For the same reason people bought L4D2, Skyrim, and other AAA games -- because people are fucking stupid. You can't pretend it's just CoD that regurgitates the same shit when 98% of games on the market are rehashed crap from the previous iteration with a new label on.
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Why are people still complaining about what other people like?
It's repetitive, annoying, and just outrageous. It's almost like you think people give a shit what you like. If you don't like what others like, there is thankfully this ideal of "choice."
I get that it's a hard concept, but suck it up. People never decide to like something and you're gonna get hurt if you think a post on a forum will change their minds.
"Oh shit, you're right, all this fun I've been having has been a lie!"
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Cod is delicious when served with rice and soy sauce. :3
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Borderlands 2, Battlefield 3, Team Fortress 2, Natural Selection 2, Planetside 2
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How come? The first-person point of view doesn't make it any less of a Diablo-clone. Even if we forget about Diablo, Borderline is still an RPG.
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It is other way around. It is an RPG with FPS elements.
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That's mostly semantics, but about 90 percent of people that have actually played an RPG with FPS elements say that Borderlands is, in fact, an FPS with RPG elements. Go play the original Deus Ex or System Shock 2 for an actual RPG with FPS elements.
Also, on your comparing it to Diablo, a simple perpective change makes for a very different game. Go play Resident Evil 1, and then play Resident Evil Survivor to see just how different going from fixed camera to FPS makes a game.
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Me comparing it to Diablo was simply paraphrasing developers about loot system.
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oh really? "First-person shooter (FPS) is a video game genre centered on gun and projectile weapon-based combat through a first-person perspective; that is, the player experiences the action through the eyes of the protagonist."
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The entire game mechanics the game is based around makes it not an FPS.
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dude, doesnt matter what mechanics the game has, it doesnt change the fact that its a fps, you manage the character in a first person perspective, and you shoot guns, that is enought for a game to become a fps, doesnt matter what shit is in the middle
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You also have experience points, levels, skills, loot, quests, scaling enemies, gear with attributes, dialogues, etc. Oh, and you shoot stuff with guns, which you do in four games out of five.
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If an FPS is a game where you have a first person point of view and shoot thingamabobs with guns, then an RPG is a game where you play a role of someone you are not. Which comprises pretty much every game in existence.
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borderlands IS an rpg, you get XP pointsl you level up, you have enemies that level up with you and more, skills and abilities, looting, gear and guns with certain attributes, open world etc.
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League of Legends. Not an RPG. Lemme tell you it's features.
You get XP Points.
You level up.
Your enemies level up with you.
Skills and Abilities.
Gear and guns with certain attributes.
You can even say it's open world since the entire map loads one time only.
I'm out. Tired explaining it to ya.-
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but that is because league of legends focus on arena deathmatches only, it doesnt have a storyline so that you can engange with your character, nor it gives you open world or quest stuff like that, it has many rpg elements but it doesnt grant it the lavel of rpg, also of skills, leveling up and stuff like that doesnt make an rpg, then what makes it?
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Let's not forget that it's also a FIRST PERSON shooter.
Guns implied.
You see.
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Borderlands 2 is a co-op game at best, doesn't really apply.
Battlefield 3 without premium is garbage, and premium costs the same as the base game, which is also the price for CoD. The game is also garbage and looks like a JJ Abrams movie with lens flare all over the place.
TF2 is a completely different style of game with a lot of different features that CoD doesn't have, and missing a lot of features that CoD does have.
NS2 requires much more skill than CoD, it has a different setting (sci-fi) which not everyone likes. It's also a very different game overall.
Planetside 2, same as above, different setting and very different overall due to the MMORPG side of things.
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'Why People still buying cod?'
Because it's tasty salted, and I don't have time to fish it myself
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Cod is awful and you should feel awful about paying (most times more) for already salted fish that doesn't even taste good -- much less smell good.
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It's one of the most popular multiplayer shooters for consoles, it's not as big of a hit on the PC since Modern Warfare 2. Consoles don't have many shooters to begin with, especially popular ones, so people just keep buying the newest one, because the older ones quickly become a ghost town.
