I think this is a nice idea, users will have a real chance to win something. Now, 1/50 is almost unreal chance to win. To win in a 1/100 giveaway, you must buy a prayers compilation and pour on your computer with holy water, before entering the giveaway. Entering >1/100 giveaways is nothing more than throwing points into air.
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I like the idea :D Seeing how there was a change in the points system recently I think the number of people misusing multiple entries will be less. Because if a user spent up his points on one giveaway, he has to wait a little bit longer before he can spend more on another giveaway. Maybe extra entry cost can me more than the ones you suggested and it would be better.
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People with more money don't get to have better schooling if they are idiots, healthcare and better security won't help against crazed gunman.
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I hear you as well.
I'm just looking at the whole concept of SG in a different light. I'm looking at it as knowing to manage your points to maximize your chances (i understand this may, in many ways, go against what Steam Gifts stood for.
But what I also understand is that as long as we stay on the site long enough, everyone has the same amount of points, there is no way you can earn more or earn less. and with this same amount of points, we decide what we really want rather than just throwing points into everything. not sure if i'm making sense. it's not really capitalism where people get money at different rates. everyone gets the same here in SG, with this system, it just makes one give more thought about spending their points.
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Xeno, you have made a BIG logical mistake in your post.
"People with more points have a higher chance of winning."
Both situations are not comparable.
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Unlike in the case of money, we all have an equal chance of gaining points. We're all on a similar footing.
There is nothing that will grant me any more or less points then you get.
The only difference is how we choose to spend those points, whether it be all in one giveaway or spread across multiple giveaways.
That said, I'm not especially in favour of this proposal but I don't see how it's unfair to anyone.
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I like the idea, only that the amount of points per entry should increase in geometric progression, i.e. 1st entry - 15 points, 2nd entry - 30 points, 3rd entry - 60 points etc.
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If a game costs $1 and you have 300p, then you'll be able to enter 300 times.... LOOOL!!!
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hmm on a sidenote, somehow i feel that the spammer problem might be fixed if we only give everyone points upon the completion of a successful giveaway (the winner gets his game) so yes while we can have 1000 fake giveaways, if they don't complete, no points are accredited
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after some thoughts, i think individuals who hoard points will realize at one point or another that they do so to the detriment of not just the community but ultimately themselves as well.
i can't refute the part about stuffing the balloting box. but i guess if an individual doesn't wish to help the community to grow, no amount of change (or no change) will convince him or her to invest points into inviting others. the points will still go on to entering multiple giftaways.
i thought of this as to really let users join giveaways they really want and leave those they may not want to others. and in sheer optimism, hope it evens out. every kind of system will bound to have its spammers and abusers i guess?
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I'd like to enter more than 1 time, especially for those private giveaways :v
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I only dislike this idea because the people with the highest points will constantly win more games than those who just joined. It should be a fair match between everyone, if you want the game find more contests with that game. Keep it fair to the new users so the community can grow.
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By such standards newcomers are already at a similar disadvantage by not having enough points to immediately enter 50pt giveaways and not being able to enter as many giveaways as established members.
If you wanted perfect equality, then infinite points for everyone at all times would seem to be the only way to truly offer that.
And that's not really a viable option for obvious reasons.
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I've given this ideas second thoughts and I can surely say NO this time.
Think of what some people might do:
Create many accounts, have them generate points and each account to enter for a specific game they wish. If they win, they get the game activated to their main account so they get ALL the games they want much more easier. It is a definite NO for me...
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183 Comments - Last post 40 minutes ago by Naviis
I was just wondering whether multiple entries per giveaway can be allowed on Steam Gifts.
I was thinking of this as allowing users to enter giveaways of games they really want rather than joining random giveaways when they have alot of points.
For example,
Bastion is 15points -
When I press "Enter Giveaway", a menu props up to ask how many entries I want to put in, with every entry, it is 15points
1 entry = 15pt
2 entries = 30 and so on..
With the point cap at 300, with users really entering for games they really want, i guess it maybe a happier SG for everyone? ^^
I understand this may cause users to spend all 300 points in a single giveaway... but there is still a slight probability they don't win anything at all..
Just an idea.. have yet to really think it through.
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