A decent amount. Not all of them, but I'm not just collecting them either :)
Earning games sometimes feels like a meta-game of it's own though haha!
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Thanks :) It's been a fun little project for sure; just to see how much you can do with very little, haha!
AppTrailers is handy. I usually keep it a few inches from my mouse and just click a new video every ~30 seconds and then go back to what I was doing.
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Oh, well I don't count playing games as "working" time :)
That 10 minutes is for "tasking" on Tremor and FreeMyApps.
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In my experience Bing Rewards is really nice for Amazon cards. I get at least a $5 card a month, and it's really easy to find a bot that does the 30 searches a day for you. I've been doing it for a couple months, and I've gotten $30 so far.
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I've been checking the Bing Rewards site every few months but they still don't allow it in Canada. Maybe one day!
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US settings and sign up to the rewards via facebook to go around the restriction.
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If you don't care, why even bother clicking on the topic? Or is writing a one word reply your idea of a normal conversation?
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Oh, well I don't count playing games as "working" time :) That 10 minutes is for "tasking" on Tremor and FreeMyApps.
Since I had to answer that twice now, I edited the OP to reflect. Also, I posted a screenshot to my market sales profits to show how valuable cards can be.
But again, if you don't care, why bother posting?
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FYI dumbass there are normal cards worth more then 40 cents. If u don't like his way of earning games, then be quiet or risk looking like an idiot.
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FYI dumbass there are normal cards worth more then 40 cents. If u don't like his way of earning games, then be quiet or risk looking like an idiot.
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FYI dumbass there are normal cards worth more then 40 cents. If u don't like his way of earning games, then be quiet or risk looking like an idiot.
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My current phone is more than ten years old but when i get a new one i will try thos FreeMyApps and Apptrailers. thanks for sharing.
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Microsoft bought it but 3310 is not supported for some time anyway. That nokia 3310 is just three years older than my current phone :D
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Thanks for sharing, I do the cards and trading method :] I will try the others!
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That's a lot of money from cards.
But aren't cards nowadays pretty much worthless? They are all like 7 cents each?
Oh, and did you use SAM? Or install every single game to get the card? Or do somethin else?
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Cards are becoming more and more worthless. Most of my money was made during the card beta/early launch and the winter sale when people were crafting like crazy to get Globe cards. Normally I price my cards at about 15-20 cents unless there are thousands of that game's cards already on the market. They don't sell right away but I'm fine with waiting them out :)
I haven't used SAM, all the cards are either normal drops or from trades. In the last few months I decided to no longer idle cards either, I at least give the game a try and then only idle if it sucks.
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Using SAM will get you banned on PlayFire and possibly Steam.
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I keep forgetting about that site. I use it for a bit and then forget to keep going back :) I should really just put it in my bookmarks and use it for my search engine.
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The best and easiest way to earn from SB is the SBTV app for the phone. Suppose it is similar to your apptrailers, except most of the time you can let it run totally unattended until you hit your daily limit of points. Best value reward is Amazon GC, but there are other options.
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I didn't even know about the app, I think I'm going to need to look into this now :)
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That's what I'd do. I have it set as my default search engine, which helps me to remember to use it at least once a day.
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All of that income is accounted for unfortunately :/ With a stretched budget the options were to either stop buying games or to find an alternate way to afford them. I think this was a nice compromise!
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Trying to save up for a house and pay off a car quickly :) It's not that I couldn't budget in money for games, I just wanted to eliminate extra spending where I could.
I figure at this point I have so many games that I can't really justify buying more with my "real" money haha!
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I think I was at that point before I started all of this! Now I'm at the "no hope of even finishing half of these" stage :P
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Well, I'm in Canada so I don't get nearly as many offers as the US but likely still many more than other areas. I'm not really sure for the apps, you'd need to just try em and see I guess!
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Yeh, lots of these apps give you money based on watching ads so they only end up having offers in countries that the ad companies are targeting :/
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FreeMyApps doesn't require anything, it doesn't even use an account or login. The service is based off the device ID of the phone so your account is tied to that. Lose the phone and lose any credits you have saved up. They just give Amazon gift card codes that I manually input into Amazon.
AppTrailers requires an email address signup as it sends the Paypal payments to your email, just like anyone sending you Paypal money would require.
Neither have access to Paypal/Amazon account nor do they have access to my phonebook/social networks. I've never received junk calls or junk email from using either service :)
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Possibly different versions?
FreeMyApps Verifying Facebook account requires them sending you an SMS
Edit: Actually just found the date. March 18, 2013 - Facebook accounts used for sign-in now must be verified, have you been using for that long? Heh
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Maybe it's different on iPhone than Android. For FreeMyApps, when I signed up all it did was ask for permission to see the Device ID (UDID) and then it was good to go. It seems to treat each UDID as it's own account without any actual login.
As for AppTrailers, I just checked it and all it has is a Username/Password/Email Address. Doesn't even have an option to link a Facebook account that I can see. I might be just using an old version but I'm not sure.