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consoles dont have many multiplayer competitive shooters to begin with*
consoles have a good number of fps, but barely of them are competitive.
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It's a lot of fun that's why. I am a bit tired of it at the moment, but I still have hundreds-thousands of hours logged on various COD titles. "It has a repetitive sh*t gameplay with weak story and with outrageous price" That quote from your original post is an opinion, not a fact.
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"It has a repetitive sh*t gameplay with weak story and with outrageous price"
CS: Condition Zero
They apply too, maybe not on the price tag, because well... sales lol
Still, I personally like CoD, why? because I find it fun and that's it, also I liked the story, I literally spent hours reading about the side-story about dem zombies, pretty nice IMHO
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I'm not defending COD, nor am I bashing it. But your post begs me to ask, why do people buy games in general? Why do people buy NFS games when they're all the same; just driving cars around on a track. Why are they buying BF3 and BF4, if they already have BF2? Why are people buying any games after the first of every genre? All games are repetitive by this point.
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The season only opens for about two weeks. So we try to get out as much as we can. Only allowed 3 per person, 15 per boat per day. Most people make multiple trips though.
On top of that Cod is delicious. You can do so many things with it. Bake it, Pan fry. My favorite is stewed. Oh and with some homemade (deepfried) fries and gravy. You are making me soo hungry
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Blame consoles and kids whose parents get them every shit they want. CoD nowadays is shit, it's not that great game anymore it was since first MW and older games, now it's just casual recycled crap.
And Battlefield ain't much better either, I guess I'll stick with CS:GO.
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I'm mainly talking about worthless dlc, but another important thing to note is, that DICE is supposedly using Frostbite 3 for BF4, but the truth is it's more like Frostbite 2.5, doesn't add too much new stuff. BF4 is essentially the same as BF3 with little new improvements to justify the 60 € price tag that new games have.
Charging 30 € for BF4 would still be too much, but it would be better.
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Bigger destructions than in BF3, you can destroy skyscrapper or roads. Water is no longer flat surface, and more other features on new frostbite that I can't remember, also many more gameplay changes etc...
It's not a c&p like CoD with their brand new engine that's still the same quake engine -.-' But well, opinions differ :/
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Not a c&p that's for sure, but neither a BRAND NEW game. Still better than CoD, and I like to play MW3 every once in a while, but hell, game isn't that good, and the respawn sucks.
What can I say, I grew up playing CS, from 1.0 version to CS:GO now, and IMHO it's still the best online FPS, both for fun and competitive gaming.
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The difference is that Valve doesn't release a new CS every year charging 50 € like it was a new game. Source was released in 2004 and GO in 2012, and it was released with a price tag of 10.99 € so that goes to show how good Valve works.
CS ain't boring at all, I grew up playing it and luckily I found lots of good friends online, maybe that's the reason I love it so much. But hey, I totally hate Minecraft and yet people love it, that doesn't mean it's a bad game, I personally just don't like it, just how you find CS boring.
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Young teenage kids bug their moms to death so that they can play with their friends.
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Because the multiplayer experience is actually pretty good, gets repetitive after a while but it is enjoyable every now and again.
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most fps games require skills of some sort. lets be realistic here and not throw down a bunch of hateristic comments. people play it because thats what suits their taste. either that or they just like it because it makes them feel empowered, like that other guy said.
i dont see why you should shit ur pants off, mostly because you think the game requires no skill and hence the people who play it have no skill.
so lets say that they have no skill. then what? its not like you play it, so im pretty sure you wont meet any of those 'unskilled losers' in your worthless lifetime.
and lets say you DO meet one of them. and you flip your shit trying to align them to match your ideals of CoD being a bad game.
first scenario: you win, they migrate over from CoD to whatever ur playing.
second scenario: they fight back, a war brews.
third scenario: they ignore you, and you either feel accomplished, or feel stupid.
im not saying CoD or any other fps is a good/bad game. of course, i have my preferences, but everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
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It has a repetitive sh*t gameplay with weak story and with outrageous price, why are you doing this people?:S just because it's popular, or what?
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