I don't really know what to say other than "there's a report button on giveaways for this very reason." If something breaks the rules, report it.
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until its reported and until the reports has been viewed by the admins, the giveaways have probably ended by then. yea well o.o"
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I've seen a lot of bad giveaways get taken down minutes after being posted. If a few people report a giveaway, it will most likely get noticed pretty quickly.
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More to the point, will anyone ever be able to post a gift of the void or commandos without someone thinking it's a broken bundle?
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mhh well they should write its a gift copy then. =/ ofc ppl can lie bout that. an havin to proof it like with a screenshots of the inventory... might be a bit exaggerated, like accusing some1 for something without evidence >.<
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Or, we can just accept that a game is a game, and base its validity off that. Honestly, I am a bit sick of seeing the ironsides and indie gala bundle games posted, but more games = more winners, and how is it any different form the people putting up the extra 2 copies of the ship they paid nothing for (not that I'm complaining, I really want to win the ship)?
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I applaud your proper use of punctuation as it interacts with parentheses.
I once made a legit giveaway for Dark Messiah of Might and Magic during a time when there were massive numbers of broken giveaways for it (people would give just MP keys; does that still happen?).
Sadly, I have little more to contribute to the discussion. Keep on using correct punctuation, mein freund.
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Seriously though... Can we agree that more giveaways = more games = more winners = a good thing? I don't know what I'm missing here. If we were worried about contributor credit only going to the amount paid, not the amount worth, then every game would have to be set at the lowest price it was ever valued at.
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If I am interpreting your issue corrrectly, then I would say it is because people want to get what they expect they're getting. When they find out they got something different, even though it's free they cry injustice.
If this made no sense, it's because it is almost 2am and I cant think properly.
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But the game itself is a fugible good. Where it came from, what was paid for it, and all other factors have no impact on the games quality or desireability.
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You're making arguments that have been brought up ten or twelve months ago when people tried to giveaway the steam codes for their Humble Indie Bundles and it was decided that doing so was against the rules. This is a very old argument and there's really no point in trying to revive it now.
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yea it doesnt matter. i thought so too when i new registered at this page. but after readin the rules it quiet makes sense, y seperate keys are forbidden. it doesnt matter, that there are more giveaways= more winners, when breakin the rules of this site.
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although you live in a beautifull world where there's only good people, this site has implemented a system to thank the gifters, the contributor system, if you were to give the bundle as a whole, you'd get for example 5.00$ of value, however if you gift them all separated, you'd sum up to a value of 30$ or 40$.
Meaning you could enter high valued contributor giveaways when infact you DIDN'T contribute all that money
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yeah and this is a huge problem. seeing how ppl try to bump up their value to be able to enter higher valued contributor giveaways
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Tell me, did you contribute all the money you're credited for? Have any of us not at least bought a game on sale? I'm not saying we should throw the rule out the window, just that there must be a better way.
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The problem is not so much that SteamGifts doesn't want more people to win more games. But SteamGifts can't endorse abusing the indie bundles in massive ways. And $0.01-purchased bundles are abusive. Sure, that's Humble Bundle's problem or whatnot, but it's SteamGifts' responsibility not to encourage and permit this to go on under their own nose.
I only make contributor giveaways now because I'm fed up with feeding leechers who don't even have the common courtesy to thank me after they win (seriously, it's about 50% of the time). I would be quite unhappy if a contributor giveaway was won by someone who only had indie bundles and racked up big points by giving away the games separately at their Steam store price.
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Time to quibble! I teach college English and study linguistics, but neither of you used punctuation correctly with parentheses. Punctuation must always go inside of the parentheses - never outside. Also, you cannot end a sentence with two different punctuations at once as Fanofgaming did. I don't care what you do in a forum, of course - I often ignore the rules of English myself, on the internet. I'm just being a nerd.
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I was actually pretty sure that I was wrong with my double-punctuation, but I am going to challenge you on the idea that punctuation always has to go inside the parentheses. I can't say that I teach college English, but every single grammar class that I have ever taken specifically taught me that punctuation always goes outside the parentheses. I can't imagine several textbooks being incorrect on the same issue.
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Grammatical conventions vary by region. I was taught to always put punctuation inside quotation marks instead of outside, but not only does this cause a lot of problems when you're writing code (quotation marks are used to encapsulate a unit of data, typically a string of text), but in the UK it seems to be the opposite convention--if you end a sentence with quotation marks, the period falls on the outside.
So, keep that in mind when engaging someone on grammar mechanics.
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You're right, there is some variance on the subject. For example, MLA-formatted essays (the most common format in the US for essays in English classes) require end punctuation to be outside the parentheses when citing a source.
Here's an article on the possibility of the rule I mentioned earlier being changed in the future due to common use: http://www.slate.com/articles/life/the_good_word/2011/05/the_rise_of_logical_punctuation.html
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I made a legit Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad giveaway when everyone was giving away guest passes. The game wasn't in my inventory AND it was my first giveaway. ;)
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Yes, if it is in the inventory or there's other proof.
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After carefully reading the rules, it is obvious that a majority of current giveaways violate the rules.
Most of them are from bundles, whether store bought or charity/indie budles.
Especially with the recent Amazon sale bundles. Thats a LOT of the giveaways I see every day.
Id rather see more giveaways than see them all removed
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Amazon probably doesn't care what you do with your bundle. The indie bundles, however, representing CHARITY causes and small indie developers, are treated a bit differently because they're going to be hurt all the more by X users abusing bundle keys, and they don't have the cash on hand to, say, send a lawyer after SteamGifts if they don't like what SG is doing. (And I'm sure if the Humble Bundle guys, or the Indie Gala guys, or whoever had a problem with SG's policies, they'd just send them an email instead of drafting a letter on legal letterhead and putting in references to commerce and copyright law.)
Besides, when you submit individual indie bundle keys, not only are you breaking SG's rules, you're harming charities and the developers who are trying to make good games.
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This could well be just my inaccurate perception of how things are, but it seems to me that clicking the report button has very very little effect. I've seen giveaways marked as 'reported' in the comments days before they ended, and yet, they ended, and apparently, nothing at all happened to the maker of said seperate key giveaway.
Dear Steamgifts mods: I know you are terribly busy, and I know this is your site, not mine, and I understand that it's not my place to tell you this, but I'll do so still (humbly begging your forgiveness):
Either enforce the rules or change them. I don't much care either way - but please do one or the other.
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Clicking report used to matter before when there weren't 500+ giveaways in the queue. I'm the only one that can still see reported giveaways and the only one that can remove giveaways. This will change soon and we do have a system that will be in place in regards to bundle giveaways. Believe me when I tell you all that you cannot appreciate the headache bundles have caused this site, but that will soon change.
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Could the thread be locked now so it doesn't keep getting bumped, btw? In view of what you've said here, arguing further would be like flogging a dead horse..
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so whats the deal?
more n more ppl create giveaways of seperate keys.
like from the void, oddworld pack, commandos etc.
are there no more punishment or bans?
its lame how ppl dont read or follow the rules,
but still use this site and try to push their "gifts sent value" by seperate key giveaways, so they'll be able to enter higher valued contributor giveaways
i've made this topic since those ppl use to create giveaways that last for only a little time. the time to report them is low and the chance that those giveaways are beeing deleted also.
well idk if theres any change, but all the ppl that are reading this topic can do, is helping to report those giveaways or try to tell those ppl: seperate key giveaways are forbidden (in case ppl dont know it)
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