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Regional price differences are half the fun of trading! Without it, I'm sure my game count would be much smaller :)
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Could you help me understand that, please? Does it have to do with how much you sell your cards? Or from who you buy games from?
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I just sell my cards on the market, anyone can buy them. Instead of using my card sales money to buy games I buy TF2 keys.
Trading those keys to people in regions where games are cheaper means you can usually save even more.
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Works for me in Canada so it's definitely not US-only. Not sure how well they work overseas but it's worth giving them a shot. Practically effortless money on both of them!
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I really don't have all the info on which countries will or won't have luck with the services. Only takes a minute to try them and see I suppose.
And yeh, Playfire can be buggy at times but for the most part it seems to be pretty decent. I've earned far less from Playfire than other sources but I figured I'd list it anyways. It's nice in the way that I don't need to do boring tasks but instead pays me to just play games :)
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Unless they've changed it over the last month or two, you can still get achievements, just not the first play reward for .10 cents.
If you idled the cards quick enough, then you could sell them before they decline in price which is typically greater than .10 cents overall.
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Can you explain more about Apptrailers?
Installed it and registered then watched about 5 videos and got no points at all(Same 50 starting points). The scratching cards thingy doesn't seem to work either.
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AirVPN is fast and the best one i know quality wise.
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There is a task that I can do once a day that pays 48 coins and takes about 1 minute. Plus I get another 5 + 4 for the daily login bonus and "first task of the day" bonus. After that I do a quick scan on the other walls for anything quick and easy (videos usually).
Once in a while if I find an easy or fun task I will work on it for a while but that's gotten more and more rare lately as I don't like to waste to much time on these kinds of things. Better to sink time into Playfire games because then at least I'm having fun!
On average I get about 60-70 coins per day; enough to buy a new game every few days.
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It's a Canada-only task for rating online casinos. Really fast and easy but useless unless you live here or use a Canadian VPN I suppose.
Though if you were going to use a VPN, I'd imagine a US one would have way more offers than Canada :P As well, Tremor would likely ban you if they found out you were doing offers through a VPN, so it's likely not the best plan.
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June 8th, 2013. My financial situation changed quite a bit so I decided that I was not going to spend any more "real" money on games. At the time, I had 646 games and this was more than enough that I couldn't justify using my bank account or credit cards on buying more.
I decided that from that point forward I would use "free" online money to buy games instead. This was also an experiment to see how viable this method was; after all, what did I have to lose?
The result? I recently cracked the 1000 game mark, obtaining a total of 368 new games in the span of 1 year!
In case anyone was curious, in a similar situation or simply doesn't have the money for game - these are my current methods:
Cards. Steam Trading cards are a staple in my virtual cashflow. Having a decent amount of games to start off with helped quite a bit in having lots of games to obtain card drops from. Making sure you always have more cards coming in is key, more on that in a bit. Here's an idea of how much cards can earn you.
TremorGames. Tremor is useful in two ways when going the "online money" route. First and most obviously, the tasks earn a virtual currency that can be used to buy games. Pretty simple, trade some time for some games like any other job. The key to getting the most bang for your buck, however, is taking advantage of their bundle splits. They buy most bundles and allow you to cherry pick the games you want from them. This means you can use it to only grab the 1-2 good games from a bundle or to grab only the games that have cards! Keeping a constant influx of card dropping games into your library helps a ton. Note: Some users have noted that depending on your country, you may have more or less offers available.
Playfire Rewards. It doesn't get much easier than this. Play your games, get GMG credit to buy more games!
FreeMyApps. So easy and simple, it's hard to believe it works. Download free apps to your phone and get rewarded with Amazon gift cards. A $5 card is earned so fast that I always have more Amazon credit than I know what to do with. Note: Some users have noted that depending on your country, you may have more or less offers available.
Apptrailers. Similar to FreeMyApps, except here you watch videos on your phone. Easy to just glance over, hit a video and look away - repeat as much as you'd like. Pays in Paypal which is very useful for buying bundles. Note: Some users have noted that depending on your country, you may have more or less offers available.
Trading. Trading with other users can really help stretch that dollar. Use the money from card sales to buy TF2 keys instead of games on Steam. $10 games can often be obtained for 3 Keys, which works out to about $7 when buying from the Steam Market. As well, your spare bundle keys can often be traded for Trading Cards, further boosting your total card sale profits.
Patience. Never buy anything that isn't 75% off or more. Skip the BTAs in bundles, the BTA games will show up in the $1 tier of some other bundle down the road. Pinch every penny, when earning them comes much slower you need to really make every dollar count :)
And that's about it. I want to stress as well that I spend about 5-10 minutes a day on the things listed above (besides Playfire, which I don't count as "work"), this isn't a full time job by any means :) Do note, some users have noted that depending on your country, you may have more or less offers available from a few of these services. These are just the methods that worked for me, your mileage may vary. Thanks for reading (if you bothered to do so) and I hope I might have helped at least one of you get some new games! As one last thing, here is a Wayback Screenshot of my account 1 year ago and a link to my profile as it appears now!
Feel free to ask any questions below! I'm happy to answer them :)
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