It was an exploited key from an AMD challenge. However AMD did limit the availability of it so not as many people exploited and are putting it on this site also not anyone can just go and do the challenge right now for the free game. At least with that one people are entering for a giveaway they as of right now cannot get for free still. It is still wrong because it is ruining the points system for games they didn't pay for. If you want to get exploited games for yourself feel free too but doing it and passing it off on this site is just wrong. Cannot ban Humble indie bundle ones because a few bad seeds choose to buy it for $0.01. Those of us who did pay a few bucks for them to give away would be affected.
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Dirt 3 is not an exploit. That is completely off subject.
AMD is giving it away as a promotion. I have heard you can also get it if you fill out a survey if you are lucky enough to stumble across it in time. People are willing to share their extra game with you, do you really think ever gifter on this site actually goes out of thier way to buy a game? This site is based of the fact that people randomly get extra copies of stuff that they can not use. Be happy they share it with you.
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The thing about the shotguns and Dirt 3 is that it's completly ruining the point of the site's point system. Like I said in another thread, I went from almost none to 30 points in a couple of hours, and guess what, not even a single penny was spent by the gifters.
In the end, since everyone can get those shotguns for free and not need to participate in the raffles, there's an overflow of points, which leads to more people being able to get into more subs. This lowers the points' "value".
We definetly need a rule against these kind of giveaways and an effective method to enforce said rule
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Could be easily solved by removing point generation on exploited keys. It's a very difficult task to find out exactly 'who' is giving away keys, but if you get rid of point generation on the games then you keep the point system stable at the very least.
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How does that have anything to do with the point system? The system is designed to simply keep everyone from entering everything but it is based off what the game is worth. Do you guys even know what exploited means? If there are too many points that is a different problem. Maybe the amount of points generated needs to be decreased from 10% or like 5%. But this has NOTHING to do with having too many points. You guys need to be thankful that anyone is willing to put dirt3 in a giveaway. It is a very quality game that I am surprised people are creating giveaways for rather than handing their friend an extra copy. So what if you do not want Dirt3. save your points for a game you do want and let those who do not have a copy spend their points. THAT IS HOW THE SYSTEM WORKS.
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Easy, people spend money on games, each dollar spent in a game equals to one point given out to people (unless I'm mistaken, if so, please correct me).
So, by exploting stuff (like the shotgun codes) people are getting points for free, this gives them the ability to join raffles that they wouldn't be able to sign up for if the exploited codes weren't being shared, thus lowering the value of points. See, if people get points literally for free, that means their value is, as a matter of fact, dropping
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tell that to the 100 entries for those shotguns
All i here is wah wah wee wah I want better odds for me.
That being said, I would not mind less points being generated so i had to pick and choose my battles a little more. However All i ever here is witch hunters. "Portal is being spamed to generate points." Dirt3 is being spamed to generate points" BAN BAN BAN THEM. It gets old. Be happy people are contributing. PEOPL are generating points for HIB. BAN THEM. People blow up the forums for this but yet I always see plenty of people entering the giveaways. unless it is dark messiah or eets keys that were actually obtained illegally, I am kinda tired of hearing it.
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I wouldn't be so sure about out and out banning people. There should certainly be some kind of warning given out though, and the people who have given those out and shown a bad attitude over members making a mention of the 'do not submit exploited keys' rule might deserve a ban. But I am certain at least some of the people who posted those giveaways got the key in a legit way. A few others probably thought they'd be doing the site a favor if they added in a single new key.
Not to mention, how exactly do you track down who is running a key giveaway and who is giving out the actual DLC/game? Beyond the winner reporting them it won't happen, and a majority of the time when the winner reports the gifter for it the winner will likely have already redeemed the DLC (or Dirt 3). Which might not mean like much, but it is still the Gifter out a code then, even an exploited one.
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If everyone is going to make a thread about "this game needs to be removed because of <reason here>"/Ban everyone that does this we won't have any games or valid community members left at the end.
Seriously, it's hardly "exploiting". Exploiting = using a bug or design flaw to get an advantage. I don't know about the shotgun ones, but the DIRT ones are pretty legit.
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Yeah first I've heard of Dirt 3 being exploited, we certainly haven't had a flood of them on the site. But the shotgun one is a free giveaway on a... I think german site from the publisher? Not too sure, but you just have to sign up and say you own the game and they give you the DLC code or something.
Actually now that I think about it, I believe the Dirt 3 codes are coming from a giveaway from the publisher, so they are not actually exploited (though people can get as many as they want, while supplies last). It's legit though, as there are not an infinite number of codes being generated.
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The Dirt 3 codes are not given away from the publisher. Just only a handful of people knew about the promotion and when everyone figured out, it was too late for them to get their own code.
