic) [Chimecho]( (lvl3+) by Descompasso
(Poison) [Skuntank]( (lvl3+) by Descompasso
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i hope i am doing this right!? if not please advise.
GO Dragonair:
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Team FIRE for the win!
[Pyroar] ( (lvl 1+) by hotbullet8
[Charizard] ( (lvl 1+) by hotbullet8
[Mega Charizard Y] ( (lvl 1+) by hotbullet8
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It would appear I'm the only other one with the mettle (or metal) to stand up for Steel, so may as well go all in.
edit: Oops, already had Aron on the list, better change that...
Registeel Lv 0+
Lucario Lv 0+
Magnemite Lv 1+
Honedge Lv 1+
[Registeel]( (0+) by RedPandaLunar
[Lucario]( (0+) by RedPandaLunar
[Magnemite]( (1+) by RedPandaLunar
[Honedge]( (1+) by RedPandaLunar
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Some love for Psychic team!
[Spoink]( (lvl 3+) by [Mari1](
[Grumpig]( (lvl 3+) by [Mari1](
[Solosis]( (lvl 3+) by [Mari1](
[Kirlia]( (lvl 3+) by [Mari1](
[Xatu]( (lvl 3+) by [Mari1](
[Gothita]( (lvl 5+) by [Mari1](
[Duosion]( (lvl 3+) by [Mari1](
[Natu]( (lvl 3+) by [Mari1](
[Wynaut]( (lvl 5+) by [Mari1](
[Ralts]( (lvl 5+) by [Mari1](
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SGT shows no love to me, will update the chart once it lets me through :)
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Most expensive pokemon <3
Poison is closing in for that second place!
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Let's make this interesting. All on Poison.
Nidoking (level 3)
Garbodor (level 3)
Victreebel (level 3)
Arbok (level 3)
Amoonguss (level 3)
Weezing (level 2)
Toxicroak (level 2)
Gulpin (level 2)
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All water :)
Tentacool -
Tentacruel -
Slowpoke -
Slowbro -
Anything special I should post in the description?
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You could add a pic of each Pokémon to the description. Otherwise the kORO will add it as a comment ;-)
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Add some to great event.
Sharpedo - water
Deino - dragon
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(fighting) - Heracross - (lvl+2)
(Water) - Totodile - (lvl 2+)
could not believe there wasnt a signle giveaway for my favorite pokemon of the anime
And only one giveaway for my favorite starter? people! whats wrong with you
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[Shellder]( (1+) by leniu
[Walrein]( (1+) by leniu
[Volcanion]( (1+) by leniu
[Carracosta]( (1+) by leniu
[Palpitoad]( (1+) by leniu
[Swampert]( (1+) by leniu
[Wingull]( (1+) by leniu
[Pelipper]( (1+) by leniu
[Wooper]( (1+) by leniu
[Seel]( (1+) by leniu
[Dewgong]( (1+) by leniu
[Kingdra]( (1+) by leniu
[Palkia]( (1+) by leniu
[Rayquaza]( (1+) by leniu
[Reshiram]( (1+) by leniu
[Zekrom]( (1+) by leniu
[Kyurem]( (1+) by leniu
[Conkeldurr]( (1+) by leniu
[Hitmonchan]( (1+) by leniu
[Pancham]( (1+) by leniu
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Here's me hedging my bets.
Haunter for poison.
Mega Swampert for water.
And Mega Salamence for dragon.
[Haunter]( (lvl 7+) by [SoullessSoup](
[Mega Swampert]( (lvl 7+) by [SoullessSoup](
[Mega Salamence]( (lvl 7+) by [SoullessSoup](
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I assume you want to ask why I've blacklisted you.
Don't worry about it, I just feel you've won enough to do without my GAs for a while. I'll clear my list at some point and the cycle will start over.
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[Mega Charizard X]( (lvl 3+) by rajandeep123
Mega Charizard X (lvl 3+) by rajandeep123
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My turn D:
(No multiple wins / no regifting / ratio sent:win 0,5)
[Lamia's Game Room] Bulbasaur - Grass
[Shan Gui] Charmander - Fire
[A Wild Catgirl Appears!] Squirtle - Water
[Always The Same Blue Sky] Machop - Fighting
[Echo Tokyo: Intro] Machoke - Fighting
[Tokyo Hosto] Machamp - Fighting
[Quantum Conscience] Psyduck - Water
[Highschool Possession] Togepi - Fairy
(No multiple wins / no regifting / ratio sent:win 0,75)
[Beach Bounce Remastered] Lugia - Flying
[Divine Slice of Life] Dratini - Dragon
[Orion: A Sci-Fi Visual Novel] Dragonair - Dragon
[Sickness] Dragonite - Dragon
[Blue Rose] Mega Charizard X - Dragon
(No multiple wins / no regifting / ratio sent:win 0,5, group GAs no more than 60% of real CV)
[Gods will be watching] Gyarados - Water
[Gods will be watching] Ditto - Normal
[Bulbasaur]( (1+) by Mskotor
[Charmander]( (1+) by Mskotor
[Squirtle]( (1+) by Mskotor
[Machop]( (1+) by Mskotor
[Machoke]( by Mskotor
[Machamp]( (1+) by Mskotor
[Psyduck]( (1+) by Mskotor
[Togepi]( (1+) by Mskotor
[Lugia]( (1+) by Mskotor
[Dratini]( (1+) by Mskotor
[Ol Novel] [Dragonair]( (1+) by Mskotor
[Dragonite]( (1+) by Mskotor
[Mega Charizard X]( (1+) by Mskotor
[Gyarados]( (1+) by Mskotor
[Ditto]( (1+) by Mskotor
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Greninja 4+ (water)
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Big nightmare, thankfully a lot of users leave me source code :)
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Sorry for the late contribution, I wanted to contribute since the first days of the event but have been kind fo bussy (and also procrastinating a bit xD) so I hope it is not too late ;)
Fighting Team
[Hitmontop]( (lvl 4+) by Ugaman
Fairy Team
[Togetic]( (lvl 4+) by Ugaman
Water Team
[Mega Slowbro]( (lvl 4+) by Ugaman
Ghost Team
[Haunter]( (lvl 4+) by Ugaman
Poison Team
[Muk]( (lvl 4+) by Ugaman
Ground Team
[Sandslash]( (lvl 4+) by Ugaman
Dragon Team
[Mega Sceptile]( (lvl 4+) by Ugaman
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mskotor explained, but your formatting as it is helped me a lot <3
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Go Team Poison!
