I just received a pop-up message from steam that this user would like to chat with me (I see that his avatar is just the steam logo) Afterwards I inta-block him. Is that good enough to prevent things like this to happen? How did he even found me on the first place?

12 years ago*

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You shouldn't have blocked him immediately.

You should've tried chatting with him and see what he would say.

Though with that avatar, it could be a bit suspicious.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

12 years ago

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If a Steam representative actually wanted to get in touch with you via Chat, they wouldn't need permission to chat, and they for damn sure wouldn't be blockable.

12 years ago

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I had the exact same thing today. And I tried to chat with him and talk to him but he didn't answer to me so I got bored and decided to block him. He also had steam logo as his avatar and he came to chat with me through the group "Eflatgames.com"

12 years ago

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You know what was also suspicious, that steam never gave me a message like that such as one if I would like to talk with this user, also the fact that his profile didnt even looked legit. (0 games, 10 friends, joined 5 months ago, etc)

12 years ago

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I think you overreacted, you should have waited to see what he wanted.

12 years ago

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Who knows you actually won something^^, don't give in to paranoia man, been for a while on steam now and i've never seen a scammer.. Not that i trade much but ah well, positive vibes dude

12 years ago

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same guy added me and a bunch of friends

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Was it "Hi."?

12 years ago

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It was with me.

12 years ago

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Yes, it was, how did you know?

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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He added me too, I think it's the same person, due to the avatar.He sent me a message, I wanted to troll him but he didn't answer, so I blocked him afterwards.

12 years ago

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You know, scammers rely on you giving them info or games - you act like they carry herpes or do some unblockable hypnosis magic on you. There is never a need to insta-block people, just don't be stupid and give out your username / password or games to people, lol.

12 years ago

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Around 90% of the Earth's population carries herpes by the way.

12 years ago

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You should have chatted with him and heard what he had to say, and then post the chat log here for everyone to read!! That stuff is always hilarious. In all seriousness, it may have been good that you did what you did. If it's an obvious phishing attempt, there's no point in paying attention unless you want to screw with them a little for fun :)

12 years ago

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I got me a beggar yesterday.

It is losing its fun and just getting annoying now.. lol

12 years ago

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You can't know that he's a scammer until you chat with him. So don't be hasty in judging people, even if they seem suspicious. You can't be scammed or hacked or whatever simply through chatting, so there's no need to be so very paranoid. It's possible the person you blocked had something important to tell you. And even if he was just a scammer, you threw away some free entertainment.

Also, getting chat requests is not uncommon or suspicious in general. Sometimes people contact me that way if I win something.

12 years ago

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The "Hi" person messaged me .. something about free games. I just closed the message.

12 years ago

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|11:22 AM - Hi. STEAM™ select free games of your choise, just visit: [obvious fake address removed just in case]
Wow, that seems super legit.

I also love how in his profile he claims to be in Texas (Valve is in Washington, btw), but his groups are all Russian.

Edit: Looks like he fixed his groups already.

Edit2: Removed scam site address. You never know what people might click on...

12 years ago

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Remove that link, you can be banned for that.

12 years ago

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Way ahead of you. ^_^

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by CrazyMv94.