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I don't rightly remember the thread, but it was some giveaway from the publisher or the developer and I think there was a video card company involved? Still, keys from that shouldn't be considered exploited. Might be a moral gray area where people grab more than one key for themselves, but it's not really an exploit I think.
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If you read the rules of the AMD Vision Challenge, you will find that it's not really legit. It is supposed to be limited to one per user, and further, the user is supposed to be from a certain country the promotion is being done in. So, while some may be legit, I'm sure others are "exploiting" it.
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Dirt 3 is not an exploit. I don't think you guys understand what you are talking about. It is simply a promotion from AMD. They also gave a few keys away for filling out a survey but that was completely legit as well.
As for Homefront, this is new to me and im not sure how they are being acquired. For the most part though I am just hearing alot of whining. Be happy that people who have just aquired a free copy of dirt 3 or portal are willing to share it with you. That is how this site has become so popular. Quit complaining and trying to ruin it.
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Dirt 3 is not an exploit. People have exploited the Dirt 3 AMD giveaway.
It is supposed to be limited to one copy per user, and that person is supposed to be from a certain country. Some of this may be happening, but for the most part, people are just exploiting it by lying about their country, and using multiple e-mails to obtain multiple copies.
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Note: I'm not talking about the issue of multiple accounts/codes as that's a whole different thing.
Hypothetically speaking, if a code were available only to North American (NA) gamers and NOT European (EU) gamers, would the code NOT be allowed on the website? Would NA gamers NOT be able to help out their fellow EU gamers? Similarly, if a code/DLC were available only to EU gamers and NOT NA gamers, would EU gamers be punished for trying to help out NA gamers?
The issue is: if you were able to get a free code that was unavailable to others (but you didn't want the code for yourself), would you or would you not be able to give it to others?
Using Homefront's DLC as an example, people may not want to register on the THQ website to get their free code. This code is available to anyone that registers for an account. Personally, I registered so that if someone didn't want to sign up to get the code (for whatever reason), they could easily win the giveaway and use it with their game.
Lastly, I couldn't care less about the points being generated or not. I made the giveaway solely so that someone else could use the DLC.
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Well Jabber, thank you for being a kind person that you are and contributing to such a wonderful site. Honestly i don't own homefront so i dont care so much, but I see about 50+ people entering giveaways for the material and I for one would like to thank you for your generosity towards them.
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North American gamers can access the site and get the keys perfectly fine without even using a proxy. Dark Messiah multiplayer keys are not allowed because of an exploit where they are obtainable for free same as this except you must use a polish proxy to get them.
There are people who have submitted 25 keys of the shotgun. Whether you care about the points being generated or not doesn't really make a difference. Others such as me do care about the points being generated by these exploited keys and do see the issue they creating.
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25 copies of a $1 DLC is STILL 1 point (unless I'm mistaken). If the person were to make 100 giveaways of a $1 DLC, then you'd get 100 points. In terms of solely point generation, he's actually HELPING your cause more than anything else. Instead of 25 people making 25 giveaways (resulting in 25 points), it's 1 person making one giveaway with 25 copies (resulting in 1 point).
In any case, solutions should be discussed to resolve these point generation issues. How does banning help anyone? Does it help the people that got the code just so that they can give it out? Are they gaining anything from the giveaway that they created?
Possible solutions could be: no more than X number of giveaways for a certain game/DLC during a specified time period (ex: only 5 giveaways per game/DLC can be created per hour). No point generation on freely-available keys. Other solutions/remedies have been posted in this thread as well as other threads in the forum.
In the end, we're all on this site to help each other - by posting good deals on the forum, by posting giveaways, by assisting each other with problems, etc.
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Oh I suppose that is better than 25 points being generated. But yeah, something still must be done about this. Perhaps remove points generated for any game DLC that is under a set price. For example any DLC under $1.50 will not generate any points. Another idea is to limit people to 3 giveaways of it per person like they did with Humble Bundle 3. That way if someone actually legitimately buys it they can give it away.
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Just thought of an idea: there could also be a 'free key' pool. People input their free codes and they get stored with all the other free keys in the pool. Every week, there's an automated giveaway for like 20% of the total codes (or a specific number) until all the codes run out. To enter the giveaway, you pay X number of points.
Note: no points are generated from these giveaways.
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Dirt 3 is ruining our point system. Sereosly we need to delete it from games list and close all giveaways.
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tell that to the 900 people who still want the game. All I hear is QQ.
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They are exploited keys they got from signing up at THQ and registering the game even though they do not own it. This site is for giving away games you have purchased. These are exploited keys and that is against the rules.
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