Frozen Synapse
Frozen Synapse Prime
Warhammer: Dawn of War II
Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
Hacker Evolution Duality (2 copies)
18 Wheels of Steel: Extreme Trucker
The Evil Within Bundle
Patrician IV Gold
Tropico 4: Steam Special Edition
Grand Ages Rome: Gold
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II
Dead Space 2
[Nidoran] 3+
[Nidorina] 3+
[Golbat] 3+
[Venonat] 3+
[Venomoth] (2 copies) 3+
[Spinarak] 3+
[Trubbish] 4+
[Roselia] 3+
[Ariados] 3+
[Stunky] 3+
[Dustox] 3+
[Qwilfish] 3+
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ohnoes, I'm nearly too late, please take these Pokemon into your collection ☆ ~('▽^人)
for Team Water :3
[Binacle]( (lvl 3+) by Tristar
[Manaphy]( (lvl 3+) by Tristar
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umm I'm underinfluence of Poison,
two quickies, one with 2 copies
[Tentacool]( (lvl 4+ + sgtools) by todrzyk
[Skunkank]( (lvl 4+ + sgtools) by todrzyk
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That's where that The Prodigy sample came from. Remember Voodoo People?
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At the start of the event I promised to do some giveaways (and nearly forgot to do them). So here we go:
Registeel level 1+
Darkrai level 2+
Gogoat level 1+
[Registeel]( (lvl 1+) by Tyrogus)
[Darkrai]( (lvl 2+) by Tyrogus)
[Gogoat]( (lvl 1+) by Tyrogus)
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My final addition for poison type to the Poké-Gifts Battle
[Dragalge]( (6+) by thecrzyguy
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Let's sing together, steamgifters!
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Team: Ground
Okay, Sandshrew-lovers, time to represent!
(I'll have to wait to add gibs till after my current event ends, unfortunately :/)
(Comment your giveaway replies directly the OP to make sure he sees them, then comment here to show your support for the best Pokemon! :D)
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Pretty cool idea, but I'm not sure about one thing - are participants limited to only 1 pokemon or 1 type? Or can you contribute to multiple?
Anyway, I'll try to find something to giveaway, but first I need to decide what's my favourite Pokemon (no, it's not Tyrogue - I don't even like it).
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That's the real Pinky Bear. :p
Thanks for the Pokemons.
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This seems awesome... But too much work for me... Especially since I don't have anything to give away... :/
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Unrelated to topic: Watched pokemon little when i was a child but was never that big of a fan.Saw this is an giveaway topic and i have a key that i can't make giveaway (since it was free or something).So here is an Humble bundle leftover just please say if you ninjaed it:*V (delete the "*'" off course)
PS: SpeedRunners if you are wondering.Surprised no one ninja it yet.
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Don't know if someone already take it but did we have to replace the * with something? Just deleting it ( doesn't work it says "Unknown gift code!"
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hmm strange i tried it too and it says that.
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lol my bad sry didn't notice.Must have driven the ninjas mad.Anyway congratz.
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As stated above, multiple giveaways for same pokemon are allowed.
Also, I guess it's supposed to be fun anyway; I mean, I don't take it that seriously. It's just another fun event to create more giveaways.
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Ok haven't read that part xD
As stated above
where is the part where this is stated before? xD
Also this is no fun anymore, this is about beating the crap out of the water team!
Everyone knows that a Blastoise has no chance against a Pachirisu, it would be just pathetic if that weak water team wins.
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if there are more than 3 copies of a game for the same pokemon, every next one is calculated 50% less than it normally would
(my giveaways does not count)
I guess is the part he's referring to :D
Well.. personally I'm all about Team Dragon! :P
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Chart, INFO
BIG thanks to everyone who was apart of this event, and be sure to subscribe to a forum thead in steam groups for the giveaways :)
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