+1. The Top Contributors list should be calculated based on public giveaways only - disregarding group and private.
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"I dont like it takes all my fun to make giveaways"
Giving should be about giving, Not about getting yourself on a dam list.
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Oh yeah i gain 500000$ a day for giving away games for free.. Yeah.. NOPE i give them for free, so if you are making a list of people who are giving them away for free, and make them numer 1 or 2 or 3, that list should be fair. And yes i like the pride of giving away, if you dont like it :P then thats your problem
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It's the way of the world isn't it. If only everyone were northern like us eh?
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Being on a public list that says "I do good things" that the entire community can see gives people a warm little feeling. That is the "good" feeling people get when they give things to someone. They don't gain anything substantial, but people know them as doing something good. Group giveaways plaster the givers name all over the group, giving them the feeling within the group, as it was for the group. Why should it be denied to someone who publicly gives something away?
Yes, everything has to gain something for it to be done. Without even the good public feeling, people don't get anything back from this giving. People get this same feeling from giving stuff away AFK, because people talk and other people will see. Is it that hard to understand?
Edit: I just woke up and I'm kinda bitter. Deal with it.
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"Being on a public list that says "I do good things" that the entire community can see gives people a warm little feeling."
So when you give out games to friends and other strangers you meet in giveaway groups that isnt a good thing ? That is a evil and thing that should be punished ? how does that make any sense.
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If they gave the games, they gave them. Top Contributors really means nothing at all.
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I don't really care, as long as I get the points, Im fine with it :D
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Does it even do anything to be a "top contributor of the week" ? If yes, I understand your pain. If not, I really don't see the problem. Sure there are grey zones with the size of the "groups", but they can be legitimate giveaway groups too.
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You gained profit for something that was in no way your doing. You just abused that promotion and now you got your $30 CV for it for 100% free. If anything should get credit for that,than GMG,which ofc dont have an account here. Don't act like you are a nice person who loves to share games. You wanted profit for it,thats why you abused the giveaway on GMG.
What about them? They enjoy Steamgifts. Where do you want to head with that?
Seriously. People like you make people like me going to groups and private giveaways to share stuff with people who deserve it.
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Oh yeah im abusing the system, that i cant influent in.. So nah im just doing something i can for the people who cant i dont care for contrybutions, and for the acount :) I care about the problem for the good guys who are contrybuting and you can do something god for them.. Like talking about giving them something they deserv for giving away games, and thats what about this topic is, but yeah sure :) dont talk about them, lets write again that im abusing a system, that i cant influent at. Yep..
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So nah im just doing something i can for the people who cant i dont care for contrybutions, and for the acount
You didn't do anything,you didn't give them anything. GMG did. And why did you do what you did? Because they were in dire need? No. Because you could profit
I care about the problem for the good guys who are contrybuting and you can do something god for them.. Like talking about giving them something they deserv for giving away games, and thats what about this topic is, but yeah sure :) dont talk about them, lets write again that im abusing a system, that i cant influent at. Yep..
As I said,probably everone on the current top contributor list contributed quite a lot to the community. Even if you leave the group giveaways aside. And even then its just statistic that gains you nothing.
You are a fighting a fight you have no idea about, no one wants you to fight and basically its a fight for bigger e-peen, beginning from the scrotum or only counting the shaft...
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You might be the first person that actually checks the weekly top contributors.
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They should make public because you aren't in any groups because you aren't giving away games, right? Good thinking. You just want to win games without your own contribution. By the way you took 4 or more copies of free Civ/Mafia and you're now giving it away here for boost your contribution. It's ridiculous.
They are making giveaways in private groups because they want to avoid whole the leechers on SG like you and you shouldn't have butthurt because of it. Wrrr im angry..
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Yes I agree. People that have a CV of like over 1000 of course NEED to win games too because how else would they afford/get a game they want to play if not by winning it?
Or... could it be that THEY are actually the leechers that "cheated" their CV so high by "gifting" games between close friends so they are now able to farm all those GAs with ridiculous high CVs?
I don't know. But I really don't see how high CV reqs make any sense. It's like people that are rich would be getting lottery tickets by default (for the same price as poor people) that have a 1000 times higher chance to win than a regular lottery ticket.
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I dont really see what is wrong with group giveaways in anyway.
However 50 of my games are a dev giveaway from the company i work for ^_^
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Yea i know right ?, I should really not tell my bosses to give away free stuff :o
Man we are such a bad company SHAME ON US!
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Well, they still gave those games away, no matter if it's in a group or public giveaway. Considering the fact that you gave nothing more than free games and that you had to cheat the system to get more than one, you're not exactly in a position to complain about how things are not fair.
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People like you, are the reason this groups exists, btw abusing free promotions isnt also a fair thing.
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As Dsc said, why the hell does that matter? Close the thread before you get suspended.
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For what right things? Giving a game in a group is a right thing. You are doing a 'bad thing' for no reason.
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I bet every group member of any of the SG groups I am in contributed in every way more to this site than you,be it as giveaways or as a participating member of the community. IMO people like you are egoistic and dumb. Guess what, if group giveaways wouldn't give CV you still would not get more giveaways to enter cause we still would keep them in the groups.
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216 Comments - Last post 19 minutes ago by Delisper
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Did you see Top Contributors This Week? 5 People:
shiz0frenik $399.89 = 11 Games
farbus $284.83 = 17 Games
DW23 $280.84 = 16 Games
Greengineer $269.89 = 11 Games
Zyddie209 $269.59 = 41 Games
Then you go to their profile's and.. It's all GROUP Giweaway's. It's frustrating, that you can make a group with your friend's and you get the previladge to be one of the TOP Contributors. I dont like it takes all my fun to make giveaways. The Top Giveaways should be count for people who make them to everyone, for the people who dont contribute and arnt in closed steam groups. Or at least make another Top list with the group profile, who made the most giveaways in itself. Wrrr im angry..
Sorry for the bad english :)
Edit for Nobody:
"Being on a public list that says "I do good things" that the entire community can see gives people a warm little feeling. That is the "good" feeling people get when they give things to someone. They don't gain anything substantial, but people know them as doing something good. Group giveaways plaster the givers name all over the group, giving them the feeling within the group, as it was for the group. Why should it be denied to someone who publicly gives something away?
Yes, everything has to gain something for it to be done. Without even the good public feeling, people don't get anything back from this giving. People get this same feeling from giving stuff away AFK, because people talk and other people will see. Is it that hard to understand?"
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